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Posts by gumishu  

Joined: 6 Apr 2009 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 14 Jan 2025
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 6228 / In This Archive: 3025
From: Poland, Opole vicinity
Speaks Polish?: yes

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23 Jul 2017
News / 2ND MIRACLE OF THE VISTULA: youth mysteriously appear out of nowhere! [231]

I don't agree with the proposed changes. The proposed bill has some mistakes. Even Duda noticed that.

the mistakes can be removed - I guess you don't see the problem with the current state of judicial system in Poland - you of course have a right to but most Polish people see problems with it and so does the governing party

I would quote Ewa Kopacz here : You want power - win the elections. The street is not the place to win the power in a democratic system.

PO were no saints but at least they didn't want to take total control of the judical system.

i'm not sure you realize that in the previous system judges would decide who could become a judge without any democratic control - they were an authority unto themselves - that such system leads to pathologies was shown in numerous instances
23 Jul 2017
News / Coup d'état taking shape in Poland with Soros in background? [59]

toe ven rekaibylk estimate the maoutn of tiemn, national welath nad humna

to even reliably estimate the amount of time, national wealth and human... - it is perhaps difficult to decypher it at first glance but with a little effort it's possible
22 Jul 2017
News / 2ND MIRACLE OF THE VISTULA: youth mysteriously appear out of nowhere! [231]

By their hairstyles and clothes one could see that a new generation attached to Western standards of public affairs and not desiring Poland to become like Belarus

I believe this is spontaneous - still those people mostly don't know what they are protesting against
22 Jul 2017
News / 60% of Poles say Szydło's government should resign [238]

How many challengers did JK have the last time he was elected as prezes?

Kaczyński doesn't use terror to get rid of possible rivals, he has enough trust and respect among PiS ranks simple as that - nothing bolshevik in this
22 Jul 2017
News / 60% of Poles say Szydło's government should resign [238]

For all his (many) faults Tusk was very good at keeping the party in line and had a vision (though very hazy and incremental)

the only vision Tusk had was to appear I repeat appear to be a serious statesman - the man is a complete egomaniac and only interested for power for the power itself and no visions - he himself said that he prefers 'the policy of hot water in the tap' to some visions - he never tackled any serious problems that Poland had - it was just empty promises during election time and then lots of making good apperances in the form of quite good PR which PiS lack

Ludwik Dorn (once the 'third twin') who knows JK backwards and forwards says that his murderer outburts was aimed at Duda...

I never heard bigger bullshit - Kaczyński simply lost his temper after some rant by Budka who said something about the late Lech Kaczyński
21 Jul 2017
News / 60% of Poles say Szydło's government should resign [238]

the latest poll of political preferences (notably before current parliamentary crisis though) has estimated the support for PiS at 38 per cent of those who are willing to vote - look up 'ostatni sondaż Kantar dla TVN' - the fluctuations in the polls and the fight for votes is going now for those who typically are too apathetic to vote at all so maybe the latest events will mobilize some to claim they are going to vote now - but this might be a flash in the pan just like the one in early April (after the so called 27:1 disaster)
21 Jul 2017
Law / My bf's visa expired and we want to marry in the UK [9]

He shouldn't be in the UK, and he will never enter Poland

there are no border controls when you leave the UK and arrive in Poland by bus (ok there are but they are incidental)
21 Jul 2017
News / 60% of Poles say Szydło's government should resign [238]

I'm not a fan of the rule of the so-called elites as espoused by PO and the likes - you can call me names all you want - you are only doing yourself harm by that - because you don't try to reach for deeper understanding - and I can tell you: your understanding of the current situation is very superficial and you are just as hysteric as jon
21 Jul 2017
Genealogy / ABOUT KUKULKA [42]

Kukułka is imitative of the birds voice just like the English cuckoo
21 Jul 2017
Language / How to say this in Polish, any help greatly appreciated! [5]

She gets lost a lot (not while dreaming),

then maybe it should be - śpij spokojnie i nie zgub się chociaż we śnie ;) - the wink would be necessary to convey the joking nature of this remark
21 Jul 2017
Language / How to say this in Polish, any help greatly appreciated! [5]

Goodnight gorgeous girl,

dobranoc śliczna dziewczyno, odpoczywaj spokojnie wiedząc, że Twoj wyjątkowość sprawia, że wszyscy inni wyglądają li tylko przeciętnie, i że Twoja piękna twarz będzie w moich snach. śpij spokojnie i ... (I don't know what you mean by don't get lost and the translation would depend on what you mean)
21 Jul 2017
News / 60% of Poles say Szydło's government should resign [238]

he new regulations to the legal system that Our Great and Dearest Leader Chairman Jarosław Kaczyński proposes are very similar to those that exist at present in Bundesrepublik Deutschland under Angela Merkel.

one sane voice here, thank you Ziemowit
21 Jul 2017
News / 60% of Poles say Szydło's government should resign [238]

