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Posts by Avalon  

Joined: 11 Sep 2007 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - S
Last Post: 6 Dec 2015
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 1063 / In This Archive: 737

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23 Feb 2012

As long as Poles and others come here and do all the work that locals won't do, UK proletariat will never dent the power of the elitists.

And as long as the indiginous British "locals"can claim their benefits for doing sweet FA, who is going to do the essential, low paid jobs. The UK proletariat was stupid enough to

vote (multicultural) Labour into power for 13 years, now its time to pay. The sensible people left the UK prior to 2007. You can only dream and remember what England was like, it will never be the same again and the sad thing is, the people who are now complaining, let it happen.

You can forget about votes for UKIP and the BNP, most Labour voters do so because their grandfathers did. The Sun newspaper is more interesting to read than a political manifesto so as long as the Giro's keep coming evertything is ok, when the Tories, really start to cut housing allowance and benefits, the proletariat will vote Labour again because its easier than working hard.
21 Feb 2012
News / Becoming non-EUnuch -> giving up your share of handouts. [36]

Iceland is repaying its debts and its economy is still ******.

That must be the reason the ratings agencies have just upgraded Iceland to investment status.


Seems like your wrong again.
19 Feb 2012
Work / Minimum basic salary in Poland [96]

Could as well have spent 23 months waitressing in Bristol to get the money for college.

Did you actually work in Bristol?
19 Feb 2012
Work / Minimum basic salary in Poland [96]

You deliberately used figures which are badly out of date (despite the correct figures having been repeatedly pointed out to you here) and you couldn't even tell the truth about what the article you linked to says!

I thought that was normal for Milky?
10 Feb 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Pip, you never gave him the link to the new, 5 bed (300m2), detached houses with swimming pool that are on special offer in Warsaw for around 120,000PLN.

He is not interested in the expensive ones.
10 Feb 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Well, Mr developer, I only want to know how far they went down in comparison to the last few months.

No you did not. You just wanted restart this thread ( as you do every couple of weeks) to lecture evertyone on how much "you" would like to see house prices fall in line with your ridiculous predictions. Its not goping to happen so dream on. You are not going to instigate general strikes, mass protests or rioting on the streets. The price is the price, live with it or get a better paying job.
22 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

However, the article in my opinion is flawed in many ways.

Always an excuse. Why did you not point out the articals flaws when you posted it?
22 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

And now that has been pegged back to 4% - 10%. Bit pathetic really.

The only thing predictable is the rubbish that milky posts.
22 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

You manage to shoot yourself in the foot every time. Your posts from 2009 predicted a fall of 50-60%, the figures you now produce show an average fall of only 8%. Since we have had a world financial crises, most people would call this a "correction", not a bubble or crash. If the Euro implodes, we may see another correction but nothing that will offset the price rises between 2004-2008. I cannot wait for your next excuse.
16 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Foreign investor, properties in Poland, walk away from mortgages? [209]

Polish people and people in Eastern Europe in general are VERY unlikely to mass-protest, it was really a lot of work put in by the Reagan administration back in the 1980's that they went on mass strikes and ultimately brought down communism.

So those are street parties in Romania and Slovakia?
29 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Buying a property in Poland to rent out from the UK [82]

He means that you should rent it as office space, not as an apartment. Much easier to kick people out of an office than out of a residential flat.

If the flat is rented as commercial space, would this not involve VAT?, just curious.
8 Dec 2011
Law / What do you think of Polish market for Gardening products? [4]

I could not comment on many of the areas in Poland, but, here in the South, all the builders merchants/DIY stores have a garden section and the seems to be hundreds of small garden centres. Polish people with houses do tend to spend time and money on their gardens. Whether you could comptete on price will have to be up to you and your marketing research.
2 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

The 60% figure is guesswork

This figure is stated by the banks. If you are not going to believe them on this then why would you believe the figure of 1 trillion złoty?. You are being pedantic, as you yourself state, you have no idea what other currencies, gold, valuables are being held, neither does the government.
2 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

Its accurate for the people who have "cash, bank deposits,

Assuming that even some of the 40% have "emergency" funds tucked away, that still leaves assets and cash for the other 60% who do not use/trust banks. So the figures published would have to be a guess.
1 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

According to "information", that banks have on 40% of the population? This is supposed to be accurate?

To keep on topic with this thread, is this post supposed to mean that the banks would make a mortgage decision, based on answering 40% of the questions when applying for a loan?. Not what I would call reliable statistics for a business transaction.
1 Dec 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

wbj.pl/article-57134-poles-have-nearly-zl1-trillion-in-savings.html?ty p=pam

As only 40% of Poles have bank accounts and there is a huge black economy with cash that cannot be put into the banks, what is this supposed to mean? or, what point are you trying to make?
25 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

except for the fact that banks don't have 'cash' they have an ability to create money to lend

The banks cannot create the cash until they own/secure the asset. The asset is not secured until the bank gives the money to the vendor. The vendor "HAS" his money. The money has to exist before the bank can leverage it to a larger amount. Hence money/cash is provided by the bank , but you say the banks have no cash!!!. If the bank leverages the asset/interest, by selling it on to 10 different companies then fraud has been committed which explains a lot of the present financial crises. In your world it must be permanent credit. Were you an IT consultant for the EU?

