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Joined: 3 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Jan 2022
Threads: Total: 7 / In This Archive: 6
Posts: Total: 1379 / In This Archive: 632
From: welcome to the house of fun
Speaks Polish?: can I have your liver?
Interests: no one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

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29 Jan 2010
Life / Price of a DJ in Poland [6]

It probably depends what do you expect from the lad, many so called DJ's in Poland are just young guys who are playing mp3 files on their computers and carry their own music hardware... ( speakers ;) ) so I advice caution and a little bit more research about who you're gonna hire
26 Jan 2010
News / The Internet totally uncontrolled in Poland? [19]

E-gambling, paedophilia and child prn, scams

Most of these things are accessed through TOR networks, chains of proxies, vpn's, they are not accessible normally so whatever's the bill it won't change much because of the methods mentioned above.
24 Jan 2010
Work / Polish qualifications, what are they worth ? [137]

Thats why graduates in law etc. are menial cleaners elsewhere in the EU.

It's a flawed argument, why? Because Graduates of polish law know only POLISH LAW. How on earth would you like to work abroad being a polish law graduate. There's a really meagre trickle of people after polish law going abroad and working in law sector. Law is different everywhere and you'd need to study law abroad to get to know it properly. People with an universal set of skills such us IT workers can pretty easily find work everywhere.
24 Jan 2010
Life / Horribly cold in Krakow at the moment , how do you cope with such temperatures ? [124]

You have been warned

where's the evil laughter? Something along <mwahahaha> or <bouahahaha> and sounds of bats or wolves' howling..

On a more serious note I can agree with Grzegorz_ it's rarely as cold as it is now, it is sometimes hence people are a little bit used to it, but it's not like that every year...
24 Jan 2010
Work / Polish qualifications, what are they worth ? [137]

Employment is bought with bribes.

When there is a closed-shop. ( employment given to family/friends, regardless of qualifications ).

That's how it is everywhere. You're watching too much of "Expres Reporterów" or some other agony aunt style programmes.
20 Jan 2010
News / Poland's Economy Is No Joke [63]

But I have yet to see "People not having been paid for 6 months, or even up to a year." as is George's claim.

Even if anything like that has happaneded it was a really secluded case. My dad has been working in different hospitals all his life and never heard of anything like this - especially now when there are unions. There might have been a few cases of maximum 2 months or decreased wages, always transient short period.
20 Jan 2010
News / Poland's Economy Is No Joke [63]

Polish public healthcare has got problems all the time, bureaucracy - too many desk jockeys doing nothing. Too many blue collar workers - cleaning ladies et cetera in hospitals. National healthcare fund doesn't have enough money for certain services which is a big problem for those who have no idea how the system works, hence there's a lot of whining and screaming when some patient dies somewhere because hospital refused operating - and the opposition jumps onto the bandwagon to use the event to smack the ruling party. All this happens everywhere else in one way or another, in many different forms.

If not, it may at least improve your vocabulary.

This isn't a forum only for "those who speak brilliant english with no mistakes" so bugger off and go somewhere else with this school ground level talk.
20 Jan 2010
News / Poland's Economy Is No Joke [63]

Apart from the daily news channels, try watching " Magazyn ekspresu reporterow ", Tuesday 21.45.
" Sprawa dla reportera ", Thursday 21.00. And you will see and hear what is happening with your current affairs.

Bollocks, these tv programmes focus on current problems, there's no way they would show anything about somebody being happy or some bussiness thriving. So if these are only shows you're watching you see only one side of the picture, and presented cases are usually some secluded incidents. Add that news are fear mongering nowadays too. It's the same in every country. And you're overexaggerating these problems. In every country you'll find somebody who hasn't been paid for 6 monts. Economy is really good in Poland right now, would be much better if not for krus and few other people who bloody riot everytime somebody tries to take away a bit of their communist time priviliges ( see teachers, policeman etc etc )..
19 Jan 2010
Life / Polish clothing - Polish folk costumes [28]


Poles from different regions of Poland wear different costumes connected to local folklore and culture. Which region precisely are you trying to focus on? or is it supposed to be more general?
17 Jan 2010
Language / "Zaraz wracam" - Why not "zaraz wrócę" ? [32]

Btw, do you, Englishmen, know that you've got 13 tenses???

