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Posts by Seanus  

Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 4
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From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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28 Apr 2010
History / The Polish Blame Culture! [330]

Sok, this is your third 'peculiarity', referring to me as a lefty. I'm no such thing. I can sympathise with some of that thinking but it doesn't make me that.

Many were crucial for the development of our country and the world, Sok. Just type Scottish inventions into Wiki and you'll see. Haven't you learned that people are ungrateful? Geez, some Poles are amongst the most ungrateful people I have met so it works both ways.

When you stop coming to expect things from others and saying thank you, you might win more respect.

Many of your people seem to like Britain enough to go there! Strange that ;)
28 Apr 2010
History / The Polish Blame Culture! [330]

None, Sok, exactly! Britain helped to win the war for the Allies, isn't that enough?

Well, you should have gone to the Patent Office in Munich. Many of the best inventions of modern times are Scottish and have I heard any thanks for that? Not really!

Common Brits helped out and they are the ones that matter, given that there were around 58 million of them. The government is but a corrupt entity.
28 Apr 2010
News / Changing Face in Poland: Skinnhead Puts on a Skullcap [90]

The UN should take a stand that they feel broadly reflects the international community. For example, against breaches of their own Genocide Convention. They did this but in a very inefficient way.

Russia perceived, rightly or wrongly, that Chechnya was their territory and pursued it. The International Court of Justice or other such organ could have gotten involved. It was all part of a broader war on terror and America can say nothing as they spearheaded/pioneered it.

People far beyond the UN made the decision to enter Iraq and they are not to be messed with. Hans Blix and Scott Ritter were not even consulted properly as hawks in the US Administration have already made up their mind. The UN is a farce in this way, putting people on the payroll, only to ignore them down the line.

Conflict is in the interests of certain players and that's why they will do nothing against the Chinese. To act now would be to imply that there were new findings on the status of Tibet but the conflict is very old. What rationale could they have?

My point is that they have to act in some cases they deem to be appropriate.

I didn't say Rupert was a Jew but he is close to the Jewish fraternity. Poverty and misery? You've got the wrong person there, I'm afraid.
28 Apr 2010
History / The Polish Blame Culture! [330]

Harry makes a super point in the last part of his post. They were given a lot by the UK out of generosity. Jobs, homes and a lot of support. Nobody can deny this as it is just a fact! Ask Poles from that era if you trust them to be truthful.
28 Apr 2010
History / The Polish Blame Culture! [330]

Sth similar but the info I'm thinking about isn't written there.
28 Apr 2010
History / The Polish Blame Culture! [330]

Look, are you familiar with what happened just 30 miles out of Berlin in April 1945? I'm curious, do you know?
28 Apr 2010
News / Changing Face in Poland: Skinnhead Puts on a Skullcap [90]

How blind you are, MC. The UN has to be seen to be taking a stand. For evidence of that, look at Srebrenica in July 1995. Morrignon promised their safety but stepped aside when the Serbs wanted in. Rumour has it that Mladic had great cigars ;) ;) They have allowed atrocities in Kosovo against Serbs. Organs, massacres etc. The Security Council issues Resolutions which are not even enforced most of the time against Israel. Israel views them with impunity and has broken them all too often without penalty. Try to understand the game, MC. A lot of media is controlled by Jews, the vast majority actually. Rupert Murdoch and Robert Maxwell had very close ties with Israel.

Wow, if you are going to quote me then please pay attention to my words. Do you see the difference between economic and economical? There is one. I said historic and not historical, true? check this out

There is a readily identifiable group known as the Palestinians. Blame the map makers for not seeing Palestine on a map.
28 Apr 2010
History / The Polish Blame Culture! [330]

What obligation did Britain have to save Poland? Are you forced to speak German now? Don't you know your national anthem? Why not blame Australia? Try to call up a speech given by Michael Gilbert in Kraków. He attempts to set the story straight.

Without a blink, Sok? You don't know that at all. Don't you see that Jews were pulling the strings even then? Communism was seen as a lighter force than Fascism but one which, Churchill and Roosevelt felt, could be contained. It didn't pose as direct and immediate a threat as Hitler.

We paid you our respects, Sok. Your pilots command the utmost respect but please remember that they were using British aircraft.
28 Apr 2010
News / Changing Face in Poland: Skinnhead Puts on a Skullcap [90]

MC, when you have been crushed and trampled and diplomacy clearly doesn't work, you'd resort to that too. Those peace talks are a slap in the face and enrage even me. I understand their call to arms completely. My people and, indeed, most people would do the same faced with limited options. I just feel bad that innocent Jews have to suffer but that's the way it goes.

Balfour sold it and he had no right to do so. The UN is the NWO puppet and had no right to pass it off. Why is it called occupied territory, please tell me? Why is even America angry now about what Netanyahu is proposing?

The Bible is a historic book, you buffoon. Oh, so it's all very well to invoke a claim based on ancestral ties but then ignore the whole significance of the Bible? The Old Testament is followed by the Jews, you clown.

Yes, some Rabbis can see what Likud are doing. Kadima are just as bad.

I don't defend what Britain did. Balfour is a Scottish name, Blair and Brown are Scottish too. These fools have caused a lot of trouble. God Bless, Salmond and Galloway are also Scottish and see the lunacy that exists.

