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Joined: 27 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Mar 2011
Threads: Total: 16 / In This Archive: 11
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From: Warszawa
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25 Nov 2010
Life / How popular is Radio Maryja in Poland? [163]

Not for editorial content, for financial irregularities and compliance issues about their broadcasting licence including donations to political parties, jamming rivals' frequencies, signal strength and abusing the frequencies meant for traffic and weather updates. Enough to be taken off the air in most of the free world.
25 Nov 2010
Life / How popular is Radio Maryja in Poland? [163]

expected to get angry here when I tuned in and got proper translations for the first time live. However, so far, a big fat nought.

That's the point really - it's very bland and boring, aimed at the elderly, and the few bits of nasty stuff are well reported. People's dislike of it is as I stated above - it's connections to political parties, the behaviour of some of the characters involved with it and the televangelist who runs it buying a Maybach from the donations he solicits from pensioners. Check out the TRWAM website and the newspapers they publish for content!
24 Nov 2010
Life / How popular is Radio Maryja in Poland? [163]

I am not interested in it other than from a psychological point of view,

Me too, in a way.
You've hit the nail on the head about why people here have strong views on it. If there's a campaign against it in PL, it's more of a campaign against the two specific political parties they are linked with (one of them the twins' party, now in opposition and the other a far-right party who was their coalition partner) than their broadcast content, which is mostly banal.

Also there is something compelling about slick way they operate financially, and considerable embarrassment among educated urban Poles that it exists and gets international publicity about its excesses.

Delphiandomine is right - since their political protectors (an important thing in PL) were kicked out of office they have to be very careful.

And it is certainly an interesting phenomena - capaigning to close bars down, its supporters picketing funerals, outlandish statements, including about having the First Lady put to sleep, and broadcasting on the frequencies that car radios use for automatic traffic announcements, so your car radio changes to RM every 20 minutes!
24 Nov 2010
Life / How popular is Radio Maryja in Poland? [163]

I am keen to know why there is the hysterical dislike for RM, evident on this board, and in the people I ask about it back home in England

I'm left to assume that either there is indeed a campaign against RM

More a dislike of the whole 'ciemnogrod' thing, the blatant political activism of the RM organisation (including directly supporting and funding a party who wants to stop 'BritsinPoland' from owning their own homes or voting in elections), the visits to the South American nazi fugitive and the discrepancy between the poverty of the listeners and the Maybach that their donations paid for. Plus a general antipathy among the educated to televangelists.

I'd have loved to hear something nasty in their output so that I could have reached a conclusion

Check the schedules for a polemicist or feliotonista- that's when you're most likely to her the shocking stuff.

So they've either turned over a new leaf

They're trying to behave a bit, and no longer jamming other radio stations or having unscreened calls.

Goodnight, folks.

Since you seem interested in religious radio, try Radio Jozef, the Church's official station.
24 Nov 2010
Life / How popular is Radio Maryja in Poland? [163]

Surely he ain't an agent from the Family Of Radio Maryja spamming the forum? Best not to be cynical - unless it turns out his real name is Fr. Tadeusz R and he's posting from the back of a Maybach. ;-)
24 Nov 2010
Life / How popular is Radio Maryja in Poland? [163]

Yes that's why I mentioned it after your comments on Przystanek Woodstock.

I remember hearing them advising their listeners not to donate to Wielki Orchiestr for all sorts of reasons. Closely followed by an appeal for money from O. Rydzyk himself.
24 Nov 2010
Love / Sexual diseases! Please tell me how I go about getting tested in Poland? [103]

Oh it will never make any sense to you. Many sensible things have failed to make sense to many people, resulting in many a mess in the history of mankind.

So you're claiming some special wisdom? Or not?

You said about virgins beings sexually incompatible ... and thus I replied to that remark. If you still dont have any idea on whats going on ... alas, simply. Do something easier, something which you easily understand ... you can start with assembling alphabet boxes.

Couples who are both virgins being sexually incompatible. But either you are unable to understand the comment or chose to ignore it.

I had made a remark to OP's question earlier. As this thread evolved and spread ... and some remarks were made, thus I added my own remarks. Some remark's were on ur posts. But it seems it is too complicated for poor u! ...

Maybe it is "too complicated for poor me" (and I prefer it if u don't refer to me as "u") - which is why I asked the questions:

What "relationship' do you suggest exists between incompatibility and capability?

So answer us then.
24 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

He didn't make a slur, "every single message board" - hardly a source, and just how many do you troll? "Simply saying so changes nothing" - simply saying so and repeating ad nauseam is just about your only technique, and yes, you do seem to have an interest in the topic.
24 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

He was indeed slinging gay as a slur

No he wasn't.

We've seen this time and again from gay defenders


Yours is nothing more than a failed attempt to build on that and cut off discussion that may harm your cause

Or a successful point that stymied your trolling.

Any interest I have here lies not in gayness itself but in what the gay agenda and the ugly bullying by its purveyors is doing to society. But you knew this.

And disbelieve it.
24 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

A false argument. Suggesting someone is gay, isn't a slur. Pointing out, quite reasonably, that the number of posts you have made on the matter suggests you have an interest in homosexuality is no more or less than a reasonable observation!
24 Nov 2010
Love / Sexual diseases! Please tell me how I go about getting tested in Poland? [103]

You have no idea about it then

Plenty! I even used to be one.

Lets not get into things you have not been able to develop the respect for. It is evident that your attitude is negative about it

Your comments reflect a technique frequently used by the cult you are a member of.

About sexual incapability, it is not true ... the capability remains there ... and it is special.

