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Posts by frd  

Joined: 3 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Jan 2022
Threads: Total: 7 / In This Archive: 6
Posts: Total: 1379 / In This Archive: 632
From: welcome to the house of fun
Speaks Polish?: can I have your liver?
Interests: no one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

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29 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

It's perhaps the single most symbolic sign known to man, how on earth can you say otherwise?

Where have I said anything about it not being a symbol. And it is as magical as all the other religious symbols. I understand the traditional value but come on what's with the church's anger, if it was just tradition church wouldn't be going banans over it.
29 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

What's wrong with crucifixes in classrooms?

Firstly the presence of crucifixes in classroom is completely unsubstantiated, moreover religiously unsubstantiated. They are used marely as tools of magic. There's no much meaning to them, so why hang them in the first place. I'm actually more repulsed by the harsh Vatican's reaction to the verdict of European Court of Justice - which is stupid taking into consideration that church itself is teaching that hanging a cross or crossing oneself doesn't change anything, children are not paying more attention to what they are learning, and people are still dieing in accidents.

I've read an article by a priest that states the problem just emphasizes fears of certain atheists who are mingling tradition with religion, but I'm pretty sure most people who are against it find the whole church's fury at the slightest mention of "let's take these crosses out" off-putting.
29 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

I don't like the idea of crucifixes in classrooms - maybe only in the catholic religion subject classroom. But many years will pass and many multicultural people will have to flow through Poland to make the change...
25 Nov 2009
Genealogy / Stanislaw Szczyglinski - Holocaust Victim.. [9]

have you tried calling concentration camp's museum? There's some information about exhibitions in the museum's leaflet, one of the exhibitions is called "Prisoners". They might have some more accurate info or pinpoint you in the right direction..
24 Nov 2009
Work / Average salary in Poland for PhD in IT [40]

From what I heard many IT companies in Poland are afraid of hiring PhD's, mainly because they don't want to pay more and see it as overeducation...
19 Nov 2009
News / What's the stupidest question asked about Poland? [414]

Of course, it is minority to have such stupid question even in jp, but sometime i see such japanese:-(

I'd say if you were to ask random polish people about Japan you wouldn't get many sensible answers either... (although there are probably more people interested in Japan in here taking many manga and anime fans into consideration)
17 Nov 2009
Life / How Polish are you? [74]

I'm not at all of Polish descent

Congratulation, you're more Polish than a Pole : o
14 Nov 2009
Life / Internet / Telephone provider in Krakow [28]

UPC have added 120Mbit package to their selection. I don't know if it's available in Krakow because I've seen these leaflets in Katowice..
12 Nov 2009
Life / How Polish are you? [74]

I'm 100% Polish

I doubt you could be polish vault dweller.. I don't think they would build any vaults in here..
11 Nov 2009
Life / British sky satellite TV in Poland [87]

Just as a postscript we have 250,000 members at the moment with 2,500 signing up each day, I think our future is quite safe and secure and rather fun actually.

Sorry ukpolska but it seems you're the one who's taking it very personally, haven't seen delphian mentioning your business at all, yet you suddenly feel the urge to boast about it in that weird manner.. weird ;o

Anyways, I'm happy for your well-being but you could do better than just dodging questions..
11 Nov 2009
Life / British sky satellite TV in Poland [87]



I vote for delphian in the quarrel!

What on earth are you talking about now? What thread where and when or are you pulling one of the fantasies out of the air....

Agree, what on earth is he talking about now n?
11 Nov 2009
Life / Polish stereotypes of other nationalities!? [472]

Did you make that comic yourself?


Cool, it's nice to doodle.

Well.. I do like to draw something amusing from time to time, especially when I see the situation pictured again and again :)
10 Nov 2009
Life / Polish stereotypes of other nationalities!? [472]

Come on Hobbes, what kind of a muppet are you, you write about polish stereotypes - for fun and all, and you suddenly turn hostile when somebody mentiones german ones? you're a joke.
9 Nov 2009
Love / Scottish & Polish relationships [229]

Red hair is an obvious mark of hellish fires, spawns of lucifer, of course they are anti-christ..
7 Nov 2009
Life / Polish dentistry cost - 230 zl for one tooth cavity filling [99]

actully i got punk'd ! as a foreigner ; here is the deal > 700 zł ,2 visits ,and one tooth cavity :)

Wow.. that spongy git of a dentist, you really were unlucky.. that's completely over the top.

I also meant this light heartedly, I wasn't making stabs at larger cities....I realise it didn't come out that way.

I didn't mean to sound vicious.. sorry if I did. I just don't want guests from foreign countries to think that they are being ripped off just because some polish native says that he pays less (and forgets to mention that he's having a refund)
7 Nov 2009
Life / Polish dentistry cost - 230 zl for one tooth cavity filling [99]

You are all being ripped off in bigger cities, the service is just as good in our little towns.

Are you aware of that foreigners who come to Poland don't get the national healthcare fund refunds? For example government refunds half of the price for a filling.. so you pay twice less.. I don't think you do. We need to take that into consideration that natives will always pay less because of the healthcare fund. In UK people who are registered in NHS pay less too..

