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Joined: 9 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Mar 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 9
Posts: Total: 2607 / In This Archive: 2054
From: Warszawa!
Speaks Polish?: tak

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25 Jan 2012
News / Controlling the internet ACTA in Poland (Like SOPA) [34]

Some people argued how inappropriate it may be, but if nothing is done soon they will be the ones to cry to go back to the free Internet. Hopefully it won't be too late.

Very true. Sometimes it's frustrating, but it's better than the alternative.

Free speech is something people fought for - the internet as a whole was a great step in that direction - but is it only temporary?
25 Jan 2012
Life / Ephiphany - Święto Trzech Króli [12]

No there are only some Mary mother of Christ celebrations

I think you mean 'yes' rather than 'no'.

Why not?

'Why' is a better question.

Actually this year was no snow at all on 3 Kings.

Ooh, you are argumentative today, aren't you. Typical weather was it this year? Now either run along or explain how the new public holiday for Trzech Kroli impacts on whether or not people in Poland are close to their grandparents, somee of whom they never visit, never even ring.
25 Jan 2012
Travel / Warsaw's most beautiful disctrict or village [18]

It's lovely round there - next to Pniewnik from post #4.

Another nice place is completely in the opposite direction, Nowe Miasto nad Pilica:
25 Jan 2012
News / Turkish Airlines might buy Polish LOT [9]

Yes in Turkey airports, shoping and eating are expencive but I think all over the world same like this or onley in Turkey? Isnt it Mr JonnyM?

Istanbul Airport is one of the worst. 10 euros for a can of pop near the gates. 5 star hotel prices for that place that has wi-fi near the main entrance.
25 Jan 2012
News / Turkish Airlines might buy Polish LOT [9]

They're not bad at all - not expensive and decent service. As long as the clowns who own Istanbul Airport (one of the world's most expensive for food, drinks etc) don't get their sticky hands on Okęcie.
25 Jan 2012
Classifieds / English speaking AA group in Warsaw [4]

The bit with the names and phone numbers. I'll PM you with a link to the site with their contact details.
25 Jan 2012
History / Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations? [750]

not allow to fish farther than two miles of shores, it would not have anything to do with natural gas

No, it would not.

Jews were "invited" into various European countries, such as Poland, the Holy Roman Empire, etc..

Very true. The only country in Europe never, ever, to have any anti-Semitic laws is Scotland. The situation of Jews in Poland should be viewed in the light of individuals such as Marek11111, Joe Pilsudski and others. On here they're just basement dwellers spouting racism, denying the fact of the Shoah, repeating outrageous lies abot conspiracies - even on more than one occasion repeating the 'blood libel'. In 19th Century villages that type of person sadly had sharp implements.

Is it really OK for Harry to accuse two forum members of being genocidal? Isn't this flaming?

Why not behave with a little dignity for a change?
25 Jan 2012
Life / Ephiphany - Święto Trzech Króli [12]

'Festival cavalcades down the streets of major cities' in a Polish January? Let's hope the snow ploughs are working and the 'cavalcaders' are well wrappers up.

Actually most people stay at home and keep warm on that day.
24 Jan 2012
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

proper English food is fine, really, but the key word is here is proper

And its key to this thread, that a Frenchman can overturn a market stall selling English food (it happened recently) but English cuisine has absorbed influences from around the world. Even without that it's still delicious...
24 Jan 2012
Work / Advice on Teaching English in Poland [709]

I also used my proverbial 'bag of tricks' when teaching. Not sure about the Poles, but the Germans were sticklers for classroom procedure, not to mention having stuff WRITTEN DOWN!! I was not quite prepared for the slavish devotion still alive in Germany to the printed word

There's a hilarious novel called Demolishing Babel set in a summer school where one of the teachers has a panic attack and takes to her bed when she hears there are going to be Germans in her class. I found with them that they need to be sure that everything isstructured, has very clear goals and generally in ordnung but will open up if they think you're doing a favour by letting them. Works in Poznan too! Incidentally the book (out of print, but amazon have plenty) is a great read for anyone new to the work. It captures various stereotypes of teachers (and students) as well as giving insights into the business end of it and methodology!

Then again, it can't be easy doing Germans every day. Ugh, all those precise questions!
24 Jan 2012
Work / Advice on Teaching English in Poland [709]

have a fixed lesson plan in place for the subject you're teaching, be organized, iksnay with too many skits, jokes, impromptu conversations, slang or off-topic remarks

but not for long, if u don't offer to correct glaring mistakes

Very very sound advice.

