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Posts by Lodz_The_Boat  

Joined: 7 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2014
Threads: Total: 32 / In This Archive: 14
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From: Lodz
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: chatting

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5 Feb 2011
Polonia / Polish-Chechen relations [19]

I was horrified to read this article today:


Quite horrifying to say the least. How this Chechen mother lost 3 of her daughters while crossing into Poland! Only one of her daughters survived!

How cruel are these borders? Are we humans or are we rock and sand?

Are there any Chechens in this forum? Do Chechens have internet connection?
5 Feb 2011
Love / What do Asian boys think about Polish girls? :) (and vice versa) [150]

So which part of Asia are you talking about? Asia is so big. I had the privilege of touring in two different dimentions of Asia.

Usually if a white women will be found with Asians its from South or West Asia...

If a white man is found with an Asian, its from East or South East Asia (Pacific).

This is what I notice ...
5 Feb 2011
Law / Question about the drinking laws of Poland. [45]

So,'simply, just watch how much you drink.

No one can watch how much they drink everytime. Drinking is of the the biggest reason for crimes.

All the blames you have hurled on me are baseless. I'm not trying to impose anything. All I am saying is being in favor of the law, and my perspective on the situation. I do not go out of my way and stop someone from drinking. In that way I would not have been able to live like a sane man this long.

It is not right to stay mum about your own perspectives. But it is wrong to go and impose it on others. However, you can definitely share it in a peaceful manner.

I think I've been more peaceful than you have in your post.

Thank you.
4 Feb 2011

What is your problem? We have intelligence too, what do you think?

We don't need the English to make us understand such things. We can do ourselves. I am only giving my opinion on this issue. I am the only Pole it seems in this thread. Its very strange how all of you sit together and discuss about Poland as though you are Polish and have graduated on Polish studies!
4 Feb 2011
Life / Family, Community --> Society "The Polish Way" [29]

The sentence has no shape no structure. How an I supposed to understand what you are trying to say. Tell me, are you drunk?

Polish society is literally disintegrating. Family as a unit is failing ... future is not too bright. I never like to say it, as you might've noticed throughout the forums. But just, I felt I mention this truth at least once.
4 Feb 2011

Why would millions leave the country otherwise?

Because they cannot make money other than pulling carts.

not trying?

Not trying properly. You cannot try to push the stone, you must realize which lever you need to use.

he stock market is nothing more than well informed gambling, there are winners and losers.

No ... its investment. There are mathematics involved. It is gambling when you are totally blind.

In general without family connections you don't get too far.

Your kind of people.
4 Feb 2011

i dont know youre lying? virtually every Pole i know in Poland that doesnt live with his/her parents struggles like hell.

Not true. Why don't try in the stock market and with imports of cheap commodities with good quality for consumption in Poland and other neighboring countries where we can have access?

I once had a thread on the stock market here. I've done well in it, and my friend who is a foreigner taught me a few tricks. He came and did well and now owns his own flat ... doesn't live with his family who is thousands of miles away in their own country.

There isnt any luck in business only timing and the right qualities.

There are the right businesses. You just have to know how to do it.

Unfortunately right jobs dont usually pay more than 4000 PLN netto

There are jobs which do. By the way, people with limited education should definitely think of earning through business.

The friend I am talking about in here is a close friend who lives in Poland now. There was infact yet another thread (in relationships section) where I wrote two stories of Polish couples and mix couples, there I wrote his story too.

Did wonderfully well. So why not anyone else atleast TRY???? I don't know why it has to be classified as "impossible" ... specially when someone has been able to do it.
4 Feb 2011

You know if I say something here I will be blamed to be very rude or very "ultra liberal multi culti" or something like that!

How come alot of my friends who come from abroad (countries with not so much money) do so well in Poland? They earn well, and soon buy good cars and flat!!!!!

I haven't done too badly either...

Maybe you need to find that "right job" for you? ... No to mention the need to try your luck in some form of alternative source of income. Even try your luck in businesses...
4 Feb 2011
Law / I want to run a Persian (Iranian) restaurant in Poland! [46]

1. Do Polish people like foriegn food ( like Indian, Turkish , Persian)

I sure do. I happen to be Polish too ...

