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Joined: 17 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 17 Oct 2024
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 2211 / In This Archive: 458
From: Guess
Speaks Polish?: Sometimes

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6 Jul 2017
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

The New York Times is NOT "fake news"!! If you agree, it must be real, if you disagree, it must of course be fake, is that it?

The same NY Times that predicted a huge victory for Hillay Clinton!! LOL

Fake Polls, Fake News!

Liberal and biased just like CNN and CNBC
6 Jul 2017
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

America loves you Poland.

Poland loves America!

Yes, Indeed! Dziekuje Bardzo Poland:)

The Polish are a true allie and fck the jealous liberal communist ex pats like you jon that degrade conservative Poland's intentions.

I expected this diatribe from him and his cohorts

Bussing people in like a Potemkin village.

That had to be bussed in.

Bla Bla bla...thats all you got?? LoL
5 Jul 2017
News / Trump will hold Poland up as an example for other nations to follow [106]

Why is that jon, do you really hate that much to have such a meltdown.

Its going to be hilarious tomorrow watching these guys trying to spin Trumps visit into sth negative.

The fake news media is foaming at the mouth waiting to spread some more biased lies!

I predict another major meltdown!
5 Jul 2017
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

Whats amazes the world is how remarkably stupid Americans are.

Coming from a leftist limey its more of a compliment than an insult!

Now, scurry off and go bow to your old retched Queen...lol

That's why when some punk Brit brat mouths off in such a manner we just ignore his stupidity.

Its total jealously, they know their county is lost to the Muslim take over.....Did you see this??


England as Bubba knows it is falling apart! His jealously towards America grows stronger each day bc he knows his country, as he knows it, is gone forever!

The stupid Brits are too liberal to even try to stop them. Instead they gave them a safe haven and hope the problem goes away. Fools!

Poland is the only country in Europe that isn't stupid!
4 Jul 2017
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

He can't even get a new healthcare system in place.

It took Obama and the Dems 6 years to pass the ACA and it was all done deceptively.
We were lied to by our president, he was a complete failure as history is starting to prove!

Not that I feel obligated to explain or even talk about this with some 2 bit Scot expat, which btw isn't any of your concern, you don't live here!

We all see your hatred aimed towards Americans, with all your silly threads meant to antagonize and provoke people.
I would usually get upset, but you're a sad wee bit of a man and really not worth the effort!

clearly you dont understand how the american government works

Enlighten us with your great wisdom!! LOL
3 Jul 2017
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

jon, are you 'baiting' us. lol

They are starting to freak out because they know the real Polish citizens like him and there is really nothing the expats on the internet can do! LOL

Trump is going to give a great speech to a great crowd!

President Trump is going to deliver a speech in Krasiński Square in Warsaw on the 6th of July.

Looks like a very nice place:)

The Liberal Bias Drive By Media is at a loss in how to handle him.

Let the meltdown part 2 begin:)
3 Jul 2017
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

I wonder if he'll lie

How do you know its a lie? There are plenty of pics of her face constantly changing.


Joan Rivers would be proud of her!! lol

2 Jul 2017
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

Poland would be wise to remember that America may be a friend today and an enemy tomorrow.

Yet another conspiracy theory, Delphy?

Fairy tales can come true, and for the snowflakes they do, in their little minds. In safe spaces they hide and listen to lies from fake news. They go to extremes with nefarious schemes, cry and wail when their dreams fall apart at the seams. Their lives get more disturbing with each hateful rant. They were all told yes we can and found out not they can't! And heres the best part! They can't get a good start, at keeping Trump from making America Great Again:)
1 Jul 2017
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

Trump coming here, in fact, no-one's even mentioned it.

Its all over the news Bozo, even your liberal biased fake news stories can't hide it.

You're entitled to the facts but not your own facts!

