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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 980 / In This Archive: 576
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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9 May 2015
Life / Why are Polish so conservative and religious? [240]

Who's talking about Poland? Spengler predicted the decline of the West, and today hardly any serious scholar debates that view. Serious academicians only differ as to when and how and what configuration will replace it.

Devil-may-care eat, drink and be merry is hedonistic folly.

This is not about turning the clock back but about observing what is currently taking place. The leftist-liberal advocates of multi-culti (which Frau Merkel for one has fortunately seen through) are shooting themsleves in the foot because the chief benefactors are not interested in blending or assimilating but in capturing yet another beach-head and setting up a stronghold for the future conflagration. The de-Christianization of Europe and its culture of sterile secularism leaves the continent morally disarmed and weak in the face of Muslim fanaticism. The so-called "progressive" permisivists are so blinded by their own obsessions, prejudices and unholy pet causes that they don't see how they're playing right into the hands of their mortal enemies.
9 May 2015
Life / Why are Polish so conservative and religious? [240]


You'll change your tune when ISIS takes over and starts going after not only Chrsitians and Jews but also pleasure-seekers, feminists, sexual deviates and all those who refuse to embrace Islam. "Change is good!" choked and sputtered jon357 as the smoke from the stake at which he was being burnt swirled up throuhg his nostrils....
9 May 2015
Genealogy / Suminska surname. Is my Polish Grandmother a Jew? [9]

The names you mentioned are not Jewish names as such but could have been used by Jews -- most any name can and has been. Typically Jewish names are things like Aszkinazi, Halborn, Mojżesz, Model, Lewin, Margolis, Szapiro and the Prussian-imposed Rosenblum, Weingarten, Rubinstein, Perlmann, etc.

SUMIŃSKI: toponymic nick from the village of Sumin.

S£OMIŃSKI: toponymic nick from the village of Słomin; in rapid speech both sound pretty much the same, hence possible confusion.

ZAB£OCKI: topographic "za błotami" (from beyond the mud flats) or toponymic form the village of Zabłocie (Overmud).

CIEZEWSKI/CIEŻEWSKI: No such names in Poland; maybe it was Ciżewski? That would come from the village of Czyżewo pronounced by some Ciżewo.
9 May 2015
News / Should Poland change its Government from Parliamentary to American Style Republic? One-mandate districts? [20]

Regardless of personal preference, to be democratic a system must be consructed in such as way as to make ballot-box activity by voters at least roughly commensurate with the final outcome. Although I personally favour conservatives and feel yoru PM is not conservative enough, every legitimate option should have an equal chance to win, even loony Greens and off-the-wall leftists. The exception would be nazis and communists, as is wisely the case in Poland.
9 May 2015
Life / Why are Polish so conservative and religious? [240]

You once mentioned "the withering of religion" which is always a sign of decline and collapse. Except your observation was only partially true. One religion withers only to be replaced by another. That was the case with ancient Rome and that is the case today. Judaeo-Christianity is withering but Islam is dynamically and aggressively expanding.

Antiquity - Middle Ages - Modernism -Post-Modernism...and there is nothing left but the collapse of Western Civilisation as we know it.
Yes, the religion of Rome eventually became just a decorative cultural artefact devoid of any spiritual or ethical dimension. The family went into decline, and eat, drink and be merry ruled the day. The only thing we haven't yet achieved today is the loss of defence capacity. The Roman army became so fat, flabby and pleasure-mad that they hired barbarian mercenaries to do their fighting and those gradually infiltrated the state. We may still have some time, because so far we there is still the all-powerful USA/NATO system, and it doesn't appear that ISIS terrorists will be invited to replace our good old GIs any time soon.

Back around World War One Spengler predicted the "Undergoing of the West" ("Der Untergang des Abendlandes"), and the atrocities of the 20th century may well have been the convulsive death throes of the forthcoming demise.

The decline probably cannot be stopped - after all the West had had its two millennia punctuated by numerous "golden ages" and that's quite a lot. But perhaps it can be slowed down. However today's influential forces of anarcho-libertinism seem to be doing everything to accelerate the collapse. On the one hand the "anything goes" pleasure-seeking mentality morally disarms people and focuses their attention on "me, myself and I" here and now. Secondly, it reinforces the enemy's belief that the West truly is Satan incarnate and bolsters his resolve to destroy it as soon as possible.

