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Posts by Avalon  

Joined: 11 Sep 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 6 Dec 2015
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20 Mar 2012
Life / Struggling young Polish couple - try to solve their problem [176]

The financial guarantee they received (When they should have received nothing) was like all aspects of the "Free Market" totally immoral and corrupt.

And not one person appears before the courts. If I had run my company that way would I have been so lucky? The Irish people should refuse to pay as did the Icelanders. Ireland reported record exports for the past year, they would soon be out of trouble if they refused to pay for what amounted to the criminal fraud that was carried out in their name. Ireland still has to vote on the "fiscal union pact", but its expected that they will be bribed to say yes with the promise of lower debt repayments, ensuring the EU will forever be involved with Irish taxation rates set by unelected officials in Brussels.

Legalised theft to prop up a currency that only benefits a few countries. With all the money still owed, there will be little point in ever holding elections again.
20 Mar 2012
Life / Struggling young Polish couple - try to solve their problem [176]

Labour LOL,,,Are you saying that Tory Blaire is a lefty??

Thats what he pretended to the suckers that voted for him.

I f it wasn't for German and Brit Imperialism , we'd be more independent.

And look where your independence got you, a lifetime of servitude to the EU. You changed one master for another. The Irish could have said no to the EU but the lure of free, cheap money was too much to resist. Like Greece, the Irish are going to learn that there is no such thing as a free lunch. You may blame the government but its the people who elected them into office. Greece has had a third of it's debts written off while the Irish and Portuguese will be repaying their debt for generations, maybe that's why the young of these countries will have to migrate, they cannot see a future for themselves.

This artical today: dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2117065/House-price-boom-2012-Young-wait-longer-buy.html

puts forward a view that suggests young couples are going to have to wait longer to be able to afford to buy a home of their own, the same will happen in Poland. The alternative would be for the parents to release some of the equity in their own homes to help them. The Polish now have quite a good start in Life, free university (so no government loans to pay back), parents with little or no mortgage on their homes, all the Polish government needs to do is find a way to stimulate growth, outside investment and to help create jobs in the private sector. The stability here at the moment is one of the envy's of most of the European countries and I believe the quality of life is very good for myself and for my children, compared to say, the UK.

I agree that if you want the nice things in life more quickly, then the opportunities for earning large amounts of money (legally) in Poland are scarce, but if you are skill full and work hard, this is achievable. The main stream media promotes the idea that stories of celebrities ( I use this term very loosely) are the only newsworthy items worth printing. They set these people up as models for normal life and as such, young people are influenced into believing that they only have to get on "X-factor" or "stars in their eyes" to escape from drudgery of their existence. Nothing wrong with dreaming, but it puts pressure people who think this is normal.

Many of the people I know, started out with an idea of being better than the competition, the growth of their companies was not so much planned as forced upon them. When word of mouth gets around about the better service/product you offer, you have to take on more staff to cope with the extra work while making sure that the quality you started out to achieve is not compromised or delayed. This is where it gets tricky as many people do not like or are unable to handle responsibility, the more you have, the more money you earn, the more you change as a person. (Sometimes not for the better)

The young people of today will never, never have it as easy as my generation. If we did not like a job we could go out and virtually get another the same week, Friday night until Sunday night was a blur, mostly drinking and parties, football every Saturday no matter what part of the country your team was playing, new clothes every week to keep up with the fashion. OK, this was the UK, I cannot compare it with Poland but I have seen what the UK has now become and I want no part of it. I have never been a greedy person and have been happy to share with the workers I employed, but the more I shared, the more they wanted and took me for granted. You cannot be a boss and one of the boys at the same time.

There are no friends in business.

Be careful what you wish for.

Learn to be happy with the simple things in life, anything else is a bonus.
14 Mar 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

People like you and Harry would never be able to afford to buy in London if you left school today.

Why should you be able to buy a property when you leave school? Surely you should have to work and earn money first?
14 Mar 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Is the Olympics actually pushing up the prices?