This too - fudging and evading the issue. Show me where I wrote about "capability"?
24 Nov 2010
Life / How popular is Radio Maryja in Poland? [163]

But I've seen many times tv trwam and they like to depict Woodstock festival as morally rotten assembly full of satanists... ;D

Didn't they have a pop at Wielka Orchiestra too?
24 Nov 2010
Life / How popular is Radio Maryja in Poland? [163]

I too had heard the S American Nazi rumour etc

Confirmed without doubt. Not a rumour.

who has heard 'bad' stuff live with their own ears,

Yes. I have heard some pretty unpleasant stuff with my own ears, during talks given by an individual called Stanislaw Krajski. About a particular group of people (I won't add fat to the fire by naming them) infiltrating Polish society, plotting world domination etc. The usual malicious nonsense. Other stuff too.

When I put that to Poles here in Poland who like it and listen to RM

Interesting who and where - very few people actually listen to it.
24 Nov 2010
Life / How popular is Radio Maryja in Poland? [163]

Sure, the mohair berets on Youtube look and sound ghastly, the ones that were swearing etc, but surely that's not enough to condemn a whole radio station is it?

That's just the tip of the iceberg. The RM outfit has been involved in all sorts, including far-right party politics, operating a private university (that allegedly won't take students from Warsaw in case they corrupt the others), a viciously right-wing newspaper, a television station (check out their website) and a number of businesses. Not to mention its financialk connections with a notorious ex-Nazi who is on the run in South America and is wanted by the US for operating death squads in the 1970s. The Church in Poland has openly criticised it and asked people not to listen to it - though it has some grassroots support among fanatics.

The televangelist guy who runs it (who came back to PL when his operation in Germany was closed down by the government) famously said that the late Mrs Kaczynska, wife of the dead president, was an old witch and should kill herself, said that if Jesus came back today he'd drive a Mercedes, and is himself driven around in a Maybach costing around half a million dollars, funded by donations from impoverished old age pensioners.
24 Nov 2010
Life / How popular is Radio Maryja in Poland? [163]

Which of course led to people making multiple donations of a groszy, costing them (I think) 2.50 pln each in procesing fees!
24 Nov 2010
Life / How popular is Radio Maryja in Poland? [163]

Mam pytanie, gdyby głowę katolika przeszczepić Żydowi, czy zmieniłby wiarę??

What's not to like!

The fact is, Radio Maryja's (and TV Trwam's) core listeners (not actually that many - they claim about 3m audience share - rather fewer Poles than were PZRR members) are octogenarians, late middle aged people in small villages in the east, clergy and people with an unhealthy religious obsession.

There are other less fanatical Christian broadcasters - Warsaw Archdiocese operates Radio Josef for example, however RM gets so much publicity because they like to shout loud, have a talent for putting their foot in their mouth and have the 'Family of Radio Maryja', a kind of geriatric rent-a-mob, almost a church within The Church, which Pope John Paul II made the point of publicly and pointedly refusing to meet during his final visit to Krakow.
24 Nov 2010
Life / How popular is Radio Maryja in Poland? [163]

And to quote the Council of Europe, Radio Maryja has been "openly inciting to antisemitism for several years".

And have made a few poor business decisions.
23 Nov 2010
News / Giant Jesus Rising in Świebodzin ( Tallest in world ) [323]

You do insult religion but in a clever way

Remember, Christ's message isn't religion, and vice versa. As St Augustine said "There are many outside who seem to be inside and there are many inside who seem to be outside".

nstead of being pompous, you are snobbish, which doesn't bother me:)

People even say that in real life I sound a bit like Hyacinth Bucket!

BTW, I like your posts too ;-)
23 Nov 2010
Love / Sexual diseases! Please tell me how I go about getting tested in Poland? [103]

but I still believe they are not even nearly as common a nuisance as in London

They're quite common in London apparently, and my last flat in Warsaw had them. The place I lived in when I first moved to PL, too. A traditional Polish remedy is to rub the legs of the bed with spirytus to stop them climbing up at night. But I just called out the dezinsekcja people instead.

I have never met a person with scabies

Unfortunately I have, in Warsaw. Didn't tell me he had them until after he'd stayed in my home. :-( There was a huge outbreak of them in Warsaw and Poznan a couple of years ago, with some chemists running out of the lotion.
23 Nov 2010
Love / Sexual diseases! Please tell me how I go about getting tested in Poland? [103]

Exactly - though PL has quite an incidence of Scabies (Świerzb) - not really an STD, but can come from bedlinen used by a carrier (and sex too) and the little buggers survive laundry. Bedbugs as well, but you can get those in even the cleanest homes, and they like the warmth of Polish flats.
23 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

yet only a few years later Nazi Germany rid the country of such filthy perversions.

And replaced with mass murder, oppression, and the invasion of, among others, Poland.

The same globalists

So who are these "same globalists", who

control all media and indoctrinate people to make them apathetic to change.

23 Nov 2010
News / How can Poles make a conscious choice about elections? [15]

Yes, or make sure you're in the local newspapers - which in the case of the supermarket ones in Warsaw, are often published by the local gminy anyway and round election times are little better than election leaflets.

Though I remember a bit of fuss a few years ago, out in the direction of Komorow or Michalowice or thereabouts when it turned out that a local councillor had twenty five people registered as voters in his three bedroom house!
23 Nov 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

You know, these are the deluded ones

Right. We see. You're saying most people are deluded.

Frankly, I was expecting you'll name some politicians. And you did not. Well done.

The list would be long - and there's plenty mentioned in this thread already if you've been following it.
23 Nov 2010
Work / Doing my course in Krakow, working in EFL in Poland (newbie questions) [43]

I can only imagine how many brits have forged celta certificates...

I've come across it once, and he lasted a couple of weeks in the classroom before being fired and deported (not from Poland). They're actually not so easy to forge nowadays, and it's worth mentioning that they never issue duplicates if one is lost.