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Posts by scottie1113  

Joined: 13 Mar 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2016
Threads: Total: 6 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 896 / In This Archive: 563
From: Gdansk, Poland
Speaks Polish?: learning
Interests: sailing, American football, cooking, reading, etc

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18 Jun 2010
Work / Cheap Labour in Poland - why is there a problem with unemployment in PL? [16]

At least houses are cheap in poland!

Rocky, I'm from San Diego, and I agree, by comparison prices here seem cheaper than in California. But you have to take into consideration the wages/salaries here. Relative to the average salaray in Poland, houses or flats (apartments) are EXTREMELY expensive, which is why so many young people still live with their parents. You'd have to be to understand.
16 Jun 2010
Travel / Traveling to Poland from Chicago next month! Few questions. [11]

we will be arriving in warsaw on july 11th. probably heading up that way on a overnight train on the 14th.

Good timing. I'll be coming back from summer camp on the 14th.

Sopot's nice, but crowded with tourists in the summer. Still, while you're here you should go. It's only about 20 minutes away by SKM. I'll help you with all that stuff. I don't go there very often, as Gdansk has everything I want.

Tourists, American or otherwise, are welcome here. Well, maybe not the drunk Brits, but that's another story.

The weather should be good here, but we're on the Baltic and it's unpredictable. I usually take a light rainproof jacket and sometimes a sweater when I go out.
16 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Poles living in the UK returning home or not? [63]

Seanus is more Polish than you are: he speaks Polish, lives, works and pays taxes in Poland and married a Polish girl.

Yes, I pay taxes in Poland. My kids are grown and have their own families in California, so no. My Polish improves every day, and I'm going to get married to a Polish woman next year. And yes, I do something every day to make Poland a better place. It's my home.

But back to the original topic. Why are there so many unemployed in the UK. Don't people want to work there? It's no wonder that Poles, and other ethnic grioups, can go there abd fine meaningful employment.
15 Jun 2010
Travel / Traveling to Poland from Chicago next month! Few questions. [11]

Scottie, we would like to have a piwo from ya. are you in gdansk?

Yep, I live in the Old Town, just 5 minutes away from Wolne Miasto and Absinthe. I'd be happy to show you around. When are you coming?
15 Jun 2010
Love / How do I make a Polish girl cry? [107]

read her this poem of mine, I read it at a poetry reading and it made some people cry:

It made me cry, because it was SO terrible, and I like good poetry. Yours was free verse at its worst.

Free verse isn't poetry. It's just prose, and that was pretty poor prose.

Don't despair. If at first you don't succeed (and you didn't) try, try again. In your case, try, try again. MANY times. Maybe you should go back to "roses are red, violets are blue,...
14 Jun 2010

That's backwards, AFAIK they're within their rights to want to see the original and a copy together.

I don't know how it works in other countries, but my original birth certificate remains in the city I was born in in California. I have a notarized copy and that's been sufficient every time I've applied for my karta pobytu.

I've got an American friend in Warsaw who's married to a Polish woman. After eight years here he applied for Polish citizenship and should get it this year. He's jumped through all the bureaucratic hoops without having to provide an original.
14 Jun 2010
Travel / Traveling to Poland from Chicago next month! Few questions. [11]

Wolne Miasto in Gdansk is a nice hotel with a great location in the Old Town, and it's just around the corner from Absinthe, the best pub in the city. I'm far from your age, but I'd enjoy having a piwo or two with you when you're here.

Good tip from elnina about inyourpocket.
13 Jun 2010
Love / How to Make (Polish?) Women happy? [96]

Those 16 commandments may be the biggest crock of s**t I have ever read in my life. Whoever wrote that obviously has no understanding of relationships, and probably has never been in one that lasted for more than a day or two.

Still, it was a funny read. And I'm still laughing at the responses.
13 Jun 2010
Work / Professional development for teachers? the options in Poland? [11]

The DELTA is the de facto school management qualification - it won't get you more money in Poland (okay, so it depends how much you earn at the minute) - but it will open doors if you want to consider management jobs. It'll also be very useful abroad - for instance, summer camps in the UK think highly of the DELTA.

True. I have a CELTA and will never do DELTA. I have no desire to be in a management position in Poland or anywhere else. Been there, done that, got the t shirt-and I'm not kidding about the t-shirt. I'd rather be where the rubber hits the road-in the classroom. I find it infinitely more satisfying, but that's just me.

[quote=MartyMc]I am considering studying for my MA in English here in Wro.

Why? It's worthless.
10 Jun 2010
USA, Canada / Polish bar the best in the USA [16]

This review is from Esquire. Does anyone read that crap? Best bar in the USA? Whoever wrote this schlock obviously doesn't get out much. And what is the "best" bar anyway? We all have different tastes.
2 Jun 2010
Travel / cheapest air from US to Krakow [13]

Virginia, it would help if you tell us where in the US you're flying from. Check Orbitz.com for LOT flights from Chicago to Warsaw. From there you could catch a train to Warsaw.

