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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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11 Jun 2013
News / Palikot - too liberal/modern for Poland? [197]

Not in temrs of public support and that's what counts at the polls. Their last showing was purely a fluke which will never be repeated. When people want to see a clown they go to MdcDonald's and say 'hi' to Ronald.
11 Jun 2013
News / Palikot - too liberal/modern for Poland? [197]

You forgot "leader of the 3rd biggest party in the Sejm".

No longer, SLD is third. Palikot may squeak into the Sejm in 2015 if he can get enough off-the-wall voters to give him the 5%. If so, he'll again be teh Sejm's fly in the ointment or a peskily buzzing mozzie. Actually a band of clowns may even provide some colour and diversion to lighten the atmosphere on occasion.
11 Jun 2013
News / Palikot - too liberal/modern for Poland? [197]

they're promoting liberal economic reforms that Poland badly needs

And Palikot's greatest 'liberal economic reform' was an appeal for the state to start building factories! This guy will do and say anything just to stay in the limelight. He once ran a Cahtolic magazine Ozon (very good in fact) and later tried to be a poor man's Luther by nailing his declaration of Apostasy to a church door. He is the consummate happening artist and will bring a pig's head or rubber penis to a TV stuido, or knock down shots of vodka on the street as long as TV cameras are whirring nearby. Megalomanic ego-tripper he is!
11 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

Cannot rise above the ad personam gossip level, can we? Remember small people talk about people, medium-size people talk about things and big people talk about ideas. On the PF we are supposed to be sharing ideas and views not small-minded bickering and nitpicking over the real or imagined personal foibles of others.

For your penance, repeat 10 times: ISSUES, IDEAS, CONCEPTS, THEORIES, HYPOTHESES!!!
If you do this for at least 2 weeks, maybe some of it will sink in. Although frankly in your case I doubt it. Pettiness is a pretty hard thing to shake off, innit?
10 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

Any lsit of companies majority owned by Poles and giving the percentage fthe stake?
10 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

The left had always been abouut revolutionary change, some hare-brained utopias that disrupt the modus vivendi, overturn tradition, create a new set of norms geared to their agenda, the creation of 'a new man', a 'new cuilture', a *brave new world'. Be it the French bloodbath ('be my brother or I'll kill you!'), the bolsheviks and Nazis. waging race warfare or class warfare in pursuit of some illusory 'better tomorrow' (for Aryans or the workng people of town and country). Also the sexual revolution, hippy counterculture, the capitalist 'greed is good' ethic and the anti-globalist upheavals. They all ultimately fail as more and more of their their erstwhile advocates eventually see the folly of their ways. But the amount of pain, suffering and turmoil they cause in people's lives is often irreversible. 'I po cholerę myśmy tę żabę jedli?!' (Why the f*** did me do that?!)

So no, Lenka, .you needn't change your views, but there's nothing sotpping you thinking and analysing things a bit. Your compatriots ave a nice saying: 'Najpierw pomyśl, to nic nie kosztuje!
10 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

So such term as prawactwo. But the rightist root is found insuch words as prawy, prawo, prawowity, and prawda -- all the things the lefist scumballs lack!
10 Jun 2013
Real Estate / Warsaw studio apartment for 146K? [5]

ekonomia.rp.pl/artykul/705487,1017919-Rosnie-pula-tani ch-mieszkan-od-dewelopera.html

Rzepa reports that a studio apartment in Warsaw can now be had for 146,000 zł. How does that compare with other European capitals?
10 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

Wouldn't you agree that a company could be called Polish-owend if Poles held a majrotiy stake, even just 51%?
10 Jun 2013
News / Palikot - too liberal/modern for Poland? [197]

It is a vanity project. He is the consummate publicity seeker. He ran a Catholic magazine, made millions on booze, set up the Palikot party which was supposed to be pro-busienss liberal and then said the governmetn should be building factories. He was against ACTA but got booed down by the young people and wants to legalise marijuana. He will do anything and say anything and stage the most outrageous happening just to stay in the limelight.

But he isn't all bad, just like Hitler created the VW. His Palikot group takes some votes away from both SLD and PO, and that is good!
10 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / Piwniczanka related water in the U.S. ? [5]

Are you debunking the TV adverts for crystal-clear mountain spring water such as Kropla Bekidu. Pure health in a bottle!
10 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

If you consider all the one-man companies, the corner shops, self-employed telemarketers and computer reparimen and all those registered to do 'działalność gospodarczą' then a staggering figure can be acheived. I had in mind companeis like Orlen operating a chain of petrol stations in Germany, or the Solaris coach company, or others with a visibly Polish image and an annual turnover in the multi-million range.
10 Jun 2013
News / Palikot - too liberal/modern for Poland? [197]

Polonius, can we safely assume that you have an obsession with homosexuals?

