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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
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Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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25 Aug 2013
UK, Ireland / UK Polonia protesting v German TV series [65]

they didn't get rid of Red to replace it with Black.

Except they're much closer to red than to black, in fact the redness remains there subcutaneously, concelaed only by a thin veneer of sloganeering and window dressing. In America that type are called pinkos, soft on commies. Quite a few of them represented a certain ethnic group. Hollywood has always been full of them.

BTW ever wonder why the anti-Catholic KOR-ite crowd supported 'Catholic' journalist Mazoweicki for president? Because he was a Catho-leftist, meaning someone working to undermine the Polish Epicopate, a renegade and turncoat playing intot he hands of the red regime,
24 Aug 2013
UK, Ireland / UK Polonia protesting v German TV series [65]

Trybuna Ludu

Trybuna Ludu was read by foriegn correpsondents only to know the official position on things but was not the paper of choice. It was extremely dull, cut and dried officialese. Życie Warszawy, Sztandar Młodych and Słowo Powszechne plus the lighter Express Wieczorny were far more interesting.

Papers are supposed to make money but Michnik was not permitted to change the paper's pro-Soldiarność line and reorient it in a KOR-ite and anti-Cathoilic direction. He simply took advanatage of the chaos and confusion of early RP III to create his own faits accomplis and turned it into a pirvate corporation making money for his clique (Agora).
24 Aug 2013
UK, Ireland / UK Polonia protesting v German TV series [65]

why does it have such a large circulation

Have you ever studied the history of GW? They were assigned to operate GW as the voice of the Solidarność oppositon but soon turned it into a comercial corproation. They got in on the ground floor, cornered the market and hijacked the newspaper, harnessing it to their KOR-ite agenda. Wałęsa banned them using the Solidarity emblem. That group is known for their shrewdness, craftiness, cleverness or, if you prefer, business acumen. No-one is saying it is not a good newspaper technically speaking, as it has a variety of columns, local editions and specialist supplements catering for every need. And that's what the average reader is after. But the leftist-libertine ideological agenda can hardly be called pro-Polish. The examples provided clearly illustrate that fact.
24 Aug 2013
UK, Ireland / UK Polonia protesting v German TV series [65]

Back on topic, do you deny that some members of the AK, just as with the Western Command Polish army, were virulently anti-semitic?

No-one denies peripheral behaviour or events in any organisation, governemnt or otehr formation or body.. The point is that some foriegn viewers will be hearing about the AK for the first time. (They didn't have a Bogart-Bergman 'Casablanbca' to glamourise them the way France's smaller Résistance did). And the main theme in that initial AK contact are several scenes highlighting anti-Semitic behaviour. What impression will such a one come away with.

To put it in the conetxt of one of your beloved minorities, you virulently claim that homosexuals and padeophiles are two different thigns. But do you deny that some homosexuals do go after little boys?
24 Aug 2013
UK, Ireland / UK Polonia protesting v German TV series [65]

I don't know any foreign visitors that do that.

I do and I can understand the reason why. They all seem to identify with the notoriously Polonophobic GW daily. Whenever a Polish-Jewish row flares up, guess which side GW will be on. If it involves Llthuanians, GW will support that side against Poles. If true Poles oppose foreign or copycat deviationists, guess who GW will back. If there's an article by a Michał Cichy on the AK's alleged anti-Semitism, where will it get printed? Guess! If patriotic Poles admire and honour the first Polish officer in NATO (Ryszuard Kukliński), GW will support his hate-filled foe Jaruzelski as a 'man of honour'.

So how else can anyone think and act who takes their cues from that 'enlightened' and 'progressive' rag?!
24 Aug 2013
UK, Ireland / UK Polonia protesting v German TV series [65]

I certianly am. If you don't want to go back and do this yourself, have a mate buttonhoel some passersby on a UK street and ask them what the AK was. Everywhere except London't Ealing, the Polish quarter.
24 Aug 2013
UK, Ireland / UK Polonia protesting v German TV series [65]

Are you saying that Brits are more sophsiticated and knowledgeable when it comes to Polish wartime history than Poles themselves? How many on a London street would even know what the AK was in the first place?
24 Aug 2013
UK, Ireland / UK Polonia protesting v German TV series [65]

Poland doesn't need defending

Nor does it need being constantly discredited and assaulted by foreign visitors who are ready tol defend every nationality and country other than the one that is patiently and hospitably putting up with their insolence and ingratitude.
24 Aug 2013
UK, Ireland / UK Polonia protesting v German TV series [65]

On the contrary, he should be awarded the Order of the White Eagle by Komorowski. This gentleman, who is only half-Polish (a Welsh mum), has devoted his entire life to the defence of Poland's good name. He has been in the forefront of those battling the 'Polish concentration camp' lie and immediately alerts fellow-Polonians to the slgihtest whiff of anti-Polonism, regeardless of whether it rears its ugly head in Argentina, Brussels, Hongkong or LA.

