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Posts by WielkiPolak  

Joined: 3 Jun 2011 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 14 Feb 2019
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 48
Posts: Total: 988 / In This Archive: 666
From: London
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Football/ Travelling/ Philosophy/ Religion

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9 Nov 2013
News / Anybody watch Adam Michnik on Lis this evening? [50]

Hold on there delph. I think you're going to have to give me a few sources. Perhaps I have not kept up with as much mainstream media as you, but I never heard of any guy that admitted to making stuff up just to get TV time [unless you are just referring to some random guy on the street, claiming to be knowledgeable about planes].

As for me, I'm referring to experts like

Professor Chris Cieszewski, who discovered that the birch was broken 5 days before the plane supposedly crashed in to it. Maciej Lasek said the satellite photos were impossible to see properly, due to their poor quality, yet later said, that the broken tree part that Cieszewski saw, was just rubbish lying around. So could he see them or couldn't he see them? Lasek's area of work is in the mechanisms of flight, while Cieszewski has already done much work involving analyzing satellite photos of, yep, trees! He has done research at the Warnell school of Forestry and Natural Resources. Who is Lasek [or the mainstream media] to rubbish his claims about satellite images?

Another expert invovled, this one, in analyzing the geospace in damp terrain, Dr Deepak Mishra, has received funds from NASA for his research [even receiving up to $1 million for one of his research projects].

Daniel Markewitz is also involved with researching the thickness of the wood in trees and what effects that has in various situations. He has also received a multitude of financial grants for his research from high rated institutions.

You can also look up some names as Joseph Dahlen and Mike Strub [also involved in researching his disaster]. They were involved in analyzing pieces of the birch as well. These pieces were preserved and sent off to one of the 2 best laboratories in the world [this one was in Canada]. The research has shown that this particular tree, despite being weaker than other trees generally, was actually weaker than most birch trees as well [yet it supposedly broke the wing of a plane, despite, if you remember, being on 5th April that year].

For those still unsure of if this was murder or just an accident, Professor Cieszewski also found, in his satellite research, that in the wooded area that the crash took place in, no high quality satellite photos were taken for over 5 years, until just before the time of the crash, almost as if someone had demanded them [Putin?], to see what the area looks like, if they were to prepare some way of crashing this plane and making it look like an accident [that is just my view]. Not only this, but when comparing satellite photos of 11th April and 12th April, the left Ballast seems to have moved 50m, when nothing was supposed to be touched. Again, how very odd. Possibly to make it fit their false explanation better. Certainly suspicious isn't it? Hey I'm sure that those who don't like this topic will think of ways to mock this research or explain how it is of no relevance.

Macierewicz got various experts in many different fields to analyze different things, but they were all related in some way to this crash. Tree trunk experts might sound funny, but if one of these experts says that there is no way this birch can break the wing of a plane, while another says it was already broken before the crash, then surely if the 'official' report is saying the birch broke the win of the plane, then something is not right.
8 Nov 2013
News / Anybody watch Adam Michnik on Lis this evening? [50]

So do I. It's great journalism isn't it though? Don't tell the people what is happening, tell them what they are supposed to think about what is happening.
8 Nov 2013
News / Anybody watch Adam Michnik on Lis this evening? [50]

They gave their time and explanations about some of the major flaws in the 'already finished' reports, so why are these flaws not being reported by mainstream media? The only time mainstream media even mentions it [on TV] is basically when they find their own people to go on their shows and talk about how much these discoveries are a load of rubbish, and the people who are discovering them must be mentally unstable.
8 Nov 2013
News / Anybody watch Adam Michnik on Lis this evening? [50]

Fantasies? Tasteless speculation? You guys either work for these media outlets or have bought in to their brainwash and propaganda. Yes, this is exactly what they want, they want people to think like you do. That's it's rubbish, fantasies, speculation. Or how about reporting the findings of some well respected professors from American Universities? Oh no they are just men that Macierewicz found on the street, who are pretending to be professors and experts.

