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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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10 May 2012
Language / Polish war cries/battle sayings [21]

Na wroga! (at the enemy)
Do ataku! (attack)
Za Polskę! (for Poland)
Za wolność! (for freeedom)
Za wolność Waszą i naszą (For your freedom and ours)
Bić Kacapa! (beat the Rooskie)
Bić Szwaba! (beat the Kraut)
9 May 2012
News / Presidential elections and debates 2015 Poland [472]

Is the present Polish presidency the optimum choice? Wałęsa wanted a stronger presidency. Poland's is not as wimpy as that of Germany but a far cry from France or the US. Maybe something in betwween would be better -- giving the presidency a bit moire muscle and initaitve for a true balance of power between the presidency and government.

There was talking of making ex.-presidents senators for life with full voting powers, but nothing came of it.
Too bad the Sejm has not been trimmed down to let's say 150 or 200 MPs and the Senate to 50. Too many darmozjady!
9 May 2012
News / Presidential elections and debates 2015 Poland [472]

Buzek would be fine except for age. Gronkowiec (as she is known in Poland) is a total waste. Sikrorski was OK (dynamic pro-Polish patriotic stance, bilingual and bilcultral. presidential appearance.plus an Amercan wife with Jewish roots which would shut up the pro-semite Pole

baiters) until he became a turncoat and defected to Tusk.
9 May 2012
News / What should Poland do to solve the population crisis? [101]

France has one of Europe's highest birth rates thanks to its pro-family policy that actually works.
I have only presented a rough outline which would have to be elaborated to inlcude exceptions and modificatons. Those medically proven to be infertile would obviously not be taxed. Not too many wealthy people have 3 or 4 kids, but some income ceiling could be devised to prevent the very rich from getting off scot-free.

Racism-shmacism...there is no excuse for rampaging, rioting, fire-bombing third world scum in France and anywhere else. If you can't behave you get sent back to where you came from. Even better (less costly and complicated) is to prevent the entry of undesriables as far as possible altogether. Polish IQ and language tests would weed out the potentailly unproimising element. But if a Chinaman or Kazakhi passed with flying colours then nothinnshould stop him becoming welcomed with SERDECZNIE WITAMY W RP!
9 May 2012
News / Presidential elections and debates 2015 Poland [472]

The next president of Poland will be Jarosław Gowin. Some analysts beleive he will soon break away from PO and set up a new party of his own. It cannot be ruled out that SP and PJN will join in and the new party will attract an exodus from both PO and PiS.

He's got a presidential demenaour (the Kaczyńskis definitily do not, nor does Tusk). Komorowski looks presidential, plus he's a blue-blood and patriot who would probably feel more at home in a Gowin rather than a Tusk-run party (look at his poltical to'roots).

But evertyhting is possible in love, war and politics, so don't hold your breath!

9 May 2012
News / What should Poland do to solve the population crisis? [101]

Poland should introduce a true pro-family policy:
--no income tax for any family with at least three children
--no income tax for any fmaily with 4 or more children and a hefty child-reading allowance for the 4th and further children;
-- 'bykowe' tax on those (singles or marrieds) who have no children
... plus an active but closely montiored and controlled pro-immigration policy:
--incentives to immirgate for individuals with needed skills esp. from the Slavic east who fulfil the cultural-linguistic requrements (this might help keep out the undesirable third-worlders, Muslim fanactics, etc.); who have been the bane of Western Europe. The immirgation policy would be regularly adjusted in line with current manpower needs;
9 May 2012
Life / Post office in Warsaw center to send a foreign letter? [3]

You can send a priority letter from any Polish post office. It is called priorytet. It is the same as air mail, only the name has been changed. Probably some Brussels eruocratcrat behind hsi desk thought it up. They are aslways coming up with dubious innovations. Off hand I recall that. In the centre there is the main PO at Świętokrzyska, another at Senatorska off Plac Bankowy and many more.
6 May 2012
Food / Butcher Shops in Krakow with Good Beef [11]

