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Posts by Nickidewbear  

Joined: 17 Sep 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 10 Sep 2023
Threads: Total: 23 / In This Archive: 20
Posts: Total: 609 / In This Archive: 308
From: United States, Baltimore
Speaks Polish?: I do not speak Polish; but I understand some basics about Polish pronounciation and transliteration.
Interests: Genealogy (My dad's paternal granddad was a Jewish-Polish Russian who immigrated to Pennsylvania.), history, and other interests

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25 Jun 2012
History / Poland and Polish Anti-Semitism, c. 1918-1939 [148]

Prove it!

You're proving it by your Anti Semitism. How about that?

We oughta shine the light on anti-semitism, any time and any where it raises its head. But. You gotta prioritize. The Islamists pose the greatest threat, and should warrant the greatest attention.

I agree. The Islamists and their buddies will be right involved in the Ezekiel 38 war and are involved what's going on in Egypt (Nof, Mitzrayim) and Syria (Dammesek, Damascus).
25 Jun 2012
History / Poland and Polish Anti-Semitism, c. 1918-1939 [148]

The making of an example of Roman Polański on Ironside's part brought to memory that from the end of Word War One to World War Two, Poland has had vicious Anti Semitism (some of which, from what I searched, had been scarily regrowing even after the Holocaust). This is perhaps best explained, at least in part, by biblestudyproject.org/doctrinal-exegesis2-messianic.htm#ADDENDUM_3_TO_ISRAEL_SERIES:_THE_TRUE_ROOTS_OF_ANTI-SEMITISM_Part_1:_The_Divine_Aspect along with that Poland was the center for much of Haredi Judaism and Talmudim Bawli w'Jeruszalayimi (Talmudim Bavlim v'Yerushalayimi):

Surely, if Jesus were the heretic of the magnitude He is purported to be in some Jewish circles, Israel should have been blessed for rejecting Him. Yet, just forty years after His rejection, His prophecy came true: Instead of being gathered to Him as He longed to do, Israel was scattered; and their house (Temple, בֵּית־הַמִּקְדָּשׁ, Beit HaMikdash, "House of the Holy") was indeed left to [them] desolate. The Romans destroyed it in 70 C.E. when they crushed the First Jewish Revolt, slaughtered or enslaved many thousands, and scattered multitudes out of the Land. In 135 C.E. they completed the job when they crushed the Second Jewish Revolt. Surely Jesus must have been who He claimed to be: the Messiah of Israel (Isaiah 61:1-2 with Luke 4:16-21). Is not the rejection of the long-prophesied Messiah at least as great a sin as idolatry, for which God had previously judged Israel so severely on multiple occasions?

If Israel had received Jesus there would be no anti-Semitism today. He would have gather[ed His] children together, established His earthly Kingdom, the olam haba12, and Israel today would be the head, and not the tail (Deuteronomy 28:1,13). Now, we must wait for His return to see that glorious day, which we will see when Israel receives Him as Messiah.

What does this mean? That (among other matters,) among those who rejected Jeszua (Jesus), there were those who added to and took from the Word of G-d--including many Jews in Poland and vicinities of Poland (e.g., Wołyń):

In conclusion, what Ironside did should neither be shocking nor surprising; as the Torah warned that Anti-Semitic incidents--such as extrapolating Roman Polański's acts to the acts of all Jews--would occur.
25 Jun 2012
News / Roman Polanski accused of unlawful sex with a minor [403]

Yes; but since Ironside was accused of being a bigot, I had to bring up why he might be mentioning what he did.

Yes; but since Ironside was accused of being a bigot, I had to bring up why he might be mentioning what he did. You ought to study the Talmud a little bit--it has some sick stuff. By the way, Anti-Semitic propagandists often try to paint all Jews as P'rushim who study Talmudim Bawli w'Jeruszalajimi (Talmudim Bavli v'Yerushalayimi; which, as I said, has some pretty-sick stuff). Look at Martin Luther--he accused all Jews of following sick stuff like this--Jewamot (Yevamot) 55b (As I said, it's sick; but Ironside implicity brought up a point.).

