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Posts by Lodz_The_Boat  

Joined: 7 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2014
Threads: Total: 32 / In This Archive: 14
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From: Lodz
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: chatting

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2 Feb 2011
Law / Question about the drinking laws of Poland. [45]

Now I am pretty sure Poland has no set "drinking age" but you have to be 18 to purchase and I was just wondering how strict Poland enforces that law

Seems like this is the only reason why you go places? .. party? get drunk? ... be the most un healthy guest for any nation?

You are nothing but spoilt. Whichever country you belong to ... your parents (in together) should've done a better job with you.

My words might seem harsh ... but if a man like me finds you drinking or drunk at 16, I'll not shy from making this nonsense be realized by you in the perfect legal way that it should be.

He will at age of 17 when he'll be visiting Poland. Is this apply to 17 years old? What would you say to Harry then?? ;>>>

Everyone has got their own ways ... I've said my way.

I dislike alcohol and alcoholics ... or those who consume if saying "doh! I do it occasionally" because these things are like waves ... sometimes they take a little, but then they'll get drunk ... and then the evil starts.

Although its not my job to clear all the garbage ... but till the time he can be held to the law, it should be done ... even if its a day before the legal age.
1 Feb 2011
Life / Do Poland take care about their Culture ? [39]

I had many officers in my family, all whites and proud of Poland.

You're crazy - comes from a white Pole.

Whats so proud to be white? ... Lets be proud of being human!

My greatfather was Polish Army Officer, the other was normal.

He should've known that being a human is priceless enough ... being a white is just coincidence. When we are born, we don't choose our color or where we get birth to.

What about the Arab hordes there ? how the people react ? do they hit them

There are creeps all over the globe (are you one of them?) ... No good man would act like a wild dog.

Rather ... there are some good Egyptian Arabs ... some are crazy. The good ones are received good, the crazy ones will be crazy anywhere they go (just like crazy Poles or Brits...).

There are people of many other color in Poland :) ... from many other places :) ... and they are quite happy. Poles be friends with them, trade with them ... discuss issues ... study ... and even have relationships ... depends on people to people ... the important part is the aspect of "goodness" in someone. Beauty is everywhere, and true beauty is eternal. While the initial attraction can happen between any two couples ... and the more diverse the more curious it looks, the more better for many :)

Them pakis are shifty bastards.

I dunno which pakistan guy was a bastard to you ... but you sure talk like one :) ... Mr. Brown Greek. (again, I've got no problem ... but you guyz sure do :D)

(DP: im southamerican)

:D ... :D ... eh!...
1 Feb 2011
USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why. [868]

Polish Girlfriend

Very pessimistic view ... its not always the case. Maybe more materialism in some ... but its not the case as always :) ... I've known many of the better ones, although yes I had my other choice ... but those with whom they settled are surely the lucky ones, because they've proven to be wonderful wives! ... I know my sister's and cousins... and I've known some of my friends from school and university ... who've done very well in their married life, and their husband are always smiling ;)
1 Feb 2011
USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why. [868]

Why on earth would I want a teddy bear?!!!

I sent my girl friend (now my wife) a teddy bear myself :D ... and she liked it :) ... she still says she liked it ... she still have it! :)

About smoking and drinking ... whats that got to do with this? ... I don't get it. I didn't smoke and drink myself (well ... once I drank when I was in school, but didn't like it and that was the first and last time I ever put alcohol in my mouth). I would prefer my other half to realize the potential negatives in such habits ... although these might sometimes be personal matters, but when it comes to share a life, who not be more transparent to each other about personal preferences?

About swore ... well its not a good thing anyways!

You really can easily and straight away say that a married man is not only sinning but doing something really stupid, selfish and disgusting by cheating his wife and flirting with someone else ... rather than bring those stuff up which unmarried men do aswell, depends on person to person values! Everyone got a right to express themselves specially to the person with whom they might plan a possible life together!

So lets not stereotype anyone like that ... specially align it with a disgusting creep person!
1 Feb 2011
USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why. [868]

You guarantee you would never do something like that?

THIS Misiu who flirted heavy with me all night

Such flirts can be found in Canada too I'm sure :) ... you can never really generalize with one MISIU of urs ;)
1 Feb 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]



Now you know what I was talking about when I said...

