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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 980 / In This Archive: 576
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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8 Jun 2013
UK, Ireland / Scots better than Poles? [41]

But neither was Scotland and independent country. It was under English rule for centuries.
8 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

I'm on the left side of the barricade

Some people equate leftism wtih lewizna (shady schemes), dwie lewe ręce (two left hands), lewy interes (underhanded buisness) and lewactwo (radical leftists). In English the word sinister (connoting soemthing dark, spooky or threatening) comes from Latin where it means left.
8 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

It's not just nationality but where a company is headquartered. Is Poland where their head office is?
8 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

GUS figures are so confusing and shredded as if to purposely conceal such info.
8 Jun 2013
UK, Ireland / Scots better than Poles? [41]

Good point! Could geography have also played some role? Using English and hanging on to Britain's coat-tails as it were. I mean if Scotland neighboured Nicaragua or was an island in the Atlatnic, would they have fared as well?

And what about Poland? What would account for the Poles' comparatively poor showing?.
8 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

Anyone know where to find a list of Polish-majority-owned companies, their field and annual turnover?
8 Jun 2013
UK, Ireland / Scots better than Poles? [41]

A few years back a Scots (Scottish -- which term is preferable?) journalist remarked that tiny Scotland had contribtued more to world civilisation (personalities, inventions, literature, culture, etc.) than a big country such as Poland. If you agree with that statemennt, why do you think that's the case? If not, why not?
8 Jun 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

Foreigner4 perating within a different set of rules

Or maybe you shoiuld say the Church is operating according to a higher set of standards. If not all Catholics are able to live up to them, take it up with them, not Holy Mother the Church.
8 Jun 2013
Love / Fresh, wholesome country lass in Poland - getting married and going back to the US [167]

Whether it appeals to anyone or not, the hymen (błona dziewicza) has traditonally been the symbol of virginity. Don't kill the messenger. I didn't invent this, it's just the way it has traditionally been. At times premaritally fornicating couples would smear their wedding night sheets with chicken blood and hang them out in the morning for all the neighorus to see. Again, I didn't invent this.
8 Jun 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

Well, who then takes the cerdit for the nuns that today are up on their feet in the middle of the night whenever their autistic or otherwise mentally and physically challenged charges confiend to care facilties have problems or panic attacks or whatever?
7 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / General differences between Poland and the USA? [184]

About the same as America's northern states include upstate New York. Latitudinally Poland is about as far north as frigid Hudson's Bay, but the Gulf Stream, a warm Atlłantic current, warms the Old Continent.
7 Jun 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

The RCC's 'profits' as some people call them are channelled into services beenfiting the entrire nation. Caritas does not reject a retarded child because he/she isn't Catholic. But, as Ihave already pointed out, nun-run care facilites, even if funded by the state, are more cost effective because the Good Sisters take the vow of poverty and very ltitle is spent on their perosnal needs. Their frugaltiy is legendary!
7 Jun 2013
Love / Fresh, wholesome country lass in Poland - getting married and going back to the US [167]

In an ideal world it should. There are young couples who mutually pledge to save themselves for marriage. In actuality, it has long been the custom and practice that men should be experienced lovers whlst women should be innocent. Of coruse that's not fair. What's good for the goose is good for the gander!

An interesting development in Sweden (according to press reprots) is where not prostitues but their male customers are prosecuted.
7 Jun 2013
Love / Fresh, wholesome country lass in Poland - getting married and going back to the US [167]

He's not a friend but a total stranger who asked me about this. He claims never to have been married so I took that at face value. To the best of my ability I have responded using some of the good advice provided by PF-ers. Who knows, he may be lying. He may be in his 30s, make $300,000 a year and look like Deląg, Kammel , Adamczyk or Żebrowski. I am not the FBI or CIA and do not plan to penetrate the guy's past or present.
7 Jun 2013
Love / Fresh, wholesome country lass in Poland - getting married and going back to the US [167]

The terms purity, chastity and innocence are universally understood. Whether they are abided by is another matter.
A bride who does not bring her 'wianek' (innocence) to the marriage bed is second hand. It can be called anything one likes: experience, experimenting, living together, shacking up, cohabitation, trial marriage, living in sin, premarital sex, etc., but that does not change the defintion of innocence.
7 Jun 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

The RCC is not just another NGO. In Poland the Church plays a huge roll in the service of the nation. It inculcates high moral standards in the young people it catechises, cares for the sick, homeless, needy, mentally challenged and elderly, perpetuates the nation's heritage and continues to enrich its culture.

And yet, taxpayers may earmark only one-half of one percent of their tax money to the RCC or other denominations. Run-of-the-mill organisations like some stray cat shelter can count on a whole one percent.

I know our Church-bashers will again find ways to vent their spleen on the RCC (like dredging up the priest-paedophile angle!), because that is inevitable for those seething with hatred towards Catholicism. But that does not change the fact that the RCC is Poland's largest single care-provider to the needy and underprivileged. For that reason alone it deserves our utmost respect and acknowledgment. For the benefit of penny-pinchers, any public funds used to assist nun-run charities constitute a significant saving compared to what institutions employing hired laypeople cost to operate.
6 Jun 2013
Love / Fresh, wholesome country lass in Poland - getting married and going back to the US [167]

I get all kinds of questions and do my level best to answer them or at least point the asker to someone who can help him or her. Some deal with adopting Polish orphans, PolAms retiring in Poland, where to find this or that product or souvenir, Polish surnames , heraldry and many other things. For instance a PolAm from Milwaukee heard Poland produces the world's smallest and chepest aeroplane so I looked it up and gave him the contact in Krosno.

Re this latest query, some of you have helped me to formulate my reply to him and thanks for that.
6 Jun 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

jkb If abortion, contraception, in-vitro fertilization is not moral to you....
Then don't do it. That seems to make sense until someone says the taxpayers' money should be used to finance them or refund the cost in part or in whole. Then those opposed are forced to help bankroll something that violates their conscience.

Doctors may invoke a conscience clause and refuse to perform an abortion, even if it is permsisible under the law, if it vioaltes their conscience.
6 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

I largely agree. They may provide only a very rough orientation. Different pollsters use different methods, different samplings and phrase their quewstions differently. Which party do you support? may generate different replies than Who would you vote for if the election were held today? Phone queries, written responses and man-in-the-street itterviews also produce varied results.
6 Jun 2013
News / "Shale Gas Revolution" will make Poland a Leading Country in Europe! [202]

If, as someone has pointed out, the US has loads of shale gas that can be cheaply transported to Poland's gasport, then maybe that would be the way to go instead of maiming the Polish land wtih drilling and fracking operations. I'm strictly a layman in the energy field. If it shows, please enlighten me.
6 Jun 2013
Love / Fresh, wholesome country lass in Poland - getting married and going back to the US [167]

I tried to indicate diverse situations. Another might be an old stick-in-the-mud bachelor whose only diversion is the telly and might like a young live-wire wife to introduce him to fun things and places. I agree there is a broad gamut between a prayerful nun and a loose-living tart..

From what I can infer, I believe my questioner is looking for something closer to the former than the latter. Anyway I will tell him to watch out for golddiggers and maybe step back from such a big age differences. But the choice will be his. He is even toying with the prospect of a checking out Ukrainiania mail-order brides. Any PF-er had any expeirence wtih that arrangement?