Also, remember that Poland was a center for P'rushi Judaism.


Polański is actually a Jewish film director and a Polish pedophile. That should be ovious for all enlightened, European non-antisemites.

The point that Ironside was trying to make, though, is that Polański may have used the Talmud as his rational. By the way, this is why Karaite and many Messianic Jews avoid the Talmud--that is, we (and I speak as a Messianic Jew who) wants nothing to do with the Talmud.
24 Jun 2012
News / Roman Polanski accused of unlawful sex with a minor [403]

PWEI: How can we overlook Poland's favourite paedophile, Roman Polanski?
Isn't he Jewish as you pointed out some time ago ?:)

Yes, he is--and I don't think he was observant of the Talmud, which is sadly chock full of pedophilia, either. That might be a bad point to bring up, by the way; nonetheless, someone needed to say that not all Jews observe the Talmud, are pedophiles, or are Talmud-observant pedophiles. Someone also needed to bring up that you can't always blame Talmud observance for pedophilia, either--though there's an obvious correlation.

The point (which needed to be brought up--because someone was going to bring it up and Ironside was accused of being a bigot--the point) being; Roman Polanski is Jewish, isn't Talmud observant but did commit pedophilia, and doesn't speak for all Jews--even Talmud observers, many of who don't actually know what's really in the Talmud.
24 Jun 2012
Genealogy / Stanisław-derived last names [8]

I'm sure that my relatives did in some cases--Jews are very careful about naming; and if we don't pick out a name with G-d's help, G-d will pick it directly out for us. Jews like myself just do not believe in random chance--co-incidence (co incidences, incidents that happen side by side or at the same time), sure; but not random chance. Therefore, as I said and for example, "Glory of the camp"...my great-granduncle Stanislaw was called "Stanley" and was the firstborn of the boys to become a Messianic Jew--the last one to do it, but the firstborn boy to do it.

As I also said, I wonder if my great-great-grandparents had any idea about great-granduncle Stanley's name when they were naming him. To be fair, they probably didn't and would've been among the generation to die in the desert, anyway, were they born during that time. Nonetheless, Great-Granduncle Stanley was the "glory of the camp" of that family--the firstborn Messianic boy.

As for Elizabeth:

The KJV Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon
Strong's Number: 0472
Original Word Word Origin
[bXyla from (0410) and (07651) (in the sense of (07650))
Transliterated Word TDNT Entry
'Eliysheba` None
Phonetic Spelling Parts of Speech
el-ee-sheh'-bah Proper Name Feminine
Elisheba = "my God has sworn" or "God is an oath"
Aaron's wife

King James Word Usage - Total: 1
Elisheba 1

My great-great-grandparents would have known this--they were the first Anusim in that family, so they were well aware what Eliszeva (Eljszeva) or Elisheva meant. Keep in mind that they lived on a farm in Lipsk nad Biebrzą and not in a big city where the Reform, Neolog, or Polish-equivalent Reform and Neolog movements were going on--they were well versed in Torah, or at least what they knew from their clergymen ("rabbis") about Torah and Talmud Bawli (Talmud Bavli). Besides, that was why they were able to be Anusim--that is, as a friend put it, P'rushi Judaism is the Jewish equivalent of Roman Catholicism; and they could easily pretend to be Catholic as they observe the practices of P'rushi Jahadut (P'rushi Yahadut).

Besides, they picked out the Jewish spelling for "Cecilia" (Cecelia) for their youngest daughter; her (that is, Great-Great-Grandma's) name for the next-oldest daughter (Were they descended from "Marranos" and using Sefardi naming practices? I don't know; but naming after the dead is mostly or only an Ashkenazic Jewish practices.), and "Regina" for the oldest (as is far known, anyway. But they lost children who they never spoke the names of; and anyway, none of the surviving girls were named "Mary", "Maria", "Marjsia", "Marisja", "Marja", or any variant of the Virgin Mother Mary's name as used in Catholicism.).