I'm pretty sure this guy Michal is polish. He always adds something random to a random thread that adds little to the discussion. I wouldn't pay much attention to his posts if I were you. If he was english it would be really strange for him to speak so surely and so irrelevantly at the same time about everything.
16 Jan 2010
Love / Find a Polish girl using Internet [67]

I think internet facilitate the process for us, to our benefit.

It might be true but only for people who have previous "real-life" dating experience. They know what they want and are able to speak freely about it. If somebody is trying find his/her "first love/shag" on the internet being an introvertic loner there's a really really big change of disappointment on both sides.
15 Jan 2010
News / Prawo i Sprawiedliwość / Law and Order party new super-president project. [10]

Yeah I know that one, it's PO's stupidity in my opinion, they introduced this just to fight with Kaczynski who's a president now, they would do exact the opposite thing if they had the president and somebody else the parliement.. I'm not saying PO are saints, in fact they are far from it. Anyways, it doesn't change the message included in this new PiS project.
15 Jan 2010
News / Prawo i Sprawiedliwość / Law and Order party new super-president project. [10]

Why would they give such power to the president if they are not counting on re-election? It'd be a suecide for them. I agree that TVN rarely writes favourably about PiS but they have stated facts, most of the things I wrote were right out of Kaczynskis mouth.

And I don't know where you see my paranoia, I said "I don't think it's gonna get through". I'm still amazed by the amount of really peculiar ideas - Kaczynski with all his law education should know that the head of the national tribunal council has to be someone with law education which ain't a trait of every president and there has to be a separation between judiciary branch and executive branch... and the similar dictator-like "disslving Seym" thing? come on..
15 Jan 2010
News / Prawo i Sprawiedliwość / Law and Order party new super-president project. [10]

There is much wrong with your selective translation that it isn't worth talking about it yet.

At least I did translated something. There's rarely anyone in here who bothers to translate any political news. All we talk about in here is polish girls mating with arabs and such. Thanks for taking a pot shot at my effort to add something beside the usual rattle. I may also add that you could have added stuff that I had missed or mistranslated or misinterpreted, you could have corrected it, add your own poin of view instead of jumping straight into bashing me typical for a narrow-minded pole. The last piece about TK and corporations was a quick translation because I had to go somewhere. What about you stop being whiny and add your own translation?
15 Jan 2010

What is so special about living in Poland? What is so special about living anywhere else? The op sounds a tad whiny to me, especially because you haven't provided any additional information. Where do you stand on the subject of "living somewhere"? It looks like you're trying to taunt somebody into some kind of quarrel.
15 Jan 2010
News / Prawo i Sprawiedliwość / Law and Order party new super-president project. [10]

A special team from the Law and Order party has started its activity with an impact. The head of the party Jarosław Kaczyński introduced new project of the constitution of the IV Rp created by his co-workers. How does PiS see new Poland?

- It's a project of calm transition from III to IV Rp - declared Jarosław Kaczyński at the beginning of the conference.

Duality of the executive power is to be liquidated. The whole of the power will be handed down to the prime minister. It doesn't mean that the presidents role is going to get weakened.

- President is not the part of the executive power but in a way his above all other authorities. He's got different instruments that will allow him to be the guardian of lawfulness. The president will be able to dissolve the Seym. He will be able to refuse appointing a new minister or even the prime minister if he think the candidate is not eligible - "there are important reasons".

He will be able to call a referendum against a bill accepted by the parliament if he thinks the society is against it. He will be able to release edicts with the power of an actual bill which will have to be accepted by Seym. He will be the head of National Tribunal Council. New constitution will be always be above any normative act which inclued any EU law.

