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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
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Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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24 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Tale of a Polish Family on Isle of Man [43]

But all children deserve the best upbringing possible. Especially ill children. So, in that regards,my comments were very wrong.

Well said that man.
21 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Tale of a Polish Family on Isle of Man [43]

Isle of Man isnt in the UK ,AFAIK.
In the UK we should have the same 10 year rule for economic migrants,if you come here and cant make it,tough,go home,but,there should always be room for exceptions. Guess what, "we" could easily afford those exceptions if "we" were not so profligate with benefits.
19 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Is UK the new cradle of antipolonism? [161]

Seanus,you could swap everything you said word for word with " Brits in Spain", the ones that stick out are the ones at "English hotels" eating english breakfasts watching english football in the english bar and moaning about the locals being lazy workshy scroungers taking hours off for lunch.......people like me and you cant understand them but they are there, I spent all my time in Spain never meeting other British people,the only non Spaniard we knew was a mysterious Polish Count called Maximilian on his uppers :)
19 Nov 2011
History / Do polish people know that some of them fought a war against the United States? [60]

THE German para is a far cry from chock full.

as I made clear in the very next post I made ,FFS, do you seriously not know what rhetoric is????

I don't know what a Walt is.

A Walt, "Walter Mitty", person living in fantasy land who pretends to have been a serving soldier often to be found on anonymous internet sites claiming to have been in Vietnam( insert country apropriate war/conflict/policing action)....funny,no one ever claims to have been stuck in an office on some supply base, always either Marines or Air Cav...............not saying you are one,just asking and stating my disgust at them.

Yes to the second question.

Aint wiki great, so, all gone well before 1973 ......hence my suspisions of waltness on your part. Now, of course, 1973 didnt have to be the first time you were there.
19 Nov 2011
History / Do polish people know that some of them fought a war against the United States? [60]


Yes, assinine comments without any back up based on one post............troll.

Actually it's called being misinformed.

Nope, still rhetoric.......look it up in a dictionary if you need to..............you ignorance is not my problem...

There weren't any paratroopers in the unit you mentioned. You do know that, don't you?

Seriously, you are going to claim no one was jump qualified in the 1st Air cav? Bollox matey.
( FYI, the german para had been a Glider Pilot, re trained as a Chopper Pilot,well documented)

I do. I was there. I flew with them as a US Marine.

Really? Are you sure now? Because there is nothing more pathetic than a Walt.
In fact, I fcuking hate walts with having a very close friend who was there with the 101st.

I met in Vietnam were there in 1973

So, you were there after 1973 when US combat troops had been removed from the country ...you do know when the 1st AC left Vietnam dont you?

This is an insult, and as been mentioned before, a crock.

fook off.. unorigional troll....................insult/truth... what ever.
18 Nov 2011
History / Do polish people know that some of them fought a war against the United States? [60]

accompanied by foreign advisors

Advisors.......you obviously do know the difference between Advisors and combat troops dont you.
Not to mention ARVN intel is an oxymoron.
I still see no more proof than the old, " Gee sarge, I swear one of those VC was a guy I knew in High school in Peoria,went missing last year...".

This may be the biggest crock of sh*t I've ever seen on this forum.

Its called rhetoric my colonial chum,see next post for explanation

But,when I say, "chock full" I mean a handfull ;) The US Army during that particular conflict was "full" of foreign born soldiers,.......post #42

,Oh no, I doubt you'd bother doing that.....much rather a bit of indignation based on what, you like apocalypse now?
Anything to actually add or just trolling?
18 Nov 2011
History / Do polish people know that some of them fought a war against the United States? [60]

Legend, can I ask what anti septic cream you use? Your knuckles must take some sh!t from all the dragging they do......where do you conjure up your BS Uber race crappo from bud'? Curious minds need to know......puzzled how someone claiming to be a Pole can be such a fan of race classification as you are,surely your actually an octoginerian Bavarian?
18 Nov 2011
History / Do polish people know that some of them fought a war against the United States? [60]


elaborate or,you know...

Got any proof?

Plenty. But,when I say, "chock full" I mean a handfull ;)
The US Army during that particular conflict was "full" of foreign born soldiers, if I remember rightly one of the heads of security at the WTC on 9/11 who was killed was a British veteren of the Ia Drang battles...so taking that as a starter it is more likely that plenty of Poles (born in Poland) were fighting in Vietnam, just wearing OG107 and not black pyjamas .
18 Nov 2011
History / Do polish people know that some of them fought a war against the United States? [60]

Has anyone actually got any proof of Polish soldiers fighting in Vietnam????
There were certainly Poles in the UN mission ,never heard of any Poles actually fighting,would kinda have stuck out from the l'il Vietnamese dudes dont you think?

BTW, the 1st air cav was chock full of former SS and Nazi paratroopers....
17 Nov 2011
Life / Flea markets in Wrocław [14]

Are Polish flea markets still full of nylon wigs and silver torah pointers?
17 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Slough & Elsewhere UK [23]

This bollox again?
please,we all know far too many people arrived in one rush and seriously fcuked up the balance,time to move on yeah?
17 Nov 2011
History / Do polish people know that some of them fought a war against the United States? [60]

I don't think the Native Americans ever came to Britain killing/raping Anglo-Saxons.