Poland and Ukraine are not the only ones to take advantage of this Summers sports.



Here you are Milky, 64,500 PLN a m2 and cheap at half the price. I expect they will swell it for 32,000 m2 if you ask nicely.

13 Mar 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

I think the government has said that as from April, the ones in accommodation of more than 400 pounds per week will have six months to find alternative, cheaper, places to live. As you said, that should be fun, especially with the Olympics pushing the prices up.
13 Mar 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Besides, a two bed house in a 'feral' central London location still costs £200K

Only because the rents are paid by the government.
10 Mar 2012
Work / Minimum basic salary in Poland [96]

These people obviously need to work in the black economy to afford food.

Must be the same reason why British MP's fiddle their expenses. They need to buy food. I suppose greed does not enter into it.

Same reason that a lot of Italians drive luxury cars and have yachts while declaring a yearly salary under 20,000 euros, they need to buy food and pay their rents.

OK with that Mods?
10 Mar 2012
Work / Minimum basic salary in Poland [96]

Central Statistical Office of Poland (GUS) provided in 2009 that 65,35% of Polish wages are below Polish avarage wage and this is a fact.

Most of the people in Italy, driving luxury cars and owning yachts declare a yearly salary of under 20,000 euro's according to the Italian government.
8 Mar 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

i.e. don't be up to your neck in bad debt or unemployed when the market turns.

I think that applies at any time. Any hint of a bad credit score is going to to make obtaining a full mortgage impossible.
8 Mar 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

What relevance does Britain in 1990 have to poland in 2012 ?

I totally agree with this statement, except for the part where you think "luck" came in to it. You decided to buy and took a chance at that specific time in the market, if you had rented, you would not have made any "good money".

You did what was right for you at the time.
You are now advising people not to buy because you believe that prices in Poland have a long way to fall yet but the majority of people on here and in the MSM think that the chances of prices going backwards to 2002 levels is very remote, there may be small percentage falls but to my mind, the market has reached bottom. I respect your opinion but I think you may have to pay Harry with your bet.
7 Mar 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

What has that rant got to do with the rise in value of your house in the UK?

The rant as you call it was aimed at Milky. Just trying to point out that sitting on your a** and moaning about the price of property is not a solution. I did not train for construction, I opted to enter this industry in my 20's as it offered more rewards than the job I had. If he has moved to Poland and cannot find work then he will always have a problem. My Polish is virtually non existent, yet this has not stopped me starting a business here.
7 Mar 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Thats hindsight and a collection of lucky situations.

Yes, starting a construction company employing 70 men and running it for 25 years was pure luck, coming to Poland, retiring and starting another construction company is also pure luck.

So when somebody fails in life, its bad luck, nothing to do with them being useless.
6 Mar 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

But wasn't it because of almost 60% of the property value you paid in the beginning?

That is the whole point you seem to miss, it was a "paper" monetary gain, exactly the same as it is now, unless, I sell the property. Something is only worth what you pay for it, until you sell it for a profit. Milky is only agreeing with you because he is a frustrated fckin idot who has landed up in Poland with no money to buy a property, that is why he likes the idea from Wildrover of properties being sold for 50 zloty. All you are doing is encouraging him.

No matter what valuation you put on a property, it would always be overvalued and a rip off, that is his mentality.
6 Mar 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

you could have invested your surplus cash in something else in the meantime.

In 1987 I sold a small terrace house in the UK (paid 6,000 GBP for it) for 36,000 GBP, put this down as a deposit on a detached cottage on the outskirts of the city, which cost 62,000 GBP. As it was a fairly large plot, over the next few years I built and extended the cottage to almost double the size, cost was around 15,000 with a grant of 6,000 from the local council. At the height of the property boom (2004-2005) the value was in excess of 500,000. The mortgage amounts have been approximately one third of what the rental on a local apartment would cost and in July of this year the mortgage will be paid off and even if you allowed for a 40% fall in prices, it will still leave a pension pot of 300,000 if it were sold.