Beef is not a hot item in Poland. Ther best beef from oxen known as bukaty is exported to Italy and elsewhere. Much of Polish beef on the market is tough as shoe leather and suited mainly for mince. It comes from old cows whose udders have dried up and cannot give milk anymore.
2 May 2012
History / Are you proud of Polish colours? [27]

Polish Flag Day (2nd May) is still not widely known acorss the US Polonia, but PolAms proudly display the flag at various functions, not only at Chicago's famous 3rd of May parade. cntions. Some fly a Polish and American flag in their front or back gardens. Contrary to official Polish flag etiguette (the bandera business etc.) most Polonians seem to prefer the flag with the eagle emblem (ensign).
29 Apr 2012
Genealogy / Surnames: Germis/Ermis-Zamada/Zawada-Eichwaldt-(Poland-Volhynia), Tuhy [3]

ERMIS/GERMIS: Quite possibly Ermis/Germis are two versions of the same name. Ermis probably dervied from the German name Herman. The letter 'h' often got dropped. In the Polish/Ruthenian broderlands names starting in 'h' often produced a 'g'. Hitler's nameis written as Gitler.

EICHWALDT is derived from the German word for oakwood; the proper spelling would be Eichwald without the final 't', but with names most anything is possible..

ZAWADA means obstacle in Polish. Zamada was probably a misspelling based on someone misreading the humps of the letter 'w'. There are dozens of localities in Poland called Zawada.
29 Apr 2012
USA, Canada / Living in Poland - prospects for Alabama guy ... need some advice! [146]

The nice thing about America is that no-one has to become your stereotypical, WASP-ified burger, baseball and apple pie American. There is a niche for everyone if you look for it. In fact, it is very American to be 'new and different', so an atypical cultural option may add to a person's attractiveness and be regarded as a refreshing change. Naturally, this will more likely be the case amongst more educated Americans rather than the redneck set.
28 Apr 2012
Genealogy / any towns that are pronounced as Koscov? [8]

MIŚKOWICZ/MIŚKOWIEC: both forms exist in Poland and their root-word is misiek (endearing for bear like teddy bear or bruin in English). They could have originated as toponymic tags for the son of Misiek.

Re the locality, the closest I could find was Koskowo in Mazowsze and Koszów in the now Ukrianian-occupied Wołyń region.
21 Apr 2012
Life / Teenage Pregnancy in Poland [108]

Why accept such low standards? egardless of generation, shouldn't all people be expceted to abstain from the dishonest, indecent, selfish, immodest and vicious? Shop-lifting is far more prevalent these days than several decsdes ago, so does that make it right? We're not animals, after all, or are we? Sometimes making that comparisons is an insutl...to the poor animals who don't know any better and are guided by pure instinct.
21 Apr 2012
Life / Catholic "Telewizja Trwam" from Poland - your thoughts? [98]

The number of marchers in defence of TV Trwam has been revised upwards to some 30,000. Jarosław Kaczyński addressed them otuside PM Tusk's chancellery saying:

'We have come here to defend TV Trwam, but we also want to defend the future of Radio Mayja which may also be attacked in future. Those who speak the truth must be silenced. Catholics, true Catholics are being marginalized and are to be second-class citizens. We are in favour of truth, whose defence not everyone has the courage to pursue…. A huge amount of Polish industry has been destroyed. Who defended it if not Radio Maryja and TV Trwam? Let us remember who spoke the truth and who was right…Without pluralism and freedom there are no free media and no democracy. Polish Catholics have the right to their media. And the media should be variegated. That is being questioned by political correctness which is the biggest threat to democracy. We should be able to say ‘no’ to political correctness. No-one has the right to muzzle others who disagree with them. We must defend in Poland law-abiding governance. The council’s decision has entirely illegal. T was taken from the view of political correctness and hatred towards truth… We are taking part in the biggest march. These marches have a clear goal – Poland, independent Poland, democratic Poland, a law-abiding, just and proud Poland...'
21 Apr 2012
Life / Teenage Pregnancy in Poland [108]

Never heard of a teenage brain?

