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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 980 / In This Archive: 576
Posts: Total: 12275 / In This Archive: 6848
From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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8 Sep 2012
Food / Sauekraut and Peas served at Wigilia [15]

Are you on a nostalgia binge or what -- talking about Eater and Wigilia when summer isn't even over? Very strange if you ask me!!!
8 Sep 2012
News / Amber Gold and other Poland's suspicious institutions [139]

Anybody recall Lech Grobelny and his BKO (Bezpieczna Kasa Oszczędności). The savigns book was exactly like PKO with an eagle on the cover. He bamboozled more than 10,000 gullible Poles before disappearing with the loot. Then there was Bagsik and Gąsiorowski. The latter fled to Israel with the loot. Latedr he got caught at Zürich airport, if I recall.
8 Sep 2012
News / Józef Szaniawski, - Tragic death of patriot from Poland [12]

Samobójstwo po polsku: sekcja zwłok wykazała trzy strzały w potylicę, w tym pierwszy śmiertelny.
Suicide Polish style: the autopsy showed three shots to the back of the head, the first of which was fatal.
8 Sep 2012
News / Who controls Gazeta Wyborcza?? [216]

You should have said: A large segment of Polish society, to which you've got no access due to your conspicuous foreignness. They'll never tell you lots of different things. However, here's a hint that may help. Ask Poles: 'Is it true that GW is dominated by people of Belarusian ancestry?' - and see what they say. That's all the 'evidence' you'll need.
8 Sep 2012
News / Józef Szaniawski, - Tragic death of patriot from Poland [12]

Jóżef Szaniawski, the PRL's last politcial prisoner, and lawyer of Col. Kukliński, died in a mountain-climbing accident in the Tatras earlier this week. Szanaiwski had negotiated the annulment of Jabberwocky's death sentence on Kukliński and his return to Poland. Some are wondering whether Szaniawski didn't share the fate of Kukliński's two sons, both of whom died in mysterious cirucmstances.
8 Sep 2012
News / Who controls Gazeta Wyborcza?? [216]

There are in-jokes which an outsider will not get and in-knowledge which most Poles in Poladn know but will not readily share with an expat. And your accent in Polish is a dead give-away that you are not Polish. All my Polish relatives and friends know exactly what I do about the subject at hand. I can pass for a born-in-Poland Pole although I am US-born, raised and educated.
8 Sep 2012
News / Who controls Gazeta Wyborcza?? [216]

One needs Polish citizenship to vote in Poland. Polishness is not a scrap of paper, you carry it in your heart (here's your cue to share shed a tear!)
8 Sep 2012
News / Amber Gold and other Poland's suspicious institutions [139]

Gazeta Wyborcza on Saturday reported that the number of clients trying to reover their money from Amber Gold scam had climbed to 5,695. They had lost a total of 290 million złotys but that sum was likely to rise to 300 million next week, the paper said.
8 Sep 2012
News / 1.3% birth rate = Poland's slow death [221]

with a lazy Tyskie-swilling woman-beater (or the female equivalent, for that matter).

Rather than proliferating and even glamoursing violent imagery, Hollywood, celebs and the cultural establishment, families, public institutions and society as a whole should discredit and discourage family break-up, whilst encouraging or even pressuring such low-lifes to clean up their act. Too many shrug this off and say 'it's only entertainment'; or 'it's not my problem'.
8 Sep 2012
News / Who controls Gazeta Wyborcza?? [216]

The above answer will retain its validity even when you write: 'For the 3,453rd time...where is the evidence?.'[/quote]
8 Sep 2012
UK, Ireland / Poles becoming British subjects [39]

Gazeta Wyborcza on Saturday reported that a growing number of Polish migrants were striving for British citizenship. Over the past 2 decades several hundred Poles a year became British subjects, but in 2010 that number trebled to 1,419 and in 2011 climbed to 1,863. Some fear the EU may collapse because of the crisis or that the UK will again limit working rights for foreigners, GW said.
8 Sep 2012
News / Who controls Gazeta Wyborcza?? [216]

The Israeli graffiti (liek all graffiti) is ugly but mild in comparsion with what Christians face in Saudi Arabia. Churches are banned, holding a Christian prayer service in the privacy of one's home is against the law and even wearing a cross in public can get you into trouble. India is also no picnic for Chrsitians, and the Hindus are especially intolerant and persecuting.
8 Sep 2012
News / Who controls Gazeta Wyborcza?? [216]

If you're that interested or obsessed, check out Wikipedia. For first-hand soruces visit the GW newsroom. Google their address, but I'm sure you already know it. Such a forceful spokesman, apologist and advocate must be on their payroll. I'm not going to do your homework for you.*

The above answer will retain its validity even when you write: 'For the 3,453rd time...where is the evidence?.'
8 Sep 2012
USA, Canada / Who is better informed, the expat or the Polonia crowd? [144]

Are you saying that Hollywood is promoting the role model of a decent, upright, honest, truthful and altruistic human being who avoids materialistic and hedonistic excesses in a world where most people go to bed hungry. And that it effectively puts into practice the saying of the great 19th-century humanitarian, Albert Schweitzer who said: 'Remember, you are not alone in this world -- your brother is here too!'
7 Sep 2012
Life / Political correctness in Poland [210]

