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Joined: 27 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Mar 2011
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From: Warszawa
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23 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

Well, here's two. Those people who don't say things like:

...fags/gays/...perverts...they need to be stoped...parade of pedofiles...rapists...I do pity any Faq, that it was born being such a miserable criter, but giving them any "rights" is absolutely out of the question.

Which is far more than those that do. Another? OK, try the Polish government (and those who voted for it, knowing its policy on equality) - who else - the thousands of people, about half of them heterosexual, who turn up at the Warsaw Parades. that enough?
23 Nov 2010
News / Giant Jesus Rising in Świebodzin ( Tallest in world ) [323]

Used by jonni in order to manipulate a viewer and to stir bad emotion against a Jew! That make you an anti-Semite !

In fact used by Jonni to prod a viewer into not defining their image of Jesus on the basis of His looks as presented in flattering 19th century Christian art and to stir reflection on the human tendency to project their own values and imagery on to a real historical figure whose message is described by his followers as timeless. Does that mean I'se a pro-Semite?
23 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

who exactly are the rest of us

Those who don't sit at home writing on the internet:

...fags/gays/...perverts...they need to be stoped...parade of pedofiles...rapists...I do pity any Faq, that it was born being such a miserable criter, but giving them any "rights" is absolutely out of the question.

Did you really need to ask?
23 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

When being called homophobe, bigot, racist or whatever, I just laugh out loud


Not to let ourselvs to be forced into defence

Though in fact that is exactly what you seem to be forced into, while the rest of us just get on with things.
23 Nov 2010
News / Giant Jesus Rising in Świebodzin ( Tallest in world ) [323]

Which Herodotus ? The famous traveler lived before Jesus !

My bad - I meant Flavius Josephus!

Describing Jesus, evidently a Jew as an ugly, dark haired crippled individual and presenting fictional picture of an ugly man in order to manipulate viewer and to stir bad emotions - thats the Nazi way! Do you dare to deny the fact?

Quoted by a 1st Century historian drawing on a Roman source presenting a probably partly accurate picture of an ugly man in order to manipulate viewer and to stir bad emotions- that's the Roman way! Do you dare to deny the fact?
23 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

we shoud stop being tolerant

So what are you doing, apart from festering in your spare bedroom spewing crap on an internet forum, while some of us are using all the processes and structures of government and society to our advantage? Next you'll be saying you're a victim of something.

You forgot this part: "...that all MEN are created equal". Our society was a bit sexist at the time.

No, I didn't forget the 'men' thing, or the slave-owner bit either. It doesn't alter the fact that the Founding Fathers of the US were men of great vision and really very radical for their time - much more so than the rulers of Europe.
23 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

Did you fight a war and win? Or did you merely b!tch and moan and whine and demand and stomp your feet until it was granted you?

Or pay lobbyists, and change public opinion in our fair country! Though the things you mention are successful to and have achieved results.

Don't be so sure.

Now now, Randal - you know very well that has never happened.
23 Nov 2010
News / Giant Jesus Rising in Świebodzin ( Tallest in world ) [323]

k Tsk you are being anti-Semitic again, straight from the Nazi propaganda booklet, eh?

Straight from Herodotus. What's anti-Semitic, not to look like a film star.

Wasn't that the desire behind your maligning post here?

No, and why maligning? Do you need to see Him with a flowing beard and delicate features?
23 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

Don't get too cocky there. What you have been granted has been given you. And that which has been given can be taken away.

Fought for hard and won - some things can't be taken away in a free society - which in Poland we have.
23 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

not good indicator of a quality or a worth of work

But an indicator of relationships within capitalism.

Sounds to me as reasonable in principle!
Anyhow its news to me that USA in 50s have been a Marxist state ...well, what do I know

What indeed. I don't know where you come up with 1950s America from - I was quoting Karl Marx, from Das Kapital. Interesting you think Marx is "reasonable in principle".


perverts, are harmfull

they need to be stoped

pedofiles or rapists

Fortunately the people of Warsaw and their elected representatives seem to think otherwise.

I do pity any Faq, that it was born being such a miserable criter, but giving them any "rights" is absolutely out of the question.

