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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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14 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

PiS have got a vibrant młodzieżówka (check out what that means in your hard-copy or online dictionary).
14 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

You inspired me with your Duckboy, Duckist rhetoric. Your beloved *********** deserve nothing better. And Gronkowiec really is toxic like a staph infection. Good thing she's going to be recalled in a referendum.
14 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

Yet another poll, this time CBOS, has reinforced the general trend of PiS in the lead. It also confirms relatively low support for all parties. Good news is that the Palicreeps are out of the running.

Results: PiS 27, PO 23, SLD 9, PSL 6, Palicoot & Circus 3.
14 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / Prayer, relgious symbols OK in public in Québec! Poland watches. [99]

In other words a sect with three members should have a large symbol the size of the Christian cross? How about the Satanists? Would you really like to view their goat's head emblem next to Poland's sacred Crucifix?

Remember Mickiewicz's famous words: Only under the Cross can Poland be Poand and a Pole be a Pole.
14 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / Prayer, relgious symbols OK in public in Québec! Poland watches. [99]

If all religions are to be represented or none at all, shouldn't the predominant faith have the largest symbol with much smaller ones next to it? Should a predomiantnyl Chrsitian nation with only a mere handful of Hindus or animists be forced to display their symbols in as prominent a format as the cross?

And aren't all those raising a rumpus over this merely inflating a marginal molehole into a major media-hyped mountain?
14 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

Some people like to have a church within wallking distance. But a brothel on every street is more to the liking of those with a different set of moral and aesthetic preferences. À chacun son goût! Which do you prefer?
14 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / Prayer, relgious symbols OK in public in Québec! Poland watches. [99]

vote on it and settle the matter.

Do you really beleive the Sejm (with the exception of SLD, Palikot and mebbe a handful fo PO nutters) would vote to remove the cross ? Even when the ex-commies were in power nobody dared try that.
14 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

Moral dissolution has posed a threat, often an irreversible one, to many a system or empire. Rome fell becuase it became too fat, flabby, dissolute and pleasure-obsessed to withstand the barbarian invasions. By wallowing in libertine, anything-goes dissolution, the West is building tis own coffin and providing free ammunition to the expanding ranks of militant Islam. Every so-called 'pride' parade more deeply entrenches the view that the decadent West is truly a Satan which must be destroyed by the loyal children of Allah.
14 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

'Catholic' nutters

It's the anti-Catholic nutters who pose a threat to the Polish nation. Instead of trying to turn Poland into Amsterdam, why don't they just quietly leave and move there. If they love to wade in filth, so be it!
14 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / Prayer, relgious symbols OK in public in Québec! Poland watches. [99]

aslong as we will put other religious signs next to it.

Indeed, one could Google religions and plaster the walls with every relgious smybol listed there. That would be a cost-efficient move as wel, For the one-off price for the symbols, they wouldn't have to paint or paper the walls for years.
14 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / Prayer, relgious symbols OK in public in Québec! Poland watches. [99]

A court in Québec has ruled that beginning town council sessions with a prayer and displaying a cross at town hall does not violate the principle of official religious neutrality. 'Neutrality does not require purging public life of all religious reality, particularity that which constitutes a component of our cultural heritage,' the judge explained.

Probably the negligible percentage of those who object to any religious presence in public space is about the same in Québec as in Poland. Both Poland and the Province of Québec have many serious and pressing problems to deal with without wasting time, effort and taxpayer money on minor, peripheral issues being pushed by a handful of obsessed anti-religious agitators.

In 2011, the mayor has been fined 30 thousand . dollars for refusing a short prayer at the beginning of the meeting of the city council . He also ordered the removal from the audience crosses and statues of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
14 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

get the liberal part of PiS to break away in order to form a government.

Or conversely, PiS could get the decent and sensible PO wing (Gowin et al) to break away in order to form a government. The problem with SP is: could they garner enough votes to retain their present number of seats?

If they could, I'm sure PiS would invite them into a colaiton. Unless, that is, PiS won outright and could go it alone (Kaczyński's delcared goal). Politics is not about bearing grudges if they don't pay off. It's about eating humble pie when required to get into or stay in power. Most of the rest is mere sloganeering.
14 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

43% has never been achieved

There always is 'ten pierwszy raz'!
Admittedly Palikot could be a stumblign block but he has already been knocked out a few times, we can therefore only hope he won't make it but SP will. PSL will hook up with PiS to stay in power. They'd join any coalition that would give them some cabinet posts. Their plus side is that they reject a socially radical libertine agenda.
14 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

PiS INCREASES LEAD: The latest TNS survey gives PiS a 7-point lead over PO: PiS 30, PO 23, SLD 10 and Palikot 6. PSL is out of the running. The last poll cited had shown a 6-point lead, so gradually, slowly, step by step...

