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Joined: 27 Sep 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 22 Jan 2013
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6 Nov 2011
Language / GCSE Polish experience. [51]

I would imagine that the standard of the essay would have to be very good. If there are a lot of native Polish speakers taking the exam they would raise the standard. The exam would be marked harder accordingly because everyone cannot get an A.(I am not studying for any exam by the way)

Taking the GCSEs might be similiar, if you have a lot of Polish people taking the exam it could be marked harder making it more difficult for you. If you were taking an exam where the students are learning the language like you are you would probably do a lot better. There cannot be two many non native speakers taking the exam for Polish GCSEs.

I imagine that time will be a problem in the exam also, if it is timed to suit native speakers you would have to match them to do well. I know it takes me forever to work out the grammar rules.

Is there an exam that non native speakers take for levels A1, A2, B1 etc.?
6 Nov 2011
Language / GCSE Polish experience. [51]

The Irish equivalent of the GCSEs, Polish exam, 2009, Higher level: examinations.ie/archive/exampapers/2009/LC548ALP000EV.pdf

And this is the plan for correcting students papers which is in Polish interestingly, Poles must be correcting the papers:


It looks very hard to me, you have to write a 300 word essay for 40% of the marks(how many words do I have related to this topic?!: I can barely write whole sentances(gramatically correct) with 4 words related to what I already know.

Część III (40 / 100)

Napisz wypracowanie na jeden z poniższych tematów, używając około 300 słów:

1. Świat bez reklamy - nie do pomyślenia!


2. Ciężkie czasy wyzwalają w nas to, co najlepsze?

This looks interesting:

2. Wyjaśnij znaczenie wyrażenia "złapać (chwycić) Pana Boga za nogi". (akapit 4)

I think that this test is for Polish people but I could be wrong.
2 Nov 2011
Language / How to say 'I am learning Polish' [12]

I suppose it depends where you are in Poland and what age group you are trying to speak with. Personally I never found someone trying to speak to me in English and failing in Poland. Admittedly I was in touristy areas where the people I was meeting probably had English as a part of their job.
2 Nov 2011
News / Polish hero pilot lands 767 without wheels. (Warsaw) [191]


The engines looked like they scraped along the ground. Was there a chance that one of them could have snagged on something if the people were unlucky, turning the plane sideways etc.?
2 Nov 2011
News / Polish hero pilot lands 767 without wheels. (Warsaw) [191]

What a remarkable and miraculous landing. The pilot is certainly a skilled professional and definitely a hero.

I couldn't agree more, it was a great thing to be able to do. He made it look easy even though it wasn't I'm sure.
2 Nov 2011
Language / How to say 'I am learning Polish' [12]

It isn't a good idea to say this because the other person may start speaking English to you which you probably won't suit you if you are trying to learn Polish.
2 Nov 2011
Language / A typical quality of book translation from English to Polish? [28]

I just finished teaching a course from the materials really badly translated into English by a Polish translator- it was horrid!!!!!!!!

I am surprised that there is such bad translation. I wouldn't have expected books to have mistakes.

P.S. I shouldn't worry about translation errors so much anyway, I won't notice them, if I understand 25% of the book I will be doing well and I would be really happy with myself.

Are there any books coming out for Christmas that anyone could reccomend to a beginner, in Polish by Polish authors?
2 Nov 2011
News / Polish hero pilot lands 767 without wheels. (Warsaw) [191]

at 16 seconds you can get an idea of it's speed when it passes some stationary objects in the video below

Does this happen often? Maybe they should have a special place for a plane like this to land with things to slow it down and cushion it's landing?
31 Oct 2011
Language / A typical quality of book translation from English to Polish? [28]

Leje jak z cebra means that it's like somebody poured a bucket of water on you :-)

Hi Thanks Cosmo, I get it down, cebra is a dopełniacz version of ceber like z kranu, z cebra etc. many thanks. it is funny how I got it so wrong, imagine if I had asked someone in real life about this they would possibly die from laughter!
31 Oct 2011
Language / A typical quality of book translation from English to Polish? [28]

When a book is translated from English to Polish are there any problems reading the book? Do the translators do a good job or can you find mistakes?

Do the translators go for a literal translation or would they use the corresponding Polish saying? Or would they go for corresponding Polish version first and then if that doesn't exist do the best job that they can translating the author's words.

For example in English we would say that it is raining cats and dogs while in Polish you might say leje jak cebra. By the way I don't get how it can rain like a zebra!