As for "guardian of inherited property", that you mention that is interesting re "Edward"--he probably, given that he was older than Great-Granduncle Bernie, was probably Messianic first; and that's a whole other megillah.
24 Jun 2012
History / Christopher Colombowicz: America's discoverer Polish not Portuguese, claim historians [60]

...the voyager was not from a family of humble Italian craftsmen as previously thought - but the son of Vladislav III, an exiled King of Poland..

I just think, "Never mind. Christopher Columbus was Jewish (at the same time, phew and damn). The "damn" part because that would have been interesting if he were Polish. Then again, I'm Jewish; so why the "damn"? It's that mixed part of me, I think--I can be such a bag of contradictions, and for that I still can't wrap my head around that I'm Jewish."
21 Jun 2012
Genealogy / Stanisław-derived last names [8]

STANIS£AW, derived from two Slavonic roots meaning 'glory of the camp' is not related to Stanley except for its similar sound (in Middle English the latter meant 'stoney meadow').

I'm almost in tears. "Glory of the camp"...my great-granduncle Stanislaw was called "Stanley" and was the firstborn of the boys to become a Messianic Jew--the last one to do it, but the firstborn boy to do it. The weird thing is that much of the past weeks' Torah readings have had to do with the camp of Israel. I wonder if my great-great-grandparents had any idea about great-granduncle Stanley's name when they were naming him.
21 Jun 2012

"Wicz" means "son" or "descendant"--e.g., Daniłowicz (of which I have no indication as to whether I am a Danite or just a descendant of a Daniel), Andrulewicz (Andrulevich. My great-granddad was born in Cumań on his mother's way to visit a cousin in Kiew), Morgiewicz (or Margiewicz. Anyway, we are still Jews).

Meanwhile, my granddad told the cockamamie story that we were related to Stefan Czarniecki and that we are of Polish-Lithuanian noble descent. Not even close! We were Jews who settled in Lipsk, Suwałki, Białystok, Krasne, Sejny, Bose, and G-d knows where else in Polish Russia.

Owning a peasant farm or smallholding was not that same as a landowning noble. Wźjtowicz means the village mayor's son.
Any Polish name can be held by a Jew. Some but not all had typcially Jewish names like Szapiro, Margolis, Lubartower or Lubartowski, Posner or Poznański...

Thank you. This only helps to confirm that we are Jews. Great-Great-Granddad Chernetski (whose granddad was a Jewish Chernetski, and his mother a Jewish Laczinsky) was set to inherit the family farm in Lipsk nad Biebrzą until he converted during the pogroms. Meanwhile, I don't have off hand who said that Morgiewicz or Margiewicz came from "Margolis" in some cases, but someone said it--Great-Great-Grandma Czarnecki's mother was a Morgiewicz (Margiewicz. She botched the names quite deliberately on the death certificate--in the way that she left information for Great-Grandaunt Alice to fill out, anyway).
26 Apr 2012
Genealogy / Why the escape in the 1800s ? Searching for my family roots. [25]

why did people escape poland in 1800s my last name is not what it really should be

The pogroms began shortly after 1881, or at least that's when Anti Semitism ticked up. Remember that Poland was divided among Germany (Prussia), Russia (which included the Ukraine and the Polish Ukraine, among Poland other countries), and Austria Hungary. In Russia, Czar Nicholas II had no kawod for the Jews.
28 Feb 2012
Genealogy / can one find any info if they do not know the Polish parish where ancestors were born? [4]


after one finds their ancestor that emigrated here USA, what if they do not know the parish or just a general area? is there any hope for further research in poland or do they need to have a
relative living there?

Let me give you my story in the short form and as an example: I'm the "Polish"-- really Ashkenazic Jewish-- descendant of an unknown Chernetski, whose name became Antoni Jan Julianowicz Czarniecki, then Anthony John Czarnecki, Sr.. When I first began researching, I got an e-mail that read in part that a town called Lisko Orlisko, where Great-Granddad Anthony "Tony" Czarnecki, Sr. was born, was Lipsko in between Radom and Puławy. Lisko Orlisko actually turned out to be Lipsk nad Biebrzą, and all we still know so far is that the Chernetskis owned a family farm in Lipsk nad Biebrzą, Augustów, Suwałki, Poland Russia. We have no szul (shul) or parish information-- not that we will without LDS microfilm records, anyway; since once we became Anusim, we were sat sziva for.

