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Posts by MoOli  

Joined: 25 May 2012 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 19 Jan 2019
Threads: Total: 9 / In This Archive: 8
Posts: Total: 479 / In This Archive: 387
From: Warsaw/NJ
Speaks Polish?: trokhe

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3 Jul 2012
Life / Is Poland a poor country? [578]

Do you really think a normal employer that has a job to be done cares about breast size?

I wonder what is HOOTERS recruitment Policy is?
2 Jul 2012
Real Estate / Why so many incomplete kitchens in Polish rental flats? [24]

Magdalena: BTW I'm renting a nice flat in the UK and the fridge was not supplied by the landlord.I've never heard of that situation.

Dont know about europe but in states its the law to have a refrigerator and electric cooking grill or gas stove or one will not get CO for a tenant.
30 Jun 2012
Life / If a Phone Gets Stolen in Wroclaw [11]

Android also has the ability to track if you're fortunate enough to install the software prior to losing it.

And the App is free my local police has tracked some I read in local paper,I wonder if you can sync your data on computer like I phone on androids?
29 Jun 2012
Law / Where can I get a money order in US dollars in Poland? [3]

Does anybody have any experience or suggestions on this?

Years back I tried but couldnt find it..best way was to pay by credit card or wire money!or mail an US bank check most places do accept checks on phone with your banks routing number and bank acct.
29 Jun 2012
Law / Polish Property Bought with Francs - Help [8]

LOL! wanna go partners:)))?

Just looking for some advice really

What advice...the swiss franc went up and you have to pay back in swiss francs...lots of poles did that and are paying...or facing banks taking away property as people who borrowed in francs esp Poles are making money in Zlotays and paying more to buy SF and pay the bank in the currency they bought in.
29 Jun 2012
Genealogy / My Grandfather was born in Poland and migrated abroad - Can I get a Polish Passport? [68]

Precisely. You show the US passport when checking in, not when leaving Poland

Harry are you that thick brained?When one comes to Poland he has to enter legally showing Polish passport and thus not stamped,and show US passport & Polish passport when leaving and then again depending o the border guard he may or maynot stamp your US passport(one has to show US passport as to show that you will be allowed to enter US)is it so hard to unerstand this? Then again one can expect that from a career elderly man with a english teaching career:)))[

quote=grubas]You have to show US passport or you won't be allowed on a plane as there is no visa in your Polish passport nor being US citizen you have PRC card.Simple[/quote]

Correct while leaving Poland.
28 Jun 2012
Genealogy / My Grandfather was born in Poland and migrated abroad - Can I get a Polish Passport? [68]

Interesting you say that. Who was it who claims to have both passports but recent said that when he leaves Poland he always shows both this Polish and US passports

Harry make it clear if you are jealous or something do something about it as I have said before...or learn to live with it.I am not responsible for your underachievement in your life being a career english teacher in Poland:))or buying a junk car from States idiotically:)And Nope I consider you a nincampoop asking me to post my documents in here similarly when I made you run from AMCHAM meeting to bradelys to hard rock to mariott looking for me sitting across the atlantic:)

Then again poking nose in someones business will get ur nose punched just be carefull batty boi!
28 Jun 2012
Genealogy / My Grandfather was born in Poland and migrated abroad - Can I get a Polish Passport? [68]

Agreed!One has to enter or exir Poland as a Polish citizen and produce Polish Id when asked by Polish authorities but to give up US citizenship is wrong.....the benefit of Polish citizenship is buying and selling commercial and agricultural property without going through hassels of permissions and loans esp EU grants:)))
28 Jun 2012
Work / Is salary of 3000 Euros gross enough to live decently in Lodz, Poland? [53]

Did you ever consider taking the kids to Kolorado

lol does he have kids?I mean hiis own?shooting blanks dont make kids:))and he has a daughter of his gf who is an adult and eats like a hog!And you know how they eat at a buffet ...like there is no other meal...
27 Jun 2012
USA, Canada / Golota facing deportation back to Poland [30]

I do wonder why you are now pretending to have a Polish passport. But if you are going to, try to keep your lies straight.

Are you sure harry that you are getting worse as you are getting old?To begin with make your point here and once again I will tell you clearly...I am a dual citizen and if it bothers you do something about it......Like in the past what happened to your law suits etc you were bragging about?

Anyway back to the topic Golota should be deported and I wish he is your neighbour:))keep your dentures home:))
27 Jun 2012
Travel / How come no one ever seems to pay for the bus in Poland? [63]

Or... simply buy a ticket and avoid the unpleasantness, the hassle, the embarrassment and making foreigners to Poland look like either idiots or crooks. You know who I am talking to

Its mostly the brits!I have seen that first hand.Usually other foriegners are law abiding esp in a foreign country.
27 Jun 2012
Travel / How come no one ever seems to pay for the bus in Poland? [63]

In Warsaw they simply do not do that.

Excuse him he has experiences also:) ofcourse travelling without tickets:)

Ticket inspectors are paid per person they catch. You really think that they're going to decide to earn nothing for two hours? They could be out earning.

Is that the thing you Brits do in Poland? use the system and rant about Poles using the system in UK?

quote=Harry]Really? Could you perhaps explain the legal basis for the fine increasing? [/quote]
Wouldnt know the exact fine as I dont use public transportation cuz I have a non junked car from America:)
27 Jun 2012
Love / Are Polish Girls scared of English Guys [124]

To be honest Poland is a backward country in alot of respects the Men being one.But that's just my tax paying opinion!