Those are lies. To tarnish and mock such people is incredible. Only in Poland [and a few other 3rd world countries perhaps]. I can give you facts about many of them if you like. They have many achievements, have done much work, much of it published, rewarded etc. One guy has been funded by NASA, but he's just a blithering idiot right? Why is the media ignoring this issue? You can't just pick and choose.

Oh somebody seems to have found some evidence that the tree branch was not only far too weak to rip the wing off the plane, but also that the branch was actually ripped a few days before the plane crashed. Ah it must be a bunch of drivel by insane people, let's mock them. Yeah that's great journalism isn't it. Imagine if these people were in the police. If people want to talk about ignoring issues, start with these creeps. Imagine if these people worked in the police?

'Excuse me detective, I think we might have some evidence relating to the murder case a few years ago.'

'Ah whatever, you're insane, it's a bunch of rubbish, stop thinking about that case, we resolved it a long time ago.'
8 Nov 2013
News / Anybody watch Adam Michnik on Lis this evening? [50]

Perhaps WP would like to comment as to why Gazeta Polska ignores the news when it suits them

Again you act like it's not a 2 way street. To be quite frank, Gazeta Wyborcza and other media also ignore a lot of news that does not suit them. These media outlets all have their own agendas, and put up news that suits that agenda more. This is why the likes of Polsat, TVN, Gazeta Wyborcza etc. gave us a lot less information about the April 10th plane tragedy, and practically ignored [or even worse, mocked] the many well respected experts that have since proven the MAK report, and Polish official report [that has many similarities to the MAK report], to have some major flaws in it.
5 Nov 2013
News / Anybody watch Adam Michnik on Lis this evening? [50]

Funny because by the way it is publicized, one would think that only the Catholic Church has had pedophiles in it. Most other pedophilia goes unnoticed. I heard many teachers were convicted of it, yet there seem to be no jokes going about on how teachers are pedophiles.

Apparently in the USA, less than 1% of priests that were accused of pedophilia, were actually convicted as pedophiles. That is still too many, but I wouldn't be surprised if many of the priests that were accused, were convicted by the media before they were officially convicted.
5 Nov 2013
News / Anybody watch Adam Michnik on Lis this evening? [50]

The big difference is, most of these kids seem to have very good jobs now, a lot of those tend to be in the media, and while in those positions, they promote their own, very anti right, anti Church propaganda, much like Communist media.
5 Nov 2013
News / Anybody watch Adam Michnik on Lis this evening? [50]

The head of Gazeta Wyborcza was on the Tomasz Lis Live show. He was treated with a lot of respect. I wonder now if someone like, oh I don't know, Tomasz Sakiewicz of Gazeta Polska, or one of the Karnowski brothers [W Sieci] will be invited and treated with as much respect. Somehow I doubt it. Bit of a shame really. I didn't mind the interview here but it's a shame that folks more from the right side of politics get attacked much more. I expect it from Polsat and TVN but it's a shame to see it happening on TVP.
13 Oct 2013
News / Referendum to remove Gronkiewicz-Waltz fails in Warsaw - turnout not high enough [37]

I think there is something wrong with a system when almost 94% of the 27% of the capitol city that voted, want her out, but because the others don't give enough of a **** to vote, she stays.

What a confidence booster. The assumption is that those that didn't vote want her to stay, so why don't they vote to keep her in, because they don't care. It probably makes little difference to them who is in charge, and that puts her in a very fortunate position.
11 Oct 2013
Life / Cyfrowy Polsat... NC+ - which channels can you watch in English? [25]

A few from what I remember. TVN, some of the movie ones, if you have them [like CinemaX, HBO, TCM etc]. Fox as well I think. Eurosport 1 and 2. I think that TVN/TVN7 are the only strictly Polish ones, where during a movie it can occasionally be put to the original one. Some of the cartoon ones as well.
13 Sep 2013
Love / Polish girls- breasts size [65]

I don't wanna be frank but I'm gonna. Stop making these incredibly shallow stupid ******** threads!!!!!
4 Aug 2013
Life / Przystanek Jezus to the rescue [47]

@ Lenka

You'd be surprised how many teenagers, when pressed on why they do a certain thing [wear certain clothing, drink alcohol, have certain gadgets etc], said that it was because their friends do it/ have it.