Hardly a matter of what you want to 'give' or not, since you evidently haven't "stoped" gay people getting rights and continuing to get more. It seems you can write nastily on the internet about it, but can't deliver on what you say.

We however have.re

Actually, no. Your stand of coerced equality for all despite what reality and society might dictate fits the Marxist model perfectly.

I prefer to think that equality is something we should "hold to be self-evident" as it says in your constitution. Are you trying to bleat that your Founding Fathers were Marxists?

outlandish and offensive prn parades.

You've clearly never been to any of the Warsaw parades!
23 Nov 2010
Love / Sexual diseases! Please tell me how I go about getting tested in Poland? [103]

She doesn,t need to....she infects ten clients , each of them infects five girlfriends , who then infect five boyfriends...are you adding up the numbers..??

Reminds me of the old song:

One day she had a ride, with a sailor from the Clyde,
And she wondered why he held her very close,
But when he finished screwing, she knew what he'd been doing,
For he'd left her with a good and proper dose.

She gave it to her father, who gave it to her mother,
Who gave it to the Reverend John Brown.
Who gave it to a cousin, who gave it to a dozen,
And now its half way round the town.

23 Nov 2010
News / Giant Jesus Rising in Świebodzin ( Tallest in world ) [323]

Based on a synthesis of computer generated reconstructions made from 1st Century skulls excavated in Jerusalem, He probably looked a bit like this:


And the only written account of His appearance described Him as short, ugly and hunchbacked.
A far cry from the Swiebodzin statue.

Should anyone think any worse of Him, just because He didn't look like a movie star?
23 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

Equal pay has changed social structure, before a family men were paid more, because of their family, equal pay for women, then equal pay for singles and so on.....
Equal meant less, and equal is not necessarily just !

Sounds very much like "From each according to his ability, from each according to his need". Personally, I'm rather less of a Marxist than you evidently are - I just believe in the good old capitalist 'cash nexus', do a job, get paid as much as you can get for it.
23 Nov 2010
Love / Sexual diseases! Please tell me how I go about getting tested in Poland? [103]

exactly, so they treat the ones that are, and do commercials trying to target as many people as possible for that money to prevent it

Because the number of clinics, all staffed by venereologists, suggests they aren't short of patients.

Aids don't come from Poland

Nobody knows for sure where it came from, but it certainly exists in Poland. When I picked up the results of my last test, the pile of envelopes with the results suggests that plenty are getting tested. My friend who had the test at the same time wasn't as lucky as I was. :-(
23 Nov 2010
Love / Sexual diseases! Please tell me how I go about getting tested in Poland? [103]

The Ministry of Health is scaring people teaching them to watch out just in case not there is a serious problem, just like they teach kids about drugs

They don't have a limitless budget - every penny has to be targeted to where it is moist needed, tzn, where the problem lies. They canb't afford to just 'scare people'. And after all, the Polish authorities have to run a lot of STD clinics.
23 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

Yes I do think that that wasn't an achievement !

So you think women should be paid less than men?

you put it differently before :)
As if they knew ahead (police) who is untouchable and who is for trashing!

And rightly so, when a Parade is held by well-dressed people having fun, riding on floats sponsored by businesses, dancing, handing out gifts and welcoming visitors, and the 'other side' have jackboots and are shouting agressive slogans. If you were in the police, which would you be watching?
23 Nov 2010
Love / Sexual diseases! Please tell me how I go about getting tested in Poland? [103]

having sex with a Polish girl for fear of catching something, u know she's got to be clean

Not according to the Polish Ministry of Health who sponsor campaigns to remind people that this is simply not true.

BTW, those Poles I know to have HIV (about half a dozen) neither travel abroad particularly or sleep with what you call 'African immigrants'.
23 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

Do you claim this to be some kind of achievement!?

Of course! Women fought long and hard in a process involving quite a lot of extreme action in order to first get the vote, then equal pay and which is still going on today. Do you think it wasn't an achievement when women achieved equal pay?

do they now? I naively thought that that implement a law!

