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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
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From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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21 Mar 2012
News / Drunken Brit beats up young Polish policewoman [62]

Its all equal ops' and rights until the woman has to put up with what the men have had to put up with for,well,forever isnt it.....

Some people just see the uniform,so,in a way you should be aplauding this young,forward looking westerner for not being a sexist pig!

(last line may have been ironic...first one wasnt.)
19 Mar 2012
News / Drunken Brit beats up young Polish policewoman [62]

They came in third place for arrests by nationality from the riots of last year (after Jamaicans and Somalians).

Ah well, Bronze,not bad,not bad, will have to train harder for next season though if they want to move up to Silver or Gold.
17 Mar 2012
News / American soldiers beat up in Torun, Łódź [141]

I appreciate times have moved on in the UK, but Harry should remember these facts.

Im not sticking up for harry, but, Black Americans were as welcome in British Pubs as any one was untill the US high command decided it wanted to import its brand of rascism across the atlantic and placed some Pubs out of bounds to non white soldiers. Lots of british Pubs refused to take part in this.

There were running battles in the streets of some towns where british soldiers and civilians fought alongside Black GIs against rascist American soldiers trying to enforce aparthied.

what probably happened was that this was not much of a fight

F stop, "real fights" are over in seconds, the two injured Americans will have been down and out before there comrades knew what was happening. Its only those silly male posturing fights that involve lots of pushing and shoving that last minutes.

The nastiest fights Ive seen from years of working in clubs( and Ive seen certain secret soldiers scrapping in a hereford nightclub) have been over before you can figure out whats going on. Its not fair on the three guys who didnt get involved to say or imply that they let their buddies down. Its probably to their credit that they didnt just lash out at the nearest Pole in revenge, good ambassadors IMHO.
15 Mar 2012
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

Are you suggesting that slavery, apartheid, segregation, colour bars and racial attacks are all a bad dream?

Just as many Blacks and Black Empires have done just that.
Zulus invaded where they live now and slaughtered the lighter skinned Africans they found.
West African tribes enslaved other tribes and still do, white people dont buy the cast offs anymore though......
Wooly minded nonsense to think white people are the only rascists.
15 Mar 2012
History / Poland did reasonably well in land terms out of the postwar settlement [270]

Churchill was negotiating Polands borders with is his homicidal bedfellow during the war.

So? Its called War,its not nice,its not pretty and the rules are play dirty and hope you are still standing at the end of it. Get over it.

Again, in little words for Andrew. You have two allies, one has maybe 6 divisions of soldiers the other has millions upon millions of soldiers, who will you pal upto more in a fight to the death with the nazis?
15 Mar 2012
History / Poland did reasonably well in land terms out of the postwar settlement [270]

Fair enough :)
Over sensative, no,not really, just tired of tired old stories repeated ad nasuem by some Poles, sorry I mistook yours for that ilk :)
How could anyone try and say the BBC at the time was anything but another tool of HM Government?
The world service was broadcasting coded messages to continental resistance groups........censorship was in full swing, no one heard of the Lancastria during the war


a free press would have broken the story.
15 Mar 2012
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

I think we should introduce ironside to Two Tone sometime :)
Youd be surprised ironside, even a lot of our rascists will give black brits a free pass......they are a lot more nuanced these days, Muslims and Chavs are the new " Black/irish/Dogs".
15 Mar 2012
History / Poland did reasonably well in land terms out of the postwar settlement [270]

Thats not quite my point,though we are closer on this in most ways.
No, its simple,brutal maths, despite what the official records may "prove" about Poland fielding the fourth largest force in the Allied armies this figure is vastly inflated by lots of,frankly,mouths being fed while wearing a uniform,not fighting soldiers or even genuine support troops,this doesnt take from the valiance of those few Polish Divisions who did fight,they fought like Lions,but, a hand full of Divisions versus the entire Red Army...

Its not even in the same ball park when put as bluntly as that,and frankly, bluntly is how Churchill saw things. " I would give faverouble references for the Devil if Hitler invaded Hell" was one of his lines about Stalin. At the time,Churchill,who had been fighting communists/leftists/anarchists a lot longer than any Poles had (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Sidney_Street ) knew he had to lie down with the devil in order to ensure his own countries survival so he kept the 10s of millions of Soviet soldiers sweet while anoying a few thousand Polish Aliies, sad,but true and real politic.

