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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
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Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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30 Apr 2015
News / Korwin Mikke: re-badged American Jews pushing Poland into war [33]

Some of it has to do with family tradition, past resentment spoken about and passed on the younger generations. Anyone whose family members were imprisoned and/or tortured by Berman's secret police (UB), which had a disproportionately large Jewish leadership is not likely to forget that mistreatment. At present there are probably no more than 50,000 Jews in Poland, or a fraction of one percent. But in some areas (culture, academia, science, medicine, media, etc.) that percentage is much higher. To Jews that may be a source of pride but to others it can cause resentment.

Dr Michale Berenbaum, one of the most distinguished authorities on the Holocaust, explained why Jews sometimes seem more down on Poles than on Germans -- something Poles cannot understand.

He put it this way: "The reason is because we expected better treatment by the Poles - by people we had gone to school with, by people who knew us, by people who had bought in our stores. That expectation led to a feeling of betrayal. Imagine returning home and finding somebody sleeping in your house and eating at your table. That's an act of absolute betrayal and many survivors experienced that. Contrast that with the behavior of the Danes who protected and preserved Jewish property, and many Danish Jews who came back found a table that was set and food in the refrigerator. One is mentchlichkeit and one is taking advantage of the ill fate that befell your neighbor."

But Dr Berenbaum's comparison is a bit stretched. The fate of Danes in Denmark and Poles in the General Governorate were hardly comparable. Poles in the GG were rounded up, shot, sent to concentration camps, there homes were bombed or plundered. Maybe if they were saints or martyrs they could live beneath a bridge or amid the rubble of their demolished homes, but some did indeed take over what they thought was abandoned Jewish property.
30 Apr 2015
News / Korwin Mikke: re-badged American Jews pushing Poland into war [33]

It's not a question of excusing any kind of behaviour but understanding the reasons behind it. One thing is irrational racial hatred of some group because it looks and sounds and dresses differently and appears dirty, creepy or sinister. Just as I am able to understand the Jewish position, you should also try to understand the Poles. Here after 123 years of foreign occupation they regain their independence only to hear some Jews smugly exclaim: "Wasze ulice, nasze kamienice" (Your streets, our tenements). Newly liberated Poles found many prestigious professions (law, medicine, banking, business, etc.) dominated by Jews. So you can understand such questions as "Whose country is this after all?" Some recalled that Jewish merchants had turned Polish anti-Russian insurgents over to the tsarist police. I can understand Jews who felt any kind of civil unrest was bad for business. And during the partitions Jews had no reason to desire the restitution of a Polish state. Much of the anti-Jewish feeling in inter-war Poland was not racially but economically motivated. Polish merchants and entrepreneurs by and large lacked the experience and business acumen to successfully compete. Hence the slogan "swój do swego po swoje" (support Polish-owned businesses) which was effectively an appeal to boycott Jewish places of business. To this was added, esp.amongst the more devout Catholics, the Gospel account holding Jews responsible for Jesus' death. But in the Talmud one can also find statements saying that Goyim were created by God to serve Jews. This ball can be bounced back and forth indefinitely. The main thing is not to try to prove who is right but understand where they're coming from.

Emulation is the highest form of praise. I have said time and again that Poles would have been much further ahead if they were more like Jews. Poles would be better off if they displayed more genuine solidarity with their ethnic kinsmen, helped and supported one another and rejoiced at each other's successes. Instead Poles have an envious streak and seem to resent it when a fellow-Poles gets ahead. An old joke goes that an angel came down to earth and asked various poor peasants what they wanted. So a German, Belgian, Hungarian, Italian, French, etc. peasant said things like: My neighbour has three cows and I have only one, so I'd really live to have two more. But the Pole said: My neighbour has four pigs and I have only two so I'd like two of his to drop dead!
30 Apr 2015
News / Korwin Mikke: re-badged American Jews pushing Poland into war [33]

It all boils down to envy. Whether God-chosen or simply faced by constant adversity wherever they went, the wandering Jews had to be good to survive. The Catholic Church helped inadvertently by banning usury (lending with interest), so Jews became the money changers, also for Poland's kings.