Can we safely assume that you have an obsession with Catholicism and PiS? You bash them far more often than anybody else refers to homosexuals.

A cryptohomosexual maybe?

Actually D. is a crypto-Catholic and clandestine PiS operative. All the Church- and PiS-bashing is strictly a smoke-screen to confuse the issue.
10 Jun 2013
News / Palikot - too liberal/modern for Poland? [197]

Everybody who is interested in finding out and learning soemthing. I surely dont' have to teach you how to surf the net. If you're that interested in the topic you will find pletny of evidence. But some people are receptive only to information that reinforces their preconcieved notions. One doesn't learn anything by staying in one's safe and comfy rut. Think, explore, look around for different views that go beyond your own prejudices.

Do you really believe that percentagewise:
-- Heterosexuals are responsible for more domestic violence than you know who?
-- Heterosexuals on averge have a shorter life expectancy than...
-- Heterosexuals are likely to be HIV positive than ....
-- Heterosexuals engage in more substance abuse than...
-- Heterosexuals are more promiscuous (have more partners) than...
-- Heterosexual releationships are less stable and of shorter durations than...

Cyberspace is a big place, so you've got your job cut out for you. And now we are watiing for you provide us with some links to prove the above theses. Good luck!

-- Heterosexuals are more likely to engage in paedophilia than...
9 Jun 2013

One of the hits of the Sopot Top Trendy festival was a song 'Blokes are pigs' (Faceci to świnie). Even when they try to be nice they are still pigs, the song alleges.

Sure it was tongue in cheek, but nevertheless the Środas, Nowickas and Kazimiera Szczukas of this world would probably burst a blood vessel if someone performed a satirical song saying 'Wszystkie baby to maciory' (All women are sows).
9 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / Piwniczanka related water in the U.S. ? [5]

Check out: americansummits.com

Our mission is to provide pure mineral water sourced from pristine American mountain springs. We use sustainable springs that are naturally recharged by rain and snowfall. We will never treat our water with chemicals or preservatives, or with distillation or reverse osmosis. Therefore, we will never use well water as our source. Instead, we seek out untouched springs high in the mountains in remote, protected lands.
9 Jun 2013
News / Palikot - too liberal/modern for Poland? [197]

Typical modus operandi: Evidence! Sources! Links! Proof!
When links are provided that do not conform to some people's biases and prejudices, they dismiss them as unreliable.
It is a generlaly known fact that information showing the negative sides of certian small but influential minorites catered to by the PC establishment is simply suppressed.
9 Jun 2013
News / Palikot - too liberal/modern for Poland? [197]

"The rate of homosexual versus heterosexual child sexual abuse is staggering," said Reisman, who was the principal investigator for an $800,000 Justice Department grant studying child púrnography and violence. "Abel,s data of 150.2 boys abused per male homosexual offender finds no equal (yet) in heterosexual violations of 19.8 girls."

In terms of numbers of children abused per offender, homosexuals abuse with far greater frequency; and boys, research shows, are the much-preferred target.

Baldwin says evidence he examined disproves the assertion that child molestation is more prevalent among heterosexuals. Both he and Reisman found that media coverage of adult homosexual abuse of minors is also slanted.

"The National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA) recently boasted that although homosexuals are less than two percent of the population, three-fourths of the people who decide the content of the front page of the New York Times are homosexual," Reisman wrote.

That one fact is especially noteworthy, experts point out, given the recent child sex scandals taking place within the American Catholic church.

Gay press promotes sex with children

Baldwin says his research not only "confirms that homosexuals molest children at a rate vastly higher than heterosexuals," but it found that "the mainstream homosexual culture" even "commonly promotes sex with children."

"The editorial board of the leading peodophile academic journal, Paidika, is dominated by prominent homosexual scholars such as San Francisco State University professor John DeCecco, who happens to edit the Journal of Homosexuality," Baldwin wrote.

9 Jun 2013
News / Palikot - too liberal/modern for Poland? [197]

Why is it that priests are seventeen times more likely to be be paedophiles than the average person?

