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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 980 / In This Archive: 576
Posts: Total: 12275 / In This Archive: 6848
From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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6 Jun 2013
Language / About Mielimy? [6]

Reminds me of the British Tommy during WW2 who woke up wounded in an field hospital in Oz and sees corpses covered with white sheets all about. 'Did I come here to die?' he mumbles, whereupon an Aussie nurse replies: *No, you came yesterdie!'
6 Jun 2013
Love / Fresh, wholesome country lass in Poland - getting married and going back to the US [167]

Let's all refrain from ad personam attacks on PF-ers and focus on the subejct at hand, whatever it may be. In this case the basic question boils down to who wouild make a better wife: an unspoilt, God-fearing, hard-working young woman with a pro-family orientation (which does not mean she has no education or professional career) or a party girl 'po przejściach'*?

And I know life is not black or white. It could be that a single woman with kids migth be so grateful someone wnated to marry her that she'd turn into a loving, devoted wife. And conversely, some less than attractive old bachelor might likewise be so aprpeciative that a younger woman agreed to marry him that he'd treat herwell and her children as his own.

I agree there's a good chance a 50-year-old Polonian bachelor would quite likely attract golddiggers. But again, some young lady in a remote village might be so thrilled at the prospect of going to America that she might make a good wife. Or she might dump him for a more attractive partner once she got settled in.

*How do you say that in English: with baggage?
6 Jun 2013
Language / About Mielimy? [6]

Many kind dzięks!
On Animal Planet the Polish lector said: Lwica wreszcie zauważyła bawoła. Is that now also acceptable in place of bawołu?
Also 'Weź tą łapę' instead of tę?
6 Jun 2013
Language / About Mielimy? [6]

Mięso mielimy na żądanie - (we mince meat on demand).
But mielimy is wrong. It should be mielemy. This is not only the one sign but in common parlance we here mielimy
and on mieli instead of miele..
Past tense of the verb mleć is also mucked up. Ona zmełła kawę is correct, zmieliła is wrong, but widely heard. How come?
6 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

What's there to laugh about? Nothing has changed since then. Except PO has chalked up a few more bloopers and unkept promises.
5 Jun 2013
News / "Shale Gas Revolution" will make Poland a Leading Country in Europe! [202]

Merged: US shale gas to Poland?

I'm no expert in the field but Sikorski said in the US that Poland wanted to import US shale gas. Soudns like coals to Newsctastle since Poland is literallyy sitting on shale. But I know some drilling otufits have puled out saying depoits were inaccessible and Poland lacked regulations governing extraction..

I wonder how economical it will be to import shale gas from the States.

5 Jun 2013
Love / Fresh, wholesome country lass in Poland - getting married and going back to the US [167]

Around $50,000 a year but he owns a fully paid up detached house in the suburbs. He said he doesn't want some American girl with with kids who'll be feeding him microwavable dinners and take-away fare. From what I've seen and heard, he may nurturing an illusion based on that he heard his Polish-born parents tell him years ago. Traditional maidenly virtue (even the very term, will probably make cynics chortle!?) are probably fairly hard to come by even in rural Poland these days. Do you agree?
5 Jun 2013
Love / Fresh, wholesome country lass in Poland - getting married and going back to the US [167]

What would you advise a 50-year-old PolAm bachelor who asks where he can find a fresh, innocent, whoelsome, country lass in Poland to marry and return to the States with. He is hoping for someone no older than late 20s, so that may be a problem. He's been burnt by online dating and wonders what other opportunities exist. I told him Polish Duszpasterstwa Akademickie (University Ministries) tend to attract more relgious and virtuous young ladies than the club scene.

Please -- only serious responses. Poorman's comedians unwanted!
5 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

In love war and politics one can never say 'never'. Maybe now PiS have only got a several-point lead, but by 2015 Poles may get so fed up with shifty-eyed Donny boy's prevarications and unkept promises, that one cannot even rule out a PiS landslide -- the prospect of going it alone without the need to seek coalition partners. Right now it's still anyone's guess: PiS-led coalition or PiS alone.
5 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

Not until 2015. PiS will get 39% and will team up with Solidarna Polska (8%) and PSL (10%). PO will get 32%, SLD (13%) and Palikot (5%). Only a PiS-led coalition would be able to form a cabinet. Kaczyński will not be the PM but Gliński will. Kaczyński will be voted the lifelong honorary chariman and elder statesman of PiS and will retian a prominent consultative role.

