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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 980 / In This Archive: 576
Posts: Total: 12275 / In This Archive: 6848
From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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11 Sep 2012
Life / Do Poles drink before noon? [95]

This seems to be a purely Anglo-Saxon concept. In Poland there are times when a nalewka or other strong drink is served at a festive company breakfast or (as the caretaker in 'Dom' used to say) 'Małe piwo przed śniadaniem!"'.The Poels I talked to said they had never heard of fetishising pre-noon abstinence, which does not mean they drink alcohol in the morning on a daily basis. Have any of you encountered this is Poland?
11 Sep 2012
News / Who controls Gazeta Wyborcza?? [216]

You tell me. Use your God-given...,oops, um, er... I mean Mother Goose (or Mother Nature) given power of deduction.
11 Sep 2012
News / Who controls Gazeta Wyborcza?? [216]

Assume whatever you like, it's no skin off of my *****. You can deny, dodge and meander till you're blue in the face, but refuse to acknowledge what most Poles know for a fact: The GW crowd is 'them', not 'us, and it ain't Belarusians that are calling the shots!
11 Sep 2012
News / Who controls Gazeta Wyborcza?? [216]

It would be hard to deny the Polishness of Radio Maryja backers not only in terms of their patrioitc spirit (which the GW gang lack) but also as regards haplogroups. Before the war the grandparents of the GW clique were agents of a foreign power (KPP and the like), after the war they ruled the UB which killed, tortured and persecuted Polish freedom-fighters (AK, NSZ, WiN) and patriots. After 1989 they hijacked GW, which in Wałęsa's view was to have been the organ of Soldiarity and the entire anti-communist opposition, turning it into a post-KOR-ite Courier -- a paper soft on communism precisely due to the milieux in which its shakers and movers grew up. As a result, they do not realise that communism was worse than hitlerism becuase it destroyed more innocent lives. True-blue, dyed-in.-the-wool Poles have always espoused the concept of two mortals enemies -- Szwaby i Kacapy. The GW types do not.
11 Sep 2012
News / Exorcist monthly goes on sale in Poland [17]

Hey, waht about the dumb hippies who turned theri backs on Christianity and readily embraced all kinds of fake gurus and maharajahs ripping them off. Or gap-toothed Madumma with her Kaballah, or the celebs pushign their rip-off Scientology...
11 Sep 2012
News / Who controls Gazeta Wyborcza?? [216]

Szkiełko i oko (oh, you probably don't know that that means) are not always infallible. Atheist Kieślowski showed the tragic results of such blind faith in science and rationalism in one of hsi Decalogue films.
11 Sep 2012
News / Exorcist monthly goes on sale in Poland [17]

Incredible! I actually agree with you on thsi point. I have found that even some educated Catholics in Poland are unaware that beign involved in astrology, tarot, the occult, etc. is contrary to their faith. May this new mag will enlighten some of them.
11 Sep 2012
News / Who controls Gazeta Wyborcza?? [216]

You either feel it or you don't. Someone from a different family background, with radically different views, ideas, customs and values, different frames of reference and even different in-jokes -- it is hard to pinpont and it's not just one thing, but taken together it all projects a somewhat alien and exotic ambience.

Since you don't seem to catch on to things too readily, let me give you a łopatologiczny 'for instance'. Let's say you were sent to do an interview with members of a Radio Maryja club, took part in their religious service, attended a lecture, discsussion and social hour, and listened to their banter and jokes -- you probably likewise could not readily identify with them, their value system and viewpoints. They might even be pleasant and hospitable and all, but you would not be one of them nor feel any affinity for them. If even that is incomprehensible to you, then I give up. You're hopeless!
11 Sep 2012
News / Exorcist monthly goes on sale in Poland [17]

The Exorcist (Egzorcysta) is a one-of-a-kind magazine in Poland, and it aims to reach readers who frequent fortune-tellers and are open to New Age spirituality.

"We are living in a time that is a veritable tornado of occultism, esotericism, divination, magic, energy healing and many other phenomena that suck people in," reflects chief editor Artur Winiarczyk.

The monthly, which counts noted clerygmen among its contributors including exorcist Father Andrzej Grefkowicz and Jesuit priest and demonologist Father Aleksander Posacki, hopes to steer readers onto the right path.

Catholic journalist Grzegorz Gorny told Polish Radio that not very many people are aware of the dangers that may lie behind the various kinds of therapy or relaxation methods that swamp the market today.

