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Posts by scottie1113  

Joined: 13 Mar 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2016
Threads: Total: 6 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 896 / In This Archive: 563
From: Gdansk, Poland
Speaks Polish?: learning
Interests: sailing, American football, cooking, reading, etc

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27 Aug 2011
USA, Canada / Gift idea for something uniquely American that is difficult to find in Poland? [67]

maple syrup products are also a nice gift idea

I agree.

aluminium bat in hands but I guess it feels much more powerfull)

Believe me, it doesn't. Why do you think the pros play with wooden bats? It's not just tradition. There's nothing better than a bat made from wood.
27 Aug 2011
History / Has Poland ever participated in any big wars (except WW2)? [73]

I'm not going to answer a guy who doesn't even bother to register, even though I could point him/her to a few good books on Polish history. And they're probably in his local library, or, if he's really at Clemson, the uni has them.

26 Aug 2011
Travel / GdaƄsk- where to stay in the centre? [12]

Wolne Miasto has been recommended by several of of my friends who travel extensively. I've only been in the lobby, but it looked great. hotelwm.pl. The best pub in the Old Town is Absinthe, and it's right around the corner from Wolne Miasto. You can't do better in the city center for location or price.
19 Aug 2011
Life / Your Polish friends - why do you regard them as such? [41]

Most of my Polish friends are women. Hallf of them are married, so their husbands are also my friends. For four years they've shown me around trojmisato, taken me shopping and to the forest to look for mushrooms, and spent many wonderful hours at dinner parties at my place or theirs. One made me climb pacholek in Oliwa and she knows that I'm afraid of heigths.

Maybe it's because they're half my age and they wujek Scottie is harmless, but they've made my life far richer. They're truly worth their weight in bigos. :)
10 Aug 2011
USA, Canada / My story. Born In the USA - do I have a chance in Poland, my Mother Country? [69]

what he hates about America is specifically American.

Really? I've lived in five states and spent months in others, and I never experienced anything like what he's talking about.

If I can Keep warm, I might be able to keep from getting Pnumonia.

Who wants to tell him about Polish winters?
5 Aug 2011
News / Will Poland ever host the Olympics? [18]

Poland will never host the Olympic Games, and that's a good thing, No facilities for either summer or winter games, and no money to provide them.
29 Jul 2011
Food / Is there a good substitute of Philadelphia Cheese in Poland? [14]

100 meters from my flat in Gdansk is Hala Targowa. I can buy Philadelphia cream cheese exactly like what I bought in the US at a reasonable price. On toasted bread-bagels are hard to find-with salmon and onions, it makes a good Sunday morning breakfast.
28 Jul 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]


What do the prices in Poland, New York have to do with the prices in Poland? Poland, the country.
28 Jul 2011
Work / American English Teachers in Poland. Job prospects? [9]

1. Not much, although some teachers leave after the first semester.

2, In Poland. Pre Schengen zone. I did my CELTA in Warsaw and had to make one border run before I got my residency card after I got hired in Gdansk. It's more difficult now because of time restraints but stlll doable. Delph is right.

3. Maybe. Some schools may take this into consideration.

If you want to work in Warsaw, do your CELTA there at Bell. I did. Great teachers, and you might find a job there. You'll also make more contacts in the city you want to be in, though only God knows why. Obviously I don't live in Warsaw.
27 Jul 2011
Food / Are there any real kebab shops in Gdansk? [20]

I was in that kebab shop 20 minutes before the stabbings occured. A friend of mine was walking by when it happened and gave first aid to one of the victims. We still don't know the whole story behind the incident so I won't share any rumors until they're substantiated. And btw, Alanya doesn't serve lamb kebabs. :(
27 Jul 2011
Life / Is it me or do people "seem" to live longer in Poland? Life expectancy among Poles. [52]

Not so, Poland's annual hours of sunshine are equivalent to Northern Italy, higher than most of Germany for instance.

Not in Gdansk, I'm afraid. We've had very little sunshine this summer. I hope August will be better.

But back to the OP. This is just my experience after living here for four years, but when my neighbors (yeah, yeah-I'm American so I don't use the extra u) finally started talking to me after two years I was stunned to find out that many of them were younger than me, and I'm 63. They look SO much older, and they all were equally surprised. They thought I was 50. Go figure. Maybe it "seems" was a good question.
25 Jul 2011
Language / How do Poles feel about foreigners learning their language? [105]

I've been here for four years and no one has ever laughed at my Polish, poor though it may be. When I make mistakes, my friends correct me, but on the street or in a shop, even though I make mistakes they still understand me, and isn't communication what it's all about?
24 Jul 2011
Food / Are there any real kebab shops in Gdansk? [20]

Lamb is available in Hala Targowa in Gdansk, either fresh-sometimes-or frozen New Zealand leg of lamb, but I haven't found it in a kebab shop. I know that lamb's not popular in Poland, but I was hoping. Oh well.