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Joined: 11 Sep 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 6 Dec 2015
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28 Jul 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

No worse than Milky who thinks that developers should sell flats/apartments for less than it costs to build them and he is still deluded enough to believe this is going to happen.
26 Jul 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Did she??
The part between Germany and Russia..
where has this happened

No specifics/facts as usual. Stagnation is not a crash, which is what you have been predicting for years.
If the Poles in the UK are sending back 3 billion a year it means that they are not buying property and intend to return, hence the need for new housing.

For Poles to receive benefit after they have paid tax and NI contributions is fair. To pay benefits to people who have not paid into the system is stupid so blame the UK government, if someone was giving away free money would you not take it?

You never seem to refer to any positive news, today in the Warsaw Business Journal, there is an article which states that Poland's deficit will be 25% Less for this year due to improved inflow of taxes which means that people and business's are earning more. This does not sound like a country in trouble to me. I am not saying that things may get worse in the future, the Global economy is looking dire and this may have a "knock on" effect in Poland, but, it has not happened yet.
26 Jul 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

The lady asked you a question, where in Poland is the property bubble?

The link you posted states that a property bubble is followed by house prices crashing, where has this happened?, we are not just talking about the luxury end of the market because the link also states :

The arguments for further real estate prices rise or stabilization are:

fast increase of salaries - around 8% per year;
low figures of both housing estate area and apartments per person, compared to other developed countries worldwide;
money repatriated by Poles who have emigrated;
rapid urbanization - the population of rural areas and small towns is declining rapidly, while the population of major urban areas is increasing quickly;
Warsaw has a population of only 2 million people - approximately 5% of the whole of the country - very low for a capital city.

No wonder the lady is confused by your posts.
23 Jul 2011
Real Estate / Thinking of buying an offplan Luxury Property Wroclaw [79]

Economics and supply/demand do not seem to be your strong points. Stick to the self serving predictions and your endless tirade against employers, landlords, estate agents and developers. Everybody has to deal with one off the aforementioned people during their lives. They provide a service, the same as a priest or a doctor. Surely you cannot hate everybody, there must be someone you like who does not make a profit from their labour's or profession?
23 Jul 2011
Real Estate / Thinking of buying an offplan Luxury Property Wroclaw [79]

Very unlikely. you will be back in a few days spouting the same rubbish and predictions as you have done for the past 2 years.
By the law of averages, you have to be right one day, so keep at it.
15 Jul 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]


"Since 2008 prices of flats have mostly remained stagnant in Krakow but they are certain to race upwards again sooner or later. "

So your prediction of a 60% price crash has not happened then?
13 Jul 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]


Foreigners abandon Polish property market

This is one foreigner that is not abandoning that is not abandoning it.
Just had a nice 10 days in the South of France, tanned, fit and raring to get the next project started.
How is life with you Mark?, still happy and optimistic I see.
I take it you do not qualify for the "first family scheme"?
12 Jul 2011
Law / Maintenance & Rights: Polish mother & child in Poland, Irish father in the UK [57]


If you still study it will be on the lowest level .

I seem to remember a woman asking questions on the forum about a year or so ago. Her partner was being taken to court in Poland for child maintanance. She went into the circumstances, asking what the Polish courts were likely to award. She explained that he was studying for further education and was not earning any money. She got back to the forum at a later date and said that the court had awarded the mother, 2000 PLN a month and that her[i][/i] earnings were taken into account. She has not posted on here since and so I do not know what happened after.
12 Jul 2011
Work / Back from the UK and working in Poland [23]


That only works if you marry.

Nope, I have lived here for 7 years and got my permanent residence a year ago. I am not married.
18 Jun 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]


How much would this house be in Poland??????????

Mark, anyone can use stupid examples.


average industrial wage Ireland 35000 Euro

You really are a fool.
16 Jun 2011
News / Poles in work-life balance crisis [22]

If you were to take out the time employees spend tossing around on facebook, talking on their cellphones for personal business, making coffee, smoking etc then I'm not convinced they are working themselves to death.

In Mark's world, you are talking about perks of the job!!!!.The capitalist employers make all the profit so the workers are entitled to waste half the day in lieu of the poor wages they receive.
13 Jun 2011
News / Over 2 million Poles drowning in debt [19]

I stayed on topic with my post but then why the talk of GB? This is about Poland.

You do not understand Marks agenda, he is trying to imply, all the time, that Poland is the worst at everything. Debt, jobs, housing, employers, transport, you name it and Poland has the worst.

Even if 1 in 19 of the Polish population handles money badly, that is still a small percentage.

As Z says

"That says nothing of the problem? How much is it for one indebted person? Short-term debt including ceredit-card debt constitutes what part of it? If someone who is on the start with his 30-year mortgage debt has run into trouble, do they count the whole of this debt into your "total arrears amounting to 30.9 bilion zloty"?

Where are the facts?
13 Jun 2011
News / Over 2 million Poles drowning in debt [19]

A new report on debt reveals that over 2.1 million Poles have trouble with repaying loan on time, with total arrears amounting to 30.9 billion zloty (7.8 billion euro).

Peanuts compared to the UK

UK banks and building societies wrote off £9.5bn of loans to individuals in the 4 quarters to end Q1 2011. In Q1 2011 they wrote off £1.89bn (£866m of that was credit card debt). This amounts to a write-off of £20.71m a day.

Average household debt in the UK is ~ £8,121 (excluding mortgages). This figure increases to £15,618 if the average is based on the number of households who actually have some form of unsecured loan.

Average household debt in the UK is ~ £55,854 (including mortgages). If you add to this the March 2010 budget report figure for public sector net debt (PSND) expected in 2015-16 (excluding financial interventions) then this figure rises to £106,470 per household.