Maybe we'll soon be regularly seeing PiS 43, PO 22, SLD 12, Solidary Poland 8. No Palikot or PSL.
Support for all parties in the TNS poll is rather low compared to other pollsters' results. That may reflect the interviewing methods, the sample being used and/or declining public interest and trust in politics.
14 Jun 2013
News / Krystyna Pawłowicz and the 'marsz szmata' (slut walk) [52]

[]jon357: I wonder if a respected news agency would be happy that one of their correspondents is expressing such sentiments online. Do their head office have any female managers?[/quote]

Which respected news agency?
14 Jun 2013
Language / Tusk's uvular 'r' when speaking in Polish [49]

Reminds me of when I was teaching Polish in the States, I had this one student who could not get the Polish trilled 'r' for the life of him. And yet he was routinely saying geryńg for English getting. But when I tried to have him use that 'ry' sound in the Polish word ryba, it kept coming out with the American untrilled 'r'. Go figure.
13 Jun 2013
Language / Tusk's uvular 'r' when speaking in Polish [49]

Anyone ever heard someone speak Polish with an untrilled American-style 'r'? Like the US Ambassador of visitng politicans or businessmen? It's quite hilarious.
13 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

The latest Homo Homini poll shows Pis 32, PO 26, SLD 15 and SP 5. Luckily Palikot has been booted out with only 4% and Solitary Poland has moved into the No. 4 slot. PSL is also offside at 4%. In theory, the PO and SLD could form a coalition, except that if that were known before election day, they would not even get 26% of the vote. And since they have been publicizing with the idea, the opposition will hit them over the head with it and maybe even make it the main plank of their election campaign.
13 Jun 2013
Life / How many Jewish people live in Poland? [145]

what is your "afterthought" behind this posting?

Since I've heard no substantive reply from you on the obvious nuermical discrepancy pointed out in the post, I can only sit back and eagery await your as always 'enlightened' explanation.

Does the Belgian press claim there are 120,000? That was the point -- the discrepancy.

BTW (different subject) To what extent are Dutch, Flemish and Afrikaans mutually intelligible. Can you tell a Dutchman and Afrikaner by their speech?
13 Jun 2013
Life / How many Jewish people live in Poland? [145]

Merged: How many Jews in Poland?

Out of a population of 38 million, it is estimated that 20,000 Polish citizens are Jewish.

Wikipedia on national minorities in Poland states:
The first figure given (7508) is the total, the 2nd (2488)- Jewish as first identificaiton inlcuding the only one, Jewish as only identification (1636), Jewish, as second identification (5020) and both Polish and Jewish identifcation (5355).


The difference bwteen 7500 and 20,000 is quite considerable. Over the years the figure of 50,000 has bounced around, but I'm not sure what certeria were used. Jewish criteria are clear and straightforward: anyone borne by a Jewish mother is Jewish!

Some people learnt they were Jewish only after 1989. Some Jewish parents supposedly have stiłl not told their children.
13 Jun 2013
Language / Tusk's uvular 'r' when speaking in Polish [49]

Can you pronounce trilled "r" yourself Polonius?

You better believe I can as in: Rudy Romek kradnie drewno z drewutni. Also the uvular one too as in: Je ne regrette rien! And, what the heck. why not the Polish sentence with the uvular 'r': Rrudy Rromek krradnie drrewno z drrewutni.
13 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

OK, say heavily promoted, forcefully propagated.... it's only semantics. BTW are you in favour of the educational-reform referendum now being proposed? You've heard of the 3 x TAK referendum of 1946 I believe. Stalin once said: 'it's not important how people vote, what's important is who counts the ballots.'
13 Jun 2013
News / 4th Polish Republic may re-emerge [244]

it's perfectly legal in Polish politics to bring down Governments

Technically they did not violently overthrow Olszewski by sending security troops into the Sejm, but as 'Nocna zmiana' clearly showed, the whole busienss had an unsavoury, shady and conspriatorial backroom air about it. At least the film showed who the future wreckers of Free Poland would be: commies, KOR-ites and liberals working hand in glove.