However, upon reconsideration, I can see where someone devoid of a Polish soul and sensitivity might regard someone of that sort as a 'loon'.
24 Aug 2013
News / 100,000 new jobs for less qualified workers in Poland [13]

Complained bitterly

The indefatigable, two-fisted Piotr Duda would have come up with a response. I wonder if Signor Pedrino himself has moved to Poland with his family and belongings?
24 Aug 2013
UK, Ireland / UK Polonia protesting v German TV series [65]

he runs the "London Gazeta Polska Club

I dunno if I'm authorised to divulge his name, because he sent it as an email. But I can say he's a Welshman based in Cardiff.
24 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

The orchestrated talks, at the stage-directed propaganda specatcle known as the roundtable and even Magdalenka, looked nice on TV footage, but the real decisions were taken in back rooms with only the inner circle of conspirators present. Macierewicz apparently saw through the KOR-ite clique for what it really was and took his leave in good time.
24 Aug 2013
News / 100,000 new jobs for less qualified workers in Poland [13]

as you criticise Kaczynski

That's where we differ. I praise and criticise strictly on merit, not according to some preconcieved bias. I have said repeatedly said that Kaczynski should be made honorary presdient for life and someone else should be the actual leader. I think it was a mistake for them to ride the Smolensk horse to death. Since I srongly favour a tough line on stadium hooligans, I think it was a mistake to seek the support of footie thugs and lager louts. Gowin is a good choice not only for Kraków, but for Poland. He can protect the country agaisnt trendy experimentation such as test-tube babies and dangerous deviationism. I'm sure he will also crack down on the dope trade. Also he has a far more statesmanlike demeanour than the squat and frumpy Kaczyński.

You, by contrast, apparently like everything about Tusk -- his shifty eyes, countless unkept promises, nepotism, oldboy clique and scam-monger supporters included.
24 Aug 2013
UK, Ireland / UK Polonia protesting v German TV series [65]

Still lying about that one?

You seem to have a knee-jerk inclination to attack the poster without actually reading what has been posted. Here you can accuse the British Polonia of lying if you wish. Poland's AK Veterans and other ex-servicemen's associations have protested against the series for besmirching the good name of the AK, so they too were lying, according to you. In fact, at times it seems everyone is a liar except their attacker. Maybe a PF nick along the lines of Mr Truthful might be more appropriate.
24 Aug 2013
Life / What is the reason for POLISH jokes ? [486]

The irony of it was that most of the anti-Polish garbage was churned out by American Jews such as Carol Burnett and Rowan & Martin. The anti-Polish joke craze reached its apex in the late 1960s and throughout the 70s possibly as a backlash to March 1968. Traditonal Jewish hatred of Poles was re-ignited by the the Polish commies' anti-Semitic purge.

Back in 2007 one PF-er commneted:

Nazi German stereotypes of the Jews are piece of cake compared to the Jewish 'comedian's' stereotypes of the Poles. It's hate propaganda of the most vicious kind.

24 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

The Third Polish Republic made the mistake of not adopting the Polish eagle of the only legitmitate Polish government existing in1989 -- the London-based Government-in-Exile. Dunno if everyone knows this, but that eagle wore a crown topped with a cross. That would have solved the problem once and for all. Alas, that did nto come to pass because Roundtable Poland was spawned at Magdalenka and elsewhere behind the scenes as a collusion of atheist commies and atheist KOR-ites . The rest was window-dressing and propaganda.

