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Posts by Lodz_The_Boat  

Joined: 7 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2014
Threads: Total: 32 / In This Archive: 14
Posts: Total: 1522 / In This Archive: 755
From: Lodz
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: chatting

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9 Dec 2010
Love / What are the most popular ethnicities for Polish women [90]

Then some Polish men must come to the rescue =D ... Turkish women dont look bad.

I think the reason is not exactly as you have put (by saying that I am not discounting all your logic) ... but the fact that their women are alot more guarded and also they dont move alot. They dont travel as much as the men, I didnt see a Turkish women but I've seen Turkish men in my country.

When they move, I am sure they will find love outside.

Plus children should be free to choose their path, and those who take religion in a stubborn way will never find joy - whether polish or turk.
9 Dec 2010
Love / What are the most popular ethnicities for Polish women [90]


They have good temples and places in South Korea. I didnt really venture too much, I had been mostly busy with my girl =D... but yeah, there is Jeju Island I heard is very nice, you might like to visit.

begging to be of service, how can women refuse?

Are you sure? ... I didnt see anyone go that desperate.

Guess what ... being jealous doesnt earn you any objectives ... infact it only burns your self confidence more.

If people like other people, its nothing wrong ... infact it adds to the diversity. Its something special which doesnt work with everybody too. Not everyone can have such relationships as it takes alot more cost and effort initially to strike gold (union - marriage ...). After that its a special and different journey.
9 Dec 2010
Love / What are the most popular ethnicities for Polish women [90]

They prefer a foreigner because it is easier to dump him.

I think she didnt mean that as you are elaborating it. Why do you always have to think from the lowest abyss of morality and affection?

What she would probably meant was dumping a person who turned out to be a monster. That is she has the capability to save her life. A monster can be found even in the family of Christ or the most august of human kind in the world. In any nation, in any dynasty.

I dunno about vetalas curiosity on tanned, but my curiosity and attraction towards the East Asian look was substantial. And its normal ... for people who have a lively heart to think out of the box.

The next reason is that everybody loves challenges

I must tell you that everyday is a new and beautiful experience, a completely strong set of new discoveries. Not a single day goes by as "usual"... and the romance shared is something no usual couple can share. I don't call other couples "boring" but I know I have an interesting life, and that makes so much difference.

The honesty, the assurance to depend on someone ... to be able to rely ... to be loved, to know that she (or he for girls) see you are someone more special, is extraordinary.

There is always the wish to do something special for her ... always a surprise waits... and its all good.

Its always as though living with a special book of love ... and having something more in life than the random person in your town.
9 Dec 2010
Love / What are the most popular ethnicities for Polish women [90]

King Polkagamon = Southern.

Nice observation ...

Anyways ...

Polish women are usually seen with Polish men, because Polish men dominate Poland =D.

Polish women are also seen with men from USA, UK, France, Egypt (you can call it RELATIVELY higher ... I mean, when it comes to them going for foreign men), Indian (again, relatively at par with Egyptian choices ... they tend to prefer them), Bangladesh, Latin (not many, or I dont know of many), Spanish...

But I dont think Italians and turks are on the list. I knew a girl and heard she went Greece with her Greek boyfriend. So this can be one case.

Otherwise I agree that there are many kinds of Polish women. Some are just trying to go crazy with their freedom, other ones are very interested about a secure marriage and settled life - they prefer guyz who make them feel special and guyz from India or Egypt or Bangladesh do that very well.

There are Polish women who only would prefer Polish men, because they dont like any changes in their life which is fair in their perspectives.

No union is lasting or perfect or lovable if the love is skin deep or based on sexuality of the couple. There needs to be a soulful bond, and understanding and affection which cements commitment beyond language-religion or race, because at the end those three visible aspects really doesnt make any difference to our lives - sheer love does. Some Polish women try their best to get that love, and I will call them smart.

Some women also go for money (like any where else) and these women can go for any men of any age and looks ... it doesnt matter.

So diverse women, diverse choices ... but not such a diverse land called Poland. Hey maybe thats why the more exotic foreigners never end up single (specially if their behaviors are innocent and they try tell describe their affection). This is ofcourse my hypothesis.