Yes - to protect citizens from lawbreakers, including those threatening violence.
23 Nov 2010
Love / Sexual diseases! Please tell me how I go about getting tested in Poland? [103]

really last time i checked there were 10 thousand people with Aids

Aside from the obvious differences in population size between the countries you mention, and the greater financial ability in Poland to be diagniosed and treated privately and discreetly, and the ability of Poles to travel and reside interstate to somewhere that has better healthcare, you might like to look at the latest analysis. And of course the number of people in Berlin, London etc receiving treatment who identify as Polish.

Though in fact you're trying to evade the issue - that you said the only people in PL with STDs are prostututes and African immigrants - care to back that up?
23 Nov 2010
Work / Doing my course in Krakow, working in EFL in Poland (newbie questions) [43]

I wonder if this is a general trend for TEFL in Europe...

It is indeed.

What about brits in their 20s who come to poland to teach english for beer money and to bang polish women???

That all ground to a halt a few years ago when the market changed. Maybe a few in the provinces.

In fact, the biggest threat to most ESL teachers in Poland is from useless American "native speakers" who only want beer money while they study medicine or similar.

A bigger threat is Americans who actually pay to come here on some sort of programme (which they spell 'program'. Having said that, some of the real teachers who've come from the US can be very good.

The biggest threat is from people who've met and married a Polish spouse in UK or Ireland, come to Poland, and need some work without much knowledge of the Polish language (or English grammar, teaching methodology, heuristics etc). They are often desperate for work (or are renting out their property back home and don't need to earn much), are easy prey for cheapskate language school owners, and saturate the bottom end of the market.
23 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

Long before Councilman Milk (wwho is an interesting, if imperfect example of grassroots democracy) and on a different coast. Check out the Stonewall Riot on wikipedia!
23 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

doing stuff not to other people's taste in private places is quite criminal.

Marching down the street chanting racist slogans is not to most people's taste - why single out homosexuals?

Still, I know that the gays that take part in the parade only represent a small minority of all gay people.

Though all gay people (and wider society in some sense) benefit from what has been achieved by those who shout loudest. Do you think women won equal pay by staying silent and waiting for men to give it them?

Worth mentioning that a few years ago I attended one of the Warsaw parades (as I do whenever I'm in the same city as a parade) and about half of the people I knew there were in fact not gay at all. Those parades tend to be quite fun occasions - family occasions even.

At least gay marches are highly unlikely to turn violent

It hasn't in fact happened much unless some right-wing nutters decide to cause trouble, and fortunately the police know which group are upstanding taxpayers and which are riff-raff. Though the modern gay rights movement started in 1967 when the New York police raided a drag bar for no reason other than bigotry and the drag queens gave them a thorough kicking.
22 Nov 2010
UK, Ireland / Experiences of Working in the UK through an Employment Agency? [9]

Some agencies use 'intermediaries' (a euphemism for gangmasters), typically a Polish or Lithuanian woman working from home. These 'intermediaries' issue the payments. So when part of the payments are witheld (highly illegal), they can claim they know nothing about it. This happened to a Polish friend of mine working via an agency called Aqumen.

Other agencies are OK, but in industrial areas, the competition between agencies is so strong that large employers switch between them day by day, just to save small amounts of money. This means that the worst agencies are often able to undercut the better ones, and a week's work can end up as two or three days.

The post above rightly says that the Post Office is often the best bet.
22 Nov 2010
Love / Sexual diseases! Please tell me how I go about getting tested in Poland? [103]

the clinics are for prostitutes and African immigrants and they girls they infected

There are probably more venereologists in Poland than there are "African immigrants", and the various billboard campaigns (not that you'd know about them, having deserted Poland) are aimed at normal Polish people. The health services don't have much money to spend, and they pay for all the ads aimed at Poles, because that is who goes to the clinics.
22 Nov 2010
Love / Sexual diseases! Please tell me how I go about getting tested in Poland? [103]

Polish girls don't have no STDs

So what are all the clinics for?

a few makes is promiscuous ... by the way, monogamy is not only safe but highly respectable, sustainable and socially desirable. However, to each his own. But for a healthy life in all the physical, mental and social aspects of it (refer to the definition of complete health) being more responsible in such activities is highly encouraged.

Sounds a bit like a religious sermon!
As long as they aren't bringing children into the world that they can't pay for or care for, who are you or anyone else to say what is "respectable" (a laughable term by the way) or look behind the bedroom door?