All the other info you need to contact the Polish embassy maybe ... you know anyone in Poland? Why did you select Poland anyway?
4 Feb 2011
Life / Family, Community --> Society "The Polish Way" [29]

ome women may be better at managing house hold economy.

Every woman can ... but it depends on the economy of the household. Tell me, did you really read my post completely?

If you had you wouldn't have said that. I am not against women who work for an income. There are instances when it is highly praiseworthy that they do. Single mothers, or women who want to play a role by adding to the income to a household which terribly need it to run its basic functions. If the women of the house don't step up here, who will?

But when the finances are adequate for the basic function of the family, then the management of the micro economy of the household, the bringing up on children in close supervision (along with the help of the husband) as well as playing an active role in society to build up moral and ethical awareness is a job which is VERY VERY GREAT. This job needs to be fulfilled by someone who matches all the wisdom, kindness, talent of decoration, beauty, creativity that women are endowed with in a very thorough way.
4 Feb 2011
Life / Family, Community --> Society "The Polish Way" [29]

I'm uncomfortable with the way you say things, but I suppose I can let most of what you say go.

We are all free to agree and disagree. But maybe I just couldn't get you the message that I wanted to transmit. I find what you write to be in total agreement to my own opinions. I didn't find too much difference.

All I am talking about is the concept.
4 Feb 2011
USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why. [868]

I think I will have more fun with Misiu

But I read this one ...

In any condition ... it is a very pathetic picture of Poland and ... the men and women of it. Unfortunately I cannot just say that it is not the real scenario ... I'm afraid its nowadays almost the regular scenario.

But if she moves away, its going to do alot better for her than it will do for him.
4 Feb 2011
USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why. [868]

I don't see anything reckless in what aphro did.

Oh yeah? ... look at the page number 15. She is not done with him yet ... she is as one poster commented "playing with fire" - Oh!!! How exciting that must be ... isnt it?

Fine ... go ahead! ...

Well about the man. I've already said that he is the TRASH OF THE CENTURY. But look at her taste, she loves to keep smelling the trash! ... So this makes her the prominent homewrecker of the century aswell.

I am unafraid to say what I feel is right from the core of my heart no matter if anyone likes it or not!

First read page 15 and then you tell me (post#438).
4 Feb 2011
Life / Family, Community --> Society "The Polish Way" [29]

I don't agree with you. I don't have any problems with women working as a norm

I'm not saying that women shouldn't work in industries, or even lead them. They can ofcourse, if the household really needs another income, she is the one to stand up (to keep the family functioning). If she is a single mother, ofcourse... all I am saying is about THE BASIC PRIORITIZATION OR ROLES ... what you keep before what! ... in this way, family and values must come before income generation (whose role is to keep the family at a functioning level, and not just raise the standard of living at any cost, even if it costs the basic role or values of a family as a unit).

Tell me why she needs to do a part time job when she can in that time manage the micro economic activities of the household? The child? Also, play a very important role in the broader society in many activities which are always missing among us.

Woman are the first educator of tomorrow's generation. Grand parents can be helpful, but they cannot take the place of parents. They've done their part with you, now its your business with your children.

To put better values in the hearts of children starts from their birth, with both the parents being effective in their roles (which also evolve with time), and take care of the bringing up with close supervision till they are 18 or sometimes 20 even. Day care or elderly grandparents cannot do what PARENTS can do. I know it ... thats why I am saying this.

"girls' night out", "lads' night out", separate bank accounts, me and you mentality ... or even worse 'marriage = social death so don't do it until you're 30'.

Complete agreed. But this is the consumerist media playing its role.

Some really mean and greedy forces at work around the world try to play many cards to feed their same old greed (e.g. consumerism). By trying to frame that "Homemaking or family management ... or the management of the micro economy at the foundation of culture and society" is not actually a work. In this way they can use this entity (the female) for their purpose of increased greed and consumerism. By indoctrinating them with the idea that income is the only achievement of freedom, and through this what can they do better? ... OFCOURSE... consume :). Consumer more, keep purchasing. Inflate the bank accounts of the ever expanding Corporation, and eventually, being intoxicated (addicted) to this ever increasing and never ending lust for more - if necessary - even sell you last portion of the VALUE framework.

