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Posts by kondzior  

Joined: 16 Oct 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 17 Apr 2021
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 6
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19 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

P3undone, you are the moderator, it was you who deleted the post with pictures describing what exactly took place?

It has already been said, but if any of you guys aren't doing anything for the next couple years, I propose the following experiment.

Assemble a group of four males. Put on ski masks and burst into the biggest mosque you can find, during a time when it is likely to be in use.

Make your way to the central area of worship and deliver an obscenity laden rant which attacks Islam and Muhammad. Thrown in an Islam related mention of Obama to ensure it is "political".

See what happens
19 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

I don't think they were jailed based solely on what they said. It is where and how they said it. If I cry fire in a crowded movie theater or walk up and down the street at 4 am screaming and wailing even knowing that people are trying to sleep so they can function at work the next day is this a freedom of speech issue or simple a public nuisance?

It is simple Hooliganism defined as of a persons, usually young, who belongs to an informal group and commit acts of vandalism or criminal damage, start fights, and who causes disturbances but not a thievery. What is more Ironic is that USA urged Russia in the past to adopt ''Hate Crimes'' legislation usualy after synagogues were vandalized in similar way. Simple Hooliganism charges were not enough for Washington DC and Brussels Pharisees Then. Another Misconception is to place it in context of Cold War and East West Conflict, Cultural Marxist Ideology is far more popular in the West then Post Communist East and one those Pussies had t-shirt with No Pasaran slogan during the transmission, Which I bet resonated well with Western Faux Proleterians.
18 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

Unfortunatelly this has nothing to do with tyranny. This has to do with the west abandoning Christianity, being indifferent to it, and even worse, with feeling strong animosity(and hate) towards it. Just look at the legion of resident militant dawkinians here in the PF.

If an organized group did that to a Synagog or Mosque, or other place of worship, they would be charged with hate crimes in all Western countries. They would face severe prison sentences, social ostracism and would most certainly lose their jobs. Yet organized leftist groups can persecute Christians, defile their places of worship and the best they get are hooligan charges?

The above would be a hate crime, what they did inside that Russian church would be a hate crime, if they did that to any religious group other than Christianity.

There is a glaring double standard here and no one is talking about it. You can't have one rule for thee and another for me. Christians and their turning the other cheek, is very dangerous IMO. You never know when they are going to explode.

In the past these people would be ostracized and the law and public opinion would hold them for their actions severely. Now you see most of the world'd media actually defending this kind of action and praising these vandals.

In the wonderful world of liberal multikult, Christianity is a free for all with a big red target painted on its back, it is the only religion that the PC aproves of violently attacking. Specially Catholicism. Everything else is hate, but not this. I suppose it is because it is the religion that best represents western history and traditions, and they obviously hate anything associated with that to the guts.
18 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

When a civil disturbance actually disrupts it is seen as a nuisance crime in civilizaed countries. Akin to walking down the street at 4am wailing your lungs out. Yes, it isn't physically damagingh anything but common sense keeps normal people from disturbing the peace of the citizanry.

Now when pussies decide to riot they do so knowing full well the law may have a penalty for this. If they weren't risking some kind of punishment what really was their protest all about? Or rather where was the 'glory' in a riotous pusy?

Now, these bimbos above really need a few years to cool off and come to terms with the fact that not all people are as 'daringly iconoclastic' as they are. In fact, a lot of people are highly offended by bullsh!t behavior from attention seeking extended adolescents.

And there's the rub: They are now international superstars to the right kind of winghead. 2 years in a modern Russian prizon (undoubtedly under high scrutiny lest Their rights be sh!t all over like the worshipers they disrupted) is a small price to pay for asylum and the adoration of angry pussies the world over.
18 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

How would you described someone who staged a happening (for example driving out money changers) in the courtyard of a temple?

When there's Jewish Synagogues got desacrated by National Bolshevik rubble Obbamination calls it The Hate Crime:


But when Ortodox Church is desecrated now it is freedoom of Speech... hmmm
How much American Ortodox must pay in bribes lobbying the Congress to have similar respect Muslim and Jews have?

Mess with Putin or his political allies, e.g. the Church at your peril.