Its not going to be sold any time soon, its still loved and cared for. You would have a hard job convincing me that renting was/is a better option. I know Poland is a different proposition as I have also bought a home here but even allowing for the correction in prices, I am still well ahead from when I bought in 2005, again, this house is not for sale, I will leave it for the kids to enjoy. Stocks and shares are fine if you are a gambler, even depositing your money in a bank seems a risk nowadays (although, not much of a risk for the bank), I prefer something I can see, feel and use and property fits the bill.
5 Mar 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Harry, you cannot educate pork. The people that use these stats are of the same mindset as those at EU headquarters who are trying to convince the markets that Greece will not go bust and the euro is a sound currency. They do not deal in facts only numbers they can manipulate.
2 Mar 2012

**** me, Britain for all its faults is a modern liberal democracy that provides a lot for its people and guests.

Its not just people like oxon who are getting dissatisfied and frustrated, hundreds are writing in to the MSM every day. More are beginning to realise that they are being lied to on a daily basis. Anger is being stored up and when it finds a release, many people will suffer.

Just one example from the Telegraph today:-

Today 02:06 AM
Quite right and you have hit on the nub of the entire problem.

The Eurofrauds are getting away with this because they have, over a period of time , dumbed down their electorates, nowhere more effectively than in the UK where a quisling Brussels Broadcasting Corp actively help the politicians hide the truth.

Dumbing down has resulted in a populace with a high percentage who are incapable - and unwilling - to get their heads round the fact that they are being corralled up for slaughter financially..

This suits the politicians down to the ground...look at the number who would still vote for Dave, Clegg and Milliprick without question....

If you are not a member of that large group, emigration away from the EU is your only hope because the voting system is corrupt and rigged to keep the LibLabCon in power.
1 Mar 2012

If this this true then I feel angrier now than I did at the beginning of this post. do you think those scroungers who come here from Eastern Europe have paid anything into the system here?

As I said before, your anger should be directed at the government who have allowed this situation to occur, not the people who have a right to claim in accordance with EU law. If you do not like it, ask yourself who you and your friends, family etc, voted for in previous elections. Perhaps you should persuade them to vote out the incompetent political parties that have allowed this to happen. You are one person, the majority (of voters) have got what they voted for and to my mind, they deserve everything they get. 13 billion in foreign aid, 7 billion to the EU and you go on about a few million, you need to look at your priorities.

A million people marched through London to oppose Britain's participation in the Iraqi war, Blair ignored them. Both Labour and the Tories have refused to honour their manifestos with regard to holding a referendum on continued membership of the EU, if they had, you would not have the situation you now find yourself in. Democracy in the UK is dead and will shortly disappear throughout Europe. When Labour won their last election, 42% of the British people bothered to vote, Blair actually won with 26% of the vote!!!!

You honestly think you can change the British public?. The communists stopped selling the "Morning Star" in the shopping precincts when they realised the British were too lazy to have a revolution.

My England died in 1997. I am lucky to have good memories but I feel sad for this and the next generation.
1 Mar 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

But you have to remember that prices being the same now as they were two years ago is actually a real fall of 27.6%.

Source please ; )
1 Mar 2012

a Briton in Poland will not be entitled to the SAME amount of welfare as a Pole in the UK.

You are missing the point. There are no benefits as such for foreigners in Poland, that is why you cannot claim them. The fact that the UK gives benefits, means, that they must be available to all. that, is the EU regulation.

Do you know avalon?

To my knowledge, there are no child benefits here. I have a daughter (six today) who I support. I have not paid into the Polish system so would not expect anything.
1 Mar 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

In Lublin the prices are pretty much the same as last year and the year before.

No sign of the 50% fall in prices then? still, its early days yet.
1 Mar 2012

child/housing benefit

This is a silly example to use. Check your facts, the entitlement to child benefit was established by the EU which stated that Europeans travelling to another member state to work are entitled to the same benefits as those workers of the host country. In all fairness, Labour tried to get away with paying this but as per usual, they did not read the treaty before they signed it so its now costing the UK about 50 million a year. This is peanuts when you compare it to foreign aid.