The trick for a beginner if it's a conversation lesson is to decide the grammar skill and the set of vocab (which should be a coherent set) and figure out how you're going to steer the student in needing to use it. If the vocab and grammar come up naturally (so the student thinks!) in the lesson and then you give them a pre-printed summary with a homework exercise at the end, they'll think you're the god of teaching.
24 Jan 2012
News / The New World Order and Poland's place [50]

Not at all! The site is mockery of the actual website.

The real Sister Faustyna cult (cult in the Catholic sense of the word) is 100% respectable. This guy is just a loony tunes. Did you see the bit where he claims to have grown 8 inches taller and shows before and after photos?
24 Jan 2012
Classifieds / English speaking AA group in Warsaw [4]

These are probably your best bet. There are others on ul. Poznanska and some suburban ones. Ring to check the details are still current. The weekday meetings are open. If you want contact details, they're on the Europe (rather than the Poland) website.

6.30 pm, every day, Friday 8.30. Ul. Radna 14, in the basement, turn right at end of lobby.

24 Jan 2012
Life / Poles close to grandparents [32]

There is no Grandmother's Day in America

first Sunday after 'labor day' (whatever that is) is the day on which they officially celebrate Grandparents' Day.

here is nothing communist about celebrating a day to honor one's grandparents.

There is if you do it on one of the old PRL pseudoświęty.
24 Jan 2012
Life / Poles close to grandparents [32]

Actually there are several religious celebrations of motherhood in Poland - so why have Mothers' Day on an arbitrary PRL era date - and why have the peripheral things like Grandmothers' Day - a communist copy of an American commercial thing - at all?
24 Jan 2012
USA, Canada / Can you BE Polish without SPEAKING Polish in the US? [256]

You're Polish if you maintain Polish Citizenship, and have a passport. I have both Australian and Polish citizenship, it depends on what passport I travel at the time.

It depends a bit more on whether you are part of the nation culturally and linguistically rather than just on paper.
24 Jan 2012
Travel / Trip from Boston, USA to Poland - cost of stay / places to visit? [14]

a decent hotel

You'd be surprised! For 165zl ($50) you can find a decent place to stay. Even in Warsaw you can get into a few places for that. The Etap Hotel is $50 during the week, cheaper at weekends. The cheapest I know of is 85zl, but you don't get a bathroom for that.
24 Jan 2012
News / Poland now soft-pedalling ACTA signing [107]

I counted three

Looking again, I found two. Fortunately a minority opinion - one of them a misanthrope the other a pûrn producer.
24 Jan 2012
News / Poland now soft-pedalling ACTA signing [107]

reactionaries out in force

Actually only one poster has supported it. Always good to read the thread before jumping to conclusions.

But there is a rather fascicle statement by Bogdan Zdrojewski:


Who made America the Internet police anyway?

Some of them feel they have a right and even a duty to impose their values on others.
24 Jan 2012
Life / Poles close to grandparents [32]

So what? What is te difference between Mother's Day And Grandma's Day?

One's an Anglican religious festival (that by the way probably predates Christianity) and the other is a 1960's construct designed to take people's minds off state imposed repression and food queues.
24 Jan 2012
Life / Poles close to grandparents [32]

Is that an invention of British communists?

Of British greetings card importers. Nobody celebrates it.

Why only parents deserve flowers for some invented holidays

Actually Mothers' Day goes back centuries.
24 Jan 2012
Travel / Warsaw's most beautiful disctrict or village [18]

wonderful restaurant.

I like Czersk but haven't been to the restaurant - we usually used to continue over the bridge and eat round Otwock - also an interesting place but not picturesque.
24 Jan 2012
News / Poland now soft-pedalling ACTA signing [107]

ACTA is putting us all at risk.

Don't forget that the details were heavily influenced by large commercial software companies from the US - not surprisingly ACTA would kill off the whole Open Source sector.
24 Jan 2012
News / Poland now soft-pedalling ACTA signing [107]

intellectual property theft, copyright violations and the flood of fake goods on the market should have universal support, but the Wikieaks-type creeps, free dowloaders and assorted plagiarists are screaming 'freedom of speech', bla-bla-bla

All of this happens anyway and all that proposed bill would achieve is restricting freedom of speech on the net. If it is passed, I will take care to refer some of your more intemperate posts to the appropriate authorities.