Since you're so good at maths then why not tell tell us how many times more likely is a homosexual likely to become a paedophile than the avergae person?
9 Jun 2013
News / Poland's Nationalists hold congress [132]

For what it's worth, my gut feeling is that PiS will work out some arrangement, żeby wilk był syty i owca cała (so both sides are happy). Amid the greatest of tribtues, testimonials and honours Kaczyński will be eased into the post of life-long honorory chairman, whilst a younger chap will become the party's presdient. Whether anyone here likes it or not, the PiS programme minus Kaczyński and Smolensk have a fairly large potential draw amongst those fed up with PO.
9 Jun 2013
News / Two Polish nuns beatified in Kraków [3]

Highly ahistorical. And your homeland and Church (if you were baptised Anglican) never killed or tortured anyone?

Bellarmine was entirely devoted to the Church and tried to defend teh faith the way that was prevalent in his epoch. He always wore a rough. abrasive noose around his neck (beneath his episcopal finery so no-one could see it) as sign of humiltiy and self-moritfication. A saiontly man he was.
9 Jun 2013
News / Two Polish nuns beatified in Kraków [3]

For the first time ever a beatficaton was conducted in Kraków by someone other than the pope. Cardinal Angelo Amato beatified Zofia Czeska (1584-1650) set up a school to prepare poor girls relgiously and intellectually for life. Małgorzata £ucja Szewczyk (1828-1905) devoted her entire life to orphans, the sick and needy. "The heritage they have left us is to do good and do it well," the cardinal said.

The purpose of declaring blesseds and saints is to hold up shining examples encoruaging people to rise above the base, pedestrian and prosaic and lead virtuous lives in the service of God and fellow-man.

9 Jun 2013
News / Poland's Nationalists hold congress [132]

Komorowski's ex-commie flunky Nałęcz delivered a rare praise of PiS when he comparerd them to the National Movement.
The Ruch leaders used firebrand rhetoric on Saturday saying they planned to overthrow the roundtable and lewactwo (radical leftism). 'This is war. It's either either them or us!... We are a non-uniformed socio-political army that will bring order to Poland...', etc., etc., in that general vein.

9 Jun 2013
UK, Ireland / Scots better than Poles? [41]

In view of the above, the amazing thing is that Scotland's population is just over 5 million, hence comparable to that of Slovaklia and Denmark.

The Czech Republic has twice that. So does Portugal, but geography also plays a role. Atlantic access, exploration and colonialism have enabled the Portuguese to spread their lanuage and culture far and wide, whilst landlocked and foreign-occupied Bohemia lacked such opportunities. And maybe also the urge and desire.
9 Jun 2013
News / Poland's Nationalists hold congress [132]

But it was the main purveyor of cultrue, ethics and civilisation vis-a-vis the barbarians, so Christianisaiton is what civlised them.óThe dark ages was ther period following the collapse of antiquity and the advent of Christian Europe. Orchards and vineyards, cattle pens and sheds, buildings, books and learning were all part of the Church's legacy.

But if someone insists on being a church-basher at all costs, then one can say that it was the Martians who came down and set up schools and libraries, built the beautiful romanesque churches and castles, nursed teh wounded on battlefields, etc., etc.
8 Jun 2013
News / Poland's Nationalists hold congress [132]

It was the Church that civilised the barbarians in the dark ages, teaching them to build homes, sow and harvest rather than raid and pillage. The Church set up universities, chronicled history, created libraries, ministered to the sick, aided the needy and the list goes on and on. In those cicsmstances it was indeed progressive and ahead of its time, something veteran Church-bashers and christophobes conveniently overlook..
8 Jun 2013
UK, Ireland / Scots better than Poles? [41]

Imrpessive list. If you're a Scotsman you've indeed got a lot to be proud of.

Besides the partitions and the destruction of the intelligentsia under both the Nazis and Soviets, perhaps one reason was also hte lopsided nature of Polish society with hardly a native burgher (middle) class, the towns being dominated by Germans and Jews. There was a 10% noble class and the rest, maybe 85% were peasant farmers or way back even serfs. They tilled the soil but did not go to school or read, let alone write books. And of course there was the geograophic situation between two mortal enemies with others (Swedes, Cossacks, Bohemians, Muscovites, Mongolians and others) taking turns to make life miserable. The harsh northern climate was also less conducive to creativity, although Scotland isn't exactly the Mediterranean.
8 Jun 2013
News / Poland's Nationalists hold congress [132]

National Movement holds congress in Warsaw and pledges to fight for a Poland for Poles. (Not very original!) Some politicians on TV indicated that the movement might take some votes away from PiS. Do the nationalists have a chance of crossing the 5% threshold. I shouldn't think so at present, but in love, war and politics everything is possible.

SLD boss Miller said on TV that he represented 'progressive Poland' and the nationalists -- backward (zaściankowa) Poland.