I only realised today that over the past 20 years we have given Argentina 20 million pounds and are "still" liable to give them another 7 million. If another war breaks out in the Falklands, we will have paid for Argentina to re-arm.
29 Feb 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Like I said - you can't trust any data anywhere

You can trust the stats that Milky posts here. They were perfectly correct four years ago.
27 Feb 2012
UK, Ireland / Why can't unemployed Polish people on benefits just leave UK and go home please? [240]

you should have had them on price work. and sacked the gaffer.

Not all work can be done on price, especially, renovation. Sacking anyone when there is an extreme shortage of labour is not a viable option when there are penalty clauses in the contract. In 2003/2004, construction was booming, I was paying 18-19 year olds around 800 GBP a week and they would not turn up for work on Monday as they were too drunk from a Sunday night out.

I had worked hard for 25 years and had had enough of the paperwortk, stupid Health & Safety rules and regulations, preparing risk assessment forms instructing people on how to climb a ladder and to remember to stop at the top. Young labourers who could not count, measure or barely read.

I had enough money so I retired 8 years ago, now I just dabble when I get bored. No stress, people who do as they are asked, work from home and spend most of my time with the family and the dogs. Only regret is not dicovering Poland sooner.
27 Feb 2012
UK, Ireland / Why can't unemployed Polish people on benefits just leave UK and go home please? [240]

I have the right to sustain my life in my own f****n country!

When I left I had my own company and I was totally disillusioned with the British worker. Carpenters wanted 200 pounds for a 6 hour day, of which, they spent most of the time, talking on their mobile phones ( I have heard from friends that those same pisstakers are scrathing around for work now) I was paying over 100,000 per year in tax and NI.

Near to my cottage, the government moved Somalians into rented houses, 1500 pounds a month and that was 10 years ago.
I could not change anything, but at least I had the choice to not contribute and leave. 41 years of contributions and I have not been back to the UK for 7 years and I certainly have no wish to do so now. If I live to get a pension, great, if not, or should I say "if there is anything left", they can give it to Egypt or whatever country is due some of the 13 billion they give away in aid each year. The next time I am in an airport I can look at the private jets and say that I paid for some of that.

Stop blaming the Poles, its the system that has failed you, not these people. Your anger should be directed at your government.
26 Feb 2012
UK, Ireland / Why can't unemployed Polish people on benefits just leave UK and go home please? [240]

Do I have a problem with Polaks coming here n the thousands,

I remember sitting in a bar in Poland in early 2004, reading the news. A certain foriegn minister called "David Blunkett" had made a statement with regard to peoples fears about the number of immigrants expected to arrive in the UK from the A4 countries who were joining the EU on the 1st of May. He stated that between 12-15,000 was the amount from all four countries. When I showed this artical to my Polish friends they were amazed, they said that at least 15,000 would be going from their town alone. It gave everybody a good laugh.

Lib/Lab/Con, whoever you vote for, none have promised to stop immigrants except for UKIP and the BNP. It has to follow that any party which stopped europeans from entering the UK would also have to bring the UK out of the EU as the right to work in any member state is enshrined in EU law, all of the first three parties I named are pro-european so as long as they keep lying to the British public and people vote for them, things will never change.

I personally think its too late now anyway, many immigrants are now second and third generation so how do you send them "home"? I was already fed up with the UK and left in 2004.

Its funny, but Poland reminds me of how England used to be when I was a child, nice people (generally), its safe, friendly and I have not seen any evidence of drugs (in the small town I live in), probably not able to afford them anyway.

oxon, get to know your neighbours, try a few friendly words in their language, you would be suprised how they grow on you. Supporting the BNP would be a wasted vote, they are too extreme, try and help Labour get back into power, they will definately increase the benefits again.

Good luck to you and I hope you find work soon.