There are perverts and drunkards who come from all places, they get the loose ones (my perspective) just like they would get them anywhere in the world.

Clear?... Hope so ... LOL.
6 Dec 2010
Love / Polish girls fall for Indian guys ? [217]

He is looking for her somewhere in Europe. Some Poles wish to have their wives in their countries. There is nothing wrong with New Delhi, but New Delhi was not in the list of the countries he mentioned.
6 Dec 2010
Love / Polish girls fall for Indian guys ? [217]

so thats whey im here in krakow

So thats why is Krakow? This is odd ...

This thread by the way is full of fakes as well as a few highly insecure racist men and also perhaps a couple of unfortunate (another adjective: Miserable) women.

Insecure, blind, obsessed with their incapability and the thirst to blame someone make people violent and unhealthy. Such was evident in many previous pages. Then there came some level headed discussion too, but those who are level headed do not like trash for long.

Anyways ... in your particular case, I think Warsaw was a better choice. But if you like Indian women so much, there cannot be a better place than UK can there?
5 Dec 2010
Law / The Stock Exchange - Poland (GPW ... or WSE). Do you invest? [34]

Hello there,

So do any of you invest in the Warsaw Stock Exchange? If you do, what is your portfolio? Would you like to discuss opportunities in the market?

I think the WSE is not doing poorly, and there are very good chances to make good money in here.

My friend who studied with me in University of Lodz had been doing excellent! With some guidance from him, I was able to do good in this and well, one thing I need to say is that if your portfolio is good your money sure grows!

Before I open this topic, I would like to begin with my own suggestion: Keep in touch with other people who are trading, and always maintain a fairly large portfolio (minimum 5).

Here it is in English: gpw.pl/root_en

So... lets start the discussion?

Mod: Would love if you made it a sticky. I think the topic is really relevant.
28 Nov 2010
Love / Polish girls fall for Indian guys ? [217]

he is your dream prince


Thats a nightmare prince.

You are walking at a path which will lead you to a place where no good man would want to be. But its what you have chosen for yourself. You will see that almost no one tries to advice anything good to southern. But something similar will happen to you in a few months.

Southern infact is a very helpful too. Think about it. When he gets close to someone or praises that person ... that person should start wondering whats wrong in him that a person like southern is praising him. So southern is a good measuring tool. AND HE LIKES YOU!
27 Nov 2010
Work / Information about jobs for Indian students in Poland [286]

Your India is great then Poland

Dont worry we are all people ... we dont need to be greater than each other to be better human beings. Think about it that way =)

a statement which reeks of stupidity

True, it is not an intellectual statement.

But this is not a place for the intellectuals always. We have had statements which are more agressive (regardless the side that those statement took).

This statement in its silliness makes me imagine a child who wanted to play with a group of kids. Some children in that group pushed that child away aggressively and he fell down and hurt his knee. Crying and wiping his little eyes he said "I wont play with you ... never play with you!".

Its either a hyper-emotional statement from this person, or this person is lost. In either ways his statement is neither going to be affective against the new prospective/interested individual, nor affective against the insecure weak-hearted person who pushed him with the arms of racism.

We all must better be stronger within to conquer darkness and bring light!
27 Nov 2010
Love / What do Asian boys think about Polish girls? :) (and vice versa) [150]

based on socio - economic background

Shallow I must say ... by he way, the socio economic background of the colored is getting better in USA ... and most Americans consider themselves mixed at some point.

World is changing ... learn to live with it. And I feel Poles dont really mix as much as western European women do. They mix more probably because more people move to those places. We just mix sometimes, and the racists just want to dominate us and our women like they tried several times in the past ... and killed us aswell for our "so called inferiority" to them. Dont teach us what is superiority and inferiority ...

If you couldn't learn to be human ... don't expect others to rot the way you did.

26 Nov 2010
Life / Babies/Children/Child - of Poland or related to Poland in any way [6]

Hej ... =) is there anything more lovely for a father or a mother then holding their own baby right in their hands? ... I dont think anything would compare it.