Jews were both visible and successful and that many Goyim (Gentiles) could not stomach. "How could outsiders or intruders do better than we who are living in our own country?" Hence they were persecuted, burnt at stake and expelled from country after country. But even though time and again they had to start all over from scratch, they soon made out and achieved success.
30 Apr 2015
News / Presidential elections and debates 2015 Poland [472]

Merged: Poland's presidential election prediction by CBOS

Polish pollster CBOS has conducted a survey which showed that 51% planned to vote on 10th May and the outcome would go as follows:

Komorowski 46%
Duda 32%
Kukiz 9%
Korwin-Mikke 5%
Ogórek 4%
Jarubas 2%
Palikot 2%

Merged: Presidential debate in Poland's TV?

Anyone watch the presidential debate on TV? Any comments? Is Komorowski right not to debate with the entire line-up and wait for the second round?
30 Apr 2015
News / Władysław Bartoszewski died [35]

So having the kind of Stalinist bloodbath in Spain that Uncle Joe served up in the USSR would be only slightly to the left? The pockhole-faced dwarf Dzhugashvili had more human lives on his conscience than Hitler, Ghengis Khan, Atilla the Hun and other of history's butchers.

The prospect of a murderous Stalinist bastion as a permanent fixture on Europe's westernmost flank required extreme measures to prevent and ensure that Stalinism would never rear its ugly head again. Let's not deify democracy. It is usually the best system but it has been known to make bad choices and fail. Hitler got to power legally. If there had been a political force strong enough to nip the Nazi movement in the bud by whatever means available, would you also condemn that as a breach of democratic rule?
30 Apr 2015
News / Władysław Bartoszewski died [35]

Franco may not have been all that bad considering the alternative of a Stalinist Spain. They euphemistically called themselves "republicans" but brandished portraits of the world's greatest butcher

-- Uncle Joe. Imagine two bastions of Stalinism at opposite ends of Europe. Although the blood-thirsty reds of 1930s Spain may appeal to some who approve killing priests, raping nuns and burning down churches.
30 Apr 2015
News / Korwin Mikke: re-badged American Jews pushing Poland into war [33]

The controversial and eccentric preisdential candidate Janusz Korwin-Mikke has told TV interviewer Monika Olejjnik that re-badged Jewish leftists in the US are pushing Poland into a global conflict. "The gang that rules Poland wants to involve Poladn in the Third World War at the urging of certain circles in Ameirca, generally neoconservatives or lefitst intellectuals, mostly Jews, who have switched orientation from left to right becuase they have wisened up... The neocons are now the world's hegemonists and have the world's strongest army. But since the US is $17 billion in debt, China has a surplus and Russia is holding on, in seven years the Sino-Russian axis will be more powerful than the USA. "If we want to retain our position we have to act now" is how Korwin presented the conduct of Americans with regard to Poland and Ukraine.

A successive headline-grabbing publicity stunt by yet another Palikotesque tabloid artist or do any of his remarks merit consideration?
30 Apr 2015
News / Władysław Bartoszewski died [35]

ideally for the greater good

Good to see you are not a hopeless propaganda swallower and added " ideally for the greater good". Everyone can add in their own mind, "but actually for the 5 Ps: personal power, privilege, perks and prestige." This has to do with politics in general. Agreed, the pre-war generation was full of dedicated patriots and idealists unlike present times. Maybe it was the backlash effect to 123 years of foreign subjugation.Probably, if after the war Poland could develop without Soviet domination and had received the Marshal Plan, there would have been a similar post-occupation backlash into decency and patriotism. At least for a decade or two until the slime of "me,myself and I" commerpop egoism began seeping over. But we will never know what might have been, n'est-ce pas?
30 Apr 2015
News / Władysław Bartoszewski died [35]

This was about politics in general. No intention to link Bartoszewski to Stalinism. The only point was that all politics is pretty dirty business, and that the Western model does it all a but more subtly than ham-handed dictatorships. That is not to say that getting and staying in power are not the prime goal of most Western politicians that Western slogans and promises are any less empty than dictatorial ones. But they have to be more clever to fool the public and get them to vote for them.
29 Apr 2015
Food / POLISH RECIPES! [287]