You are all being ripped off in bigger cities

Beside prices of everything everywhere are bigger in bigger cities, there not much philosophy to it..
7 Nov 2009
Life / British sky satellite TV in Poland [87]

be geo-blocked

I'm not really sure, but are you 100% on that? I heard somewhere that you only need to have an account created from UK. And later you can use the service from anywhere..
7 Nov 2009
Life / Polish dentistry cost - 230 zl for one tooth cavity filling [99]

Guys remember that salaries are different in biggest cities teeth whitening in Silesia costs 1000zł and in Warsaw it might cost 3000zł.

Also, there are different kinds of fillings, amalgamate fillings which are much much cheaper, light hardened fillings are more expensive. Prices will differ depending on the education of the dentist ( doctor, proffesor or not ) and the number workers working in the clinic.

Another factor is the gear and furnishing, if the equpiment consists of a stick on a string it's gonna be cheaper then if the dentists has got fully furnished modern clinic..
7 Nov 2009
Life / Polish dentistry cost - 230 zl for one tooth cavity filling [99]

I paid 150 zl for a routine examination of all teeth

Maybe Silesia's got different prices, I'm just telling you the information straight from the source. My mum's one of the cheapest dentists around, and these prices are common in Silesia. So whatever you have experiences, that's how reality looks like around here.
7 Nov 2009
Study / Cost of Polish lessons, courses (private) [34]

Proof please.

I already said about tunnelling, you can read about it on wikipedia.


"Skype also routes calls through other Skype peers on the network"
7 Nov 2009
Life / Polish dentistry cost - 230 zl for one tooth cavity filling [99]

But I think about 100 zl is normal for reparation of an average caries cavity (at a private practice).

Standard prices for an insured person is 50zł - 100zł.. (these are after including the compensation from national healthcare fund)
Private prices are twice that - for any person not just "foreigners".
6 Nov 2009
Travel / What should I wear in winter in Poland? [29]

Wear nothing!!!!!!!

on a more serious note, weather in Poland is really wayward.. it's good to have few types of clothing, it might get really cold but on sunny days you'd definitely need something lighter. As for the boots, some nice sturdy mountain boots would be a good idea. It all probably depends on if you are gonna have long winter strolls, or go out only when you need to..
6 Nov 2009
Study / Cost of Polish lessons, courses (private) [34]

As I thought would be obvious from my posts, I am not a native English speaker either – hence my job as a (native) Polish tutor.

Of course it is obvious, but does it change anything? No it doesn't. And now it shows you can only speak in a tone of arrogance and condescension. Good luck for your future students.
4 Nov 2009
Language / Post Polish slang phrases here! [37]


That was a good translation certainly delivering the meaning.

Just gonna add that "wiesniara" is more like "peasant girl" than bitch, but in this sentence these two are pretty interchangable.. :)
4 Nov 2009
Study / Cost of Polish lessons, courses (private) [34]

level of hostility

Come on, most of my post were technical details about skype. And I think these were valuable information for anyone whose using Skype.

I'm happy that there's actually a person who employs modern technology in teaching ( most polish high schools are at the tail end ), but I've got my opinion about certain things. When you join a forum and state various things you are bound to recieve some criticism. I think that the price is over the top if there are lower prices for "home visits", and that's why I said you're a sponge...

I'm happy that you've corrected me ( for free), although I think I'd made many more mistakes in all of my posts ;) But trying to insult me with it, is a rather childish thing taking into consideration that we are posting to an international forum with posters from around the world whose native language ain't english. Nice try anyways..
4 Nov 2009
Life / Do expats living in Poland speak Polish? [233]

that it's impossible to have contact only with native speakers.

If somebody really wants to they can have a much bigger chance to speak witn british natives while being in Poland than if he was living in uk ; )

this forum

I'd say every forum ; )

learn a language that is essentially useless.

You learn the language which you really need at that precise moment.. what's the whole fuss about..
4 Nov 2009
Study / Cost of Polish lessons, courses (private) [34]

I don't think Skype's the best and the most professional tool out there, main drawbacks? It's a p2p technology which means that if you want to tutor anyone who lives a little bit further away from you gonna suffer a delay. The other thing is that you can't take seriously an application that uses your bandwidth if it pleases so - Skype uses tunelling to connect people who are behind NAT. So whatever connection you have, you can still be burdened by other people using yours if you are not behind NAT you're just gonna be a man in the middle for somebody - and jeopardizing students bandwidth without his knowledge, with fee included that's a little bit over the top.

Client - server architecture is much more reliable you can choose a server that is located between you and your student. You can choose a codec depending on the bandwidth both of you have. Good codec allows really good quality of sound. Of course skype is idiot-proof anyone can use it - it's the only plus. It might be used for casual conversation if somebody has got a broad understanding of the subject, but to teach the basics.. I don't think so.

Of course skype is used by some companies, but not for language education, for project meetings and such, these things don't require crystal clear quality.

If someone was serious enough to bill somebody 60zł per lesson, he'd be also serious enough to invest some money into a better technology, set up a server and write a tutorial. On the other hand it's probably a pretty smart thing to do, use a freeware software, and sponge people for a home visit price..