Ever seen a badly addicted boy, in drug? ... Even if he/she had great values once (ofcourse which he couldn't hold, perhaps due to lack of many variable which if I discuss will expand our discussion unreasonably), they finally succumb and resort to many wrong doing for the drug. This is the fate of anyone so badly addicted, and over-emphasis of money and career (a bad sense of prioritization of the elements of life) can also cause equal or worse forms of addiction. Almost in a similar way as Judas kissed Jesus (and Judas was a great follower) for the sake of money and other intangible facilities of material value to him (this ofcourse is a very epic and extreme example due to various other variables - however, I feel, still relevant).

Male and Female are both equal, non-uniform, wonderful creation of God. Both have similar as well as specific spiritual, material and mental attributes. We both complete each other in all the dimensions of life, and then this union brings a miracle :). I think, this miracle (child) is the trust of God, also the sign of His love for mankind.

Now, as we unite ... it is only in our favor, and the favor of everything good/Godly ... to manage family, society and values in the best way possible. For that, we need earnings aswell ... but the other elements of life cannot go down the drain. While the highest priority can never be mistaken ... which is so obvious ... FAMILY, SOCIETY - and thus the evolution of Civilization in the Right direction.

Bread is in the mouth of lion. Would you prefer the woman to take it or yourself?

I don't believe in your saying. Sorry.

Infact, the term "bread winner" is also very stupid term by the English I think. There is nothing extraordinary in playing the role of a supplier of finances into the micro economy of the family. The family's economy is to be managed by the wife - in consultation with the husband. She is a great and equal player in the household ... and the "money" don't make a lion or a cat out of anybody. He doesn't win the world by earning ... he just plays his role and nothing else.
4 Feb 2011
USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why. [868]

Flirting with a married man ... plain and simple. Now finding excitement in it ... trying to "glorify" it? ...

How, insensitive has the world become. Both the parties now, I feel, are equally reckless ... I feel pity only for his wife. But who knows, maybe she is just as bit of a recklessness in action.

Very very ... unpleasant. What if they have children? ... poor them. Some people love to make a witch/home wrecker out of themselves, and some men love to play the toxic-trash/soul killers.
4 Feb 2011
Life / Family, Community --> Society "The Polish Way" [29]

Some materials of interest:

... This, in turn, may be remembered as the great tragedy of the culture war: While college-educated Americans battle over what marriage should mean, much of the country may be abandoning the institution entirely...

Article: nytimes.com/2010/12/06/op...that.html?_r=1

I think there is a very great issue of mismanagement of functions within the family, and global consumerism playing its part to distort the fabric of families further to create more consumption and aggravate the problem further.

So let's see. In this modern world the first thing we think when thinking of relationships is either 'sex' (if we are thirsty to find a place among the current world which focuses entirely on that somehow) or 'life time of reliable companion' (which is my way of thinking, actually beyond the life! ... but then just to make it simple here).

If we talk about the latter (you guyz can bring about the former too, if you wish to elaborate on that), then its not really something easy. Or maybe its just us who have made this so complicated. So how does a reliable marriage work with two parties becoming one in its full meaning?

The man and wife have equal rights in a marriage, but will it be safe to say that their roles in society, relationship and towards the household happens to be different.

Ofcourse the women have the right to be a bread winner. But after she married a man who can provide the "bread" and "shelter" aswell as the basic needs (such as childcare, healthcare etc) is it really morally or technically correct for her to go out and earn an income for herself too? Or maybe my question should rather be, "is it technically correct?". Does this help in the bringing up of the child, or the economics of the home?

