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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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2 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

The evidence is 1.3% birth rate. If the pro-family stuff was so good it should be 2.5% which is the minimum to offset mortality and grow.
2 Sep 2012
History / Was PRL Poland? [37]

Yes, the Stalinist regime even set up a 'patriotic' priests movement full of two-bit collaborators and opportunists. Some were not even ordained clergy but UB operatives and informers in cassocks.

All in all, some 10% of the RC clergy played ball with the regime. Sad but still a better track record than actors, journalists, career soldiers, academics, police, etc.
2 Sep 2012
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

Let's hope Romney and PiS win. The world does not need more liberal-leftists experimenters. Let them experiment on lab rats, not on the human body politic!

One recent poll showed an only one point difference between the Platformer crooks and the noble Law and Justrice camp. There is always hope the Polish people will wisen up. They should take their cue from our American Polonia, 70% of whom voted for PiS. Poles in Poland seem blinded by the glip and slippery rhetoric of tricky Don. Notice how he never looks anyone in the eye and shifts his glance away as he spouts his sugar-coated lies.
2 Sep 2012
History / Was PRL Poland? [37]

The Vichy French also had little choice in the matter because they too had families to feed. The Nazi puppet state in Slovakia and PRL were other examples of typical foreign-ruled puppet states. Sure people fell in love, got married, had kids, celebrated namedays and Christmas, went on holiday, cutlivated hobbies, etc., etc. but even in Auschwitz an ersatz type of life went on. Too bad no-one so far has invented a time machine -- you'd be the prime candidate to get sent back to PRL, preferably pre-1956. That's when they openly terrorised the Church you so despise.
2 Sep 2012
News / "Shale Gas Revolution" will make Poland a Leading Country in Europe! [202]

Merged: Polish ministers blocking shale gas

Three ministers are blocking the legislation needed to launch shale-gas extraction, Rzeczpospolita said in its weekend issue. It said the treasury, finance and foreign ministers were paralysing preparatiosn to extract the deposits, said to be one of Europes' largest. The legislation was to have been adopted in April but got bogged down in the Environment Ministry, the paper said, adding that the delays were scaring potential investors away. Already some foreign investors have pulled out of Poland.
2 Sep 2012
History / Was PRL Poland? [37]

PAP on Sunday reported that the latest IPN bulletin Pamięć.pl showcased a debate as to whether the Soviet satellite known as the „Polish People’s Republic” (Polish abbreviation: PRL) can be referred to as Poland. Historian Andrzej Zawistowski stated that the Poland 1944-1989 was not a sovereign state, becasue society had no influence on the authorities, and compared it to the Nazi-controlled Vichy France.

But the Polish people did have an influence, when they took to the streets in 1956, 1970, 1976 and 1980.
2 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

All the pro-PO propaganda on the Tusk government website looks nice on the screen, but Poland is neverhteless at the very tail end of Europe in terms of fertility.
2 Sep 2012
Law / Need advice on name change (from English to Polish) [11]

One Pol-Am I know was baptised Chester by parents who erroneously beleived it to be the English equivalenty of Czesław. After he achieved the age of majroity he legally changed it to Czesław.

Incidentally the correct lingustic equivalent of Czesław is Ceslaus, although is rarely found in practice.
2 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

All governmetns have pledged a pro-family policy of one sort or anotehr, of which the pitiful 'becikowe' (nappy allownace) is one example. How large a one-off or regular monthly allowance would be needed to make a difference, ie to persuade those who want to give birth but think they cannot afford it?
2 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

TVN24 has reported that Poland's birth rate of 1.3% is at the bottom of the European barrel together with Bulgaria and Lithuania. That menas that in a few decades there will be oen able-bodied working Pole for each old-age pensioner. At present the ratrio is 4:1.

Why don't Poles want to have kids? Hollywood's and mainstresm media anti-marriage propaganda, greed, selfishness, career obsession, narcissism (stretch-mark fear!), short-sightedness, here and now obsession or what? Probably only native Poles living in Poland are best suited to give a reliable answer. Outsiders -- expats, emigres, Pol-Ams, other Polonians, foreign visitors, etc. are not alwazs representative of what native Poles think, feel and do.
2 Sep 2012
News / Who controls Gazeta Wyborcza?? [216]

If Wikipedia is not a credible source, then the only way would be to visit the GW newsroom and do an on-the-spot ethnic-ancestry survey, if it's that important to you. You probably have easier access to the cosmopolitan leftist-liberal Michnik gang than decent, patriotic Poles who are not welcome there.
1 Sep 2012
News / Who controls Gazeta Wyborcza?? [216]

Polish by citizenship but of Moldovan ethnicity. All I was saying is that it's strange for a single newspaper, and an influential one at that, to be domianated by people with roots to a single ethnic minority, in fact one of the smallest on a countrywide basis. If there were some Belarusians, Lithuanians, Opole Germans, Tatars, Lemnkos, etc. thrown in OK, but the same, single, monotonous group? You apparently find this nomral, so be happy that is the case. Many Poles do not necessarily agree with you.

Michnik is such a propoent of media pluralism that his newspaper's weekly TV magazioe ignores the existence of TV Trwam, but lists a plethora or 2nd, 3rd and 4th-rate stations hardly anybody watches. Moldovan-style impartiality I reckon!
1 Sep 2012
News / Who controls Gazeta Wyborcza?? [216]

polski dziennikarz żydowskiego pochodzenia, says Wikipedia. Oops, I forgot, you don't read Polish. Back to school!
1 Sep 2012
News / Who controls Gazeta Wyborcza?? [216]

I knew it. So you do not regard wikipedia as reliable. Well, don't expect me to post info on all the other individuals listed. You forgot the one about not knowing Polish, but I ain't gonna translate it.
1 Sep 2012
News / Who controls Gazeta Wyborcza?? [216]

Helena £uczywo, according to Wikipedia: Jest córką działaczy komunistycznych żydowskiego pochodzenia, Ferdynanda Chabera i Doroty (Debory) z domu Guter.
Seweryn Blumsztajn (ur. 2 maja 1946 we Wrocławiu) - polski dziennikarz żydowskiego pochodzenia, działacz opozycji antykomunistycznej w okresie PRL.