I know a menorah is set up outside the Palace of Culture in Warsaw for Hannukah. That was originated by the late Lech Kacyzński when he was mayor. Fortunately in Poland there is no ban on Christmas displays. And no-one is trying to force something as weird as 'sezonowe podrzowienia' (season's greetings) down people's throats. I reckon the ACLU loonies haven't made it over to Poland yet.
7 Sep 2012
USA, Canada / Who is better informed, the expat or the Polonia crowd? [144]

Tusk and his scam artist mates, corrupt officials, crooked buisnessmen, gangster pals and other shady types will not let Poland become a skansen. Have the Balcerowiczes and Rostowskis sell off what little there is left of Poland's national assets, line their pockets and turn the country into one giant sh*thole... Throw in the dealers and their pothead customers, the TIR-ówki, and some foreign aid in the person of UK stag partiers, and you get the picture of what lies ahead. Let's do it the Tusk way -- sweep everything under the carpet and blame PiS for every shortcoming.
7 Sep 2012
News / Who controls Gazeta Wyborcza?? [216]

What does religion or nationaltiy have to do with someone's area of professional focus? Since when can a Lutheran not follow the football scene, or a Welshman not be able to observe Chinese events or a Turk not be the head of the Slavonic Language Faculty at Ankara University? You hitting the strong sutff again?
7 Sep 2012
News / Who controls Gazeta Wyborcza?? [216]

The only source is common knoweldge and long-standing observation of the Polish scene. Have you ever been to Costa Rica? How do you know it's there? Maybe Wikipedia is lying.
7 Sep 2012
News / Who controls Gazeta Wyborcza?? [216]

Adam Michnik, who controls Poland’s’ most influential daily newspaper, is in good company. His American counterparts include:
Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner,
Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company,
Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd,
Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios,
Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc,
Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric, and
Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited. they are the seven most influential individuals in the US media and entertainment industry. Collectively they control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.
7 Sep 2012
USA, Canada / Who is better informed, the expat or the Polonia crowd? [144]

Becuase Romney -- hardly the ideal candidate -- to decent. upright Polonians is the only way to prevent Obama's re-election. TA least Romney, depstie his excessive por-corproate leaning, is for traditonal family values, and that's what really counts. It's just like the Polish bozos who didn't like Tusk but voted for him to defeat PiS.

But in Poland decent folk are saying these days: Wracaj Jarek do koryta, lepszy karzeł niż bandyta!
Return to the trough, Jarek, we just can't stand it -- a midget like you's better than a bandit (like Tusk)!
7 Sep 2012
Life / Political correctness in Poland [210]

The new taboos purport to prevent abuse of entire groups, but only selectively. You can much more get away with bashing Catholics than Muslims, blacks or Jews. When three punk-sluts desecrated a Christian church in Moscow with their blasphemous spectacle, that did not cause world-wide outrage, only the consequences suffered became an instant PC cause célèbre. If a similar act of blasphemy had occurred in a mosque... well, you can take it from there.

The PC crowd in a America is trying prevent Christmas displays in schools and even private businesses, even though that is what most people like and want.

PC is just as intolerant as any other system of indoctrination, mind control or censorship -- only the victims of the intolerance have changed.
Thousands (some reports say as many as 160,000) Christians a year are murdered simply because they are Christians, but how much do your hear about that in the media? But if three homosexuals or four Jews were murdered there would be an international country, Why? Because most of today's mainstream media have been PC-brainwashed and actually believe it all or go along in fear of losing their jobs.
7 Sep 2012
USA, Canada / Who is better informed, the expat or the Polonia crowd? [144]

Beacuase Polonians are not bamboozled by glib, slick and slippery tricky Don, a true mafia don in white gloves.
It will be a great day for Poland and Polonia when Donald T. is led away in handcuffs.
7 Sep 2012
News / Czech drug legalisation threatens Poland [111]

It's all a question of attitude, mind over matter and general atmosphere. If the whole drug scene is judged to be risky, harmful, dangerous and one of society's major anarchising factors, then it is something to be avoided and kept at barge-pole length personally and combated and neutralised in a societal dimension. Hair-splitting that this drug is OK, but that isn't, pot doesn't lead to ecstasy, speed and coke... bla-bla-bla is pointless. That constant line of discussion pollutes public space, causing confusion in young minds, and that's what is the most important -- not one's personal desire for self-indulgence.

Too many people somehow cannot rise above 'self', are horse-blinker focused on their own selfish personal pleasures and dislikes and trying to discuss something with the like of them is like attempting a discourse with someone high on grass.

Or that alcohol is worse or better or the same or what have you... They are all toxic substances: nicotine, drugs, alcohol, abused medication (psychotropics, glue, etc,) whose use should be restricted or strictly regimented.
6 Sep 2012
Life / Political correctness in Poland [210]

Some people think we have finally overcome old taboos -- poltied company as a concept is fading into oblivion, foul language abounds and we are now so open about sex and bodily functions (not only prn but one can even watch someone defecate on Big Brother). But actually only some taboos have been toppled while new ones have been erected. That's what PC is all about -- new taboos and whoever violates them can expect ostracism, a news blackout other forms of censorship or even legal action.