Caesaropapism is pretty much ingrained in orthodoxy, some silly protest won't remove it. That's what you get for modelling your state on Byzantium.
18 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

They defaced a Cathedral. Fvck that kind of behaviour. Freedom of speech does not mean you can go around crapping on what other people hold sacred and doing random acts of vandalism. Labeling these b!tches as "hooligans" is quite proper. Anyway, let them try doing the same thing in a Mosque. See if they get better treatment.

Liberal media is obviously outraged at the righteous treatment they are receiving. Obviously.

And that is irrelevant. Doing their stuff in a church wouldn't be neccessary in the UK, the US, Poland, France etc. In Russia a different paradigm applies. If Russia was a bit less autocratic with opposition activists and journalists murdered on the direct orders of the president they wouldn't have needed to make that gesture at all

This is a cathedral, a peaceful place of worship. You don't tresspass there and start acting as it was your own bothering everyone. That is running after trouble. I would have given them a slap on the wrist, but I don't feel sympathetic towards these women. They clearly meant to disturb and provocate, and they got what they came for.

You're the type of person who would thought that in Quebec the students associations were in their right to block other innocent students from attending class in spite of them having injunctions for it, and in spite of it being illegal. You're not exactly balanced on these matters, sorry.
13 Aug 2012
Food / Why carp for Polish Christmas? [157]

Not exactly. The carp that are supplied to stores in Poland are bred in captivity, in something like a gigantic pool. They drain this pool when the fish are the right size, and collect them. These are clean fish fed pellets and not mud feeders.
11 Aug 2012
Life / What's the deal with Polish Piracy? [27]

Just a few things I need to say.

First of all, the only reason the Music and Movie industries are so adamant about the internet is because they can now no longer charge us 70 or 80 bucks (ridiculous!) for some piece of movie that they took a couple of months to shoot.

They are mad that they can't keep churning out the same fecal matter year after year and charge ridiculous prices for that. They're scared that the idea of media becoming primarily software-related will mess up their numbers big time!

And let's be clear, they are attacking not piracy but the internet itself when they do things like shut down filesharing sites.

Think about it: why are companies so adamant about this? Is it really because they are losing so and so amount of money? NO, it's because if things keep going as they are, then they won't be able to make an income which is WAY TOO MUCH COMPENSATION considering the job that they already do.

Think about it: these industry people, what is their job really? They hire a couple of Goldsteins and Goldenbergs to figure out what the teenie bopper/idiot housewives will fall for next and pay billions for and then they try to turn that sh!t into a fad so that everybody buys into it.

With online file-sharing the way that it currently is, these man-children who make billions by subverting the masses will no longer be able to do so.

How many years does it take to become an engineer? A doctor? A professor? How many years do people have to put into their career in order to become something that benefits society and make a good salary at the same time?

Now compare THOSE people (doctors, engineers, professors, etc...) to the big movie/music execs....what's the difference? one of those groups works hard to have a prestigious and respectable and DIFFICULT job....the other? They cobble together a bunch of 12 year old twinks and trannies (Justin Bieber, Lady GaGa) and find some way to market this non-art sh!t to the masses.
11 Aug 2012
Life / What's the deal with Polish Piracy? [27]

Scam? Why is it a scam? Why doesn't Poland produce stuff for her citizens at an affordable price?

What you are talking about? That Poland should produce our own version of say "windows 7" and "Kill Bill" at an affordable price?

By your logic, poor people in the West should pay less for their consumption than rich people.

It's easy to a cynic ashole when you live in firstworldia with money and comfortable life that it brings...
11 Aug 2012
Life / What's the deal with Polish Piracy? [27]

If they care about people pirating stuff, they should care even more about Polish people having to exchange several times x more work for merely being allowed to watch a movie or play a game than westerners.

Leaking out valuable work this way is much worse than watching a movie/using a program without permission.
The whole IP trade with countries with lesser consumption entitlement - where a working person is entitled to consume a lesser amount of goods for his/her work, is a massive scam.

It's like selling worthless shiny baubles to negroes in exchange for valuable resources
9 Aug 2012
Love / Any Polish Muslim girls living in Poland? [103]

I mean she doesn't need to put on a burka, just a loose hijab would show some respect?