This sounds a lot like the very English Apple Crumble aka Apple Betty?!
29 Apr 2015
News / Władysław Bartoszewski died [35]

It is extremely naive to believe that the political rhetoric "I am here to serve the people, my sole concern is the nation's welfare - bla-bla" is anything more than campaign promises (usually unkept), when we all know the purpose of politics for the politician is to get to power (the feed trough) and stay there as long as possible. The political process everywhere is mainly behind-the-scenes deals, hand washes hand, you help me with this one and I'll be in your debt... In totalitarian regimes that is all there is. As Stalin once put it: "It's not important how people vote but who counts the ballots!" In a parliamentary democracy things are a bit more subtle but the behind-the-scenes element is far from being entirely absent.
29 Apr 2015
News / Władysław Bartoszewski died [35]

It's good to know who's running the country and why. Civic indifference is never a good solution. Since then the situation has largely stabilised and the over-representation is not quite as acute. That may or may not be a good thing. It could well be that MPs are free to engage in their parliamentary mud-slinging when the real power base is somewhere else. As you know, nothing is straightforward or black and white,especially in politics. Many Poles believe, amongst them political analysts, that Magdalenka and subsequent stages of the "deal" boiled down to the regimists handing over political power to the Solidarity-led opposition, whilst retaining a significant economic foothold for themselves and wresting a non-decommunisation pledge from the political neophytes. That is why lustration was such a farce and so many regimists made it through the screening into positions of power in the privatisation process, state administration and other key areas. We will probably never know for sure. We know that Jaruzelski and Kiszczak ordered tonnes of documents shredded at the Konstancin-Jeziorna papermill. Following the Magdalenka period.
29 Apr 2015
News / Władysław Bartoszewski died [35]


Agreed. Neither charming nor non-charming but, considering that Poland is not Israel, certainly a bit strange! Might even remind some of the disproportion of the Berman-era Ministry of Public Security.
29 Apr 2015
News / US slaps Poland in the face (Comey Poland) [92]

We all have animalistic urges centring round turf, food chain and mating. But those with a moral compass and ethical code first ask themselves is this the proper, decent, ethical thing to do and know how to exercise self-restraint. That's what differentiaties humans from lower-level life forms. Sad to say. many people have failed to or are unable to rise above the zoological.

Everybody stick to the topic please
29 Apr 2015
News / Władysław Bartoszewski died [35]

Saying that the first post-PRL populary elected Sejm was the most judaised (in terms of the % of MPs with Jewish ethnic roots) national assembly outside of Israel is also telling itlike it is, but is it really all that charming?!
29 Apr 2015
Genealogy / Family name: Mucha [19]

MUCHA: Poilish word dor fly (way back apparnetly adopted from the Romance languages). The names of insects (Komar, Robak, Pająk -- I know spiders are not true insects!), farmyard critters (Koza, Kobyła, Baran, Karwa) and wildlife (Lis, Wiewióra, Zając, Sarna) were names normally used by peasants. But some peasants actually got ennobled and in fact there are three gentry lines amongst the bearers of the Mucha surname.

For more info on their coats of arms, where the Muchas are from, etc. please contact: research60@gmail
29 Apr 2015
News / US slaps Poland in the face (Comey Poland) [92]

Since I'm a language buff, I'm wondering what % of Israeli citizens today speak
Yiddish. If one goes into a shop or café and starts speaking (ordering food) in YIddish, what is the reaction from a native speaker of Hebrew? Does it sound cute and quaint or hopelssly old-fashion or what?
29 Apr 2015
News / Władysław Bartoszewski died [35]

He was also known for many other quotes such as the insults and ridicule who readily heaped on those who dared disagree with him. Like calling his political opponents "diplomutts" (dyplomatołki) and saying: "If they are cattle I'm not going to call them non-cattle!" Rather undiplomatic rhetoric for a diplomat!
29 Apr 2015
News / US slaps Poland in the face (Comey Poland) [92]

And 10% of the Polish officers murdered in Katyń were Jewish -- the exact same percentage constituted by Jews in pre-war Polish society. The bottom line is that one should never say Poles, Ukrainians, Jews, Albanians. Liechtensteiners or Bolivians did this or that, acted this way or that, but always add the qualifier "some".
28 Apr 2015
Life / One advantage of living in Poland: less commerpop nonsense [19]