The problem it seems is emotion cannot be detached from the study of history for a lot of Poles and people of Polish descent, maybe Poles are not used to unbiased approaches to studying such things? Id have thought younger ones and those over seas didnt have the same excuse as the older generation but,nope.

But,thats obviously harsh, you should hear some of the utter rubbish some british people spout about their own history,its hilarious,maybe its just that same unfortunate minority being reflected in Poles on here?

They fair no better than the Soviets on the Katyn issue.

So, you seriously think that two governments who discovered during a world war that one of their allies commited a war crime are as guilty of that crime as the government who coldly and in a calculating manner commited the act in total secret and who later tried their hardest to cover up the said crime?

Wow, wouldnt want you on any Jury against me for a parking ticket, Id end up with frikkin life or the chair.......
Maybe look at history and war through grown up eyes,better still,try and get into the mindset of people who can issue orders they know will lead to the deaths of thousands of their own countrymen and not blow their brains out,ie, sociopaths/politicians....they make the decisions,they shape history like it or not. No point in studying history expecting everyone to behave like goodies from Hollywood, hiding to nothing trying that path.....
15 Mar 2012
History / Poland did reasonably well in land terms out of the postwar settlement [270]

The British government on the other hand publically stated via one of its media outlets the BBC that the British government stood firmly behind the Soviet version of the events.

Of course it did, it was Allied with the Soviets at the time and fighting against the Germans.....very naive to think WW2 was a clean fight old chap. Do you really think any allied nation would risk losing a country who could lose 300,ooo dead soldiers in one battle and still more or less win the war in Europe for the sake of the good wishes of just one of dozens of governments in exile with their attendant rag tag mini armies?

War is quite literally life or death,it is not and was never a nice game of cricket with gentlemanly rules.
Never be fooled by what a government says in public though, in this respect they are much like the Mafia, the ones who will kill you come at you with smiles and a warm embrace.
14 Mar 2012
News / American soldiers beat up in Torun, Łódź [141]

Oh come on... 1) Nobody said they were black. 2) There were two of them, and they are soldiers. A "target"?

Joshua and joseph...either Black or Jewish,either way,no surprises......
14 Mar 2012
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

Kings aren't of one land anymore

You make my point, lets make a list of English born English Kings shall we?
Ok,no,but,erm, there were not that many of them in the grand scheme of things:)
Part sarcastic,part serious, nationalism does not have to involve hatred of others or exclusion of people based on spurious reasons.
The ANZACS were proud Aussies/Kiwis who fought for their country as much as for the motherland that most of them were either born in or who's parents were born in.

I know it gets tricky when one is making up a doctrine on the hoof,especially when I say lets have a bit of socialist nationalism............put better,lets look to this island and its inhabitants best interests (where ever they or their grandparents were born) for a while instead of this constant trying to sort every bugger elses problems out.

Why are we sending british people for trial in the USA on crimes that are not even crimes here or commited in the US?
Why are we still ploughing millions in aid into India?
the list goes on,and yes, some of them are the same issues that the fasch' cnuts bring up, but that does not mean every point they make is invalid.

The nazis rallied against unemployment in 30s germany, nazis are bad,but sorting out unemployment is good....
14 Mar 2012
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

But,whats wrong with a bit of nationalism, internationalism has plainly failed?
If you are British,want to be British or feel British you are British. Its pretty fluid and always has been. basically its been a history of mass squaters rights on these islands. The Scots are from Ireland,The Welsh are the ancient Britons the English are god only knows what ,have been since the days of Rome and Auxiliaries from Africa to Iran making their homes here on retirement.....
13 Mar 2012

This will probably end up in off topic, but,yeah, why you picking on Mike?
He's a nice guy, if his info was a bit out of date couldnt you have just pointed that out without the snarkiness?
13 Mar 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

lols, you are a card......so funny how trolls come on here ,spout the sort of BS they do,get called out and proved to be wrong/liars....and then get all silly. Not going to try and prove us wrong with facts then mad woman? Or are you sticking to your story about being in your 90s? Lols,talk about a pathetic defence,pretend to be old so we are all nice to you......btw, a mad 90 year old spreading BS is still going to get called a mad liar, equality for old gits is all the rage.
13 Mar 2012

Pregnancy isn't an illness that needs treating.