Oh no I am not anti-female work. I do agree that in certain situations, and when the household really needs an extra income to maintain atleast the basic functioning level (which is not the "high living standards" of a materialistic yet self-assessed-spiritualistic-in-a-convenient-way couple) of the family. But beyond that, if she really keeps the field before the home - then what really happens to our foundations - the youth of the next generation? YOU GUYZ REALLY THINK that day care or letting teens "just be" is the wisest of all actions a family should take? Not to mention the example created by the parents (and we know what's been going on in the west since examples after examples - gradually getting bolder - being set by what used to be families).

Now for men ... is it right for them to think that they are doing anything more special by earning those bank notes by which they can buy stuff? Isn't it supposed to be a partnership where one is supposed to manage and the other supply? Even biologically one supplies and the other manages !
4 Feb 2011
Life / Family, Community --> Society "The Polish Way" [29]

no one family is the same

Yes its not. But the level of cohesion is something that has similarities. Not to mention the hierarchy, the decision making process, the roles or each parent ... the unity of the family. The beliefs ... the system in which a family operates and the role of the characters present in the family.

Such criteria decide the structure and nature of the family, its success factors ... and thus shapes the community, which in turn defines that particular society.

will remain quite 'traditional'

What do you mean by that? ... and do you think of its "traditionality" as an imagination or have you really got any clue to say that it is traditional?
4 Feb 2011
Life / Family, Community --> Society "The Polish Way" [29]

If I write it from my own perspective, it would become my own interpretation of it. Although I do wish to contribute in this very important part of human and national life, still, I feel that everyone must give their own insight, as to what they have noticed - felt or lived on this context in Poland!

So, in my way of seeing it, the role or man and woman are different naturally and scientifically aswell - however their reason, respect, rights and importance are definitely equal in all respects.

Can any culture or society, in today's world, remain significantly and predominantly away/different in a significant manner from the other? It is really possible in this increasingly globalized Global Village where the margins separating one from other is increasingly fading away?

I for one think that it is not so simple to describe ones culture anymore. However, to stick to Poland would be recommended for this topic. Even though you might bring on the modern situation of the Polish family, community and thus the society. It does not need to be traditional version of it. Because the "current" is what really does count - while the rest becomes only for entertainment ...

Where are we in this context? ... Where are we heading? ... What would be the perfect thing to do to head in the right direction?

So what do you think?
3 Feb 2011
Law / The Stock Exchange - Poland (GPW ... or WSE). Do you invest? [34]

Does investing on a stock exchange require a lot of time or does it not?

It doesn't

If it does, would you still have time to read through the PF any more?

I have a business of my own, as well as investments in various ventures and stocks. I have time ... and stock market doesn't consumer alot of my time. I have good agents.

Are you prepared to keep your shares for five or ten years?

Yes. It is not the money for my livelihood... its rather idle money.

No, I've never kept a large portfolio. I am or - better say - I used to be a risky investor in shares.

You can be risky and still have a large portfolio. Large portfolio helps you to minimize losses.
3 Feb 2011
Law / Question about the drinking laws of Poland. [45]

Get a life Lodz

I got one already ...

It is parent duty to talk to a child about the dangers in everyday life, especially about addictions etc

So what else did I say? ... oh and Govt. is there to impose laws aswell on behalf of the people they serve.

but it doesn't mean your child would be abstinent because you told him some facts about it.

The child may when they look up at parents who are saying what they really believe in and practiced themselves. There are alot of wonderful non-coercive yet effective ways of saying things. However, it depends in the internal value set of people ... I'm not saying that anyone must, its just a value set I'm talking about.

It is in human nature to try new things and you cannot do a thing to prevent it

Try out new things ... good things ... rock climbing, hiking, trekking, camping, other nature sports ... writing ... helping poor ... doing something that needs the strength of body while you still have it. These are very new and exciting stuff ... I think these are what human nature and built really demands - something meaningful and benefiting. However, human weakness is to lay idle and do things which are destructive to its ownself and the very fabric of society. This weakness will be carried out by some, but there is no harm to discourage it - which I do.

you sounds like you really need something for a change.