The Constitutional Tribunal will be weakend and it'll be harder for it to block bills and corporations will also get weakened.

Shortened version of the news from TVN24.

I don't think this stuff gonna actually get through but it seems PiS is still counting on that dwarf becoming a president. Scary, dictatorship, medieval thinking.
15 Jan 2010
Life / Internet / Telephone provider in Krakow [28]

I had TP and switched to Netia

The problem with Netia is that it belongs to the same group of quality as TP, prices are a little bit smaller but sometimes it might be hard to arrange anything with them. The reason is because they are leasing the infrastructure and cable from TP SA who is the owner of all cables and infrastructure build during communism. So basically you are getting exactly the same landline quality through the same wires you did earlier.
15 Jan 2010
Language / Sticklers for grammar? [17]

I'm pretty sure that's how it work.. the only the that might spark a decline is when somebody wants information or your task being done quickly and can't do it due to the communication problem, same as problems with trying to explain something to Polish bus drivers in UK.
15 Jan 2010
Language / Sticklers for grammar? [17]

It probably depends on the person, a normal person wouldn't probably mind. Me for instance, I would appreciate that someone is learning my pretty difficult language at all ;)
15 Jan 2010
Travel / Travel to Silesia (contacts, places to stay?) [8]

Hi, I live in Zabrze one of the biggest Upper Silesia cities, I'll ask few people about contacts to mining industry workers/heads but it's a really small chance I'll find something so can't promise anything. There's a mining museum in Zabrze, don't remember if they have descriptions in english.. but it might be a place worth seeing. Many other mining monuments and mining landmarks around. As for unemployment I wouldn't say there's a visible problem, the unemployment is far worse on the east border. I'd even say that Upper Silesian region is one of the best regions to look for work ( and wages ) just behind Warsaw, Wroclaw and 3city...

There are hotels in every city. So lodging shouldn't be a problem. I can give you my contact information if you'll get yourself in some sort of trouble ;D
13 Jan 2010
Love / Find a Polish girl using Internet [67]

Polish girls are exactly the same as any other girls. I couldn't image anyone feeling a special need going for a foreign girl except for having hots for someone more oriental/different. So saying "would be better for me" without much previous interaction with the said nationality is somehow baseless...
13 Jan 2010
Love / English boyfriend coming to visit me in Poland [55]

Hotel - why make your parents feel uncomfortable

Hmm I always thought a hotel idea would make the parents even more uncomfortable. Anyways, you can always ask them about their attitude.
13 Jan 2010
Love / Find a Polish girl using Internet [67]

I'd say having or creating a decent relationship with somebody you met on the internet is a really rare and tough situation even in your own country. I heard about lots of such situations and I can count only a single one where the "first meeting" actually succeeded and the two people became a couple. The cultural and language barrier might pose additional obstacle. I don't think you'll get treated well in here, most people here are biased towards "I'm looking for a polish girlfriend" threads.
13 Jan 2010
Feedback / Editing time too short (5 minutes currently) [60]

15 mins is enough to make a correction.

Agree. For me it could be even less. It made me answer somebody few times just to get accused of imagining things after the cunning git completely changed the thread to the complete opposite of what I had pointed out. It's probably wise to just wait these 15 minutes before criticizing anyone in here in case your well aimed arguments would make them change their mind and try to make you look like a muppet who doesn't know what the thread is about.
13 Jan 2010
Language / I need some encouragement from Polish language speakers! [30]

Thta's a good question. What is the English plural of grosz? Grosze, groszy? Does the 2 to 4 = nominative and 5 & above = genetive rule apply to English? I have even occasionally seen groschen (from German) used.
With PLN it's easier: one złoty, 2,3,4 ,5, etc. złotys or złots for short.

Grosze is proper plural form of Grosz, Groszy is just a different case. Of course I'm talking about the case you've mentioned "wtrącić swoje 3 grosze".