OK, how about inhabitants of blighted and neglected urban neighbourhoods full of crack houses and littered with trash with rusting disused fridges on front porches and the few surviving shops operating behind protective iron grates? Ever been to Detroit? Try it for your next holiday instead of Thailand or Ibiza! And be sure to pack a rod! You may need it.
28 Apr 2015
Life / One advantage of living in Poland: less commerpop nonsense [19]

More proof that Poland is a more sensible place, at least for the time begin until more of the crapola seeps over, which was the initial theme of this thread. After Ferguson and other cities where slum-dwellers of a certain unmentionable race went on a destructive rampage, we now have the Baltimore riots and a stupid Afro lady mayor who promised them "space to destroy". Don't believe it, read on:

28 Apr 2015
Life / One advantage of living in Poland: less commerpop nonsense [19]


And we all know where carpe diem led the Roman Empire. The fat, flabby and decadent Romans were defeated by the lean and mean barbarians. Today's promoters of perversion, pornography and unbridled hedonism should at least know that it will happen again and they are greatly accelerating the process.
28 Apr 2015
News / US slaps Poland in the face (Comey Poland) [92]

Always willing and eager to learn, esp. straight from the horse's mouth. What I was basically saying is that the Polish general public is not exposed to the other side of the question, only to alleged or real Polish misdeeds. So there is a clear imbalance in the narration.
28 Apr 2015
News / US slaps Poland in the face (Comey Poland) [92]

I have read Gross's books, seen Lanzmann's Shoah and Wajda's Holy Week, Pokłosie, Ida, Polański's Schindler's list and am constantly hearing discussions on Polish TV about Polish anti-Semitism (the latest on Modnay night on the Tomasz Lis show). But I have never seen a single film devoted exclusively to Jewish iniquities against Poles. The term Jewish anti-Polonism surfaced briefly after Gross' books appeared but in general appear 3,000 or maybe 5,000 times less frequently than the opposite. A hard-hitting feature film could be made on the post-war escapades of the Bermans, Brystygiers, Minces, Romkowksis, Fejgins, Mietkowski, Czaplickis, etc. in enslaving, torturing and killing Polish patriots opposed to their country's Sovietisation. But the Wajdas of this world have somehow not seen fit to make one. There have been a few scholarly works on the subject but nothing aimed at the general public. Maybe in Jewish circles Jewish misdeeds against Poles are widely known but not to rank and file Goyim. Why?
28 Apr 2015
News / US slaps Poland in the face (Comey Poland) [92]

After Polish alleged or real misdeeds have been subjected to in-depth analysis, discussed, debated, dissected, x-rayed and thrashed out in every imaginable way, it's easy to say: let's move on. Yes, let's move on after the misdeeds of others have been similarly discussed, analysed, dissected, x-rayed and thrashed out. BTW, how many documentaries have you seen focusing on Jewish misdeeds against Poles? How many books or articles have you read on the treacherous Judsenräte, the brutal Ghetto police, the incinerating kapos, the Jewish Gestapo informers? Ans that only touches on WW2.
28 Apr 2015
News / US slaps Poland in the face (Comey Poland) [92]

And not all Jews were innocent victims. They're like anyonelelse -- good. bad and in between. The problem is that the German-conceived holocaust was so horrific that somehow their misdeeds get overlooked. The 22 months of Stalin's annexed eastern Poland are a good example of how some Jews treated Poles when given an opportunity and the Red Army and NKVD to hide behind.

Besides, aren't you tired of discussing how anti-Semitic or non-anti-Semitic Poles are or were? How many Jews they saved and how many they killed or robbed. It's all old hat, beating a dead horse, etc. Let's hear at least a bit about Jewish attitudes and actions directed at Poles and maybe Goyim in general. That is a fresh and still untapped area. How many know that in Old Poland Jews innkeepers were known to give Polish peasants free drinks to get them hooked on alcohol and then raked in the he profits or even took over their property for unpaid debts. Or that Jews turned Polish insurrectionists over to the tsarist authorities. Mutual relations are never shaped by just one side.