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Posts by WielkiPolak  

Joined: 3 Jun 2011 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 14 Feb 2019
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 48
Posts: Total: 988 / In This Archive: 666
From: London
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Football/ Travelling/ Philosophy/ Religion

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9 Sep 2012
Love / Polish dating tips [40]

riki did you just invite some strangers on the internet to your wedding?

if so

when and where?
9 Sep 2012
USA, Canada / Who is better informed, the expat or the Polonia crowd? [144]

Actually I think there are a lot of decent film makers in Hollywood who tell good stories in good films. A lot of the movies make you question faith and whether there is more out there than just what you see. I think some of the best films in the world are from Hollywood. Yes you get crap too but Polonius if you want to have a go at institutions that disregard Christian morals I would look more to television programs that mock Christianity or news media that try to show Christianity in bad light, rather than movies from Hollywood. There are very few Hollywood movies that are all about making fun of or mocking Christianity. Yes some of them tend to promote a very 'unChristian' or immoral way of life, but you have to learn to pick and choose the decent ones.
8 Sep 2012
News / Too much change in Poland?! [25]

wait for the EU to send to poland the new muslim era and the hungry africans

But isn't the unofficial hidden reason that Turkey is not being let in to the EU, because it is a Muslim nation and if it gets let in then Muslims from there can travel freely in Europe and cross boarders with no problems? I think Europe is starting to realize slowly that is did not have its eye on the ball with Islam but I am not sure if it is yet ready to embrace its foundation again, Christianity.

]I wish they would scrap the 1 and 2gr coins

Haha yeah and the shopkeepers [tend to be women] always as you if you have 1 or 2 because they are too lazy to look for it in their till. They have even started to do this in Polish shops in Britain ['ma penna' or 'ma dwa penny.]'
7 Sep 2012
USA, Canada / Who is better informed, the expat or the Polonia crowd? [144]

I think the feeling is different now. Back then people left during the PiS leadership and voted for PO here. Now many are fed up of the PO government and vote for PiS. Many are also leaving because of PO. The weird exceptions are those that left during the PO government because they were tired of the quality of life in Poland under it, yet they still vote PO who promise to improve at the elections and talk about how terrible it would be under PiS. Then when they win it is the same old same old.
7 Sep 2012
USA, Canada / Who is better informed, the expat or the Polonia crowd? [144]

It just worries me as a Catholic, to see what Poland might turn in to if, going abroad for over a particular amount of time, you lose your write to vote. This way if too many Polish people leave and too many expats with completely different values to those that were traditionally Polish, move in and start voting for how the country should be run, Poland will cease to be Poland.
7 Sep 2012
USA, Canada / Who is better informed, the expat or the Polonia crowd? [144]

The US Polonia will never return

I was not referring to them when talking about returning Polonia. I was referring more to some of the young Polish crowd in Britain that consider themselves very patriotic and are pro PiS. You cannot say they are misinformed since they have lived in Poland until not long ago.
7 Sep 2012
USA, Canada / Who is better informed, the expat or the Polonia crowd? [144]

I hear some opinions that some vote for how other must live. Yes there are those, but there are also those who left the country and vote for PiS for example, then if PiS gets in to power and improves Poland as they hope they will, they will probably return. The reason they vote is so that they can return. If they do not plan to go back ever again, then yeah there probably is not much point in voting. Although having said that, some people who live in say, the USA, still care about Poland and want it to be run by decent patriotic people, that is why, even though they do not live there, they still vote for what they consider to be the best government.
7 Sep 2012
Life / Political correctness in Poland [210]

If to is acceptable and the current system is 1 - 6 then I assume that 1 is now mierny [poor] or worse?
7 Sep 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

I doubt that black and white is going to be a thing of the past any time soon. Do not forget, any time you get a black TV show, black sitcom or awards for black people only or 'ethnic minorities' only such as the NAACP awards in America, this is a reminder that we are different. As long as stuff like this continues to last, it is going to constantly remind us of color. You know sometimes you can be watching a sports event and completely forget about color, then if a black players scores a goal [say it is football], you might get 'he is the first black player to score in this type of final' or something similar to that and then is hits you, oh yeah, he is black, and I'm not, so we're different.
5 Sep 2012
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

Hmmm some kid mysteriously drops and then gets saved, I wonder.