Let me see, what excuse will you come up with next. That wikipedia is not a credible source. Or maybe that you don't read Polish. Well, too bad. I still wonder what right a tiny ethnic minority has got to be the opinion-moulding medium of the Polish nation. If it turned out that Ukrainians controlled Rzeczpospolita or Opole Germans ran Wprost, there would be a huge stink, because that would indeed be a skewed and distorted situation.
1 Sep 2012
News / Who controls Gazeta Wyborcza?? [216]

Why are all the GW apologists and advocates carefully skirting the main question: why the unusual ethnic concentration in one news organisation?
1 Sep 2012
News / Who controls Gazeta Wyborcza?? [216]

The majority of those in charge of Nasz Dziennik, Rzepa and others are of Polish nationality. The question was: what is behind that unusual concentration of people of non-Polish ancestry in a single newsroom and Agora boardroom?
1 Sep 2012
News / Who controls Gazeta Wyborcza?? [216]

The movers, shakers and leading lights of the GW camp include:

That is only a partial list becuase many others are in denilal and hding behind good Polish-sounding names.

The bottom line is that no other Polish daily can match the overrepresentation of Moldovo-Bolivians, and many if not most have stalinist family roots to boot. Why? This is not about collective guilt, but having been raised in the pro-PPR-PZPR climate, they tend to be 'soft on communism'
1 Sep 2012
News / Who controls Gazeta Wyborcza?? [216]

Kukliński risked his life and that of his family to compromise the dastardly Soviet-directed intrigues of the pitiful Kremlin-controlled puppet state called PRL, thus becoming a modern-day knight and hero of our grand NATO alliance. BTW the long arm of the Kremlin reached all the way to Flordia to kill Kukliński's two sons. By his blind, unshaken servility to BIg Brother, Gen. Jabberwocky was morally also responsible for those Soviet crimes.
31 Aug 2012
News / Amber Gold and other Poland's suspicious institutions [139]

The Tusk clique browbeat Pawlak's Peasant Party into helping the Platformers kill an opposition bid ot have a parliamnetary commission investigate the Amber Gold scam. The PM could breathe a sign of relief remembering how he was grilled by the previous commission invesetigating a gambling scandal.
31 Aug 2012
News / Who controls Gazeta Wyborcza?? [216]

Let's not forget another reason why not everybody is in love with Wybiórcza -- becuase it is dominated by people of non-Polish.. er, um Bolivian or is it Moldovan ancestry. Such people account for 0.001% of Polish society but well over half of the GW staff. Isn't that a bit strange?

Also, what's so liberal about proclaiming Jaruzelski 'an honourable man' and branding Col. Kukliński, the first Polish officer in NATO, a traitor?
Besides papa and big brother Szechter, let's give Adam's out-of-wedlock mum Helena Michnik the credit she so richly deserves: she was one of post-war Poland's leading Sovietisers of Polish school texbooks.
31 Aug 2012
UK, Ireland / 'Drajwować karę' in the UK? [19]

Just recalled a few more:

SZANDA: shed (presumably from shanty)

BARNA oir BARNIA: cow shed, barn

KORNA: maize

AJSKRYM: ice-cream

BEDRUM: bedroom

OFIS: office

£AĆMAN: watchman

POLICMAN: policeman

NORKSA: nurse

TICZERKA: (woman) teacher

WASZTOP: washtub

MAJNA. mine

SYŃK: sink

KIENOWAĆ: to preserve foods for future use; to can


i wiele, wiele więcej!
31 Aug 2012
News / Amber Gold and other Poland's suspicious institutions [139]

Re your picture -- shows politics and politicians are essentially all the. A few years back the PiS government was roundly criticised by the PO camp for showing suspected wrongdoers being led away in handcuffs on the TV evening news, and that was called' 'heavy-handed pro-PiS propaganda'. It turns out that, when it's expedient, every group in power will use it.

BTW, anyone watch Tusk in the parliamentary confessional yesterday? Any thoughts?
29 Aug 2012
Food / Pierogi Dough [30]

I don't see why not. Try freezing 2 or 3 and see if they come out OK when cooked.
28 Aug 2012
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

Not strange juar the voice of experience and observation. The original Polish immigrants were very backward and largely illiterate in the late 19th century and early 20th, but they worked hard at menial jobs so their kids woudl have a better life. The 1st US-born generation was already known for their clean and safe neighborhoods. Some preened their lawns as if to out-.Anglo the Anglos who've got this obsession with lawns, shrubs and hedges. They pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps, there were no welfare handouts or even social security pensions back then. Black neighbourhoods were and contiue to be the opposite. Even when they were given ncie, new council flats, within months the place was a dump. Trash all around, old fridges on the porch, broken-down cars at the kerb, boarded up windows, metal bars on shop windows to prevent break.-ins. Go see for yourself. All minority groups are not the same..
27 Aug 2012
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

Multi-culti is the penance today's Brits have to pay for their ancestors' evil and greedy colonial past. The French too, to recall only the Arab (North African) immigrants going on a rampage torching cars and looting shops across France a few years back. Black riots and high-crime districts are no stranger to Americans who are paying the price for those who imported African slaves. Turkich and Kurdish and otehr Muslim Gastarbeiters have giving the Jerries headches for decades. It's the old story of: Coś za coś!