A human irony, oft repeated throughout history, is that those most opposed to what fanatical and aggressive Islam stands for are its most effective, albeit unwitting allies.
8 May 2015
News / Presidential elections and debates 2015 Poland [472]

KUKIZ-DUDA TO SIĘ UDA! (Kukiz and Duda that will succeed)
On one Polish forum I found this prediction of Sunday's election outcome. It's author speculates that a Duda-Kukiz alliance would create a new poltical force in autumn's general election:

Andrzej Duda - 34.0 %
Paweł Kukiz - 25.0 %
Bronisław Komorowski - 23.0 %
Janusz Korwin-Mikke - 5.0 %
Magdalena Ogórek - 4 %
8 May 2015
Life / Why are Polish so conservative and religious? [240]

Whatever made England a land of penny-pinchers must still be there. And the Italians gesticulate just as wildly as ever and the Irish swill their God-awful whiskey like it was going out of style. Why is it that expats who have so many places to choose from come to Poland on their high horse, and judge their host country according to their own nationalistic yardstick and try to impose their prejudices on the people of the host country?
8 May 2015
Life / Why are Polish so conservative and religious? [240]

32% is still the highest level in Europe with the possible exception of Malta. To elaborate on the theme of this thread ("Why are Polish so conservative and religious?"), why are Brits so penurious and godless, Scots so frugal, Jews so judaeocentric, Italians so loud and gesticulative, Germans so "Ordnung muß sein"-ish and French so amorous? Because everybody has to be something. It's called diversity!

Expats who despise Poland's religious values and traditions have so many other "progressive" and "agnostic" places to chose from. Szczęśliwej podróży!
8 May 2015
Genealogy / Paluch family from south Poland near the Czech frontier [25]

PALUCH: This is the augmentative form of the Polish word palec (finger). This is the exact opposite of a diminutive, because it makes something sound bigger, tougher, coarser or harder to deal with than the original. The English language lacks such forms. In Polish this can be illustrated with "pies" (the standard word for dog) and "psisko" (big, possibly ferocious dog or old and clumsy cur). Nicknames describing body parts usually originated to indicate someone with a pronounced, misshapen or otherwise untypical physical feature. Jasio Paluch could have been the rough equivalent of Big-Fingered Johnny.
8 May 2015
Genealogy / Zawadynski - herb. Rawicz / Rawa and herb. Dolega [26]

RAWA (aka RAWICZ): A rather fantastic medieval legend surrounds the Rawa coat of arms. It goes back to a deceased English king's son, whose sister had inherited the royal treasure, so he had her thrown into the cave of a ferocious bear. But the virgin's ardent prayers tamed the savage beast, and she actually rode to the castle on its back. The brother was so startled by that unusual spectacle that he repented, returned her treasure and begged her forgiveness. The Rawa coat of arms, which graphically depicts that episode, is shared by the gentry lines of 737 variously surnamed and mostly unrelated Polish noble families ranging across the alphabet from Amszyński to Żwan.

Dołęga - https://polishforums.com/genealogy/poland-szczepanski-warsaw-43020/
7 May 2015
News / Should Poland change its Government from Parliamentary to American Style Republic? One-mandate districts? [20]

Merged: Fewer parliamentary parasites in Poland needed?

What do you think about introducing one-mandate election districts? The argument is that voters would vote for specific people not party ballots. That has been bandied about for years but nothing has come

of it. Advocates say it has worked in other countries like the UK. Is that so?
On another score, it would save loads of taxpayer złotys if the Sejm were limited to 200 seats rather than the current 460. And a 50-seat Senate would be more than enough. Whaddya think?
6 May 2015
Genealogy / Looking For Zbyszek Olszewski and Jania Jagodzinska [3]

OLSZEWSKI: root-word olsza (alder, tree species); topo tag from Olsza, Olszewo or similar (English: Alderwood, Alderville, Alderton).

JAGODIŃSKI: root-word jagoda (berry); topo tag from Jagodzin or Jagodziny (Berryville).
5 May 2015
News / Footie hooligan punch-up thwarted in Poland [47]

There are always first-time troublemakers with no retina scans on file. How is one to deal with their trouble-making during and after the commotion?
5 May 2015
News / Footie hooligan punch-up thwarted in Poland [47]

Violence is violence and poses a threat to life, limb and public and private property, hence riot control is needed, regardless of the noble (?) or ignoble reason for the mayhem. There is no separate footie police, anti-looting police, anti-slum-dweller police. Besides, Poland is not an island and can and does profit form methods successfully used in other countries.

One usually successful method is the use of mounted police and police dogs in riot control. For some reason, that strikes more fear into the hearts of rioting scum than truncheons, tear gas and water cannon. The net gun, so far mainly used to safely catch wildlife, is being tested for riot control according to wiki. It is humane because it causes no direct damage, but netted hooligans deserve to be dragged through the streets behind a police vehicle to the nearest lock-up.
5 May 2015
News / Footie hooligan punch-up thwarted in Poland [47]

[quote=jon357]Some may believe that the people protesting in America by torching cars and buildings and looting shops have a very valid point.
5 May 2015
News / Footie hooligan punch-up thwarted in Poland [47]

Fortunately, the race card isn't being played in Poland. In the US things are always twisted to make police appear guilty of racial brutality. Football hooligans, nationalists, leftists, anarchists, pederasts or anyone else who destroys property and attacks law-enforcement officers should be punished with the full severity of the law. But especially made to make amends. Putting someone behind bars is not the same as having them themselves roll up their sleeves, clear away the rubble and clean up the mess they made. That is directly related to the destruction they caused and should make them think twice before engaging in such behaviour again.

