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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
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Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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23 Jun 2013
Love / Fresh, wholesome country lass in Poland - getting married and going back to the US [167]


A teaching nun once asked a class of 8th-grade boys whether they would like to marry a virgin and all hands went up. Then she turned to soemthing esle and showed them a beautiful white rose. Please look at it carefully, smell and admire it and then pass it round. You can imagine what the flower looked like after 30 teenage boys had held it. The nun made her point by saying that's what a girl passed from hand to hand is like.

BTW are you opposed to people saving themselves for Mr Right or Miss Right? Does everybody in your books have to sleep around?
23 Jun 2013
News / VAT, OFE, ZUS and costly dress under Tusk's government in Poland [48]

They never did anything wrong

Only those who do nothing never make a mistake. Two years was too short a time to clean up the Magdalenka mess which had had 15 years to worm its way into and entrench itself in the system. The decisive methods often necessitated by the clean-up only showed how vigorously the excommie-Michnikite clique were resisting tooth and glove in defence of undeserved perks and privileges.
23 Jun 2013
News / VAT, OFE, ZUS and costly dress under Tusk's government in Poland [48]

Paradowski on her talking heads show today wondered why the media and public opinion were turning agaisnt Tusk & Co. andsaid that no-one had ever been so cruelly maligned. DId she forget what her excommie comrades and PO think-alikes did to poor PiS, one of the best parties every to appear on Free Poland's political scene.No-one was as viciously and unfairly villified as Kaczyński becuase his clean-up campaign threatened the vested interests of all kinds of PRL-era hangovers and their cronies who clinched their dirty, behind-the-scenes deals in Magdalenka.
23 Jun 2013
News / VAT, OFE, ZUS and costly dress under Tusk's government in Poland [48]

Ziemkiewicz predicts there will be a move to oust Tusk

And Ziemkiewicz is oen of Poland's most astute political commentators, far more reliable than the Szechter-Michniks and Paradowskas of this world! Let's hope he's right about the Tusk ouster prediction. Send shifty eyes back to Kashubia!
23 Jun 2013
Love / Fresh, wholesome country lass in Poland - getting married and going back to the US [167]

So you've got no advice for anyone looking for a non-dissolute fiancée or potential spouse? Pubs, clubs, online dating sites are full of flirts, tarts and assorted good-time Suzies and party girls. Are you saying only slightly used, second and third-hand females exist and you are revolted by anyone who doesn't fancy one?
23 Jun 2013
Love / Fresh, wholesome country lass in Poland - getting married and going back to the US [167]

sexual predator / slave trader

Explain? Maybe the word 'beat' was the offender ? OK, then 'surpass' or 'is better than'...
So there can be no doubts, wholesomeness was used here to mean the opposite of dissoluteness (loose morals).
Some may prefer a dissoltue wife. The Constitution allows you to think that way!
23 Jun 2013
News / Tuskites and Poland's ex-commies? PO-SLD coalition? [19]

The wife of one of the Soldidarity underground fugitives told me the SB kept questioning her about her husband's whereabouts and saying things like. 'You've got a 12-year-old dauhgter who walks to and from every day, And you certainly know that traffic accidents can occur.'

That too was 'merely' a statement of fact. The totalitarian-minded are deft at hints that are veiled threats and attempts at intimidation.
23 Jun 2013
Love / Fresh, wholesome country lass in Poland - getting married and going back to the US [167]

the tens of thousands of Irish women

Did you actually count them?
Did they all attend parish-linked ministries (duszpasterstwa akademickie i młodzieżowe) for uni students and young adults?
Those washerwomen were probably what you would call Ireland B. In other words, by your lofty standards, someone to look down upon and ridicule.
23 Jun 2013
News / VAT, OFE, ZUS and costly dress under Tusk's government in Poland [48]

I wonder if straw isn't protruding out the sides of his shoes?!
Poles have an appropriate saying: Nie ma gorszego gałgana niż z chłopa pana.
Those from lowly stations become the worst, most intoleraat snobs and elitists (deriding Poland B for example) the minute they improve their lot. There's no empathy with those they left in society's underbelly who maybe didn't get a lucky break,.
23 Jun 2013
News / Tuskites and Poland's ex-commies? PO-SLD coalition? [19]

'Katyń conspirator'

Did Miller and his ilk (Kwaśniewski & Co.) not engage in the Katyń conspiracy of silence as well as the great Katyń lie, not for a year or two or three, but for entire decades?
23 Jun 2013
News / Tuskites and Poland's ex-commies? PO-SLD coalition? [19]

But a coalition with a Katyń conspirator, one of Jaruzelski's henchmen, a senior member of the KC PZPR, the party that murdered Poles in 1970, 1981 and throughout the '80s and most recently blocked a resolution honouring one of their vivtims, Grzegorz Przemyk?! No way José! Lord willing, PiS will find a way to absorb or merge with or create a new political entity enjoying the backing of supporters of PiS, Gowin's PO break-away group, Ziobro, PJN and possibny also the newly emerging Republicans and National Movement. If only they could overcome their petty bickering for the gretaer good, they could create a unstoppable force capable of building the Fourth Polish Republic and giving a decisive rebuff to all the lefties, libbies and anarcho-libertines that threaten the Polish nation's very fabric.
23 Jun 2013
News / Tuskites and Poland's ex-commies? PO-SLD coalition? [19]

One of the worst possible scenarios for Poland has been the topic of behind-the-scenes talks between PM Tusk and ex-commie Miller. In recent weeks they have met on more than one occasion, according to weekly Wprost, to discuss possible post-election scenarios including a PO-SLD coalition. The two parties have ceased attacking one another, observers have noted.