Yes they have minds, but remember, they are young. I honestly think that you need to live through life and mature a little before you know what is important and what is needless ********. Some adults still don't mature to that level, even when they are older.
4 Aug 2013
Life / Przystanek Jezus to the rescue [47]

Hey goofy I'm on your side in this one. I just don't like chanting in general, particularly not when it happens every 20 seconds during somebody's speech. I agree that Miecugow got what he deserved. I remember seeing an undercover report on Woodstock. Some of the people there, when interviewed, were talking about how much they don't give a crap about their country etc. Many of them were making all types of obscene gestures at the camera, and so on.
4 Aug 2013
Life / Przystanek Jezus to the rescue [47]

Unlike you, I am unbiased. I also dislike those chants. I don't like the chants that you get at some PiS rallies 'Jaroslaw! Jaroslaw!' I would prefer they would be quieter and just listen to him talk. Instead [in some areas] they interrupt what he says every 20 seconds. I don't like that chanting and I don't like this chanting in the video.
4 Aug 2013
Life / Przystanek Jezus to the rescue [47]

About that Miecugow video. Does it not seem like these days, people in Poland, when in groups, seem to do nothing but chant? It just seems to herd like and sheepish. By the way the guy with the banner was right, he just should not have attacked Miecugow physically. I suppose emotions got the better of him.
14 Jul 2013
News / Smoking in Polish restaurant & cafe's is forbidden [15]

Oh come on John. Do you know how frustrating it was to have friends that smoke. They would want to go to a pub or bar, and you would have to either not go, or suggest other places. At least if you can't smoke in a pub or bar now, people can go in. If you want to smoke, then go outside to do it [but not at the entrance]. It is not that hard to step out for a cigarette is it? I think it is selfish to light up in a pub or bar [that allows it] anyway. It means that you have no regards for people in there that might want to smoke.

They make those plastic cigarettes that do not emit harmful smoke, they just give off a vapour [that is not supposed to be harmful]. They can be used inside. You can use that to quench your needs, then when you step out in a few hours time, you can smoke.
14 Jul 2013
News / Smoking in Polish restaurant & cafe's is forbidden [15]

Good because I hate smoking. In Britain it is banned for quite a while. There is still a problem, since a lot of people go out of the building and smoke by the entrance, so in order to get in or out, you have to walk through a sauna of smoke. It's horrible. I think smoking areas outside should be the way, as they are in some places.
11 Jul 2013
Travel / Just visited Poland - here is my random rant [154]

With the bags [not sure if somebody mentioned if but I did not go through all 5 pages, since the original post was long enough to read], Lidl charges for bags as well. I think it is to do with getting people not to buy as many plastic bags, or buy one of the more expensive ones that they do, that is big and made of much sturdier material, so you can keep re-using it [since plastic bags are meant to be bad for the environment].
11 Jul 2013
UK, Ireland / I think Poles in the UK are COOL PEOPLE [17]

Oh and by the way, why do you guys even want to come here anyway?

Sweden or Norway, fine. Spain, mostly, okay, but in Germany or France I think that you will find many foreigners too, just like in London. Particularly France, and a lot of Muslim areas, so if that tends to bother you, I suggest staying away from there.

As for your question. It is quite simple. Many people move there to work. Some want to stay, but some just want to earn some money, then return home eventually. They do not see England as their country, so they don't care if it is flooded with foreigners, since they see it as a foreign land that they are only temporarily in anyway.
11 Jul 2013
Travel / Rihanna complains about lack of privacy on Polish beach [150]

I can't believe that some folks in this thread have tried to claim racism.

