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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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4 Jun 2013
Life / Poland's instability? Voivodships and education. [4]

Some say things change too slowly in Poland, but in some cases the opposite may be true. The USA has had 50 states for half a century. Before that the 49th (maybe Arizona) may have been added back in around 1912 (off the top of my head).

Now Poland, just since WW2 has had 13 voivodships, then 17, then 49 and now 16.
Or take education. First there was a 7-year primary and 4-year secondary schiool. The primary was later extended to 8 years. Under Gierek they were planning to introduce a Soviet-style 10-latka (primary and secodnary crammed into 10 years). In free Poland a middle school was introduced, now some want to do away with it and revert to 8 + 4.

The textbook poublishers and sellers are having a field day.
In other areas as well, each new government wants to make everyhting over, but the net result is often instabiltiy and chaos. Any ideas on this?
3 Jun 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

Angloism may not be too fortunate a neologism that I have coined but means Englishness. I didn't know if everyone on PF would know what a WASP was (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant). I was just toying with the idea that America's mainstream anti-Catholicism may be rooted in England's traditonal anti-papism.
3 Jun 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

I'm not saying this is the case, but only conveying some views quite widely held in the PolAm communtiy. Maybe its Angloism that has such a pronoucned anti-Papist streak. In the olden days, the American school and media were anti-Polish because Polonians did not conform to their WASPish standards. In more recent decades, the Poltical Correctness crowd, often of non-Anglo roots but considerably WASPified, is down on Polish Americans for being traditional, conservative, reilgious or whatever.
3 Jun 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

What is behind the drop in CoE membership? What about Presbyterians in Scotland and Catholics in Wales? Are the Protestants of Ulster Anglicans or what?
3 Jun 2013
Life / Poland's expats' colonial mentality? [176]

Business activity is the best translation. Economic activity sounds weird in English.

However not every company is a stock company with shareholders. There are a slew of companies under Polish law: akcyjna, cywilna, jawna, z o.o., komandytowa, partnerska...maybe a few others as well.
3 Jun 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

These expats may live in Poland for decades but they never really grasp the feel of their host country. In Poland snitching is a no-no just as cheating on tests is in America.
3 Jun 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

Missed the boat again! This was not about church-going but about UK-ers shacking up and staying together until their out-of-wedlock progeny reached 16. The question was how this shapes up in individual UK countries.
3 Jun 2013
News / Shops in Poland to be closed on Sunday? [208]

About 10 EU counrties ban or place restrictions on Sunday adn public holiday trading (eg only 4 Sundays a year). Judging by the rants of PF's Sunday shoppers, all those countries must be populated by people bent on harming their countries' economies and imposing hardships on fellow-citizens.
3 Jun 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

Is that all UK-ers, not just migrant Poles? Are the stats further broken down into England, Wales, Scotland and Ulster?
3 Jun 2013
History / Unusual soldier (The bear - named Voytek) [71]

Merged: Scots to honour Monte Cassino bear

Edinburgh is planning to erect a statue to Soldier-Bear Wojtek whose unveiling will coincide with next year's (2014) anniversary of the Battle of Monte Cassino.

Memorials to the Poland's ursine freedom-fighter who helped load ammunition are being planned in Kraków and Żagań as well.
3 Jun 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

Eye-witness reports, interviews, media including UK ones are all impressed by Polish churchgoers. Have you really not been privy to such news?
3 Jun 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

Ever see any of the Polish churches in the UK on a Sunday? They put the Anglicans to shame.
3 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

The latest Millard Brown poll shows 30% for PiS, 26% for PO, SLD - 13%, Palikot - 10%, PSL - 5% and the New Right (Nowa Prawica) - 5%.

2 Jun 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

Sure, let's tax the Red Cross and Volunteer Fire Brigades out of existence. That's how they nabbed Al Capone.
2 Jun 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

Churches, charities, not-for-profit gorups, NGOs and others are regarded as public-benfit organisations and enjoy various forms of preferential treatment which may include tax-exempt status unlike commercial organisations.

Owsiak has the media in his pocket for his once-a-year- circus, but Caritas without fanfare aids those in need all year round. Should they pay the same taxes as Deutesche Bank, Biedronka or Tesco?
2 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / General differences between Poland and the USA? [184]

The only one that seems doubtful is the one about employment. If Poland has 14% unemployment and the US is 7%, why is there a greater chance of being employed in Poland?
2 Jun 2013
News / Shops in Poland to be closed on Sunday? [208]

Solidarity has reported a poll showing that 77% of Poles oppose Sunday shopping. In the 1990s only 25% were opposed and six years ago about a half were against it.

In a related development, Germany's Constituional Tribnunal has ruled that trading is banned on Sundays and holidays not just for religious reasons but to give people a day of rest.

Europe is alsmost equally divided on the issue, so it's far from being just a Polish dilemma.
If one knows shops are closed on Sunday one stocks up on Friday or Satruday.
2 Jun 2013
News / Self-important Warsaw mayor [18]

There is no such word in English as city president. It translates as mayor. All the international news agencies translate it that way. Back to school!

Check out: howtosay.org/translate.phpdient.
2 Jun 2013
Genealogy / Anything about the Mikolajczyks [6]

MIKO£AJCZYK. Patronymic nick, English equivalent Nichloson. Quite poplar in Poland with some 22,000 users. The largest concentration is in Mazowsze but there is also a fair-sized pocket in the Kalisz area. No Mikołajczyk was ever known to have been admitted into a gentry clan, hence no coat of arms accompanies the surname.
2 Jun 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

No, it's mainly about morality, living a decent life, serving God and fellow-man and rising above 'me, myself & I'.
Besides JPII, a truly great, inspriational Christian was Protestant pastor Dr Abert Schweitzer who advised: 'Remember you are not alone in this world, your brother is here too!' In plain English: altruism.
2 Jun 2013
News / Thanksgiving day --Polish style [6]

Only the name is the same but there are no turkey dinners, Santa parades or American football matches on TV during the celebration of Polłand's Święto Dziękczynienia. Intiated several years ago as an annual event, it is meant to thank Divine Providence for the re-emergence of Free Poland at the polls in June 1989. Thousands of Poles marched across Warsaw to Wilanów in a procession bearing the relics of St Andrew Bobola, the capital's patron saint. President Komorowski told worshippers that a Christian cannot be sad, because Christianity is a religion of joy and optimism.

2 Jun 2013
Life / Poland's expats' colonial mentality? [176]

Poland's standard of living cannot be compared to that of Third World countries of Africa and Asia by any means. However do any of you ever think that there is something morally wrong with people wallowing in luxury, doing the club scene, turning up in pricey designer fashions, boozing up, engaging in one-night stands, freaking out on drugs, etc., etc. in a world half of whose population regularly goes to bed hungry? Do any of you see the unfariness of the situation or have you even given such matters any thought? These people bear no responsbility for where they were born. Do the 'haves' have any moral obligation to share theri abundance with the 'have-nots'? Just curious?
1 Jun 2013
News / US expert rejects visa waiver for Poles [51]

US immigration expert Steven Camarota, who heads the Centre for Immigration Studies, believes Poland and other new countries should not be included in the visa waiver program until an effective system for monitoring immigration traffic is in place. Of the 11 million illegal immigrants in the US he estimates some 5,000 Poles came as tourists but never went home.