Yes, but they weren't so happy with the aftermath were they?

you live you learn - you choose you face the consequences - if you choose right the consequences will be good if you choose wrong the consequences will be adversary
21 Jul 2017
News / 60% of Poles say Szydło's government should resign [238]

but at a certain point, it starts introducing things that people don't like Gumi, and by that time, it's usually too late to do anything about it.

it's no Middle Ages, people can overturn any government that imposes policies that are unpopular - if you have too short a memory may I remind you the fate of the special tax for local roads which PiS proposed? and guess what all totalitarianisms were introduced according to the will of most of the poeple (Germany) or resigning to an opressive power of one faction (Russia) - if you see something like that happening in Poland then in my opinion you are not in touch with Polish reality
21 Jul 2017
News / 60% of Poles say Szydło's government should resign [238]

Not in the least but quite frankly I am surprised if you can't see it for yourself. State control is being tightened in Poland and that's a fact.

yeah, we should all do 'róbta co chceta', don't want to pay taxes -why should you? there is corruption and fraud? - so what let it be - state control is evil - the worst of all

and yes I am welcoming this much of state control that has been introduced by PiS goverment - thanks to it for now we don't have a budget deficit - and guess what haven't in the slightest felt threatened so far by the state infringing on my rights - maybe you have, I don't know
21 Jul 2017
News / 60% of Poles say Szydło's government should resign [238]

There are differences between the two but Poland is definitely inclining towards the former at present and that can lead on to the second.

maybe you think I am dumb - it's ok - or maybe you don't have examples simple as that
21 Jul 2017
News / 60% of Poles say Szydło's government should resign [238]

Poland is simply moving towards being a totalitarian, facist police state, not a modern democracy.

please give examples of how it's moving toward a totalitarian state

Education plays a greater part and it takes much

btw how do you educate businessmen not to forge "układs" with the judiciary and goverments - how do you educate people not to be selfish?
21 Jul 2017
News / 60% of Poles say Szydło's government should resign [238]

how do you explain the 20 per cent rise in 'akcyza paliwowa' income

ok I have given the wrong data - akcyza income rose about 6 per cent year to year (for the whole 2016)- but the demand for diesel grew over 20 per cent year to year in the last part of 2016 after implementing the new laws and also introducing controls on the borders - was the demand for diesel in the latter part of 2016 caused by sharp economic upturn - I guess you doubt it just like me

Overall, corruption in a post-communist society is going to be a fact of life and take some years to eradicate as it requires a change of attitude and mindset and you can't legislate for that.

if you do nothing to stop corruption is it going to stop by itself - do you think corrupt official will change their minds - some legislation is necessary simple as that
21 Jul 2017
News / 60% of Poles say Szydło's government should resign [238]

The 22 bln number has been repeated here without challenge too often - it is obvious to accountants that it is only a half truth.

sure cms - how do you explain the 20 per cent rise in 'akcyza paliwowa' income year to year after tightening controls and sealing the legal systme of trading in fuels - did economic activity grow by 20 per cent or was there massive fraud counting in billions PLN before that, huh?
21 Jul 2017
News / 60% of Poles say Szydło's government should resign [238]

For sure he belongs in the past - can't use a computer, doesn't have a bank account, doesn't have a passport, not sure f he can drive but can't remember seeing him at the wheel.

are3 you that superficial?
21 Jul 2017
News / 60% of Poles say Szydło's government should resign [238]

Duda, his apprenctice, is starting to waver. He's a young man who despite his lack of credibility

are you sure you know what you are talking about - Duda is leading in most polls as the most trusted politician in Poland
21 Jul 2017
News / 60% of Poles say Szydło's government should resign [238]

He's always been like that though he appears to be becoming increasingly unstable as he feels his power and influence waning

Atch I am not sure you know what you are talking about - how is Kaczyński's power waning? the man was deeply disturbed (and probably still is) by the death of his twin brother - I understand you have a big imagination but comparing Kaczyński to Hitler is simply wrong
10 Jul 2017
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

Germany should look after their national interest nor Polands.

you hear about solidarity from Germany so you would guess they would show some themselves - also it is not against the interest of Germany to have a landbased pipeline through Poland and say Baltic Staes unless of course Germans view these countries as some 'neo-colonial sphere' and not as partners

btw the cost of laying Nord Stream pipeline on the bottom of Baltic was cautiously estimated to exceed the cost of the proposed land pipeline 5 times
10 Jul 2017
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

That being said, I don't see why Germany and Poland should not be able work together closely.

but well it is Germany who built Nord Stream and are bent on expandind it into Nord Stream 2 - against vital interests of Poland and Baltic States (Ukraine too)
10 Jul 2017
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

Or were they there because they were told to be there

even if people were transported to Trump's rally in Warsaw by coaches it doesn't mean they were their against there will or they were somehow told to because you know you might lose some favours (what favours btw) - of course you don't know who Gazeta Polska clubs are