I found this in the first page of a book that I am reading(I will have many questions no doubt if I get beyond the first page!!! This is unlikely so no worries)

skrót RPF, do Reprezentacyjnego Pokoju Frontowego. Do salonu in Polish I guess.

zebra in Poland
29 Oct 2011
Language / Rhymes for kids and catsoldier [8]

Thanks Gumishu and Pawian, I will keep it in mind. My dislike of poems goes back to school I think, we learnt poetry off by heart, there was no reason or explanation about what it was, what was good about it etc. and when it was in Irish that made it even worse. This was when I was starting school.

Later I learnt more poetry for what you would call Matura I think, it was desperate miserable stuff about death and dying usually etc. from a book called "Soundings". A lot of it was very introspective also, about art and if you would be remembered because of your art etc.



This one is a real "classic"
28 Oct 2011
Language / Rhymes for kids and catsoldier [8]

Cat, have some Polish language practice with easy poetic stuff:

Thanks Pawian, although I really don't like poetry!
24 Oct 2011
Language / How hard is it to learn Polish? [178]

Don't worry. Poles here are making mistakes in both the English and the Polish language and in many other subjects. My cheeks are sore now from smiling to myself.

Disclaimer: I am sure a lot of Poles can answer the questions asked but this wasn't the point of his film, he also had a few people who may have been in a pub very recently which wasn't really fair. I am a huge fan of these films as I have posted some of them on PF before.

24 Oct 2011
Language / How hard is it to learn Polish? [178]

How hard is it to learn Polish?
Go to minute 3 of the video in this link to see something about how hard it is to learn the language, but to be honest I can't say how hard it is as I speak Polish poorly.


"helpful" suggestions as to best methods to learn

Learn about what you are interested in, read what you are interested in, listen to what you like to listen to etc. and get some lessons, if you like video games change the language to Polish, if you like sports read the results in Polish etc., live your life through Polish where possible.
23 Oct 2011
Language / A list of steps/rules on how to translate English into Polish? [22]

...eventually lol

I can see it now! I will start speaking Polish properly just as I become senile and forget all about English :-) What will they do with me then?

Trial and error first, catsoldier.

There is plenty of that by me.
19 Oct 2011
Life / 'Urząd' - Is anyone Polish old enough to remember this? [4]

Thanks for the film, I don't think that those people were actors, were they?

I couldn't laugh at the film though because the bureacracy of it all is so hard on people who need help. It isn't dignified to have to fight so hard for some money to provide food for yourself. What I mean is that the bureacracy of it all humiliates people etc.

I think that this still happens today and not only in Poland but many european countries. Sick/dying people have to fill out a lot of paperwork to be able to get medical treatment and pay for health care bills. When people are at their weakest they need to be their strongest to be able to fight their way through the red tape.
18 Oct 2011
Language / A list of steps/rules on how to translate English into Polish? [22]

I have had this experience also.

I have a funny feeling that there are no rules for some things although the advise above, see links/google the search words did help and they will help more when I study it. If there are no rules it is ok also because then you are free to do as you like.

I suppose the most important thing is to be able to talk to people so that everyone understands each other.
18 Oct 2011
Language / A list of steps/rules on how to translate English into Polish? [22]


Don't worry, I won't give up, I don't take it so seriously and that way it doesn't stress me too much. I don't burn myself out but I read and listen to Polish every day.

Best of luck to you also.
18 Oct 2011
Language / A list of steps/rules on how to translate English into Polish? [22]

Thanks for your words of support and advise Pam.

for me it was easier to learn by reading it first. might not work for you, but best of luck, its a difficult language.

I find the same, if I read a word or phrase first I have a better chance of understanding it when someone says it. It doesn't work the other way around for me, if they say something it just sounds jumbled to me and I don't even know how many words are in the sentance.
17 Oct 2011
Feedback / would it be possible for the checker to return threads/posts that you are interested in? [11]

Would it be possible for the checker to return the threads/posts that you are interested in?

How it would work:
I click on the checker and it returns threads with new posts that I am interested in(that I ticked I am interested in previously) and all new threads so that I have the option of following them.

Not too different to how it works now except the checker wouldn't return everything, only what I am interested in.

16 Oct 2011
Language / A list of steps/rules on how to translate English into Polish? [22]

Hi Magda,

What about the arrangement of the words into sentances? In English we use a certain word order while in Polish it is different sometimes. Direct translation isn't possible. I suppose I am talking about the syntax of the Polish language. Any advise or links?
