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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
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Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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13 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]


True, but you still can't say it was "pushed".

O didn't say it was 'pushed' through at gunpoint but various elements ganged up to force it through. Who controlsl the media controls the state.
13 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

Polling-station demcoracy is important but the final outcome also depends to a large extent on who has mainstream media support as well as that of other small but wealthy and influential groups. In the US, for instance, if the mainstream media and Hollywood types support something, that is a tremendous boost to that cause. Numerically those elites are not that big, but they have the best potential for swaying or brainwashing the masses.
13 Jun 2013
Language / Tusk's uvular 'r' when speaking in Polish [49]

The trilled 'r' that exists in Polish, Spanish and Italian is not the same as the guttural uvular one. The former is made by vibrating the tongue against the back of the upper teeth whilst the flatter throaty one -- by vibrating the uvula.
13 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

The present constitution was pushed through by the ex-commies (Kwaśniewski & Co.) with the support of their fellow-travellers from th left-leaning, cosmopolitan KOR-ite 'Unia Rozwolności' (or whatever it was called). The patriotic truly Polish AWS (Solidarity Electoral Action) led by Jerzy Buzek was dead set against it but got outvoted. Unlike normal constitutions it even lacks a clear 'incvocatio Dei' in its preamble.
12 Jun 2013
News / Poles v Tusk's school 'reform' [58]


The so-called educational reform is not actually about education or children, explained a representative of the Parents' Rights Association. The government simply wants to push kids into the work force earlier so they can start paying their ZUS contributions sooner. So it's actually about trying to shore up the collapsing pension system. But it is all couched in fancy PR-style rhetoric as if the government were concerned with the educational welfare of Poland's chidren.

Merged: PiS plan major educational reform

PiS have announced plans to carry out a major reform of today's largely neglected educational system. This year an alarmingly low percentage of pupils passed their secondary-school-leaving exam, and many vocaitomnal schools have been closed. A National Curriculum Council will revamp existing curricula and draw up new reading lists for pupils. The current set-up will be radically modified: junior secondary school (middle school = gimnazjum) will be abolished and the traditonal 8 + 4 scheme will be restored.Youngsters will begin their education at agre 7. The reforms will bring the educational system more into line with the expectations and needs of the Polish nation and take parents' demand into greater account. The fact that schools in their present form have become hotbeds of social pathologies was among the reasons behind the reform.

12 Jun 2013
Language / Tusk's uvular 'r' when speaking in Polish [49]

Tusk's fatuously haughty, aristocratic air

But Tusk defintiely is unaristocratic in appearance. Looks more like a chłopek-roztropek and the shifty eyes make him look suspect.. Komorowski deifnitely proejcts the aura of a traditonal Polish szlachciura, esp. when he sported his moustache.
12 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

What about the upgraded history teaching curriculum? Under tusk it has been watered down. Who needs history? - ask pedestrian PO Poles.
People of culture also say the PiS-led governemtn was better for the nation's culture.
12 Jun 2013
News / Poles v Tusk's school 'reform' [58]

In your books is 947,000 half a million? Don't you watch the TV news? They showed parents with boxes and boxes of petitions being delivered the Sejm and the news reader also mentioned the close to one million figure.

There's even a 'save the little kids' website: ratujmaluchy.pl
12 Jun 2013
Language / Tusk's uvular 'r' when speaking in Polish [49]

Komorowski defintiely does not use the uvular 'r'.
Did you fail to see this post:

Very possibly. The influence of Kashubian, hence of the North German uvular 'R', is doubtless present:-)

12 Jun 2013
News / Poles v Tusk's school 'reform' [58]

Nearly a million signatures have been collected amongst irate parents in protest against a government scheme to force children to start first form at age 6. AT present the starting age is 7 but there is a zero class or nursery form for 6-year-olds. True to form (no pun in tended), as he did re ACTA, Tusk is again pushing ahead with the unpopular measure despite widespread opposition.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk and Minister for Education Krystyna Szumilas government presented a draft amendment to the Law on the Education System . It is assumed that half of the six-year compulsory go to schools in September 2014. A year later - have all . A class for freshmen will count no more than 25 people.

Reduction of school age to six years raises a lot of controversy . Oppose reform of parents organized around action Ratujmaluchy.pl . Under the proposal for a referendum on the six-year gathered more than half a million signatures. Parents fear for example, that children aged six years are not yet ready to send them to school that classes are too large, and the age difference between students will not be conducive to the development of children.

12 Jun 2013
Language / Tusk's uvular 'r' when speaking in Polish [49]

neither the Prime Minister nor the City President have it.