It was already their next meeting recently. Of course, without a clear declaration , but both of them think what they will . When the elections and how they form a government after antypisowski - admits the source of " On " . Both politicians have long not to attack , and in a recent interview for " Policy " the prime minister did not rule out post-election coalition with the SLD. - Tusk likes to talk with Miller , he lacks serious interlocutors - the following caller weekly .
23 Jun 2013
Life / TVP axes Dobranocka [21]

Polish kids can now watch a bunch of foreign crap. Yet another of Poland's iconic institutions has bitten the dust. Long live globalism! (Not!)
22 Jun 2013
Language / Tusk's uvular 'r' when speaking in Polish [49]

You just want to insult Warsaw's City President.

And you just want to insult Poland's great political and religious leaders. Shame on you!
22 Jun 2013
Language / Tusk's uvular 'r' when speaking in Polish [49]

write her name correctly

In Polish linguisitics that's called interferencja. When I'm about to type her name, suddenly 'duckboy' and 'mr maybach' pop into my mind and it comes out as 'GRRonkowiec' every time.
22 Jun 2013
Life / TVP axes Dobranocka [21]

Know any? As a kid I once got as a gift a set of records titled 'Pardon my Blooper'. I still remembers a few:
A drunken-sounding British radio presenter: And now we take you to the bathroom at Pump... er, um, I mean the pumproom at Bath.
Another was a census-taker who was told the family comprised: three children, one adult and one adultress.
22 Jun 2013
Life / TVP axes Dobranocka [21]

Also 'Pora na Telesfora'. The host was actor Pan Zygmunt Kęstowicz, and Telsfor was a puppet dragon. Years ago he caused a scandal. When the programme was ending he started bidding the kochane dzieci farewell, good night, sleep tight, bla, bla, and then, when he thought the mike had been switched off, he added: A teraz kochane dzieci możecie mnie w d*pę pocałować. Gomułka was furious!

A similar incident once occurred in America. When the show was over the host said under his breath (again thinkign he was not on air anymore): That should hold the little bastards for tonight!

Anyone know of any other such bloopers?
22 Jun 2013
News / VAT, OFE, ZUS and costly dress under Tusk's government in Poland [48]

Merged: Tusk PM of Poland in costly dress row

PM Tusk has been roundly criticised for tapping into PO membership dues to buy himself a slew of fancy suits and for his wife spending 6,000 zł on a single frock. Tusk replies that he represents Poland and has to look chic. His wife is performing a public function when she appears at this side.

I need to sensibly look at the background of our partners in Europe, it also often refers to my wife , who does not work , there is no time or party , or government - Prime Minister Donald Tusk explained . He stressed that the representation expenses for his wife were charged to the party contributions and donations , not from the budget allocations for the PO .

Premier of Poland commented thus reports the newspaper " Fakt" , who wrote that the funds collected by the PO sellers were " not only suits for Prime Minister Donald Tusk , ( ... ), but also elegant creations for his wife Margaret ."

22 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / Prayer, relgious symbols OK in public in Québec! Poland watches. [99]

if a particular religion is dangerous or not -

That is what a person's God-given brain is for -- to think and analyse... Er, um, sorry, my mistake-- you don't believe in God, so we don't rightly know who gave you your brain. Maybe Mother Nature?
22 Jun 2013
Language / Tusk's uvular 'r' when speaking in Polish [49]

I've paid attention to Tusk's speech and have noticed that the uvular 'r' is no longer heard. (Gronkowiec's still is.) Must have had lessons with a logopedist.
22 Jun 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

Voters vote for parties and not for coalitions.

Shouldn't they vote for the best candidates -- not costly and wasteful bureacracies (parties) with fully , expensively equipped offices all over the country, company cars, paid staff, loads of documents, etc. etc.?

Maybe parties as we know tham are becoming obsolete.
22 Jun 2013
Life / TVP axes Dobranocka [21]

Dobranocka, the nighty-nighty cartoon show for kiddies that has been around as long as Polish TV has been axed by TV boss Jukliusz Braun. The 7 PM show ended at 7,30 when the main evening news bulletin went on and kids were supposed to be sent off to bed. Braun argues that kids account for only 10% of the viewership. Which cartoons do you know and liked the best:

Bolek i Lolek,
Piaskowy Dziadek
Pomysłowy Dobromir
Pszczółka Maja
Pies Reksio
Jacek i Agata (the first Dobranocka -- a puppet show)

From the program 1 of the Polish Television disappearing "Dobranocki" but the decision of the President of TVP is criticized by adults. We asked children from kindergarten if they watching "Dobranocki". Replies: "No, because parents need to watch some strange news", "I must first ask the parents", "They rather say to me that we with the brother need to went out of the room at this time."

21 Jun 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

PSL would want DuckBoy's head as a condition for entering a PiS-led

And they could well get it. I have a hunch that Kaczyński will gently withdraw and become honorary president for life, a kind of senior statesmen status with consutlative input. In fact, that might lead to a grand cioalition: Gowin break-away faction of PO, PiS, PSL and Solidary Poland. Maybe also PJN is they meet th threshold.

If that happened, the PO; SLD and Palikot couild go and f*** themselves.

I won`t take part in casting a ballot at all

There are probably many more like you. The problem is no-one will know until after the voting. I doubt if the PO would make a campaign pledge to cosy up to the SLD. Once the results are in, voters are powerless to stop coalition building and it's the politicans that rule the day.
20 Jun 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

all that's missing is lies, bitterness, hatred and envy.

I've left those for you to direct at Duckboy, Mr Maybach and the Smolenskist twats.

Unfortunately I overlooked Solidary Poland (Ziobro grouping). Over the next two years they may garner additional support and cross the 5% threshold. They would be a natural to join a Kaczyński-less Gowin-led Partia Sprawiedliwości (Justice Party --see point 4 of my previous post).