Since, as you contend, there is an overlap between nationalists and footie scum, they could be cut down to size if told they're acting like a bunch of barbaric N-words in America. Nothing could insult them more! Dealing with mindless violence requires a comprehensive approach -- not only physical and financial penalties but also psychological means.
4 May 2015
Genealogy / Vintage Photos of Polish ancestors [144]

KURPIEWSKI: Regional tag originated to identify an inhabitant of NE Poland's Kurpie ethnographic area between Mazowsze and Podlasie; two noble lines.

TREMBCZYK, TRĘBCZYK: Probably emerged as a diminutive of trębacz (trumpeter, bugler) and coiuld have well originally been a patronymic nickname (the bugler' son).

Note: For more information on this please contact: research60@gmail
4 May 2015
News / Footie hooligan punch-up thwarted in Poland [47]

No, the actions of kibol scum who barged onto the pitch caused the trouble. In Germany they've got these nets that are shot out and can enwrap a large slice of pitch. With them the thugs can be scooped up and dragged to the nearest lock-up.

Police did not start shooting at normal, peaceful footie fans but trouble-makers. In the thick of a clash people do get hurt.
What would be wrong with forcing the young thug slime to do some honest clean-up. They made the mess and caused the damage, let them work it off! Molly-coddling them and blaming police only leads to the kind of nonsense we have seen in Ferguson and Baltimore. The parents of the juveniles (under 18) should be charged for the damaged police cars and their wages garnished.
4 May 2015
News / Footie hooligan punch-up thwarted in Poland [47]

Merged: Stadium punch-ups in Poland? Ferguson lives!

Clashes between stadium hooligans and riot police are nothing new but since Ferguson they seem to have taken on a new dimension. So far the rampaging thugs smashed cars and shop windows but now they have targeted police stations.

One way to deal with the problem would be for someone (councils, police, sport clubs, schools, parishes) to organise contact-sport activities where the young testosterone thugs could let off steam in a controlled environment. Let them beat the crap out of each other in any of the martial arts. That would be a long-range goal.

The ad hoc reaction would be to have the wreckers clean up and repair the damage they did with their own grubby hands. If they are juveniles their parents should be required to pay. If they lack the money, the bailiff could always take the old man's TV set. Dad would fix his rioting brat just fine.
1 May 2015
Genealogy / Kumiszcza & Gryskewicz names (Wilno & Paluzy places) [2]

KUMISZCZA: Belarusian word for godfather; Polish equivalent is kum or kumoter.

GRYSZKIEIWCZ or GRYŚKIEWICZ: Patronymic derived from Grysz or Gryś (short for Grzegorz = Greg), so something like English Gregson. There were nobles amongst the bearers of the Gryszkiewicz surname, in fact three separate gentry lines, each with a different coat of arms.

For more information on this please contact: research60@gmail
1 May 2015
Life / Little-known facts about Poland [45]

Hevelius was a German-speaking Lutheran living in Gdańsk when it was part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. He was also known to have studied the Polish language.

The 3rd of May Constitution was Europe's first modern constitution. Iceland has something in olden times that might be construed as a constitution-like charter.

For Americans the 1st floor is the ground floor, the floor above it -- the 2nd floor. This compilation was obviously geared for an American audience.

Myself I'm wondering whether Poles should take credit for Jewish achievements. I doubt whether Max Factor was an ethnic Pole. When he emigrated there wasn't even a Poland on the map.
1 May 2015
Life / Little-known facts about Poland [45]

Little-known facts about Poland and Poles:

1 May 2015
Life / Polish people are miserly?? [25]

Actually, many visitors to Poland complain of the Poles' excessive, arm-bending hospitality, forcing
food and drink on a guest despite his protests. It is about the Anglos (Brits, Yanks, Cannucks) that Poles have coined the saying: "Nalał po kieliszku wódki, resztę schował do lodówki!"

Accordimng to Polish custom, it is mean and miserly to recork an opened bottle -- it must be drained at a given sitting.
1 May 2015
News / Korwin Mikke: re-badged American Jews pushing Poland into war [33]

What about Palikot'ws sincerity? He has run the full gamut of publishing a Catholic Newsweek-format weekly called Ozon (very good by the way!), to making his pile in the liquor business and eventually pursuing a libertine political agenda. His career is peppered with happenings, hoaxes and scandals like appearing on TV with a rubber penis and pistol, ostentatiously drinking vodka and smoking weed outside public buildings, tacking his Act of Apostasy to the door of a £ódź church lik a poor man's Martin Luther and most recently announcing that Putin's biker thug convoy had crossed into Poland in Braniewo. Seems to be a publicity seeker to the core.