Is the article biased? Yes, the guy perhaps does not like Rihanna much. Is it racist? No. All it says is, if there is black lady on a beach, it draws attention [since it is rare in parts of Poland]. If that black lady is a well known pop singer, then it draws more attention. How is it racist? Oh, because it mentioned her race. How dare the article mention her race, that's racism! If I say, that black dude over there showed me the way to the stadium, that makes me racist? Why? What, because I didn't need to mention his race. Give me a break.
5 Jul 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

Some of the comments on here are amazingly stupid, yet probably not surprising. I think that the only people who don't like JP II and don't think he deserves to be canonised are those that despise the Catholic Church. Since he was the leader of the Catholic Church, they don't like him. He was a great person. He was much respected by people of different faiths, as well as non believers. You know what they say out in the streets, 'haters gonna hate.'
30 Jun 2013
UK, Ireland / Western Europe is not Paradise after all (Polish doctors in the UK more popular) [75]

i am a fool? an you are a big suck baby hypochondriac

Well done on your Chemistry knowledge. What do you want, a cookie? Man people really don't have much to do with their life, if they feel the need to go and launch a scathing attack on someone over the internet, and rage about how they don't deserve any antibiotics.
29 Jun 2013
UK, Ireland / Western Europe is not Paradise after all (Polish doctors in the UK more popular) [75]

the guy went to the doctor whining for antibiotics with a COLD?

Why are you telling me what illness I had? I told you that I had a throat infection. The Polish doctor had a look at me, properly, then gave me antibiotics. I did not ask her for them but she gave them to me anyway. Other doctors, from here, who I asked, told me I did not need to take them. The antibiotics she prescribed made me better. I know that you desperately want to try and defend your beloved doctors, but the truth is, a lot of them do far too little.

When did I ever say I had a common hold? Get it together fool.
28 Jun 2013
UK, Ireland / Western Europe is not Paradise after all (Polish doctors in the UK more popular) [75]

I must admit I find many of the NHS clinics to be **** poor here in England, including my local medical centre. In the past I have gone in with a throat infection, bad cough, high temperature, that I had for many days and was unable to get better from, so I have expected antibiotics. Some of the time, they just tell me to get some rest, and it will take care of itself. They only give antibiotics when I ask for them, telling them I cannot afford to wait a week or 2. They tell people to get some rest for many illnesses. That seems to be the reply if they don't really know what to do [or can't be bothered], so it's just, get some rest. People go in with all sorts of problems, and get told it is no big deal, it's normal, there is nothing to worry about. I had throat problems in the past, and was told to eat lots of ice cream to make it better.

I went to see a doctor about my throat infection and high temperature recently, she was Polish. She took my temperature, checked my back and front with a stethoscope and asked me a number of questions how I felt. She also looked inside my ears and mouth. Then she prescribed me antibiotics and a throat spray. I felt like she actually cared to find out what was wrong. Other doctors just ask me what is wrong, sometimes briefly look in my mouth, then just say, go to bed, get plenty of rest, it should be better in about a week. I do find doctors from Poland to be much better, I really do. It's almost as if they are being taught better or something. Either that, or, they understand that they need to do their jobs properly, because they have a responsibility to patients. I am generalising. There might be some bad Polish ones too, but not any I have had yet.
16 Jun 2013
Off-Topic / Modern parenting = bad parenting? [20]

It seems to be 'politically incorrect' to say anything about another person's child, even if they are being very annoying. I think most of the time, a person will be patient and hope that eventually the parent will do something, but sometimes it never happens. Another method, something I have seen, if say, a child is running around a lot where it shouldn't be, is for another person to have a quiet word with the child themselves, and explain why it should not be doing that, rather than having to say something to the parent. This does not go down well with the parents either though, unfortunately.
16 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / Prayer, relgious symbols OK in public in Québec! Poland watches. [99]

Who asked if the people working there and studying there wanted a cross? Shouldn't it be up to them?

So if I go to work somewhere, and there is a painting up on the wall, should I be offended because I wasn't asked if it bothered me or not?