Why anyone in his/her right mind would want show any "respect" to a religion of terror and murder? Answer me that, rozumiemnic, thank you very much.
6 Aug 2012
News / Poland has its first super hero - The White Eagle [11]

Bialy Orzel - White Eagle

'It's said that life flashes before your death, i had only two toughts - that I'll never see Alice, my wife,
and that it is damn cold when you are falling from 15th floor'

A new hero is born after death....


Keeping the peace in newly annexed Warsaw, fighting the hobos

Protector of the weak

Upstanding Polish citizen by day, White Eagle by night

Using manual window opening system, and very smug about it.
5 Aug 2012
Love / How i can make a relationship with a Polish girl? [20]

Polish girls generally need to have the date be an experience. Not just a boring, standard dinner, or a walk in the park - they need something that'll make them remember you. I once took a girl I knew was into traditional arts go spraying one of those public access walls. We hooked up for a while after, then went back to just friends, but to this days she tells me that was the best date she ever had. Another girl, I knew she was really into actors and drama and sh!t, so I used a connection through a client to get us into a private rehearsal in a local theatre. That also worked pretty well then. It always seems to me like Polish girls just need something that will make their heart pound, especially the pretty ones, since they're used to going out with guys all the time.
30 Jul 2012
Life / Individualism in Polish culture...Is it almost Nonexistant? [170]

Individualism and a lot of pride might be seen as trying to prove being better in an offensive way in Poland. But there is individualism there, of course. Again I would say that comparing to eg, Sweden, Poland is very individualistic.The point is that it is less so than, for example, the USA, but hey - very many other places in the World, and Western/Northern Europe, are

Sorry, I dont want to sound offensive, but I would not call Americans individualistic. I do know, that you like to think about yourselvs as such, but you are anything but.

As a matter of fact I came to conclusion that Americans have a law fetish.

I've noticed that when debating Americans over various topics, they will often bring in (usually their own skewed interpretation of some) legal code and then declare the debate over, as if law trumps everything. This happens even when the legality of something is not even under consideration.

I will give two examples

me: we should not torture terrorist suspects
yank: but the Geneva convention only applies to soldidiers and terrorists are enemy combatants
me: but I wasn't talking about...
yank: LALALA I'm not listening!

me: internet sites should not censor unpopular opinions
yank: The right to freedom of speech only applies to government actions. Internet sites are private entities and can censor whatever they want
me: but I wasn't...
yank: LALALA I'm not listening!

This happens over and over and over again when talking to Americans about anything. I appeal to morality, they reply with law. I appeal to utility, they reply with law. I appeal distributive justice, they reply with law. And they feel so smug about it too. As if, I dunno, law was everything.

I find this disturbing and unhelpful.

In many ways, the USA is far more totalitarian than the USSR could ever hope to be. The law in the Communist Poland was basically a show-piece that everyone, from the common citizen up to the highest bureaucracy and the Politburo, tried to quietly evade or ignore and end up doing what they wanted to do anyway. Complaining to authorities about a minor offense was and still is viewed as a rather shameful lack of integrity.

In America people are socially conditioned to view the law as the reason behind everything, rather than a set of codified norms based on numerous factors, some of which may be outdated or passed with wrong/malicious intent. It's a bottom to top sort of dictatorship, where the people themselves will gladly rat each other out and point fingers for offenses that could have been easily ignored for the sake of community and understanding. Americans will gladly complain about their government and claim the Congress is filled with greedy morons, but at they same time do not question the laws these "morons" draft and vote for.
28 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

Churchill was alwas fixated on Balkans for some reason - he was the "mastermind" behind Gallipoli in the Great War and as soon as Torch and El Alamein were clear victories, he started pushing for invasion of Greece. Even after Sicily he kept pushing for push into the "soft underbelly of Europe" instead of going at "Fortress Europe" as France/Low Lands were known.

The Balkans were strategically a much better idea, though. Even if the USSR did somehow push all the way through France, the French would never have tolerated being a puppet state, and they were going to become a socialist state anyway, just not Soviet. French nationalism would have made an occupation impossible.

The Slavic, mixed up Balkan states were more easily taken over by Russia. Taking them first would have made the most sense for the West.