331 people every day of the year will be declared insolvent or bankrupt. This is equivalent to 1 person every 60 seconds during a working day.
10 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Do you know what CDs are?

Yes, I know what credit default swaps are, bundled up junk that only idiots and bankers trying to earn a big bonus would buy, and you will be paying extra tax for, for many years. Next question.
10 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

it's all about the perception. You guys are never going to be able to compete with the west with this attitude.

So as long as I do not realise I am being ripped off, that is ok?
10 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

So, I think people should at one point stop thinking about the money they lose on basic necessities of shoppers, honest wages for their employees, or not cheating on taxes, and start thinking about the money they could be making with better customer serivce, better qualified and engaged employees, andinnovation.

This is the best post I have seen for a long time. The most respected banks in America, sell worthless CDS. crash the market. virtually wipe out the banking system. are bailed out by the American taxpayer to the tune of 1.7 trillion dollars, nobody so far goes to court for fraud and he talks about the ethics of business in Poland. Get your own house in order first!!!!!. At least what happens in Poland does not cause s**t in the rest of the world.
10 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]


you guys want me to send you some free ketchup?

"The home of the brave and the land of the free", 14 trillion dollars in debt and you still do not understand, nothing, is for free. Whether you buy a bag or its added to the price of the goods you buy, you still end up paying ( and in your case, you pay the wages of the person who packs your bag).
10 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

You are supposed to like the bubbles.

You talk of Poles being sold out to the West? Goldman Sachs has ****** you good and proper as well as the American public.
Lets see if you are still so confident in August when the IMF finishes with you. Bubbles? you are talking of Hindenbergs.
10 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

In Greece it is regarded as gypsy attitude if the shop does not give you bags for free to put your things in.Paying for the bags is considered outrageous.

"outrageous" I thought that only applied to paying your debts and taxes.
10 Jun 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

There are sources out there, suggesting a further weakening of the market.

Just read the link you posted but cannot say that just because there is less demand for properties already on the market, that this is a reason for a decline in prices. 95% of the properties advertised are rubbish, overpriced and would find it difficult to sell at even cheap prices.

When I first came to Poland in 2002, I was going to build my own house (being a builder for 30 years it would be easy) but continually got messed around when trying to buy a decent plot of land, I would agree a price for the land, get planning permission and then the landowner wanted more money because his friends and family thought it was worth more. (This happened a couple of times and wasted months of my time)

Anyway, after 2 years of this crap, I started looking for a house to buy as I was not getting any younger. I started looking in earnest for a place for a further two years but could not find anything that I liked, then I found out a new baby was on the way and really panicked, had to look further out of the town than I had before but managed to find my semi-perfect house by accident, there was a "For Sale" sign on the gate. The couple who lived in/built the house had spent 3 years in the UK when they graduated from university, so, the build was more or less of an English design and quality.

When somebody buys a flat/apartment, they know that all the rest of the building is roughly the same, quality wise. An individual house is something different, it has to feel right, it has to meet the criteria for growing kids and for when you get older and cannot manage the stairs etc. A house is a long term project, even the way you landscape the gardens is a statement of your own personality and is carried out over many years. I know in my heart that if I had bought any of the houses that I had previously viewed, I would have ended up demolishing them and starting from scratch as I would never have been happy.

Sorry this was a bit long but wanted you to know from a personal experience how hard it is to find the right place.
10 Jun 2011
News / Conservative-liberalism (Laissez-faire liberalism), another utopia for Poland? [99]

"and taken on board by pieces of sh1t like Regan and Thatcher"

Strange how you denegrate the two world leaders (both Conservatives) who are acknowledged as bringing long periods of growth and prosperity to their respective countries.

Its a theory that constantly evolves and tries to convince people that the more money one has, the better their outlook on life, and the world is.

It convinced me, I don't want to be poor.
9 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

well people on here are comparing Poland to the west and I'm am sayng that, ecomically, the west is a lot richer.

Try saying that the West was a lot richer and Poland is catching up. The amount of debt owed by the average UK, American family, be it personal debt or debt that has been placed on them by bad government fiscal policies is astronomical. We are looking at least at a couple of generations (maybe more in the USA) who will suffer with cuts in services, high unemployment and higher taxes which will rapidly erode their standard of living.

I cannot speak from experience about the USA, although I have been there many times, I was never exposed to the "poor areas". The UK has the buffer of a generous social system and free medical care but I wonder how much longer this will be the case as it is becoming ever more unaffordable and the present government is looking at ways to drastically reduce the costs by capping housing benefit, child benefit and forcing the long term sick/unemployed back into work.

The rising cost of health and the increase in the life exectancy of a growing population of the elderly will see a huge strain on the money available for aftercare and pensions.

So however bad you think it is in Poland at the moment, you have read or should have access to the information regarding the financial situation of the so called, rich countries.

I personally do not think that being in any kind of debt is being rich. Some will argue that having a mortgage is being in debt, but, if the amount you pay monthly is approximately the same as what you would spend on rent then you have to take a long term view.
8 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Can you please try to compare for a change the smartest people in Poland to the smartest people in the US ?

My 5 year old daughter to George W. Bush.

So I guess the best possible option for Polish people is to realize that everyone in the West is poor as well.

It seems like someone in the UK thinks its just as bad there:-

absolutley disgusting repugnant they all need to go and hang thier heads in shame,i have never known so much poverty and depravation in the uk, how are the unemployed going to afford to heat thier homes the cost of gas and power each week uses all the unemployment benifit up ,how are they going to feed and clothe themselves and buy toiletreries and basic food bread and water, to think of all the bankers mps doctors lawyers the royals are all on tens of thousands a year and the poor are going to die and starve and freeze to death, the uk is an international disgrace,

- jenna, london, 8/6/2011 2:14

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