And how would you know? You never leave your basement because you're trolling this forum 24/7

Its 12:30am in Poland and you're still on here posting, after being here all day again, day after day etc.....
1 Jul 2017
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

No deplhy, he is very respected president of the United States

Im sure Trump isn't worried about what some Scottish expat thinks.

I'm proud he is coming to visit Poland just like the majority of people in my home country.

Polish leader says other nations envy Trump's Warsaw visit


Even the liberal news media is covering it!
1 Jul 2017
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

. For example in Illinois they're down right terrible and it has the highest tolls of any system I've driven on.

Yes, but have you noticed all the new road construction projects going on? Have you been downtown or by O`hare lately, It`s booming like crazy!

The economy has been getting much better since Trump came into office, Theres plenty of jobs for those who want to work:)

It really doesn't matter what some foreigner 6 thousand miles away says about our country, keep dreaming! Lol

Id say actually Florida had my favorite system

I love Florida also, and going over the sunshine skyway! I remember when Alligator Alley was still 2 lanes:)
Too bad you can't drive over the Hoover Dam anymore, but you can still walk across it.

Colorado the roads are great

Driving out west is the best!

How about the Painted Desert?

There are so many awesome places in the USA to visit, too many to list here.

Yes anti eu sentiment is definitely rising amongst not only young poles but older ones as well

Cant say I really blame them, look whats happening all across Europe its saddening!

Trumps visit to Poland will be a boost of moral for those fighting against the PC takeover of Poland..

ny after dinner toasts at the Red Apple Buffet

You've mentioned that crappy restaurant 3 times before. You must really like that place!!! LoL
1 Jul 2017
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

Quite. Perhaps Trump should also make a visit to Scotland so he can learn about how Scottish innovation enabled much of the American Dream.

Perhaps, He can play a few rounds at his beautiful Golf Course in Scotland!


I can understand why someone from a country with such inferior highway systems is so jealous of America's.

He would pee in pants if he were to take an off ramp on a Texas interstate, thinking it was a rollercoaster...lol

(Somehow I doubt that because some people just like to argue huh delph)

He's just trying to bait you into an argument, his usual tactic. He knows nothing about America, just what he reads from phoney teenage websites.

His jealousy turns into belittlement of other people and their countries, religious or political beliefs.

This guy hasn't a pot to pi$$ in so he lashes out at the world via the internet.

He is the definition of the word TROLL
30 Jun 2017
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

You have never been here so how do you know.

He read it on TeenVogue.com...... LoL

See Scotland where you are from is not even as big as the little State of South Carolina.

Little Country = Big Mouth
Scotland is so small it shouldn't qualify as a country.

He has no plans to come here

I really can't blame him for not wanting to visit Londonstan!

The rail system is not used like it is in Europe for travel because everyone in America owns two or three cars which are much more convenient.

European streets are so small they can barely drive the tiny little cars they own on them. Not to mention they pay extremely high gas prices ( thats Petrol for you Limeys) The cost of living is extremely expensive and overridden with terrorists. No Thanks!
24 Jun 2017
Love / I am in love with a Polish man but he is trouble [15]

Do you know any Polish, shyluna?


Its the perfect intro....for him Lol

But he keeps saying that he is a bad man

If he were really that bad, he wouldn't tell you anything at all:)

Does this guy wear a kilt and lift weights a lot?
15 Jun 2017
Love / Advice needed... Canadian guy to meet a Polish woman in Poland [15]

A new poster joins PF to ask a question... He seems polite not really bothering anyone, right?

Greetings and dzien dobry,

Then the typical response from the resident troll
No wonder why membership is down, would you stick around here?

being a straight, white, Catholic male.

Thats why he attacked you buddy!
4 Jun 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [565]

I think the tourism industry for Europe especially in England is going to take a big hit this summer. Who in their right mind would want to take a European vacation? You would have to be crazy to go there, its too dangerous and out of control!

Political Correctness is destroying Europe!