If the forthcoming IV RP is not to your liking, you're free to leave. Maybe when the votes are coutned you'll be saying: 'Belgium, my fatherland, here I come!' If you still have a country to go back to because I hear it's disintegrating fast.
5 Jun 2013
News / Krystyna Pawłowicz and the 'marsz szmata' (slut walk) [52]

I wonder if a respected news agency would be happy that one of their correspondents is expressing such sentiments online. Do their head office have any female managers?

It seems Jon is vying with Delph for the Stalker of the Year award. Up till now spying and prying into other people's affaris had been Delph's speciality but Jon wants to give him a run for his money. Which agency, Jon? How do you know? Who told you?
5 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / General differences between Poland and the USA? [184]

Unfortunately, child obesity is on the rise in Poland according to TV news reports. In fact, the increase is much faster than elsewhere in the EU. It's probably a combination of junk food, hours in front of the computer and parents providing written excuses for their kids to sit out PT at school.
5 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

Treasonous? Haven't you heard that parliamentary democracies vote in one governent, then anotehr. That's normal procedure. IV RP was a PiS project to sweep away the ex-commie vermin and other corrupt entities. No-one was calling for the violent overhtrow fo anything...except maybe Szechter in the 1930s. He wanted Poland to be absorbed as the 17th republic of an aggressive enemy state. There's plenty of evidence of that but none to support Delph's anti-Kaczyńskite rants.
5 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

Harry - The reply was to Delph who keeps going on and on about Kaczyński's allegedly nefarious dad. I only threw you in becuase your'e constantly asking for links, so let him give you one and us all that backs up his anti-Kaczyńskite obsession.
5 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

Still harping on theKaczyński's daddy BS? Your obsessive accusations are based solely on your own twisted prsumtpion (he worked at the US embassy ergo he must have been...bla-bla). Szehter by contrast was a card-carrying member of the outlawed Communist Party out to destroy Free Poland and turn it into the 17th Soviet republic as well as an activist of Stalin's Comintern meant to spread blooy bolshevism world-wide. He did time in prison for his subversive activites v Free Poland. Those are indisputable facts, not your fanaciful presumptions, pipedreams and wishful thinking. Where is there even a shred of evidence incrimianting old man Kaczyński. Sullying his good name seems to be one of your pet pursuits when you're not stalking people with high-power binoculars.

Please provide link-obsessed Harry with some hard evidence incriminating Kaczyński's dad.
5 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

still remaining to be a leader

Poor, clumsy English! Wouldn't 'remaining a leader' have been better?
5 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

Politics is a dirty business, a rough and tumble affair. It ain't for the squeamish and faint-hearted. But becuase of the power, prestige and perks it provides it also attracts random opportunists. Not everyone was or is up to the sterling standards of the Brothers Kaczyński.
4 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

Somehow you never mention the PO gambling scam or anything else that would show those crooks up for what they really are.
4 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

Merged: IV RP (BACK IN 2015)


Fourth Polish Republic is a plan for moral revolution and political change proposed by the right-leaning Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (PiS) party in the 2005 general election. According to PiS, the current Third Polish Republic is a post-communist creation whose very foundations must be changed to create a truly democratic state free of the communsit past.

Just to remind those who may not remember, at the 1989 roundtable Poland's communist rulers made a deal to allow a partially free election in exchange for a pledge that there would be no decommunsiation and they would not lose their economic clout. As a reuslt, ex-comies wormed their way into state-owned companies and the privatisation process and retained their influence in various state and public instituions. PiS spoke of an 'układ' (informal arrangement) running the country and compared it to a bridge table at which were seated representatives of previous and current special services, post-communist politcians, big business types and media moguls.

A PiS victory in 2015 will enable patriotic Poles to finish the clean-up started in 2005-2007.
4 Jun 2013
Life / Poland's instability? Voivodships and education. [4]

I'm no expert in the primary education field and was only trying to point out the instabiltiy of things in Poland. To that I might add that at present there is a national debate as to whether to start kids at age six. Parents are divded.

The issue of two kids growing up in the same family and yet being so different is a common occurrence. No-one really knows why that is if both chidlren were treated equally.

One possible solution is the subtle use of peer pressure. If you can get your child to make friends with someone more motivated and ambitious, that might do the trick. But really it's a toss-up, and all one can do is hope for the best, At any rate, good luck!