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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
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Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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6 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

elections are held in Poland every four, not eight years.

Of course, this is only a projection suggesting that PiS or the PiS-PS (Partia Sprawiedliwości) coaltion or whatever it may be called will sweep away PO and at win least the next two elections -- 2015 and 2019. Maybe 2023 as well. People are pretty fed up with Tusk & Co. as polls for the past 2 months have consistently shown.
6 Jul 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

dentists wear gloves and masks

They started using these thingts when the AIDS epidemic took off. If you like, you can a belive it was space aliens who spread the disease to the general population. That would fit in more with yoru ideological prejudices: 'If I'm for something, it must be good!'.
5 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

But it will be still too much for PiS

Only if we rule out such developments as the following, and in politics most everything is possible:

1) Gowin's breakway group set up their own party (let's call it the Polish Justice Party) which will get 12% of the votes in 2015. Added to PiS' 37% and Solidary Poland's (Ziobro) 6%) that produces a 55% coalition able to rule Poland for the next 8 years..

2) The Gowin brekaway group merge with PiS or enter PiS and Gowin becomes their new president. The new party (whatever it may be called) wins 44% of the votes and enters into a coalition with socially conservative PSL (8%).

Other parties will get 21% (PO) . SLD (15%) and Palikot (5%). PSL and SP do not cross the 5% threshold..
5 Jul 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

But you can from working through no fault of your own.

Indeed, and who was it the started the spread to the heterosexual community? The bisexuals. They are the reason dentists now often work behind masks and wear rubber gloves.
5 Jul 2013
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

PiS now is 9 points ahead of PO in the latest Millward Brown survey. The pollsters found that 26 percent of respondents said they would vote for the centre-right Civic Platform, down six points from last month, while PiS, led by conservative former prime minister Jarosław Kaczyński is up four points to 35 percent.

5 Jul 2013
Life / Fr. John Bashobora National stadium Warszawa (Warsaw) [81]

Today we know they are fallacies.

And turnning everything on its head, underminnig time-honorued traditon and ti'ried and tested morality, redefining deviation, marriage and the family may also turn out to be just another fallacious passing fashion which may produce dire consequences to all society..
5 Jul 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

Why do you need role models

There are a few individualists, but most people have always had and continue to have role models. Nowadays they may be Hollywood celebs, sport or rock stars and other seasonal idols, millionaire tycoons, etc. That's the stuff the paper and online tabloids and gossip sites churn out day after day. It was enough to show a video on MTV of Madumma or some other slutty songstress walking down the street with one of thsoe silly plastic-topped, brown, paper cups of coffee, and soon that became the norm on Nowy Świat. The whole fashion idnustry gives payoffs to celebs to show up in their duds because the orders will start pouring in. Are such role models worthy of homo sapiens? You be the judge.

having sex with your HIV-infected partner

Who has such 'partners' doesn't need enemies! One doesn't acquire HIV infestions by working at the comptuer , watching the telly or praying in chruch, does one?
5 Jul 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

newest saint production

JP2 was once asked why he had beatified and canonised so many people. His reply: People are raised to to the altar because they led exemplary Christian lives and are an example to emulate. And in our confused and disorderly world good examples are needed more than ever before.

Before you start blasting again, ask yourself: who are today's role models for people, esepcially the young?
5 Jul 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

Okna życia are a good innovation. In fact, shouildn't women who don't wantt their baby or if it was the fruit of a crime bear them and give them up for adoption rather than have them btuchered. There are many childless couples who would do anything to be akle to adopt.

Polonius3: According to the Churchthe earth was flat.

This proves absolutely nothing. One could take any country, organisation, institution or political movment and compile its shortcomings and errors since it came into existence. It's easier with the Catholic Church becuase how many other organisations have been around for over 2,000 years?
4 Jul 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

he also protected the kiddy fiddlers in the RCC.

In 2004, an already sick and frail Pope John Paul mustered enough energy and determination to take a bold and unprecedented measure. He ordered the closurr of an Austrian seminary where homosexual and paedophilic activities had been reported. That doesn't sound like someone 'soft on deviates', as some Church-bashers claim..
4 Jul 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

accused of harboring child molesters

Accused by whom? An proof the accusations were grounded? That he knew what was going on and deliberately aided and abetted the paedophiles? Casting random aspersions is easy. Remember, you are badmouthing the one most Poles regard as the greatest Pole in history.
4 Jul 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

I heard that notion recently for the first time. That history doesn't exist and the universe is all a kind of mental projection. This is pretty weighty stuff -- hard to digest all at once. I wonder if the virtual world mentaltiy that surrounds us and films Matrix haven't inspired such thinking. I don't know, just wondering.
4 Jul 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

has created saints which he thought could be useful or practical.

Hasn't the hedonistic popcommercialism you so espouse also created its own saints and heretics? Doesn't it have its highpriests, sacraments and liturgy, although they may not be called that. Its shopping malls, stadiums and rock arenas are its basilicas and cathedrals and the computer the altar at which millions worship. Nothing has changed -- only a minor reshuffle. Some beleive in Christianity, otehrs in the commercial exploitation of the gullible masses. Take your pick.
4 Jul 2013
Life / Polish shop assistants boorish? [6]

I have found that Polish cashiers will say they haven't got change because they've just opened up. But a shopkeeper worthy of the name starts the day with an adequate supply of change. They don't have to send you to a neighbouring kiosk or café to change a100 zł note.
4 Jul 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

Ever hear of restraint? A humane and thinking HIV-positive person also has the opiton of abstinence until he is cured. People are not dogs whose animal instinct forces them to react to every ***** in heat.
4 Jul 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

Here is the official teaching. You can accept or reject it, but I didn't make it up. Every Catholic in good standing is expected to accept it.