The Exorcist will also include articles on issues that will help typical Polish families.
11 Sep 2012
News / Who controls Gazeta Wyborcza?? [216]

Just wanted to see if others were aware of this fact. I need no proof, DNA or otherwise -- I KNOW. I've been there, talked to these pople, was a frequently visitor to Kuroń's place in Mickiewicza street, even attended his late son Maciek's wedding at the Żoliborz registrar's office. Anyone raised in a traditonal Polish setting would have sensed the alien vibes radiating from that company. If you weren't raised in a traditional Polish atmosphere you migth not sense that otherness', but every real Pole or Polonian would.
10 Sep 2012
News / Who controls Gazeta Wyborcza?? [216]

Nope. Even for for the 13,456th time I'll tell you to do your own homework if this is so crucial an issue (obsession) for you. I couldn't care less!
10 Sep 2012
News / Who controls Gazeta Wyborcza?? [216]

DNA doesn't lie! If this is such a big deal for you (as it apparently is since you've been belabouring the point after most everyone else has lost interest,), then drop round the GW office and get a few hairs or flakes of skin for a DNA test. Then compare the results to the prevailing Polish halpogroup. That’s all there’s to it!
9 Sep 2012
Life / Cheapest car spares in Poland? [23]

Again Warsaw is probably not a good vnatage point, as I'm sure the average age of cars registered in the capital is much lower.
9 Sep 2012
USA, Canada / Who is better informed, the expat or the Polonia crowd? [144]

Haven't seen it but wonder if it's similat to the late Kieślowski's 'Dekalog'. Each part dealt with one of the 10 Commandments. When I spoke to him back in the 1990s I was surprised to learn he was a delcared atheist. Only shows to go that the Decalogue is a universal code. If people of every creed or uncreed and nationality followed it, this would be a much better world.
9 Sep 2012
USA, Canada / Who is better informed, the expat or the Polonia crowd? [144]

Not a single post has ever promoted, glamourised, or glorified human misconduct, dissoluiton, setting bad examples, greed, self-interest, infidelity, perjury (breaking the marriage vow), deviant behaviour and other negative developments that poison society and the human soul.
9 Sep 2012
Love / Chastity rings in Poland - bad news for 'dziwkarze' [42]

News website Interia is reporting that chastity rings are finally making it over to Poland. In the States 2.5 million girls are wearing them. If it catches on here in Poland, the PF's womanisers (dziwkarze) will have a harder time of it in the free shag zone.

The study, conducted by the staff of the prestigious American universities - Yale and Columbia have shown , however, that not everyone who signed the declaration , treated the commitment seriously. We found that 88 per cent . respondents (out of 12,000 teenagers between 12 and 18 years old ) began sexual intercourse before the conclusion of sacramental marriage.
9 Sep 2012
USA, Canada / Who is better informed, the expat or the Polonia crowd? [144]

You and I do not have to worry about the garbage churned out by Hollywood (which I use as a code-name for the entertainment industry), but can add MTV and imitators the crapola paper and virtual media, writers like Manuela Gretkowski, etc., etc. But we should be concerned about the impressionable pre-adolescents and adolescents who are learning about life from those sources directly as well as refiltered through their peer groups. I don't recall the name, but maybe 15 or 20 years ago one of the news weeklies quoted a non-gentile Hollywood film director as saying: 'I don't make movies so people can have better lives, I make movies that people will buy tickets to see. And most of those are 12 and 13.' That may have changed with the advent of the net, but the principle is the same: only greed, profits and self-interest count.
9 Sep 2012
Life / Cheapest car spares in Poland? [23]

In Bielany I can see plenty of Renaults and Citroens parked all over, of course lots of Yarises, Skodas, VWs, Fiats and KIAs as well. Admittedly, the Frenchies are less common in Legionowo. BTW is it true that the avergae car on the road in Poland is 14 years old? Hard to believe but I read it somewhere.
9 Sep 2012
Life / Cheapest car spares in Poland? [23]

Maybe the capital isn't a good vantage point, but I see an afwul lot of Renaults and Citroens in Warsaw. Probably they are rarer in the provinces.
9 Sep 2012
Life / Szalona? Ever heard it? [5]

This is all convention or umow: 'jeden przez drugiego' (go with thel flow). Is rap crap all that tasteful?
9 Sep 2012
Life / Cheapest car spares in Poland? [23]

Whta about the most popular makes: Skoda, Fiat, VW, Renault, Citroen?

Also Toyota, Honda, Hyundai and Kia?
9 Sep 2012
Life / Szalona? Ever heard it? [5]

Why? It is happy music, bouncy, melodic, easy to sing and dance to. and a hell of an improvement over the monotonous grunts of rap-crap. And disco's got a big following even though the first-generation 'miastowi' (wtih straw still protruding from their shoes) look down on it as too rural or plebian.
9 Sep 2012
Life / Cheapest car spares in Poland? [23]

New car prices alone don't tell the whole story becuase the cost of spare parts and servicing must laso be considered. In your view which make offers the most reasonably priced spares in Poland? I have heard that Fords are reasonably priced in their class but spare parts are horrendously pricey. Is that true?
9 Sep 2012
Life / Szalona? Ever heard it? [5]

Today TV Puls had a programmeabout Boys Marcina (I had never heard of them) but watched 'jednym okiem' while getting dressed for chruch. Anyway, the attratcive presentress said everyone is calling disco polo 'obciach' and saying they don't listen to it, but it turns out that at parties or weddings most everybody knows the words. Her verdict: Poles are snobs and hypocrites to boot. She asked people on the street what their favourite Boys hit was and most said without hesitation 'Szalona'. What's so good abut it?