I've had many changes in life asik. I've been drunk once in school - when I tried this stuff for the first time (and thankfully the last time). Since then I've preferred the good changes in life, and they have had positive effects. Been to a few countries (not countries within Europe only) ... met people ... did things which I can treasure throughout my life. Look forward to more meaningful experiences in life ...

so stop judging others

I'm not judging anyone. I'm judging a concept of "having fun" ... which any responsible person should do, to know whether it is wise or not. One must judge the good and the bad ... not necessarily the person carrying it out.
2 Feb 2011
Life / Do Poland take care about their Culture ? [39]

look for arabs in serbja or in Croatia.

Ah dreams... the dreams of a troll! ... There are Arabs (or atleast Arab look alike Asians) with Serbs in SERBIA and also in other parts of Europe ... and they mix enough to produce babies aswell!!! ... !!!!!!!!!! :-ooooooooo :).

It doesn't matter ... but I like to bring it up on you guyz faces when you think that the world is a stereotype.

Make a research why Ratko's daughter commit suicide?

Ukrainians ... well they are more into other races than any of the other Slavic nations including Poland ... . Poland, by far have the least number of immigrants from the East. Those who are here live well with families they made in here ... others just move UK ... go and be a racist in UK! ... here we are fine with our lives and some few immigrants who are fine with us, and infact on their way to completely Polonizing their lineage :D .. ha ha
2 Feb 2011
News / CHERNOBYL...threat to Poland? [29]

That would seem to be win-win-win.

It fragments the surface/core ... which causes many natural disasters...
2 Feb 2011
Law / Question about the drinking laws of Poland. [45]

You must be very old generation...

No :D ... not really :) ... and the old generation were not saints ... neither am I. Just a different value set, however practiced by more than me ... maybe not a predominant way of life these days around here ... but it is yet another way in which people like to live :). Simple, plain, yet purposeful and content.
2 Feb 2011
Law / Question about the drinking laws of Poland. [45]

They (the pub staff) did not let her to drink untill midnight!

God bless those staff ... but she did drink after midnight - ofcourse her life. And ofcourse the life of her parents who let her own that late ... drinking ... at 18! ...

Anyways, perhaps different value sets...
2 Feb 2011
Love / Nature of Poles - the relationship of Polish families [7]

I am a Polish, no one in my family had been from anywhere else really (eventually now one is ... :) ) ... and we didn't have such issues. My grandparents were the best of people, and the warmth they shared was legendary. My grandmother was a strong lady of great wisdom, who held her family on the highest priority on the most difficult days for us, and Poland.

My grandfather had a brother who died in the WW2. He wept for him till his last day. That is how much love he had for him, and his father aswell. He loved my grandmother so much, that it is a lesson for our family - its men and women, even today.

My father, my mother ... are two people who I had only the good fortune to see while growing up. Two very balanced and cooperative people, who loved each other regardless of the economy, hardships - and never faltered in our best of days from their simple ways of living.

My cousins (children of my grandfather's brothers and even one from his cousin!), my sisters (and their husbands and children), my parents, the inlaws of my cousins and sisters, my inlaws, my wife ... we still are very very VERY much in contact, and Christmasses are nothing but a packed house always :)

I am not saying these things to boast or anything. All I am trying to put to you is that your concept of Poland is not necessarily correct about all the families. We still have many warm and traditional families with value and family far far MUCH above ... than any other thing such as income or consumption or luxuries or any other materialistic thing. We could preserve it by a priority basis, and through passing on values from HOME (a very important foundation for any society).

Such families are many (e.g. the family of one of my sister got married to). But unfortunately the bad influence of western lifestyle (which I personally believe comes from television and some hollywood movies) puts a very negative impact.

Again, in weak moments some people falter ... and they attempt to ruin the fabric of a family. Such people need to be quarantined till the time they realize and want to come back! When they wish to join in - the doors are always lovingly open, and we should support them. However, with our values intact. This is how families survive, this is what I have learnt.

Don't let yourself down due to the bad record of some of your ancestors. You can actually start your own family in a very traditional Polish way :) ... and enjoy the benefits! LOADS of benefits (eventually economically too ... wonderful support!). But, economy can never be the first priority before VALUES AND FAMILY!