This is not the exact place though ... but yes this thread seems to have treated you well somehow. Some people would like to throw stones at anything they see (because ofcourse, some people are just too big a looser).

But hey, anyways ... it doesn't matter does it?

You guyz have yourselves, she has a father ... and you two have a son! Its all good. You will find the nice people surely in Poland (just look at your wife!) ... but then there will be a few stray people who got no other better thing to do. Just tell your son not to be like them when he grows up. Its like, he also gets to see a few examples about whom not to be like!

By the way ... move around the forum ... people of East or West ... all the good ones can very normally come across good Polish men or women with whom they quite happily spend a good life. Other things (every other thing) come only after that, and believe me, with time and effort - everything is manageable. What matters is that you are doing something good, having courage and patience in your hearts. You rely on each other, and have the warmth and power of love within.

Just come Poland ... your money is alright! ... And whatever might you face, you will do good if you all are together facing it :). That is what families are about! ...

Even a million mathematics don't tell that everything is foolproof. Wouldn't then life become so boring?

Come along my friend... here is a Polish inviting an American with the title "FRIEND"!

You are welcome ... :)
31 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

I have a lot though against marrying off 16-year-old girls and expecting them to start having babies immediately.

Then this needs to be stopped ... as I said ... by use of strict measures and policies. Sometimes we must do it, whether they like it or not. For the common good of man! ... Yes ... at all costs.

I wish I could add powerpoint slides here. I once have a presentation/speech on it back in my club days. There was quite a roar of like minded folks ... many who are now in politics too :) ... its nice ... there are Polish in all fields with a new way of thinking. And I promise this will rise and this will spread! ... and this will grow and strengthen!
31 Jan 2011
News / Poland goes bankrupt? [110]

In the next 20 years, Chinese GDP will cross that of USA ...

China ... the next Super Power? ... I wonder ...

In anyways, I would like the Poles to always have better relations with the Chinese. They are quite a clever nation ...
31 Jan 2011
History / Esperanto - an effort by a Pole ... [122]

Esperanto was created in the late 1870s and early 1880s by Dr. Ludovic Lazarus Zamenhof, a from Bialystok, at the time part of the Russian Empire. According to Zamenhof, he created this language to foster harmony between people from different countries. His feelings and the situation in Bialystok may be gleaned from an extract from his letter to Nikolai Borovko:

The place where I was born and spent my childhood gave direction to all my future struggles. In Bialystok the inhabitants were divided into four distinct elements: Russians, Poles, Germans and Jews; each of these spoke their own language and looked on all the others as enemies. In such a town a sensitive nature feels more acutely than elsewhere the misery caused by language division and sees at every step that the diversity of languages is the first, or at least the most influential, basis for the separation of the human family into groups of enemies. I was brought up as an idealist; I was taught that all people were brothers, while outside in the street at every step I felt that there were no people, only Russians, Poles, Germans, Jews and so on. This was always a great torment to my infant mind, although many people may smile at such an 'anguish for the world' in a child. Since at that time I thought that 'grown-ups' were omnipotent, so I often said to myself that when I grew up I would certainly destroy this evil.

-L. L. Zamenhof, in a letter to N. Borovko, ca. 1895

Today still, this language is thought to be a unique creation from one of the most brilliant minds ever to have lived on Earth. All this, from a Polish man...

Learn Esperanto for Free: language-learning-advisor.com/learn-esperanto-online-free.html
30 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

femininity not pass the same "who gives a damn about..." test?

Femininity is not Naziness. Its just an opinion, nothing wrong in it. I am not cursing her or ordering her. Look at the language I used. End of it, its their choice, I've mentioned in somewhere in this thread... maybe on the other page (before this one).
30 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

nd you will be very afraid... :-/

I've heard that the demons are afraid of the cross...

In anyways ... there are many organizations which share my ideas in Europe ... in Poland ... in Lodz. Plus, yep, I would love to go to any extent for the good of people, and a common human race (thats the final goal) ... however the good people people under laws and independence as designated as per required is important.

No I haven't a solution other to drive them out soft...with making it hard for them to cheat their way through....they will then leave on their own...

Last time u guyz tried those kinds of ideology was not enough eh?

probably the last words of many a Christian missionary before he ended up in the cooking pot

It doesn't matter if a person utters those words and end up in a cooking pot or a cross. The Word prevails ... and salvation does come.

