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Joined: 16 Oct 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 17 Apr 2021
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23 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

I was quoted by Harry himself. My life is fulfilled now.
But Harry, you know, this is the internet era. Every moron and his mother has the right to publish his opinions on the public forums. As your very existence proves.

So why would I stop now, again? Hugh?
23 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

But the one thing is overlooked. The fags/gays/whatever-PC-name-you-like, as any other organised group of perverts, are harmfull to the society. So they need to be stoped. Happiness of any small group, if said group is harmfull to the humanity at large, is completly irrelevant! Or the next day we'll see pride parade of pedofiles or rapists.

I do pity any Faq, that it was born being such a miserable criter, but giving them any "rights" is absolutely out of the question.
20 Nov 2010
Life / Picking up BBC television in Poland [41]

The question is with out installing some mega dish can i still receive any British TV, we are now in Bielsko Biala.

You can receive British BBC in Bielsko-B. Without any viewing cards, just on the analog tuner. Or you could about 2 years ago, I dismantled my dish about that time, so I don't know if is is still possible.
17 Nov 2010
News / 100 days of Komorowski presidency [41]

I can agree, but do you really believe that government is physically able to improve anything? Even if they magically managed to stop caring about theirs own purses and had genuinely tried to improve things just a bit (what a ridicules assumption)?

No Delph, any action our polititians are going to take is going to be along the lines of rising taxes and making our lives even more difficult. And when we'll be able to lern how to go around briliant "reforms" of theirs, the new ones will be in place.

The best thing one can expect from a government is the stagnation. If a polititian could assure me that he is going to do squat, to just sit and look important, he'll got my vote for ever and ever. The perfect official.
17 Nov 2010
News / 100 days of Komorowski presidency [41]

No Delph, I don't want these things. I can live with what we have now (or live around it, anyway)
Let the government stop plying with things they don't really understand. I don't remmember any sigle "reform" that did turned things for the better. And I don't expect to see it, in my lifetime.
17 Nov 2010
News / 100 days of Komorowski presidency [41]

No "reforms", please. No more reforms... I am happy with "stagnation". Everything is better then yet another reforms. Reforms are killing us.
17 Nov 2010
History / The Greatest King of Poland? [117]

I agree with MrGrunwald. Lokietek re-united Poland after Krzywousty's blunder.
11 Nov 2010
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

Guinnesses sold in Poland are no real Guiness at all.
Years ago it was, it had such characteristic, "smoke like" taste. It have made me acquire a taste for the porters, at the time. But then Zywiec have bought the licence and all have gone downhill. It is now produced in PL and tastes similarly to a Zywiec Porter, just costs more.

I have not tried "Draught" yet, though. And not looking forward to it.
8 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

@Convex "guys in the field worry about completly other issues"
Like not to bend under a shower, that is?

On more serious note, I seem to remmember reading something about a faq unit to cause some massacre in Serbia or other Kosovo, because they were too afraid to react, to even try to prevent it.
8 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

:DD "Strickly gay army unit". Good one. This give to the "Army of Faqs" the whole new meaning... Run for your life! Army of Faqs at the doors!
8 Nov 2010
News / America's Tea Party like Poland's Solidarnosc? [59]

I sometimes do wonder... If the Solidarity's strikers knew that their actions will be the cause of liqidation theirs work places, that in the end result they'll become jobless flock, some of them even homeless...

I harbour no love for communism, but I have turned up rather nicely at the end...
But these people, they got tricked, didn't they?
2 Nov 2010
News / Upping the speed limit in Poland [92]

Is anyone actually suggesting that people who speed excessively and regularly are not more likely to cause or be in an accident?

Quite the contrary. As long as everyone is driving the same speed, regardless of speed limit, there is low probability of an accident. But if there is just one law abiding moron, so called "zawalidroga", one that have to be overtaken by everyone else in the traffic, while they are watching out for oncomig cars and cursing under theirs breathses a sunday driver, the danger of head on collision raises exponentially.
2 Nov 2010
Life / Poles don't know how to celebrate the Polish Independence Day? [57]

I guess so, but the thing is, as I see it, only a Poles livig abroad would thing of celebrating being Polish.
At the some token, while not being feminist, quite the contrary by the way, I'd laugh out loud at the thought of celebrating being a male.
2 Nov 2010
News / Upping the speed limit in Poland [92]

Yes, I all for harsh treatment of speeders, but only after all the ridicules speed limits are re-evaluated. All thesse 50km/h limits on "dwupasmówkach" (cannot think of right translation right now) in fact encourage speeding - if it was something reasonable, like 90 km/h, I'd at least consider it. Right now I'll just snort "they got to be kidding" and floor it. Be hanged for a lamb...
2 Nov 2010
Life / Poles don't know how to celebrate the Polish Independence Day? [57]

Instead of just sittin at home watchin 20year old movies on Polsat.

While I agree that we do need more outdoor activities...

wouldn't it be great if the country used it was a day to celebrate being Polish?

I don't get it. To celebrate being Polish? We just are. What's to celebrate?
2 Nov 2010
Life / Poles don't know how to celebrate the Polish Independence Day? [57]

You see, American Independence Day is the commemoration of the day when US state was created. On the other hand, 11 November is just the end of Partitons, the independance was gained for 20 years, then we where occupied by Germans, then by Russians. One can argue that since we are part of the EU now, the Poland even today is not fully free.

In sum, Polish independance day in not seen as all that important. By many Poles.
20 Oct 2010
Food / Any królik (rabbit) fanciers on PF? [76]

Swans are not food in Poland, to eat a swan is like eating a dog, or a cat.

Yes, I know that, I am a Pole after all. The swans have just become my standing joke, when dealing with foreigners.

On serious note, I don't eat rabbits. It dates from the times when my farther was breeding rabbits and all thirty-odd of them died from some illness within twelve hours.
19 Oct 2010
Food / Any królik (rabbit) fanciers on PF? [76]

Sorry to rain on your parade but was you not aware of this:
One of most funny things I ever stumbled upon....
16 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Polish jet The TS-11 Iskra flies over Brooksville [10]

It is old, 1960s, plane.
Unfortunately, long ago the government have canceled it's succesor, I22 Iryda, (that way they could steal somewhat more money) so Polish Air Forces for years now have no proper school plane. We'll have to buy something abroad, as it is way too late to start up a new poject, but even that is at least five years ovedue. Danmed politicians.