Denver to Chicago, then to Warsaw? Or Denver to UK and then to Krakow? Probably not a big difference.
31 May 2010
History / Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map! [198]

He said Israel would wipe Warszawa off the map!

Nowhere did he specifically say Warszawa.

Was Sun-Tzu or Clausewitz also some army guys?

Uh, sort of. As a US Marine officer way back in the late 60's, I studied these "guys". They're taught in Marine officer training and at West Point. Some officers actually learn something from them.

A Confederate general in the American Civil War, Nathan Bedford Forrest, was asked what his secret to success in battle. His reply: get there fustest with the mostest. Timeless advice.

Sadly, paranoia, bigotry, conspiracy theory and slander run rampant in this thread, and in fact on PF.
22 May 2010
Work / Are you teaching English in Poland? [120]

What is business English? Yeah, there's some specific vocabulary to teach, true, but otherwise it's just English. I've read tons of boring books on the subject by authors who've never worked for a business. Almost all were useless. 300 pages to tell me to teach what they need. Duh. I do that on day one. I ask them.

Yes, I teach business English. And I spent 25 years in the US in sales and sales management. That's all good, but what it really comes down to is how good a teacher you are. Plain and simple, nuts and bolts, soup to nuts, whatever. Be a pro. Care about your students. Give them what they need. It's that simple.
13 May 2010
Life / Good place to live in Poland (if you want to move on)? [66]

food is defiantly cheaper!

No it ain't. Food costs about the same as in Germany-EU prices-but Poles make a whole lot less than Germans, the relative cost is high.

I've lived in Gdansk for three years and wouldn't live anywhere else in Poland. I love being close to the sea.
3 May 2010
Travel / Is September good for going to Poland? [15]

Weather is what it is. There is no bad weather, just bad clothes. Dress for the season and you'll be fine. But if weather is a deciding factor for you, come in September when it can still be "nice". December will be cold. So what?
28 Apr 2010
Travel / Visiting Sopot for a week in late May/start of June looking for restaurants/pubs [17]

there is a 'mountain man' restaurant in the forest on the sea front heading towards gdynia and another going straight up MC, over grunwaldska and up maja 1. its in the forest above sopot about 10 min walk from the centre and next to a small lake - both are ok

The "mountain man" restaurant is called Harnas. It's a beeautiful mountain style restaurant built of logs and serves Polish food. I've been there twice and a really like it. You might be amused by one offering on the menu. It's a country chicken breast, and the English translation is "Highland hostess boobs". I like the golonka.
28 Apr 2010
Travel / Visiting Sopot for a week in late May/start of June looking for restaurants/pubs [17]

I'm in Gdansk, only 20 minutes from Sopot by SKM, but I don't go there very often at night. It's a little too trendy and upscale for me, and i agree with what Doupol2 said about the people. Not everyone of course. I've met some very nice people there. And it's certainly not a rotting pre-war dump. It's beautiful.

I'll ask my Polish friends who like to go there about late night bars. I wouldn't know; they don't call me Cinderella for nothing. The dress code is casual, but you know may have trouble getting into places with a bunch of lads on a stag weekend, especially if you're drunk and rowdy, as most Brits on stag weekends tend to be. Why that's fun is beyond me.
22 Apr 2010
Love / Demands from Polish ex! [75]

If the lady tells you that you owe her something, you do owe her. Even if you do know for sure that you don't.

You are joking, right? Because you can't be serious.
9 Apr 2010
Work / English qualifications to start Teaching English In Poland. Is degree of some sort needed? [123]

If that person wants to immigrate to Britain,

Emigrate, not immigrate. I'm American. My books use British English, so that's what I teach, but when there's a difference between British and American English, I explain both. Neither is better and they need to know the differences.

If their level of English is high enough, it should be possible. Though I agree you'll make yourself understood better if you explain things in Polish.

Not true at all.

It just sounds better than American.

To whom? My students prefer American English to British English because they say it's easier to understand when spoken. Americans don't swallow consonants like the British do. Their words, not mine.
9 Apr 2010
USA, Canada / Getting a VISA to USA by a Polish person nowadays [339]


Unions. A concept which is way past its time. Just look at the UAW and you'll get an idea of what's wrong with them. The UAW played a big part in wrecking the auto industry in the US.
9 Apr 2010
USA, Canada / Getting a VISA to USA by a Polish person nowadays [339]

In the US cheapness is the most important aspect, taste doesn't exist.

You completely missed my irony, and frankly, responding to your senseless posts is a colossal waste of my time. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about,and you wouldn't know fresh fish if you bought it off a boat. Goodnight, and goodbye.