However, as a woman, show a more graceful heart (personal opinion). Don't take it otherwise I hope.
30 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

I wish him luck.....
My elderly aunt had her purse stolen by such people in a supermarket, it really effected her, her health deteriorated, she lost her self confidence and suffered a stroke.

That is wrong ... God bless her soul. Many people died in many atrocities carried out by much more mad people. Rape, murder, deception ... all has been done by Europeans of various countries... many times in masses with their flag in their hands.

While all prayers go to you grandmother ... to outright hate them and to discriminate them ... or to consider them a necessary evil is not the solution, but a bigger part of the problem.

The solution is through policy and its proper implementation ... with proper monitoring and strict focus on the final goal. Whether it makes 20 or 50 years, a time line need to be set. The biggest problem is in the willingness and basic understanding of some people to realize the value and capability of every human being/nation/society. It needs warmth and love and a trust.
30 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

It's their WAY OF LIFE. They don't want to be trained or educated.

Its not about want ... its about NEED. They need to get educated and brought to the better ways of life for an aggregate good. Go look how Libya dealt with this problem when similar groups were more interested to live in tents... but steps taken assured a better lifestyle, and now they live quite well.

It is important that we understand that humans internally to take development in them, once it can be responsibly and tactfully provided. All kinds of steps should be taken only with their long term benefit in mind, as well as the long term benefit of the entire nation among whom they are a part of.

Living real is this ... anything which considers someone as unable to develop or unable to take in good things is what seems "UNREAL" to me. It depends on how you see humans ... I see each human as having a soul and a heart equally as me, in which God would reside. The matter is, how to deal with the problem correctly for GOOD OF ALL ... and there are obviously ways if you believe in yourself, and really do love and consider for them.
30 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

How about removing the children from their situation, providing them a stable loving environment, including a proper education complete with skills and societal training. To prevent more children from being introduced to the problem, forced sterilization of adults (over the age of 12 for example) might be in order.

Forced sterilization is insane and very big discrimination.

I like the other ideas which I marked in bold.

Once you give them education, introduction to good life ... a job after they grew up in the hostels (with all facilities, and educated meetings with their parents under supervision and regular intervals) ... and then ofcourse, education of everyone that they are one of us. They deserve equal respect and love. The good aspects (only the good ones) of their culture and ways must be introduced to our children too ... so that a warmth can be created in either side. They can interact more ... and flourish along with Europe.
30 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

interesting discussion!

Your interest lays in hatred ... you will find anything other than that boring.

Roma really do have the best interests of their children at heart don't they?

Do something ... watch "Hunchback of Notredam" ... I know its for some gentlemen and women a "kidstuff" ... but sometimes there'z lot to learn from anywhere.

There needs to be trust built into them. That is a long process. But the first thing is to rebuild them at any cost whatsoever. Policies need to be introduced accordingly ... the bigger the problem, the better the policies. Unless they are considered as our own, our children, our likes - we are not really going to get anywhere with them. There is no solution other than this with them.
30 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

Keeping your children from being educated but forcing them to beg and steal for the clan on the streets is WRONG!

Settling wild without paying any taxes and leaving behind a dirty waste land when they move on is WRONG!

The greatest wrong is to hate and demean, as well as discriminate somebody... look into history how they have been discriminated. It has appalled various authors from Europe.

You farted a stink as usual...

No ... thats the stink coming from your mouth ... thats what happens when you have a brain full of ****.
30 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

helping whoever wants to integrate with open arms, and the ones that want to continue with unacceptable behavior should be ostracized for it?

They need to be pulled out from any trash situation they are found in ... and trained to be self sufficient, educated etc. There needs to be a total flow of attention, without any pollution of hatred/condemnation or thought/feeling that they are different than any other European.

Policies need to be properly applied. Even the desert dwellers of Libya got into better lifestyles by some policies. It is definitely possible, the matter is how much heart and intention is involved into it.
30 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

PS: You hypocrite you...the Roma wouldn't be allowed to enter your slavic union club either. So stop playing the self-righteous lawyer here. That mask slipped from you long ago...

Your a person who is desperate ... and nothing else. I've always been very clear in all my stance, and never had any mask ...

Wanna make a poll how popular the Gypsies are in Europe?

