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Joined: 16 Oct 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 17 Apr 2021
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17 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

But the lives can get better in capitalism. Under communism, if you want a better life, you are a criminal. Under communism, there is no hope.

Look, I know close to nothing about Rio de Janerio, but I do know that people in USA's slums were living better lives then regular, well-to-do Poles under communism.
17 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

Communism would not improove thers lives. Quite the contrary, to be sure.

Of course it was real communism. As real as it gets. Hopelessness, suffering and opression, thats what communism is all about. And you are right, if someone tries to impose the communism on us again, it can get "destructive", sure it can. Because we are not going to let it happen the second time. Over my dead body.
17 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

They have an opporunity to improove their lives. Even in slums, there is still hope. Contrary to communism, where everyone is stuck in the same miserable situation, with no way to get better. Hell, even to try to get up, to live better, would be a crime against "the people"
17 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

You don't suffer under capitalism. Quite the contrary. You prosper. I know, I have lived under both systems.
Trust me, there is nothing, absolutly nothing worse then cmmunism. The most evil thing in human history.
17 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

Poland suffered under communism long enough, thank you very much. Why wolud we want to re-live a nightmare?
4 Feb 2011
Life / How popular is Radio Maryja in Poland? [163]

While I could not be bothered to acctually listen to Radio Maryja myself, I find it a nice counterbalance for all this PC crap in the media recently. So I am happy that Radio Maryja exists. I wish it all the best.

Besides, it converted my father in law, once hardcore commie, I used to joke he is praying to a Lenin, into a catholic fundie. I can respect RM just for this one feat.
22 Jan 2011
News / Smoking ban in Polish bars and restaurants (AT LAST!) [400]

Olaf: There are no such pubs only for smokers

No sheet? Really? My point is: there should be such. Much better solution then our today's facist ban. Somkers's pubs and non-smokers's pubs. If you go into one, you know what to expect.

Olaf: if you can suggest an alternative that would work similarly but also allowed non-smoking majority of society to frequent bars

So I have stated my alternative. Every one should choose what bar he wants to visit. What's wrong with that? Are you afraid that people will not know what is good for them? That their choices will be a wrong ones? So you have to do it for them? I, for one, prefere to do my own choices and then face the consequences. It may be not the most wise choice, but my own.

Sure, smoking is a minor matter. But then, you have freedom, or you don't have it. One day, you may say ;-)
First they came for the smokers and I did not speak up because I was not a smoker. (...) And when they have came for me, there was no one left to speak up.
20 Jan 2011
News / Smoking ban in Polish bars and restaurants (AT LAST!) [400]

It's like for example putting some amount of Cl disinfecting agent to tap water.

Maybe I am dense, but I don't see how it relates to mine proposition? You know: if bars, pubs and such were obliged to put out a visible signs like: "Smokers come here" or "Smoking forbiden", everyone would be free to choose what establishment to visit. Are you worried about smoker's health or what?

democracy. I'm not judging if it's good or bad (totally different topic) but here it works as usual: the majority dictates the minority...

Fair enough. Can we ban homosexuality now? I mean, they are a minoroty and are harmull to propagation of a human spieces, so can the stright majority ban that harmfull behaviour? Disinfecting agent anyone?
18 Jan 2011
News / Smoking ban in Polish bars and restaurants (AT LAST!) [400]

Well I, for one, consider all these risks and harms caused by somking to be blown out of proportion.
Anyway, if bars, pubs and such were obliged to put out a visible signs like: "Smokers come here" or "Smoking forbiden", everyone would be free to choose what establishment to visit. So if non-smokers really constitute a majority, non-smoking pubs would prosper, and the "harmul" ones would go out of business. Right?
18 Jan 2011
News / Smoking ban in Polish bars and restaurants (AT LAST!) [400]

I'll be damned, there actually is a subject I fully agree with Harry! I'll be damned.
And while I have given up smoking years ago, I still think that this ban borders on fascism.
4 Jan 2011
Love / I was raised in Poland. My Family hates my wife because she's American ... [69]

Lukasz, it sound really, really strange. I don't think it has that much to do with being a goral, rather your parents are the weird ones. Just give it a time, they'll get over it.