All that may be true from a Biology 101 standpoint, but the problem was not as extreme when parents actually tried to rear their kids and inculcate wholesome values. Parents who abdicate their child-rearing duties to the commercial pop-culture establishment and let their youngsters go wild are largely to blame. Parental guidance, especially if convegerent with what the school, society, cultural and religious authorities are teaching, can help channel, sublimate and restrict out-of-control hormones long enough until the 'pimple peeple' mature and grow out of it.
21 Apr 2012
Life / Catholic "Telewizja Trwam" from Poland - your thoughts? [98]

Merged: 20,000 march in defence of TV Trwam

Some 20,000 gathered in Warsaw’s Three Crosses Square on Saturday, where Bishop Antoni Dydycz celebrated mass at St Alexander’s Church. The crowds were peppered with Polish flags PiS nad Solidarity emblems and placards proclaiming “We won’t give up TV Trwam!”, “Poland awake!” and “God, Honour, Homeland”. The protesters marcfhed to PM Tusks's office, where PiS leader Kaczyński addressed the marchers. Solidary Poland head Zbigniew Ziobro was due to speak outside Parliament, the final destinatioon of the march. Will any of this have nay efffect on the intransigent Tusk who cannot stomach having his rule openly criticised by Father Rydzyk's media.
21 Apr 2012
Life / Teenage Pregnancy in Poland [108]

Never heard of self-control, self-discipline, character building and deferred gratification? I guess those are alien concepts to the anything-goes and let-it-all-hang-out crowd! But that probably explains why today's 'modern' world is such a hopeless sh*t-hole.
20 Apr 2012
Life / Teenage Pregnancy in Poland [108]

A sure-fire way to avoid the problems of unwed teen mums and what to do with born or unborn illegitimate bastards is the JDF approach: JUST DON'T FORNICATE!
19 Apr 2012
Genealogy / Zaucha ancestry [12]

In normal linguistics you may be right, but if in the eastern borderlands Załęga could have evolved into Załuga and got further Ruthenianised in pronuncation into Załuha (the g~h alternation is a common featore of the Ruthenian borderlands) and someone else hearing it pronunced that way wrote down Załucha (the h~ch confusion persists in Poland amongst the uneducated to this day), that could be an explanation. We'd need a time machine to travel back to the precise moment when that occurred, so all we can do is hypothesise.
18 Apr 2012
Genealogy / Zaucha ancestry [12]

Remember, all this was not thought up by university professors. Names ermeged centuries ago when most people were illiterate, spoke only their local peasant dialect even priests and villłage scribes were ofteesemi-literate at best and wrote down what they thought they heard rtaher than subjecting thinn to linhgustic analysis. Confusing ch and h, rz andż, k and ch and many others was common. Therefore many surnames used today do not conform to grammatical or orthograhphic standards.
16 Apr 2012
Food / Old Krupnik Warning [9]

Who was the manufacturer of your Old Krupnik? I believe Detorit's Mohawk Liqueurs used to produce (maybe still do) a Krupnik (honey-spice cordial).
15 Apr 2012
Travel / Poznan airport sell cigarettes? [7]

Ciggie prices in Poland (not duty-free) have risen in recent months and now run $3.30 - $3.60 for a packet of 20. This includes all the well-known mostly American brands: Lucky Strike, Camel,. Winston, Marlboro, Viceroy, Chesterfield, L&M, etc.
9 Apr 2012
Food / Anyone try Polish spirytus straight? [6]

Have any of you ever got talked into downing a nip of undiluted spirytus (90+% grain alocohol)? The seasioend imbibers say there is a trick to how youshape your gullet and swallow -- otherwise you can easily choke.
7 Apr 2012
Language / How similar are Polish and Romanian languages? [75]

I wonder whether Yiddish wasn't considered as the Israeli lingua franca. Surely more people in the early post-war period spoke Yiddish than Hebrew.