Its not even about popularity, its about what is right and what is wrong. First of all, I have strong belief about the goodness of people in Europe. Secondly, what is right will always be favored by humans with hearts which still beat in favor of love and peace.

But corrupt hearts have a difficult time believing. They are too interested to make sure that everything and every slightest aspect in the world is as painful as their pain-engrossed eyes can see it.

Here ... end of story. Whatever you wanna feel go ahead. I've made my point.
30 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

There is nothing european about them!

There is someone else who came from Germany said something similar ... and then along with his Final Solution, he had some solutions for the Roma aswell.

They are European enough as they have been here for generations. For some folks no one is greater than themselves, its not an aggregate European sentiment, so I guess you can keep that to yourself (not to mention be ashamed of it aswell).

There've been mafia, drug lords, all kinds of maniacs etc who have caused alot more harm to Europe and the European people that these folks. It is better to try and rehabilitate them with sincere and better policies. The policies are lacking, nothing else, otherwise these people are just as human as any other human in Europe or across the world.

Many of the Indians here in Europe since just recent generations are doing very well. The richest man in UK is an Indian business owner I read somewhere (Mittal metals I guess). Its not a matter of which ancient ethnicity they belong to ... its a matter of rehabilitating and giving them the European respect which they deserve, being here for such a long time!

You can't tolerate them ... and some people of ur likes would go ahead with devastating policies against them ... or just move ahead with half hearted efforts to help them and then like morons declare "There people are not human enough to be helped..." ... so whats the solution? .. "eh ... lets go for a FINAL SOLUTION".

Nope ... that might be your way of thinking, but definitely not the aggregate European way of thinking. Not at all.

ow is your racist "Slavic Union" coming along? Romas aren't Slavs either btw...

It doesn't matter until they are humans. My idea about the Slavic Union had no racism in it. Even the name if considered misfit, could easily be changed. But for someone who cannot think beyond sadism, I don't get surprised.
28 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

White guys also get refused sometimes, including myself.

ha ha ... its not because you are white that you get refused jarnowa ... its because "WHAT YOU HAVE MADE YOURSELF INTO!"

The racism cryers once again prove that their IQ is too low to take part in discussions.

No ... it just proves that you couldn't have a heart big enough.

Coincidentally yesterday I met a Belgian couple ... and their two children, among them the most beautiful little 2 yrs old daughter! :D ... but you wont like then, because one of the parent was colored. While they would avoid you, because you are nothing but negativity to their joyous life... and those kids should run away from you, because you probably would hate them.

Roma are European people ... people like Hitler had the greatest amount of hatred for them. Follow that man then... if you wish. But remember, in this way you will never get peace (let alone a good woman in your life). Even if you do end up getting a woman, it will be just because even dogs get bi*ches and its not a big deal ... and she won't be anything but a 30 min night and a life time of pain - or just trash you in the 30th second.

Improve in your soul when its still time. Otherwise your hatred will keep rotting in your heart and stink ... while more hatred will also keep it heavy and troublesome.

If you dont like colored partners. Its your choice! But for this you don't need to hate colored people (those who are good at heart and educated) just because they found their love in a white woman/man.

Learn to live.
28 Jan 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

I will (Maybe) become part of her family.

I am sure you are already! :)

Now, maybe after I learn their language

I think you will ... spend some time among us and eventually you will start speaking like a pro :D

My son will benefit the most!

Be sure


This is not the exact place though ... but yes this thread seems to have treated you well somehow. Some people would like to throw stones at anything they see (because ofcourse, some people are just too big a looser).

Anyways ... be good when you are here. Be friendly ... people like to see a foreign man among us being happy. There are people (very few) who don't like anything. They might not like you and try to make you feel that it is because you are not one of them! Actually no good man can be one of them because they are racist, facist and contain everything bad in them.

I am sure u'r gonna be a good influence to your children too, by being someone who is a positive figure in a normal and acceptable way :)
28 Jan 2011
USA, Canada / How Poles and other Slavs celebrate and participate in USA everyday life. Chicago as Polish province? [47]

No ... I don't think so. Why do you have to think like this?

People might stand in crowed and stare at you with amusement! But is that not something natural? ... Maybe many Americans also stared at the Slavic festivals in USA! It is completely natural and even can be termed as "friendly".

Why do you have to think in a depressing way! Think good and be happy ... come Poland and celebrate... we will also see how it is among you!