The Catholic Church is opposed to artificial contraception and orgasmic acts outside of the context of marital intercourse. This belief dates back to the first centuries of Christianity.Such acts are considered intrinsically disordered because of the belief that all licit sexual acts must be both unitive (express love), and procreative (open to procreation). The only form of birth control permitted is abstinence. Modern scientific methods of "periodic abstinence" such as natural family planning (NFP) were counted as a form of abstinence by Pope Paul VI in his 1968 encyclical Humanae Vitae

4 Jul 2013
UK, Ireland / Estimated number of Poles in Ireland thought to exceed 200,000 OR over 5% of population. [200]

What is the general Irish attitude towards mirgant Poles? I know it varies from person to person, but is there some general vibe that tends to prevail? Do the Irish see in Poles kindred spirits who were also occupied by alien forces for quite some time and share the Catholic faith? Or are they seen as just anotehr bunch of intruders taking jobs from the Irish and abusing the dole? Or yet some other option?

Are Belfast Irish more anti-Polish than the sons of Erin?
4 Jul 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

Under Polish law, rape is one of the circumstancs that allow baby-butcerhing. Unfortuantely Tusk has reneged on the issue of chemical castration of rapists which could have seved as a deterrent to would-be rapists.

Also, shouldn't situations that foster the spread of HIV/AIDS be restricte by law. For instance making it a crime for a HIV-positive person to engage in casual sex without informing the partner of his positive status.
4 Jul 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

The so-caleld Theology of Liberation whose posters showed Jesus wielding an assault rifle was rejected as unacceptable. The Church does not condone violence in any shape or form. Solidarity had the Church's support becaseu it was a bloodless revolution carried out under the Cross of Christ.

Contraceptives run counter to procreation. The rhythm method was a compromise but it can be compared to the compromise the Pharisees asked about as regards divorce. They said Moses had allowed them to draft a letter or divorce if their wife was unfaithful, but Jesus explained that was to accommodate the hard-hearted. (Don't recall the exact words - perhaps PF's resdient Bible-quoting atheist will know the exact chapter and verse).
4 Jul 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

for political purposes

Wrong! People are elevated to sainthood to serve as an example to the faithful. Unlike liberal-leftist bigots who are opposed to the death penalty but support killing the unborn and euthanising the old and useless, and unlike the right-wing fanatics who are for the death penalty but oppose abortion and euthanasia, JPII was opposed to all forms of killing our fellowman. Which are you -- a liberal-leftist bigot or a rigth-wing fanatic?
4 Jul 2013
Life / What is the reason for POLISH jokes ? [486]

There's nothing wrong with ethnic humour, and it can be quite amusing. It is often told by members of the group it is satirisng. Irate Scotsman complains to local newspaper: 'If you don't stop printing those Scotsman jokes, I'm going to stop borrowing your paper from my English neighbour.'

The problem is when one group is victimised and others are out of bounds. As a multi-ethnic conglomerate, America has long been known for jokes poking fun at different groups, but the Polack joke craze of the 1970s and later went overboard. You coudl joke about Poles and cut things Polish to pieces, but not about blacks or Jews. The taboo on blacks is understandable -- their acnestors were brought over against their will as slaves and for decades their American-born descednants were kept down and underprivleged. But the Jews? America's financial, professional , academic and cultural elite. What possible reason could there be for giving them preferential treatment and not joking about them in polite society?

Merged: The Polack joke from an historcial perspective


Thsi article in the Michigan Quarterly Review attempts to shed some light on the anti-Polish joke from an historcial perspective.What's your take on this?
4 Jul 2013
News / Polish Dreamliners grounded again!? [27]

Yesterday because of faults detected in dreamlinerach LOT of Chopin Airport flew two airplanes to Toronto and Chicago.
Cruise to Toronto was to begin on Wednesday at . 12.50 . Passengers were invited on board , took their seats and waited for the flight . Unfortunately , the waiting time was prolonged up to six hours , after which the Polish carrier announced that the voyage will not take place . - We had a fault in the system to identify the aircraft in the air - says Barbara Pijanowska - Kuras , a spokeswoman for the Polish Airlines LOT . He added that passengers were given additional drinks , sweet snacks, and meals. Why passengers had to wait so long on a plane ? - We were hoping that the fault will be removed and the plane , even though delayed , but start. Since it is crucial to safety , it was decided to postpone the flight for today at noon. 9 - adds Pijanowska - Kuras .

Two LOT Dreamliners headed for Chicago and Toronto were grounded due to glitches. Do you think passengers wills tart avoiding Boeing's newest product in light of all the defects and problems?
4 Jul 2013
Life / Polish shop assistants boorish? [6]

A recent study has shown that Polish shop assistants are widely regarded as boorish, ill-prepared, unprofessional and nasty. One reason given is that the job of shop-assisting is not highly regarded in Poland. Those performing such jobs rarely are helpful to custoemrs, even though the customer is worth his weight in gold. Without him there would be no job.

How does this compare with other countries you're familiar with?
4 Jul 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]


According to Italian media reports close to the Vatican, the late Pope John Paul II appears likely to be canonised towards the end of the year. October and December dates have been suggested. Surveys taken in Poland have shown that most Poles regard JPII as the greatest Pole that ever lived. He has been called the Apostle of Life, having condemned all forms of killing: murder, abortion, euthanasia and war. Canonisaiton officiallly elevates a person to Catholic sainthood.
3 Jul 2013
Love / Polish Farm Women [34]

fresh, wholesome, untainted and innocent, God-fearring girl in her 20s

That just goes to show that loose morals have now become the norm and no longer offend or outrage anyone.