Saddam was hardly making the best use of his oil but it took how long to take him out? He was left for future better timing to remove him.
28 Apr 2010
News / Changing Face in Poland: Skinnhead Puts on a Skullcap [90]

I'm talking about basic fairness and not beating Palestinians, MC. Why the talk of perfection? I'm talking basic human rights on OCCUPIED TERRITORY. Are you aware of the Israelites behaviour in the Bible? Does Moses ring a bell? Let me guess, you stand by Operation Cast Lead? Stop trying to trip me up, lad, I've already told you that I support the campaigns of the rabbis. Ahmedinejad knows what they are about but he hates Zionists.
28 Apr 2010
News / Changing Face in Poland: Skinnhead Puts on a Skullcap [90]

Who are you to tell me what I'm supposed to like and not like? I'm very aware of what Zionism is and the drive to lure Jews back.

Zionists worked with the neocons and worked in a shadow government behind the scenes. Do you deny this?
28 Apr 2010
News / Changing Face in Poland: Skinnhead Puts on a Skullcap [90]

He's a joke! I'm not saying that they are all Zionists in the cabals but there are plenty. The IDF is borderline neo-Nazi, I have studied them closely. Robert Fisk covers them well.
27 Apr 2010
News / Changing Face in Poland: Skinnhead Puts on a Skullcap [90]

Miguel, don't buy the propaganda. I have lived here for over half a decade and I have rarely encountered anti-Semitism. It's only when certain people stir it up. Let's face it, most nations have mixed feelings about Jews. I have a lot of respect for some Jewish people and some rabbis but Zionists are the demons of the Earth.
27 Apr 2010
History / The Polish Blame Culture! [330]

Interested in destroying Poland? Then they got their comeuppance when the Nazis steamrolled in and set up their concentration camps. They let poor, innocent people die by not releasing their vast wads of cash to do something. Well, let your borders go and there is only one result.

America was fairly neutral on Poland. What reasons did they have to be against Poland?

I told you, from America. There were plenty with the desire to plunge Poland into national debt, just to take care of their security. Still, it would have been delaying the inevitable as Germany could not be contained with their pace.

We still only really had Hurricanes and Spitfires and I don't think your numbers are accurate. However, I have no source at hand with which to dispute it. It just wasn't mentioned in any documentaries I watched.
27 Apr 2010
History / The Polish Blame Culture! [330]

Fortify Poland's borders to the hilt and you could have saved many Jewish lives. Then again, those bankers care little for their kin and more for money so you have a point. We can't be naive in this day and age. America is famous for financing both sides (e.g Iran-Iraq War) so it could have lent you that capital. Yes, there were stories of Prescott Bush funding the Nazis but America was still against the Nazis at the end of the day. What last resort measures? Military machinery and muscle for a lifetime's supply of cabbage and vodka ;) ;) ;)

We had the superior radar facilities, extending their capabilities and baffling the Germans. Superior numbers? That's news to me. We capitalised on Goering's blunder of bunching their planes together, making them an easy target from above. We also got a lucky break when they were delayed by an hour, giving us enough time to form and get the confidence up (battle of 15th of Sep 1940, I think).

As for stockpiles, who knows what really goes on at Fort Detrick, Maryland? ;) ;)
27 Apr 2010
History / The Polish Blame Culture! [330]

Did they not have a major run-in with the Czechs in 1938? It would have split the then Czechoslovakia as Slovakia had many Nazis in their ranks. Also, the Czech Republic was still small fry compared to the Nazi war machine. They would've been trampled on and crushed in an instant. The fact is that it would've taken nothing short of a miracle to get the French onboard and active. Czech sovereignty was not enough of a concern for them.
27 Apr 2010
History / The Polish Blame Culture! [330]

For sure, which is all the more reason to be aware of the impending threat and pull loans from all available sources. Still, the problem was that those super rich institutions that could have supplied the capital had a vested interest in not supplying it as they profit from war. Intergovernmental loans were the only realistic way but it is mere conjecture as to whether they would have been provided to the tune of what Poland needed.
27 Apr 2010
Love / Are Polish men romantic and caring or... "plain"? [85]

JustysiaS, LOL. You Polonophobe, you! ;) ;) ;)

Wulkan, women tend to be a bit better when it comes to languages and, judging by the Polish men I saw in Scotland, that would likely ring true.

I hate those gum chewing, monkey grinning twats in nightclubs that laugh like a choked elephant. Neanderthals, come and meet your long-lost brothers :)
27 Apr 2010
History / The Polish Blame Culture! [330]

Sorry, Stalin famously said. Hmm...a stressful morning, time to chillout now :)

What was written in the official memoirs of Churchill and Roosevelt on this point? Also, did Tehran and Yalta provide sound justifications? What was the Polish reaction, didn't they fight their corner?
26 Apr 2010
News / 2010 Polish Presidential Election [39]

The mohair beret brigade will have to be hushed up. He would have to spell out his manifesto as we know of him through PiS and he didn't do anything of note. Lech Wałęsa was also the great hope but he ran into barriers too when he was top dog.
26 Apr 2010
News / 2010 Polish Presidential Election [39]

Komorowski should do more than pip him to the post but Sikorski is the one with the most oomph about him. However, I feel that he is a globalist and that we should be careful of him.

JK may be a homophobe and a little evil but he won't put Poland in harm's way.