Children, no matter of what race or ethnicity or color or gender ... are simply adorable! Innocence reflects from their eyes with such a beautiful spark!

Do you have a child and have anything to do with Poland? You can be Polish, or have a Polish spouse, or have someone in your family who was a Pole! ... Or you are a Polish expatriate? Or maybe you trace yourself to Poland? Or maybe are you are a native of somewhere else but now staying in Poland??? ...

If any of the above question/statement is true for you, and you have a baby/child or children ... can you share the pic or slide show or video or even a sketch of that adorable being to fill blessings in this holiday season in PF? =)

Any pic, sketch, video or even your description of the baby (with detail). The baby can be yourse of it can even be a baby you know and adore! It can be a friend's or a family member's baby too =) ... share so that we can see and be blessed and charmed =).

26 Nov 2010
History / The Greatest King of Poland? [117]

generation still goes to church in masses.

By the way, even I am religious and believe in God (although I am not Catholic anymore like my parents). Still I do not support extreme and misdirected religious sentiments which are often fed to the masses by the Churches around the world, not only Poland.

I never accepted the role of the Pope since I studied the Bible and the history behind it. But ofcourse, nothing against those who enjoy his position (like my own mom and sisters). However, he really doesn't have anything beyond the Roman's tool for political leverage through religion.

Humanity is a great religion, and any religion in favor of humanity is my religion =).
26 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Getting a VISA to USA by a Polish person nowadays [339]


Wonder if it is... by the way:

Illegal immigrants are hard working people that are also consumers and tax payers of America. Even though they do send some money out of the country, they are still able to pump billions into it.

The billions in taxes they pay and don't collect stays in the SS Administration to help pay for retirement checks, medicare and a slew of other benefits.

Illegal Hispanics are part of the Hispanic Purchasing Power that's expected to reach $1TRILLION.

Illegal immigrants' value to economy? $1.8 trillion

If the 8.1 million undocumented immigrants who cut lawns, bus tables and perform other jobs disappeared overnight, the nation's economy would lose nearly $1.8 trillion in annual spending.

Texas, the second-hardest-hit state after California, would lose 1.2 million undocumented workers and $220.7 billion in expenditures.

Hispanic entrepreneurship, buying power on the rise

(CNN) -- If you don't think Hispanics are a major force in the American marketplace, think again.

Hispanic business ownership is growing three times as fast as the national average and Hispanic purchasing power is expected to reach more than $1 trillion by 2011, according to the Census Bureau and other studies.


1. They are the backbone of our labor workforce. Many companies, especially farms have come to rely on them. We are already in a "Farm Labor Crisis" because of the new immigration laws, and Citizens not wanting the jobs they are leaving behind. Without workers, more and more farms are either shutting down, or moving to Mexico where the workers are without immigration issues.

U.S. Farm Labor Crisis.

U.S. farmers go where workers are: Mexico

2. They are tax payers and consumers of America. They pay BILLIONS in taxes every year, and make BILLIONS in purchases every year to! They buy houses, cars, food, cloths, music, electronics and the list goes on and on. They don't claim taxes, and all that stays in the US system. Those taxes help Social Security and Medicare stay around, they help legal Citizens get a retirement check every month, and taxes they pay in rent also helps local schools and maintenance of our roads. Most pay more taxes then the little bit of services they use and are eligible for.

Illegal Immigrants pay BILLIONS in taxes

Report Says Illegals Contribute

I am not saying that these immigrants shouldnt be legalized. Infact they must be... because in return of their services, they never get the proper health benefits etc as any other citizen would get.

25 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Getting a VISA to USA by a Polish person nowadays [339]

obatin a tourist visa

These are unfortunate walls created by mistrust and disrespect.

We treat other immigrants or visitors or tourists similarly. There was an Algerian guy who once posted here a couple of years ago. He had a Polish wife and daughter, and still he was denied Visa to enter Poland twice to meet his in laws on a special occasion! I think that post should be in PF archives.

