Life /
The Blame Game (Have you ever noticed that a Polish person is never wrong!?) [205]
=Avalon]He "tore" the ticket up.
So I was right when I said that you made up everything. :):):)
Did you pay the fekking ticket?
No. It was annulled on the spot. You didn`t have to argue extensively or go to court to prove your innocence. The municipal police officer, by tearing the ticket off in your presence, admitted they had made a mistake.
So why are you telling this stupid story at all as an example of never wrong Poles?
Are you crazy? Don`t you understand that all your other examples are doubtful too in result? I would never buy a basket of apples if I found one rotten apple in it.
If I were picky and impolite, I would call it all a pack of lies. :):):):):)
=warszawski]It is NOT about loss of work, the issue here is about loss of lifestyle, irresponsibility and blame, he will come out at the end of 2011, with a large payoff and a pension, at the age of 49.
Sorry but it is naive on your part to try selling this story as an example of irresponsibility of Poles. People do such things everywhere, worldwide. Don`t be silly. How old are you? Don`t you know life and haven`t seen such cases before?
=vndunne]Speaking as a non polish person who has lived here for over 5 years, i have to agree in principle with Avalon.
You have the right to it.
=vndunne]I have had a lot of dealings here and very seldom see someone putting their hand up to accept responsibility.
Is it better in the country where you come from? Do car mechanics inform you in your country that they flunked the job (repaired sth else than what you wanted) or even damaged sth and want to refund it to you? :):):)
=Avalon]To me it makes no sense for business's to be run this way and may explain why the costs of services is so high here. If all these people have to run around with bits of paper to be signed and stamped, the cost will always be passed on to the customer.
It is simply necessary. When you plan to build a house in Poland, you need a tonne of documents from various specialists, which costs you a year on average.
Why do we often hear on TV news that a newly built hotel or apartment block collapsed in Turkey or Chile or a country of 3rd world, without being struck by earthquake ? The answer is: they don`t need any documents.
Why don`t I hear about such tragedies on Polish news? Any idea?
You are old, as you said. You want to make things run faster because you feel time is getting short.
Then, recall a nice Polish saying:
when man hurries, the devil rejoices.