So why are you even in Poland?couldnt find a better life in your own place?You are just another grumpy old man like some here.I heard a Polish girl say in States that when Americans make trouble Brits come to there rescue and we shoot!when brits cry we say oops! sorry friendly fire:) and brits are happy again....go figure that:)

Criticising Poland the country you live in......shitting in the plate you eat in!
27 Jun 2012
Life / Moving to Poland - tips, Do's and Don'ts [5]

Just like in any other place!My personal opinion about Poland overall is excellent!Some complain but is the same everywhere in reality including govt offices as they are in any US.
27 Jun 2012
Travel / How come no one ever seems to pay for the bus in Poland? [63]

Your best bet is to just go with the "Show me your ID. That ID is fake. Call the police, I want the police to see your ID and tell me it is real." approach.

And they will call the police and if the ID is right you are subject to 450pln fine..and by that time you have wasted 2 hrs.....thats not very brilliant is it?Harry bro wisen up and accept your life as it is stop being grumpy old man:).These kind of tactics used to work in Poland over a decade back..accept Poland is a EU country and so is UK!
27 Jun 2012
USA, Canada / Golota facing deportation back to Poland [30]

Personally, I would:) as owning firearms over 4 in number tends one to forget how many you do and usually people surrender some and forget about some(in his case he forgot it all(Imagine in Poland getting caught with an unlicensed firearm forget semi automatic)Now with Homeland security laws one can be deported even for a DWI conviction even if it wasnt lethal.
27 Jun 2012
USA, Canada / Golota facing deportation back to Poland [30]

Golota was accused of flashing an honorary New Jersey police badge

Its not a honorary police badge it was a PBA card that some privileged people get from Local or state PD legally is called courtsey card and is just to avoid traffic tiks or really low petty voilations but are not recognised in the book of law depending on the officer incharge at time and his respect to the community:)

Golota's firearm owner's identification card was temporarily revoked

I was involved in a situation like that temporarily and I did surrender my firearms,having them is a serious felony!

Why are you using the word 'you' to refer to Poles/Poland? Weren't you recently telling us you are a Polish citizen who lives in Poland?

legally when im in US IM US citizen and when I am in Poland I am Polish citizen(I enter and leave as one and show authorities documents for).Dont you Brits get to understand International law?Then again English teaching for years will do that:)
27 Jun 2012
USA, Canada / Golota facing deportation back to Poland [30]

What a strange thing to say about somebody who wants to become your countryman

ESP who is a convicted and admitted criminal sorry u can have em back!
26 Jun 2012
Travel / Do you have Ethiopian restaurants in Poland ? [16]

stop insulting .first you have to read history .they are a great people with a rich history an ancient country who defeated invaders .have you ever read the battle of Adwa?

Infact I know a Polish undercover cop who is ethopian in warsaw.
22 Jun 2012
Life / What does an american citizen need to do to live in Poland with his Polish citizen wife? [35]

remember if you have to be married 3 years or 5 years before you can apply for permanent status

That law takes in effect after you have resided in poland for 2 years atleast and after you have obtained your permanent residence.
quote=Bluesview]As I understand things today I will first Karta Pobytu (Residency Permit) which will last me until I can apply for a 'Permit to Settle'/'Permanent Residence' - don't know the proper Polish term for this. And this will last me until I apply for Polish citizenship[/quote]

[I was also married to my wife for 17 years when I first applied had to get 2 yrs residence permit for two times and then i got my permanent in 2010 and immediately applied for my citizenship and got it in 7 month. Its then the real work begun of getting polish ID and then applying for passport took me almost 8 months...then again your all p[assport stamps will be checked that you did stay in Poland for 2 years with not leaving the EU zone over 180 days I think and maximum of 9 months I think...be carefull they check every stamp on your passport...the only main reason for refusal to americans.

quote=Jimmu]You will need lots of new passport style photos, passports, IDs, copies of everything including stamps in the passports (4 to be safe).Copy everything many times, never let the originals stray to far and get everything in English translated by a certified translator. (Tłumacz Przysięgły)Get everything done in the US that you can (apostiles, etc) but probably best to get translatins done in Poland.[/quote]

[That is kind of rough and expensive in Nj atleast...first you have to get it notarised (any bank will do it free if u have an acct there) then get it verified at the county offie for the notary and then to the state capital forapostle..if you do it by yourself and not mail costs like 150$ a document express or by mail 50$ but takes almost 3 weeks.quote=Jimmu]You need to register the translated marriage certificate apostile at the Urząd Stanu Cywilnego in the area where you will live.As soon as you get settled go to the Urząd Województwo and apply for residence (Karta Pobytu). You will need proof of income and I think proof of health coverage but my wife says no about the health coverage.[/quote]

Exactly this idiot harry was making a point that one dont need to get the polish version of marriage and birth certificate!

I will eventually apply for citizenship in the future. Right now I'm just concerned with what I need to do to live in Poland with my wife

Buddyyou are on disability and looking to work?ouch! 6600pln and xtra income 10k a month approx(i think)ummm best I think u can do is teach english or start business then again you will have to report the income in US and there goes disability:(Just be carefull whatever you do as a Pal of mine had trouble with citibank reporting his offshore income with IRS as supposedly banks will issue you W8 every year of the interest income you earn in Poland thus informing the IRS..

quote=Jimmu]Copy everything many times, never let the originals stray to far [/quote]
They take your orignal birth and marriage certificate and issue you one from poland:) so no worries back home we can get another copy for 5 bucks so dont make a fuss about it when they keep that!same goes with driving license they keep it and issue u a polish one again no worries 5 bucks and u can get new one back:)an dont let this idiot english teacher brit guide you as I have been through the process myself....and for future refernce you have to enter Poland by showing your polish passport and american&Polish one exiting.