Well,d'uh, they were a stone aged sociaty untill the SPANISH got to them......incidently,those non anglo saxon french and Spanish sure tried enough times and even did a couple of times. Being crap at something doesnt get you a free pass so why should being good at something produce the opposite result?

No but the Normans and Vikings did.

Dont forget the Irish, they invaded mainland Britain dozens of times before things went the other way. Same as some Scots( Led by a half Polish pretender on one occasion (see,on topic still) )) some Irish like to play the perpetual victim(kinda like another nation we all know) and conveniently forget their nations did as much invading and raping and pillaging as any other.
17 Nov 2011
History / Do polish people know that some of them fought a war against the United States? [60]

You obviously can't be taken seriously since you're trying to justify the atrocities committed by western European colonization.

And you obviously cant be taken seriously as you ignore the fact that every corner of the world has produced its own attrocities.

they left it quite late before they started to go down the colonisation route

Not really,it took England/Britain hundreds of years before it started colonising anywhere(go on,someone say ireland and show how little you know....), it took the germans less than two decades after the formation of germany.

Im surprised any Poles fought for the South seeing as it had Jewish people in the government.
16 Nov 2011
Genealogy / Ellis Island or something else to find about my grandparents? [4]

Many passed through Hull docks,crossed the UK and travelled on from Liverpool docks(both in England) to carry on the journey.
Records are kept somewhere...sorry if thats vague but as above working backwards can often give clues, for instance if you trace someone to Liverpool you will find which port in the US or Canada they were heading for.
9 Nov 2011
Life / Polish dubbing in movies; why is it so that on polish television all the films are dubbed? [135]

Lols, Ive learnt that when a Pole says,"this joke probably wont be very funny to you" that they are not just being polite,9 times out of 10 they just dont translate at all :)

(Thats not a judgment on national humors etc btw :) )
I just treat it like Shakespeare, you sit in an audiance,all of a sudden a few people start laughing for no apparent reason,take time to figure out just why the dude in tights doing something with his thumb is the funniest thing these people have seen and I'll just lose the plot entirely :)
9 Nov 2011
Life / Polish dubbing in movies; why is it so that on polish television all the films are dubbed? [135]

documentaries I could care less and don't mind the lector - go figure....

Makes perfect sense,just replaces one dull blokes voice with another dull blokes voice :)

I don't speak Korean, Japanese or Mandarin (just basic sentences) but I love watching movies

OMG,can you imagine 7 Samurii dubbed!!! A Gi Jin trying to do the " EEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH" grunting noises...........

Mind, Im a bit odd, I quite enjoy watching TV with the deaf sign language person stood in the bottom corner.........
8 Nov 2011
Life / Polish dubbing in movies; why is it so that on polish television all the films are dubbed? [135]

I doubt the BBCs first TV broadcast in 1936 reached Poland TBH, even German TV which carried on during the war wouldnt have been seen in Poland....

My theory regarding the lector is....have a loud Polish voice dronning on over western TV allows complete control over the script, subtitle it and nasty capitalist ideas might have slipped through to those who understood English............again,just a theory and one that pre supposes that the Lektor fella was around pre 1989.
7 Nov 2011
Life / Polish dubbing in movies; why is it so that on polish television all the films are dubbed? [135]

Both suck,it has to be subtitles for me too.
Best stuff on UK TV at the minute is some subtitled Euro Crime Dramas, Spiral from France ,Wallander Sweden and The Killing from Denmark, the US remake of the latter just seemed, and proved to be ,pointless.

The fun game with subtitles ,when translated into english is spotting when say a Frenchman says " Magnifique" and it gets translated as "Splendid" rather than "Magnificent", or a Swede says "Hallo" and thats turned into "Good morning".....that sort of thing.....
6 Nov 2011
Life / Molly-coddling criminals in Poland's hospitals? [6]

No idea about Poland but in the UK its proportional force. You can "defend yourself" but if "defending yourself" ends up involving chasing the burglers 500 yards down the road and then beating the living crap out of them,yes,you could be charged with assault. Other times people have "got away" with killing burglers, its pot luck,but,TBH, Id still take my chance with the legal system and do what I had to do to defend home and family.
6 Nov 2011
Life / Molly-coddling criminals in Poland's hospitals? [6]

Same in UK. Sometimes.
Its a bit more haphazard here, one minute you get a news blackout and no photos,the next pictures of kids not yet convicted of any crimes get plastered all over the media......

Its probably similar to the US situation where different Police Forces have different ideas and rules to play by, some of our forces regularly release pictures of known criminals in a name and shame vain,others will never do this.

I think one thing you may consider with regards the stealing of childrens toys; can it be proved beyond doubt that the man on CCTV actually took the toys out of the Hospital ( if it can,ie,the pics show him leaving with teddys and dump trucks spilling from his pockets ignore this...) because, lets say they give the imppresion this man stole the toys,he is then spotted on the street and gets a righteous kicking from a member of the public.............only it turns out later in court that the man simply moved the toys from one ward to another and it can be proven someone else,a nurse maybe, actually stole the toys......what then, massive lawsuit against the hospital and against everyone involved in releasing the footage.