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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
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Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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19 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

No other party is likely to go into coalition

PSL is a prime contender. They have even snuggled up to ex-commies and Platformers. They'll do anything for a few cabinet posts.
I don't think they were invited to a coalition with PiS in 2005. If they were, they would have lunged at the opprotuntiy. Who knwos if that wouldn't have been a better move than Lepper. I forgot how many seat swere won by PSL and Samoobrona in 2005.

At least PSL are ideologically traditionalist, pro-Catholic, pro-family and pro-Poland and enjoy the support of PF's much-reviled Poland B. More power to them!
18 Jun 2013
News / Anti-atheisation institute in Poland emerging [110]

Voltaire. What a dick he was

When Voltaire was on his death bed he asked for a priest. His folowers were shocked, but he confessed and received the Eucharist. Somehow he pulled through and reverted to his blasphemous, iconoclastic and anticlerical ways. The next time he fell mortally ill, again he called for a priest, But this time his followers said 'No way, José' and he died in sin and is presumably burning in hell.

On a differetn score, Voltarie heartily congratulated his pal Friedrich der Große on partitioning Poland which he hated with a passion.
18 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

should go halves on the $15 needed

What's that supposed to mena? Another example of web-stalking and harrassment of a fellow-poster? Really, you of all people shouldn't be ********, when you're the prime offender.
18 Jun 2013
Life / Our Mothers, Our Fathers on Polish TV? [19]

Maybe he's seen the whole thing. As I understand it, there are some anti-AK sequences. When AK blokes capture a German train an throw upen the doors, they find it's only Jews so they relock the door and leave them to their fate. There was also a scene where some lads want to join an AK unit and the first quesiton asked is: You're not Jewish are you? But that's just the trailer. I don't jump to hasty conclusions the way Rydzyk-bashers do. Pooglądamy, zobaczymy!
18 Jun 2013
Life / Our Mothers, Our Fathers on Polish TV? [19]

No lies as such. But in the trailer shown earlier the actors playing Polish freedom-fighters were somehow not done up quite right. I've seen oodles of documentary footage and there was just something wrong, but I only got a glimspe of it. Maybe it'll be in part 2 or 3.
18 Jun 2013
Life / Our Mothers, Our Fathers on Polish TV? [19]

99% of people claiming there to be lies haven't watched the programme

Precisely the case of most TV Trwam and Radio Maryja bashers. If you're a 'modern' godless leftist or other self-styled 'progressive' you're supposed to bash it, because the ethnically correct gurus tell you to.
18 Jun 2013
News / Anti-atheisation institute in Poland emerging [110]

Poland Catholics want to persecute people for their faith

Examples. Not links, just widely known facts. Do you mean the ecumenical movement where different denominations join for prayer and dialogue. Or Maybe Blessed JPII who apologised to Jews and Muslims for any wrongs suffered at the hands of Christians or his obliteration of excommunication edicts imposed on Protestant reformers?
18 Jun 2013
News / Anti-atheisation institute in Poland emerging [110]

French Revolution

I would have rooted for the Vandeians (spelling?), the peasants revolting against the reign of terror. In support of God, King and the law. Sadly, nearly 200,000 of them were mercillessly slaughtered by the pre-stalinsits of the day.

The terrorists' notion of fraternity was 'Be my brother or I'll kill you!' And their much vaunted laïcité served as a smoke-screen to persecute Catjholics, guillotine clergy, rape nuns, loot and burn down churches. The Spanish Stalinist cut-throats must have been inspired by their example and the Bolshevik revolution.
18 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

convicted criminal

Who's the convicted criminal? Been jaywalking again?
18 Jun 2013
Life / Our Mothers, Our Fathers on Polish TV? [19]

Anybody see the first part of 'Our Mothers, our Fathers' shown on Polish TV last night? The first part at least showed mainly the extreme cruelty of many Germans as well as the general horror of war. Personally I think it should be shown. The head of the World AK Association Baranowski agrees. What about you?
18 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

supposedly collecting for the shipyards

Madam Piasecka Johnson may have taken that secret with her to the grave.
18 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / Prayer, relgious symbols OK in public in Québec! Poland watches. [99]

rapid expansion of the industrial base prolonging the USSR and enslaving Poland.

That's quite a good point. But don't forget lend-lease. If it wasn't for the US military hardware including the famous Willys Jeeps and Studebaker trucks, Hitler would have conquered the USSR.
18 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

Most funding comes from free-will donations by devout Catholics in Poland and across Polonia. They broadcast world-wide, you know.
18 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / Prayer, relgious symbols OK in public in Québec! Poland watches. [99]

The victory of patriotic Spanish forces over misguided domestic leftists aided by outside Stalinist forces meant that Europe was saved from Sovietisation. And that is the bottom line. If the defneders of Catholic Spain had been defeated, who knows if your grandparents or parents in England, Belgium, Scotland, France, Germany or wherever wouldn't be working in PGRs or some 'People's Shoe Repairers Cooperative' or teaching kids in school: 'I pledge allegiance to Uncle Joe, may his Hammer & Sickle forever grow!'
17 Jun 2013
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

A journalist named Paliwoda (didn't catch his first name) said today on TV Trwam: 'There is one difference between Radio Maryja and all the rest. RM has the courage to tell the truth about politicians, journalists and the media -- something the mainstream media do not.'
17 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / Prayer, relgious symbols OK in public in Québec! Poland watches. [99]

So fascism is alive and well in Spain? What does fascist mean in your books? I know that leftist means: undermining the foundations of society, attacking tradition, the family and relgion and attempting to create a brave new godless, libertine world where everyone is equal, except some are more equal than others!