Hopefully the world will come to terms that unity and respect is the way forward.
25 Nov 2010
Life / What on earth is the fascination of Indians, Pakistanis and Nepalese with Poland? [112]

Is Poland really that valuable for people from these countries?

I've been here since the beginning of the days of PF ... I've seen it all. Here are some clues:

i. Most of these "I want a Polish bride..." etc are made by southern or other like-minded, even some of our more tolerant members ... for the sake of having fun! Simply ... actually 80% of those posts are by them.

ii. These posts are of many kinds ... Some having wacky English for the sake of comedy. Some written in a way so that hatred can be arisen in your heart for the poster and his kind. Some written in a way that makes it look intellectually business like, so that a label can be drawn for them and the typical Polish girl can be imagined as a "slut".

iii. Others are by real ones. Those guy post here probably because "This is Polish Forums". Here they cant ask for a Fin or French or Japanese or American. So they want to try Polish. Diversify, see outside the box. Try another nationality for their life ... a possibility they can explore.

iv. A section of the real ones just write and never come back They write for the sake of writing. It seems that its a free relationship thread, which is not a bad place to write a relationship request ... who knows, they might be in luck to find a girl from the net!


This is basically the way it is. Just see the posts and you will know. Its a Polish forum, and thus its all about Poland. Nothing special, we have all kinds of women, no one is perfect.
24 Nov 2010
Love / Sexual diseases! Please tell me how I go about getting tested in Poland? [103]

So answer us then.

I have answered ... but as I suggested ... ur senses, are not updated. It will take time ... start with little things ... go make a nice garden ... maybe next spring you can start? ...

I have answered everything to its full. You can also try reading it a few times ... maybe slowly capability will increase ...
24 Nov 2010
Love / Sexual diseases! Please tell me how I go about getting tested in Poland? [103]

This makes absolutely no sense at all

Oh it will never make any sense to you. Many sensible things have failed to make sense to many people, resulting in many a mess in the history of mankind. Thankfully you are relatively powerless to make any difference anyway.

What "relationship' do you suggest exists between incompatibility and capability?

You said about virgins beings sexually incompatible ... and thus I replied to that remark. If you still dont have any idea on whats going on ... alas, simply. Do something easier, something which you easily understand ... you can start with assembling alphabet boxes.

How does this relate to the OPs question?

I had made a remark to OP's question earlier. As this thread evolved and spread ... and some remarks were made, thus I added my own remarks. Some remark's were on ur posts. But it seems it is too complicated for poor u! ...
24 Nov 2010
Love / Sexual diseases! Please tell me how I go about getting tested in Poland? [103]

Virginity is not especially a virtue.

You have no idea about it then ... =)

Lets not get into things you have not been able to develop the respect for. It is evident that your attitude is negative about it. About sexual incapability, it is not true ... the capability remains there ... and it is very special for a special person towards a beautiful journey ~.
24 Nov 2010
Love / Sexual diseases! Please tell me how I go about getting tested in Poland? [103]

Making fun of someone who has been able to keep herself or himself for that special someone with whom they will spend the rest of their life with is very immature and baseless thing to do. Fine, you have made it clear (some of you) that this is not your choice! ... The those who choose it are not to be made fun of by anyone.

Have some respect to others who try and maintain values. There is certainly nothing wrong in it ... and there are women and men in Poland, in good numbers, who have that kind of a heart and hope, plus they look as Charming and beautiful as the rising sun after a dark winter night or a starry night on a clear night sky!

As for the topic starter, I hope we got his answer by now ...
24 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

Marching down the street chanting racist slogans is not to most people's taste - why single out homosexuals?

I never singled them out ... I've always been against racists of all forms ....
23 Nov 2010
Love / Sexual diseases! Please tell me how I go about getting tested in Poland? [103]

Advising monogomy has NOTHING to do with preventing the infection of sexual diseases.

Go get some education ...

public toilets? Hotel bedsheets?

Good hotels ... hygiene. Its possible.

by not having sex

Sex is a fundamental human right ... but there are the "right" way of doing things ...

But many people are not supposed to understand .. maybe you are one of em'. Therefore the disease is here to stay.