Coudl be if they ditched it overnight. But yesty both were on TV uvulating away.
12 Jun 2013
Language / Tusk's uvular 'r' when speaking in Polish [49]

Tusk and Gronkowiec are on TV often enough these days. Just watch the news for a few days and I'm sure you'll see and hear them.
12 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

It's a waste of breath an anyone so bitterly seething with hatred towards PiS. Even about Hitler on the plus side that he was respsonsible for the VW and Autobahns, but you have yet to say a single good word about PiS and the brothers. Yes, even Tusk's lacklustre govt slashed the fatcat pensions of excommie bigwigs and arranged. Euro 2012.
12 Jun 2013
Language / Tusk's uvular 'r' when speaking in Polish [49]

Both Tusk and Gronkoiwcz-Waltz are probably the best-known politcal celebrities to pronounce the 'r' sound the French or uvular way. Is that just a speech defect or an optional pronunciation? The reason I ask is I recall I had encountered several uvular speakers in the Szczecin area. Could thatpossibly have been a leftover of the 'autochtoni' in that area or maybe an element of Kashub pronunciation?
12 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

PiS was and is about cleaning up the mess and unfinished busienss left behind by the foundign fathers of III RP. The roundtable deal of providng the commies with a soft landing could conceivably be justified by the fact that in the early years thingn were still in a state of flux. Yanaev had unleasged a coup in Russia and no-one really knew if things wouldn't get re-sovietised. But by 1992, when a pro-Polish Yeltsin was in power, genuine de-communisation coulld have been launched. It was thwarted by the parliamentary coup (call it what you like). A group of politicians (see the film 'Nocna zmiana') gathered in a backroom to plot the overthrow of the Olszewski government. That put paid to any serious clean-up. Ex-commies wormed their way into treasury companies, the media, the privatisaiton machinery and other key posts. They were covered by former commie-era and current RP special services, a coterie of cooperating industrialsits, media types and politicians which formed the unholy bridge foursome known as 'układ'. This is what the IV RP wanted to eliminate. Is that bad? Remember it took 2 decades just to trim down to size the fat-cat pensions enjoyed by Poland's wreckers, senior PRL-vintage bigwig OAPs.
12 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

Lenka - Got some way of redirecting all the nonsense to Random chats? The constant baiting and goading by a certiain expat threesome or foursome who act like they own the place is getting tiresome. They waste people's time and energy by engaging in mean-spirited backbiting and take nearly every thread off topic. There are so many things to discuss in a clam, amicable manner without constantly questioning a poster's sicnerity, challenging him to a verbal duel or trying to psychoanalyse him/her.
12 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

Oh, but there are plenty of documented facts and names and dates etc

Let's see some. Put your money where your mouth is.
12 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

slightest suspicion that DuckBoy

If you've got no LINKS, HARD DOCUMENTED FACTS, DATES, PLACES, NAMES, etc. why are you spouting off?
12 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

The evidence is staring you in the face

But that's only something you thought up. We need LINKS, HARD DOCUMENTED FACTS, DATES, PLACES, NAMES , IPN DOCUMENTS... All we are asking for are some reliable links.
12 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]


More insinuations, groundless accusations, speculation, unfounded presumptions, jumping to conclusions and general hot air is unwanted and unneeded on PF, as all (except probably your think-alike Bobsy Twin clone) can attest.
12 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

And you appear to be forgetting the line that you have memorised by rote and parrot at every turn: LINKS, EVIDENCE, PROOF, DOCUMENTATION... BLA-BLA-BLA ...Oh, I forgot, you use a different set of standards towards your Bobsy Twin clone.
12 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

it's not truth

Don't be discouraged. It doesn't have to be true. The poster you responded to is well known for using every opportunity to besmirch, revile and denigrate the Kaczyński Family, PiS, the Catholic Church, observant Catholics and any PF-er he disagrees with, and any pretext he can find to bash them is a good one. When there is no evidence to back up his delirious rants, he provides copious speculations, presumptions and guilt by innuendo. Stara śpiewka!
12 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

delphiandomine are you really so naive as to think that they would let just anyone install anything in the American Embassy?]

Ah, so it's just pure speculation, conjecture, undocumented presumption, insinuation, innuendo... Those are precisely the devices used by totalitarian regimes to discredit and destroy people.
12 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

how did the Kaczyński clan manage to have such a big flat

Since this is one of your pet obsessions, YOU TELL US! Was old man K. in the PZPR? LINKS, PROOF, EVIDENCE, on the double, drop everything and provide us with reliable, fully documeted links. That's all we ask. Is that askling too much?
11 Jun 2013
Love / Fresh, wholesome country lass in Poland - getting married and going back to the US [167]

It doesn't take much to get the Flemings and stalkers started. They rarely come up with an interesting topic on their own.
They're too busy sideswiping and nitpicking to sink their teeth into any meaningful subject. We still don't know what the limtis of surveillance are or should be. The microchip thingie was only an afterthought, not the main idea, but sure enough, they always latch onto some tabloidy splinter and ride it to death. Well, that's their choice. So be it.