23 Jul 2017
News / 2ND MIRACLE OF THE VISTULA: youth mysteriously appear out of nowhere! [231]
the mistakes can be removed - I guess you don't see the problem with the current state of judicial system in Poland - you of course have a right to but most Polish people see problems with it and so does the governing party
I would quote Ewa Kopacz here : You want power - win the elections. The street is not the place to win the power in a democratic system.
i'm not sure you realize that in the previous system judges would decide who could become a judge without any democratic control - they were an authority unto themselves - that such system leads to pathologies was shown in numerous instances
I don't agree with the proposed changes. The proposed bill has some mistakes. Even Duda noticed that.
the mistakes can be removed - I guess you don't see the problem with the current state of judicial system in Poland - you of course have a right to but most Polish people see problems with it and so does the governing party
I would quote Ewa Kopacz here : You want power - win the elections. The street is not the place to win the power in a democratic system.
PO were no saints but at least they didn't want to take total control of the judical system.
i'm not sure you realize that in the previous system judges would decide who could become a judge without any democratic control - they were an authority unto themselves - that such system leads to pathologies was shown in numerous instances