The above-mentioend eagle may be viewed at: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coat_of_arms_of_Poland
24 Aug 2013
News / 100,000 new jobs for less qualified workers in Poland [13]

Strange as it may seen, I actually agree with your view on deregulation. Although Gowin is also admired for his conservative Catholic, hence genuinely Polish stance on otehr issues and has helped protect Poland from the deviationist threat. My question is: are you that partisan that you must always agree with the PO govt? No criticism ever of the Tusk clique, even of its gaffes and blunders?
24 Aug 2013
UK, Ireland / UK Polonia protesting v German TV series [65]

A UK Polonian has shared the following announcement: Patriae Fidelis are planning a demonstration outside of the BBC building and a public letter to protest against the BBC's plans to broadctast "Nasze Matki, Nasi Ojcowie". The three-part German series devoted to World War Two depicts the AK, occupied Europe's biggest resistance movement, as a band of anti-Semites.
23 Aug 2013
News / 100,000 new jobs for less qualified workers in Poland [13]

The Poland government's deregulation law is expected to create some 100,000 news jobs. Competitive exams will be easier, trainee ships shorter and in some cases educational requirements will be lowered.

Will this help decrease joblessness or lower the level of competence in various fields, or maybe a little of both -- remains to be seen.

From now on , inter alia , be better lawyer , notary , bailiff , detective , bodyguard , a taxi driver and trainer. With the deregulation law has created 100 thousand . jobs - the government argues . This flagship Jaroslaw Gowin idea also has opponents who fear increased competition and a decline in professional competence.

The list published on the website of the Ministry of Justice is a 51 professions whose practice will from now require less paperwork overcome . In some cases it will be easier exams , shorter internships and traineeships , sometimes reduces the threshold of education.

23 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

The majority were never asked: Do you want a secular state? That's something the ex-commie Kwaśniewski-Miller clique forced through in their deviously verbose constitution.
23 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

Including the Nuremburg Laws? Any kind of law can be enacted but the fact it gets on the books does not automatically made it right, advisable or beneficial. The fact that 10 years ago teachers and adoption agencies would not have been threatened or harassed in thsi way, only shows what is quite obvious: that the lgbt fanatics representing a tiny 3% minority in the first place have been quiety infiltrating, loudly trumpetting, brainwashing and chipping away at the very foundations of society and trying to impose their agenda on everybody else.
23 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

Which ruse or sleight of hand will you use to wiggle out of this one? I know a good one: The Telegraph is not a reliable newspaper. That has been used by the Fearsome Foursome already in the past, but many PF-ers may have forgotten that cheap trick so why not give it another shot.

Teachers in the UK can lose their jobs if they refuse to promote gay 'marriage'.

A Scottish Catholic adoption agency has been accused of discrimnating against so-called 'gay' couples when deciding adoptions because they gave priority to those who had been married at least two years. Such long-standing 'gay' liaisons are apparently a rarity.


Pro-homosesxual atcivists are calling for the sacking of a Texas councillor who believes gay and lesbian couples should nto be allowed to adopt orphans.

Just in case some people think all homosexuals are only obsessed with their own interests, pleasures and private agendas and that there is no such thing as an empathetic, altruistic and decent 'gay', meet Doug Mainwaring who says: 'In our sometimes misguided efforts to expand our freedom, selfish adults have systematically dismantled that which is most precious to children as they grow and develop. That's why I am now speaking out against same-sed marriage. And I am gay!'

23 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

What would you call it when a 3% minority tries to forces its ideas and anti-values on the rest of society?
23 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

because our culture has evolved past that

...And is heading for a homocracy with rainbow banners all over the place!
23 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

Still the vast majority of Poles ( 93.1%) considered themselves as Catholics ; this figure only slightly changed since the death of John Paul II ( 94.6 %). Followers of other religions are only 1.8 % of all respondents - according to a poll by CBOS . Over the past seven years has increased while the proportion of those who are counted among the bezwyznaniowych , atheists or agnostics (from 1.5 to 4.2 %).

As far as the statements of faith, - according to the March results of the CBOS - 94 % of all respondents considered to be believers , of which at eleven (9%) describes his faith as deep . Only one sixteenth respondents ( 6 %) say that it is an unbeliever , including only three in a hundred (3% ) said a total lack of faith.

23 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

you still claim that 92% of Poles are Catholics

I don't claim a bloody thing. CBOS has found that nearly 93% of those surveyed are self-declared Catholics. Whether that means they're Catholics or not by Harry-ite or any one else's standards doesn't really amount to a hill of beans!

By the way, aside from formal Chruch membership, what is the actual Church attendance index in the Nordic states?
22 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

why are fewer than a third of Poles in church on any given Sunday?

What does this have to do with emblems? The cross as the symbol of the true Catholic Poland is enshrined in the heart of every true Pole - not on some banner or in some document. The Nordics all have crosses on their flags and are amongst Europe's most faithless nations, even worse than the Brits.