Balkans has atrocious terrain for ground warface but it can be done - just see how Wehrmacht rolled up Yugos and Greeks in the spring of '41. The area also had the most widespread and aggressive partisan movements outside Russia (note, Russia, not Soviet Union), which would have helped Allies. The resistance movement in Italy was mere shadow when compared to that.

Also, even somewhat succesfull invasion of Greece would threaten Bulgaria and Romania, meaning that the Axis minors could switch sides a year early. And Allies had the troops and equipment to commit to both Sicily and Greece in late 1943.

Regarding Soviets, yes, they would have steamrolled into Berlin sooner or later because the outproduced and outbred Germany. But would Stalin have stood for that if he sensed that US&UK were just biding their time? Probably not, make a truce, regain border of '39 and let the Allies handle rest. Would have been very interesting WW2, though sad for jews since Holocaust could have continued longer with less interruptions.
28 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

Didn't Churchill advocate an assault from the south, both as an easier route and to earlier cut off Soviet advances into the west, but Roosevelt and the Americans turned down the offer? Most books and articles I've read points to the Americans under Roosevelt falling under Uncle Joe's charms and not realizing the future threat, while Churchill had a lot more antagonistic view of the Russkies.
28 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

Kandzior,I agree that Churchill couldn't pressure the U.S.,but I think he would have got Roosevelt to listen to him.

I dont think it would be possible, the guy was just like stupid, he would not listen to anyone. Roosevelt was the key to Stalin's ability to seize what he wanted in Europe and act with total abandon. Roosevelt disregarded all reports of things like Katyn and instead lapped up Soviet propaganda about them wanting "peace, freedom and prosperity for the whole world."
28 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

Churchill had no way of pressuring Roosevelt into anything. US was pretty much running the show by 1944 and FDR was blind to Stalin's ambitions to his death. Americans made so many concessions to the Soviets that it boggles the mind, especially in light of Cold War and other later events.

The US generals and other political elite, especially Patton was very vocal about this, were damn sure about Russians being even bigger bastards than Germans and Japs. The thing is, Roosevelt bought into Stalin's lies and basically handed him all his ill-begotten gains on a silver platter.

Roosevelt's willful ignorance of Stalin's actions and intentions is pretty much the greatest stain in American honor.
Still, the bigger shame is that America didn't do the thing after the war that should have been done: Use the nuclear advantage to burn Russia off the face of the earth.
19 Jul 2012
Life / Individualism in Polish culture...Is it almost Nonexistant? [170]

We don't feel free, as we are dominated by EU.
As for the censorship, I think ist is far worse in the West. The "hate speach" anyone? All opinions are supposed to be PC, if it is not censorship, I don't know what is.
19 Jul 2012
History / Poland and Polish Anti-Semitism, c. 1918-1939 [148]

Why all this nonsense disscusion about ancient antisemitism persist?
1918-1939? Who cares?
Tell me, are all Jews living in the past? Living in the past tends to be unhealthy, I have been told.
Shed away the past, embrace the present!
15 Jul 2012
History / Poland's fate if the second world war didn't happen? [4]

A clearly hypothetical situation.

What if the second world war didn't happen? Imagine no Hitler, no Ribbentrop-Molotov pact, no A-bomb, no Cold War etc. How would you imagine our glorious Rzeczpospolita today?

Pre-war Poland was pretty monocle. We were modernizing pretty quickly. Just let's take a few examples of our great technological designs.

PZL.37 "?o?"

PZL.50 "Jastrz?b" prototype

Orzel class submarine (one of the best pre-war submarine designs)


COP was quite a grand and successful idea. We had a modern railway system, science was doing good and **** was cash. The plans were grand and our future looked bright.


Generally, people were prouder, more decent and more ambitious back then. They also actually cared. After all, ORP Orze? was croudfunded(!). And Pi?sudzki was a bro.
15 Jul 2012
News / Could be in prison for 10 years for trying to bribe the Polish traffic police [39]

@in Wroclaw
That way you keep giving up more and more freedom, untill you wake up in totalitarian state.
People are dying everywhere, a sad thing to be sure, but they always did. The freedom of the society, it is what counts, I cannot infuence any big things, but I do my part, by kicking the bars of the cage they are trying to buid around us. Mayby I'll die in the car accident, but I'll do it as a free man, not the robot controlled by the state.