An eptopic one is,and needs an abortion or both mother and baby both die.....suppose that would be a plus for polonius,leaves more boys for him to chase......
13 Mar 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

Had they done that the Soviet invasion on September 17, 1939 most likely would not have happened,

You are not exactly Von Clauswitz are you love......
How long do you think it takes to assemble an Army, then transport it across country to various Sea Ports large enough to handle transport ships (which themselves need to be recalled from as far away as Australia) then steam ship that Army across the sea into ANOTHER country, put your nations Army under the command of the host nation, then prepare all the equipment,move int forward positions and launch even the smallest strike???

Well, trust me , two weeks wouldnt do it,so,stop talking out of your fanny (as you colonials say).
If you think the British Army could have been magicaly assembled from the four corners of the world then dropped off on Germanys western borders in less than a fortnight you really need to get a grip on reality.

Even today it takes months to assemble an invasion force in another country....do you think Uncle Sams boys set off from Cali one morning and crossed into Iraq that afternoon?

Basicaly love, do some reading,switch on your brain and people will stop laughing at your pathetic moaning jingoism.

Edit, she is obviously bonkers..."Chem Trails" LMFHAO you loon.... you rave about crazy folks who bark at the moon and then come on here and lecture people about history, that and the link to David irvine seriously marks you out as a nutter first class :):)
11 Mar 2012

How many Polish girls are queing up to pay a small fortune for an abortion in Poland when a £15.oo bus ticket will get them to a free NHS hospital in the UK?
11 Mar 2012

So you favour scrubbing Euro 2012 so they can use the money to set upt free abrotion-on-demand clinics,

Works for me,anything to lighten the load of boring fekking sport thats going to clog up British TV this summer........wimbeldon,euro 2012,olympics..........where can I buy a bra to burn? :)
11 Mar 2012
Love / Behavioral study says Poland has the lowest sexual dimorphism [17]

As I think most of us would agree, men low in testosterone and women high in testosterone are not exactly a gift to procreation and family life when paired together in a committed relationship.

Hahahah,lots of big words,but,essentialy,you are well thick innit bruv...................you throw around "flawed" at others while presenting total bollox as "fact".......
9 Mar 2012
Life / History of Dzień Kobiet (Women's Day) in Poland: [13]


OMG.....Id call that argument check mate!!!! you win.......

get a life

Wow, the mature debate is flowing from you today......
Try reading a couple of the posts.....the day was imposed on Poland by the Russians...............
7 Mar 2012
History / Poland did reasonably well in land terms out of the postwar settlement [270]

It's a very similar line which they used in France but the French were either wise enough to recognise bullshiit when they saw it

Harry, to this day there are plenty of French people who can with some justification hold a grudge against Britain. Not even including Dunkirk (which they are wrong about) just look at the Royal Navy slaughtering thousands of French sailors as their ships were sunk in North African ports.

I let you compare Warsaw and Prague after WWII and income they generate now from tourism.

Yes,both held Uprisings against the Germans,luckily for the Czechs though they didnt have a history of p!ssing off the Soviets.
7 Mar 2012
History / Poland did reasonably well in land terms out of the postwar settlement [270]

They fought like hell to keep their colonies


bank of London

No such thing.

they willingly gave away the physical control

And doesnt that p!ss the loons off,that Britain walked away without going on murder sprees.Infact, the murder spree's tended to happen well after Britain left.
7 Mar 2012
History / Poland did reasonably well in land terms out of the postwar settlement [270]

Because of English assurances Poland was pushed into war.

Bollox,because of Polish cock wagging Britain was dragged into a war it could easily have avoided. Britain lost 2 thirds of the world after 1945,Poland lost a few hundred square kilometres....you do the maths there sonny jim.

BTW Captain America....Id stay schtum on ww2 if I were you. 1942 before any US soldiers started fighting. Warsaw 1944,shows how little you Yanks actually know about the Uprising.

Britains RAF (with a lot of Polish aircrew) flew dozens of re supply missions dropping supplies mainly directly to the AK of weapons they actually needed and more importantly,,not German weapons....meanwhile you Yanks flew one re supply mission and dropped a few tonnes of german arms and ammunition directly on the germans positions.....D'oh.....
6 Mar 2012
Love / Cultural misscommunication, or is he trying to send me a message? Working with Polish dude. [34]

Dont talk arse fella. No one has been executed in Free europe for being gay in hundreds of years......Alabama had decapitation on its law books for gays well into the 1960s. So yes, i stand by what I say, you are in a country where right wing bible bashing hypocrites still call the shots, a savage barbarian culture of executions and represion in half the states that make up the land of the free.......