Private debt is not really the main problem, even if you cannot pay your mortgage you are not going to owe the banks 380 billion euros like Greece or 1.9 trillion euros like Italy.

"If the bank leverages the asset/interest, by selling it on to 10 different companies then fraud has been committed which explains a lot of the present financial crises."

This by the way is the "Ponzi scheme", the house/land exists and still has its individual worth and is an asset, whether the value goes up or down is immaterial.

I love this anology of the debt crises:-

It is a slow day in a little Greek Village.

The rain is beating down and the streets are deserted.

Times are tough, everybody is in debt, and everybody lives on credit.

On this particular day, a rich German tourist is driving through the village,
stops at the local hotel and lays a €100 note on the desk, telling the hotel
owner he wants to inspect the rooms upstairs in order to pick one to spend the night.

The owner gives him some keys and, as soon as the visitor has walked upstairs,
the hotelier grabs the €100 note and runs next door to pay his debt to the

The butcher takes the €100 note and runs down the street to repay his debt to
the pig farmer.

The pig farmer takes the €100 note and heads off to pay his bill at the
supplier of feed and fuel.

The guy at the Farmers' Co-op takes the €100 note and runs to pay his drinks
bill at the taverna.

The publican slips the money along to the local prostitute drinking at the bar,
who has also been facing hard times and has had to offer him
"services" on credit.

The hooker then rushes to the hotel and pays off her room bill to the hotel
owner with the €100 note.

The hotel proprietor then places the €100 note back on the counter so the rich
traveller will not suspect anything.

At that moment the traveller comes down the stairs, picks up the €100 note,
states that the rooms are not satisfactory, pockets the money, and leaves town.

No one produced anything.

No one earned anything.

However, the whole village is now out of debt and looking to the future with a
lot more optimism.

And that is how the bailout package works
25 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

So I get a mortgage from the Bank to buy a property. I pay a deposit of say 20% to the Vendor. Sign the paperwork and the bank pays the other 80%, bank has security on the property, vendor has his 100% price for the property, or do you think that the vendor accepted a "promisory note" from the bank? My promise to pay the bank X amount over the next 25 years is what the bank "leverages" on. How do you think the vendor got paid for the property?. Mortgages had to exist to be "re-packaged' into "sub-prime".

Do they seriously let you out without a supervisor?
24 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

presenting a much less optimistic outlook of construction companies on the future market situation after two years of relative stabilisation.

You have known this for the past 2 years. If the banks are not lending because of the Euro crises, building will slow down. The money to buy the projects is not there, This will not mean much of a decrease in prices because there is a "finite" limit on being profitable and going broke. There is no point in companies investing millions/billions on projects they cannot sell. Speculative builing will stop and only projects which are subscribed by at least 50% "off plan" will be built with gurantees/insurance for the finished project.

Because of the same mortgage lending problems in the UK, housing construction has reached its lowest level in 50 years, the demand is there but the finances are not.

This week the banks have again stopped lending to each other, reminicent of the 2008 crash. Even the govenor of the Bank of England has stated this week that he "does not know what is happening tomorrow", so much for the experts. The world has never seen a problem like the "Euro" and its impossible to know the full repercussions of a possible collapse.

Companies, banks, hedge funds are sat on billions in cash and will not invest until this mess sorts itself out.
All anybody can do is sit back and wait. If you like gambling you can try the stock market or currencies, but, you are up against the rich with insider information.
22 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

I am completely sure and stick by my words, I am 100% convinced real estate prices will slow down next year ( not crash to 2000 levels).

This would make you totaly at odds with milky's prediction and yet you state that things will "swing his way"?
22 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]


"If I was a gambling man I would say after the Euphoria of Euro 2012, Q3 2012 the pendulum will swing over to the camp of Milky."

"I personally will buy more real estate if the prices drop, medium to long term Poland is well positioned and has good Fundamentals."

Nothing like being sure is there?
18 Nov 2011
Real Estate / Banks in Poland selling fewer mortgages in 2011, down 49% [285]

However, in an interview with the wall Street Journal on Monday, Belka said that as many of Poland’s bank’s have parents in the eurozone the effect on the finance crisis on Polish lenders is of some concern.

“The real unknown is how the European banking sector will survive this. We cannot forget that most of our banks in Poland are subsidiaries of European banking groups,” he said. “We are looking at that with some concern,” he added.

I forgot to add, that even the Polish Government would not be stupid enough to put money into the smallest Polish Banks, they have shares in NBP so would not be affected by the collapse of the smaller subsidury banks here unless they are gurantor for savers accounts, and I suppose there would be some insurance for this risk.