I am from similar background (Beskidy) and while my wife is Polish, before we started to go out togather, she was never near the mountains. And I have never got any bad comment from my people. It was rather her father, who hated me. As I think of it, maybe it was because I was always considered a "black sheep"... No one was expecting anything good from me.

As I said, give it a time. And be firm (I mean "stanowczy"). Let your parents know that it is offensive to you.
31 Dec 2010
UK, Ireland / Do Poles in the UK pretend to be uppity because they have an inferiority complex? [60]

From my experience, Poles living abroad are indeed full of anger and complexes. There are some exceptions, obiviously, like with everything else, but generally speaking no Pole is going to work and live outside Poland because he likes it. Most of these people have failed to make a decent living here in PL, for one reason or another, so they are somewhat butthurt and theirs egos are fragile.
28 Dec 2010
News / Can Russia be a good partner for Poland? [42]

Hell no!
Russia is a good partner for no one.
I have tried to make buisness with Russians once. The biggest setback in my entire life. Hell, if I had figured out what they are up to a one day latter, I'd be begging on the streets today. Or maybe rather washing dishes in UK ;-)

Death to the Russia!
14 Dec 2010
History / Effects of Living under Communism in Poland [58]

Effects of living under commies? I cannot say for other Poles but as for me, it have made me very suspicious about any ideology. Especially if it pushed into my face.

Every time a media, authorities, government or whoever is trying to convince me of something, I feel that I should act just opposite. Even if it is something that on the surface seems reasonable, like “tolerance is good”, I feel the urge to do something to spite them. They speak to me from TV so they are enemies, no way around it.

Well, what I just just have written is kind of hyperbole, but you get the general feeling. The intense dislike of anything that I feel is being pushed at me.
8 Dec 2010
News / Medvedev in Poland [28]

One cannot trust a Russian. Cheats and crooks, all of them.
Just pretend you get lost and try to ask a Russian about directions. Ask three of them, in a row. You'll get three separate, convoluted routes, each will lead you in quite different a place, none of it even close to a site where you wanted to go.

One cannot trust a Russian. They'll cheat you with a friendly smile.
7 Dec 2010
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

I don't see why anyone could have any problem with this guy.
It is not as if he was put into an office thanks to some moronic PC rule, demanding some fixed % quota of minority to be placed there.

No, he was voted by adult people who presumly knew what they have been doing. I am OK with that. Though I admit, at first it did sound weird.
23 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

Or maybe I am the deluded one. I don't think so but who knows ...? ;-)

@Jonni: politicians "the list would be long"

And disgusting one, to be sure.

I do admit, I am not cut to be a politician. It is an art of compromise, they say. As such, it is not for me. Some things are right, some are wrong in my book. Like gays or pedophiles. There can be no compromise with evil.
23 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

@Jonni "people who don't say things like"

You know, these are the deluded ones. Or the ones who are afraid to be called a bad names. I am showing the latter, by my own example, that it is nothing to be ashamed of, to be called like that. Quite the contrary.

Frankly, I was expecting you'll name some politicians. And you did not. Well done.
23 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

@Jonni "so what you are doing"

First and foremost, I am not being tolerant. With pride. When being called homophobe, bigot, racist or whatever, I just laugh out loud at such a miserable tactics. That is the start, as I see it. Not to let ourselvs to be forced into defence because some moron calls you by stupid PC buzzword.
23 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

@Jonni "gay geting rights and continuing to get more"

That is a sad truth. The failing of modern, western society. But it is not too late to reverse the trend. We must do it, if we are going to survive. If the western civilisation it going to survive we shoud stop being tolerant towards people who do not deserve it.