Don't ask a leftist-libretard, because he'll only tell you: MORE PC!
@ polonius5

Prime Minister May`s speech wasn't very reassuring, sounds like more PC safe zone rambling and NO action.
4 Jun 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [565]

BBC reports it as 'major incident' so nothing to worry......they will again: put some flowers, hold hands ,draw big hearts and problem will go away...

Climate change is of more importance to these PC idiots!

Well...........We told you so now didn't we.

Yep, If this isn't a wake up call, what is?

Ah yes, the muslim mayor gathers the people and urges them to ignore the muslims with long knives snakeing through the crow

it was him who said 'we should get used to terrorist attacks as it is every day normal adventure'

Its unbelievable how this guy could be voted into office???

I hope Poland stands strong and doesn't let this scourge infiltrate its sovereignty! Tell the EU to kiss you Dupa!

quote=UpperSilesian]What are the Muslims reasons to not stand against their mislead brothers?

They are complicit because they seceretly agree and hope the terrorist achieve their goals, like the mayor of London, its a happy day for him!
2 Jun 2017
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

The Paris deal relies on VOLUNTARY reduction in carbon emissions, according to standards each nation sets for ITSELF. Countries can change their standards or simply NOT ABIDE by them. Enforcement is weak, at best!
2 Jun 2017
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Save ypu failed high scoschool ol science for your drugged out mates.

In English please, stop doing drugs we can't read this scribble.

Trump is a loser the only jobs you dumb pricks are getting is cleaning out toilets

You clowns are so jealous because we no longer going to take any of your BS. Trump made the right call, America first!

India and China certainly aren't going to stifle their economy because emissions.

We would lose millions of jobs and billions of $$ and only to reduce pollution equivalent to what China produces in 2 weeks. Another gigantic Obamafail!

America has been at a disadvantage to the rest of the world for to long now.

These idiot lefties don't care that this agreement would only make a very small difference in average temperatures, assuming the forecasts are right. They also don't care it would cost us billions and billions of dollars to participate. Its the PC thing to do, thats all that matters to them.

Obama cared more about foreigners than US citizens!
1 Jun 2017
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

In essence all Trump has been doing so far is draining the swamp and cleaning up obama's messes like this Paris accord climate change hoax.

Before people criticize his decision, go read the Paris agreement. It`s really a raw deal for the American taxpayers. Just because we aren't into this bad Paris plan, doesn't mean we can't contribute as a nation on our own terms.

Other countries such as India would get billions of our money and they would be able to open 300 new coal plants with no accountability.

Another Obama sell out America plan for political reasons! Glad he's gone!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 Jun 2017
Classifieds / Drive me around Warsaw June 1? [13]

Would you drive him around? Its kind of a strange place to look for a ride??

I suppose you could jump out at stop light......lol
30 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

The eager French puppet admiringly meets his Russian puppet master:

Comrades in arms enjoying their victory!

To bad we are going to find out the hard way that LePen would have been a much better choice for Poland.

The Lefties will try to spin and twist it and will never admit they made a HUGE mistake!

3 reasons while Liberals fail at life

1) They complain about everything!
2) They blame others for all their problems.
3) They are rarely grateful for anything.

So far he has only demonstrated being the absolute worst critic of Poland. Shameful!

Poles never wanted Macron despite what the expats of PF would have you believe.
8 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

Eric Trump 'said father's golf courses got funding from Russia,'

Tabloid news, about as reliable as the National Inquirer or CNN. You actually believe this trash? LoL

9 out of 10 employment contracts signed by youngsters in France are part time. That's what he is trying to change with the El Khomri law.

It sounds like a recipe for economic disaster.

It also notes that one in three of the French voters either abstained from voting or cast an empty vote (un Français sur trois a voté blanc ou s'est abstenu).

Macron won't last long, not even close to a mandate!

A much higher turnout than here in Poland.

If Europeans don't vote, then they shouldn't be complaining all the time.