But on the serious side, and I have said this before, it is terrible that people vote for a party just because they do not want others. It is also sad to see PO is only able to win by convincing people how terrible it would be if opposition parties managed to win.
2 Sep 2012
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

Romney might well win. Would be nice too. PiS is more difficult. I would like them to but they have to make some serious 'przetasowania' first, as you say in Polish.
2 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

It is worrying but I think it is up to the government to sort it out. Couples leaves Poland to have their children in other countries because they feel they can provide a better life for their family there. Speak to some of them and you would see that they would return in a flash if Poland did more for families and young people in general. Of course some would stay anyway as they are not patriotic and just want to live somewhere else [you can often tell you they are as they do not even speak to their children in Polish, since they have not intention of returning to Poland] but the majority would go back.
2 Sep 2012
History / Was PRL Poland? [37]

I would say that PRL was not really Poland. Yes of course some people were members and gained a lot from it, just like SLD, filled with commie children still has supporters now [although not a high percentage] and that is why do many despise them and call them traitors. Generally though the PRL was not accepted by the majority who saw Poland as an occupied country during this time, unable to make its own true decisions.
1 Sep 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

Poland needs to welcome the highly skilled, the wealthy Businessmen who can create job opportunities for Poles, students that can afford to study in Poland without recourse to public funds.

Think you'll find the wealthy businessmen care less about giving jobs to people and more about paying others as little as possible so they can cash in the most and this is why the are wealthy businessmen.

PS - Your name makes me hungry.
30 Aug 2012
USA, Canada / Who is better informed, the expat or the Polonia crowd? [144]

Who knows better how Poland ticks...the Polonia crowd living in Chicago and coming over once a year (if ever) to Poland...or the expat/foreigner who lives here year in/year out, works here, has his/her Polish friends, pays taxes

It's a biased question with an obviously implied answer. The expats might know know what the living conditions are like currently in Poland but that does not mean they know more about Poland, let alone care more about it. If somebody lived in Poland for many years [say 30 or 40] and then moves and only goes back once a year for the following few years, then what? They stop being Polish? Do they really?
29 Aug 2012
Love / Interracial Polish girls [19]

Well there is a difference in many of the black people that move to countries like Poland and other Eastern European countries and many that live and have lived in the USA and Britain for many generations now. I know that the black people in Poland generally tend to be well behaved and often quite intelligent, but that is because they are a minority in Poland, a real minority, not like Mexicans or Indians in the USA or Britain. There are actually very few of them. If they settle in and we start to have many more of them and future generations, there could be problems, like there are in the USA and in Britain. I know it might sound rude, but looking around some of the run down places near me that are about 85% - 90% black, I stick with this view. I feel this is the case in general though, if a nation lets in too many foreigners, then it loses its identity and goes to crap, if it just lets in a few of the most educated, it can be fine.
26 Aug 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

If you want to do something for Poland, I'm sure I can arrange something. I could do with someone for the last 2 weeks of January for a community-based initiative to provide English language football training for poor kids that can't afford private English classes. Interested? Accommodation is provided.

You know what is unbelievable here? That I am actually a qualified football coach in Britain, so yeah I am interested actually [particularly since I have most of January off as a student], just a little weary, considering the offer is from you.
26 Aug 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

He's done far more than you, that's for certain.

A brave statement considering you know very little about me. He does some stuff for the community does he? You mean to say after he was elected he actually did something? What a great guy. Anyway what exactly does he do for the community? Since you like to keep having a go at me and assuming I do nothing, what do you do for the community oh great delph?
26 Aug 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

delphiandomine: Except Godson has done far more for Polish people than you ever will.

Fine.Maybe it's time for him to go back where he came from and do something for Nigerians.

What has he done for them? As far as I am concerned he just looks happy to be in parliament and sits on the fence when asked about most issues, except racism, then he has something to say.
26 Aug 2012
Life / Do Polish people like Turkish people? [66]

You know turkey have how many race / religion in one country?

I am not sure what you mean but if you are saying Turkey has many races and religions, I thought Turkey was pretty much a Muslim nation in the vast majority with an Islamic government.
26 Aug 2012
Off-Topic / I am a Pariah: My Horror Story [44]

PolkaTagAlong I was wondering if you considered trying to learn Polish [or perhaps you are but in your profile it says you do not speak it]. I know that it is a tough nut to crack but hey, if you were ever going to try and learn a language, that seems like the one to go to since you are Polish. I assume you do not speak the language because it is not spoken in your family as they are probably 2nd or 3rd generation or more? If you know some Polish you can feel even closer to your heritage.
26 Aug 2012
Life / Why are Poles in other countries called "Plastic Poles"? [168]

Yeah but you can be Polish and pay taxes in another country, still being patriotic. I am not talking about tax avoiding while living in Poland. How did you manage to bring PiS in to this topic?
26 Aug 2012
USA, Canada / USA time zones [6]

Oh wooops. Why is it on so many American sporting events they only put 2 different times for the event, depending where you are? They have one time that is 5 hours behind where I live and another that is 8 hours behind.