Is fascism your synonym for auhtoritarian? Was Piłsudski authoritarian. The ethncially correct KPP (a Stalinist stooge organisation which wanted to turn Poland into the 17th Soviet republic) and the post-war PZPR regime used fascist, reactionary and dictatorial as theri favorutei buzzwords to describe Piłsudski. What was Salazar? Actually only Mussolini was a self-declared fascist?
17 Jun 2013
News / Anti-atheisation institute in Poland emerging [110]

Not one of those groups can be called anti-Catholic

Au contraire, whenever any news item emerges that can be used to bash Catholicism over the head, believe me the above-listed will trip over themselves rushing to do just that.

You probably aren't aware of the fact that many Catholics in Poland feel discriminated against in their own country.
17 Jun 2013
News / Anti-atheisation institute in Poland emerging [110]

Everything can be discussed in a calm, non-combative manner. But haven't you noticed thta the very people who favour overturningn and exposing taboos readily create new ones? Even on PF certain certain ethnic or sexual minorities cannot be openly discussed, since immediately muzzling labels are hurled about at anyone who dares raise such a disucssion. So, yes, there are new sacred cows!
17 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / Prayer, relgious symbols OK in public in Québec! Poland watches. [99]

A rose by any other name....etc., or zwał jak zwał!
The Stalinists also had their mantra: 'enemy of the people'. It was pounded into people for decades since Dzierżyński's time until the very sound of it sent chills down people's spines.

The same with fascist. All kinds of agitators with different agendas - not only backers of Stalinist Spain, but rabid feminists ('male fascist pig'), police-haters, Church-bashers etc., have repeatedly overused that term whereby it has become a negative, albeit meaningless catch-all.

Some people BTW react that same way to such terms as communist or leftist.
17 Jun 2013
News / Anti-atheisation institute in Poland emerging [110]

Wybiórcza with people who attend church.

As I said, thatz lame riposte could apply to anything. People have diagnosed a problem -- the onslaugth of godlessness -- and the institute project has been conceived as a way of facing it head-on. The attackers, as already pointed out, have a broad academic, media and entertainment front at their disposal, plus enticing (albeit cheap, tinsly and tacky) popcommercial gimmicks to support them, so it won't be easy.
17 Jun 2013
News / Anti-atheisation institute in Poland emerging [110]

too stupid to think for themselves

Pretty lame riposte! One can say that about anything. People who read Wybiórcza are too stupid to think for themselves and have to see hwat the official PC line and what they should think and do.
17 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / Prayer, relgious symbols OK in public in Québec! Poland watches. [99]

fascists slaughtered hundreds of thousands

Nobody said the patriotic side faithful to the nation's Catholic heritage used kid gloves. But they were only defending their national traditions and families against Comintern-inspired and bankrolled bolshevisation -- a fate worse than death. You have apparently succumbed to all the romanticized literary hogwash which has tried to glamourous one side and vilify the other.
17 Jun 2013
News / Anti-atheisation institute in Poland emerging [110]

an anti church institute

There are plenty of effective anti-Catholic entities that need not call themselves institutes: Wyborcza, TVN, Palikot, SLD, arrogant academics, writers, entertainers, advertisers, etc. who think it's 'cool' to ride rough-shod over people's relgious sensibilties. And, yes, people from Poland B (as some like to call it) that have moved to the city and been brainwashed into believing they must turn their back on God and His Church to advance their careers, gain acceptance and be popular. The Used to be people joined PZPR for the same reason!

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose (The more things change the more they remain the same.)

See, even you admit that TVN and its hireligns like Olejnik are Cathophobes.
17 Jun 2013
Off-Topic / Modern parenting = bad parenting? [20]

Already decades ago many Ameircan churches had 'bawl rooms' (pun intended!). These were small sound-proof glassed-in rooms at the back of the church where the liturgy could be heard over loudspeakers. Dunno if the parents of the kids got much out of mass, but at least it didn't distrub the rest of the congregation if the wee ioens bawled theri little heads off? Has anyone seen anything of the sort in Poland?
17 Jun 2013
News / Anti-atheisation institute in Poland emerging [110]

A Stop Atheisation Congress was held at Częstochowa's Jasna Góra monastery adn the creation of an Anti-Atheisaiton Institue was announced. Jarosław Kaczyński, who adressed the gathering, said the Church was now under greater attack than any time since the communist regime collapsed.
16 Jun 2013
News / Poles back Gronkiewicz ouster referendum [26]

I should have stuck Gronkowiec. But Gronkowicz was an honest mistake, even though I know you'll doubt that. The proof is that Gronkowicz means nothing different and isn't pejorative -- it's just another name.