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Poles don't have a heart for math... says The New York Times [84]
saying that Poles don't like maths... because of their tragic history made me laugh loudly!
Funny as this statement may be it all makes perfect sense to your average Yank, like Polish concentration camp, oh wait it’s the same paper, now I get it.
However twisted the logic may seem to you it all makes perfect sense to them; here’s a perfect example:
The Nazis DID wipe out a large portion of the Polish intelligentsia, no doubt about it. Of course the Russians (not just the communists but also the tsarists)
. As you can deduce for yourself it’s all due to the unfortunate historical events that led to this, there are only stupid people left in Poland now. Besides they have to justify all those dumb Polack jokes somehow, every school chilled in America knows it’s all true and It all starts at an early age, with the story of George Washington and the Cherry Tree, he said he would never tell a lie and ever since no one in America did, then of course we have honest Abe etc. Conditioning starts at very early age, propaganda only exists in a faraway places usually spotted by criticism or what’s viewed as negative depiction of anything American. American media is the only trustworthy source of news and information seen at the checkout line at any supermarket in the form of tabloid dealing with celebrities for the latest gossip cannot be missed and it’s far more important than the news from far away exotic places no one never even heard of. Let’s face it it’s the only place on earth where no one ever lies and after insulting you they just smile and say;
Seems to be very positive from my point of view too.
Who are you kidding?