I got an e-mail that read in part that a town called Lisko Orlisko, where Great-Granddad Anthony "Tony" Czarnecki, Sr. was born....

I should've said "where Great-Granddad['s] dad and granddad were born." Great-Granddad was born in Cumań, Kiwercowski, Wołyń.
17 Sep 2011
History / Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations? [750]

Forgive my ignorance on this topic but it is it true that the Polish Jewish diaspora around the globe is still pestering Poland for "proper" monetary restitution/reparations (ex. $65 billion) for atrocities committed against them in WWII? Weren't Jews compensated greatly after the war? What are the Jews p'issed about?

Please. "Pestering"? First, you let the Roshim try to murder us during the pogroms, the Pre Shoah (if you will). Then you still have failed to repairate us completely both b'Galut and b'Eretz Yisra'el.
21 Aug 2011

I think that a woman's illness. The amount of money I've seen girls spend on clothes was astounding. What do you need 40 pairs of shoes for? after the season is over she'll never wear them again because they'll be out of style. I know a few who have 10 or 20K credit card bills just from clothes shopping.

One of my Spanish(?)-Irish-Frankish-Gaelic-Briton American aunts has a shopping addiction, and she admits it.
21 Aug 2011
USA, Canada / Why are Polish restaurants not successful in the USA? [698]

I'm not sure I'd describe Poland as an ethnic group, but what would you describe as uniquely Polish?Normally I wouldn't agree with 'Rebirth' but in this case he is right. Polish cuisine is notespecially good. Home-cooked is OK but nothing special, in restaurants in Poland it is usually bad.

From what I understand, don't the Zidowsky restaraunts do better than the Polski restaraunts in even Polska?
21 Aug 2011
Off-Topic / Is there any chance Slavs to form Confederation or its just an utopia? [12]

I think that a Slavic confederation is beyond utopia. I come from a Jewish Christian perspective (not to mention an Ashkenazic Jewish perspective, to which I think everyone is accustomed here by now). Based on Ezekiel 38 (and Polonia doesn't belong to Gomer, Rosh, or Togarmah-- i.e., Germany/Germanic-Frankish nations, Russia, including Meshech and Tubal(sk); and Togarmah, which is Armenia, Tuekey, etc.); I just don't see Poland hooking up with particularly Rosh-- or (unless the Czech and Slovakian Republics count as part of Rosh) the Czechs and Slovakians hooking up with each other.

Basically, this is how I see the idea of Slavic countries forming a confederation:
21 Aug 2011
Language / Too many English words in the Polish language! [709]

And Lebowski-- don't forget Lebowski. Then again, that could be Ashkenazic Jewish in origin-- e.g., Leib-> Leb-> Lebov, and so the cycle goes.
21 Aug 2011
Genealogy / Red Hair - recessive gene from Poland? [108]

The redheads are likely Poland-born or Poland-based Jews. Remember, both Jacob and Esau had red hair. Also, my granduncle Francis Anthony "Red" Czarnecki had red hair; and he and all four of his brothers are ethnically Jewish (although he and one of the brothers have been no longer with us for a while).
20 Aug 2011
USA, Canada / Do you speak English? Have you lived in America? New LOVE/HATE list......... [144]

FUZZYWICKETS, he did abide. Ziemowit, as an American who's going to make aliyah if I can (not an easy task, but every Jew has a mitzvah to make aliyah if he or she can); I can tell you that the USA isn't looking much better than Polinyah right now: say goodbye to even Disneyworld if the DOW keeps tanking.

Reasons I love America: BTW, My Polish wife agrees 100% and can't believe she ran away from communism only to see it rear it's ugly head over here.

My list is a little different; and I speak as a Jew whose Lipsk nad Biebrzą-born great-granddad somehow survived as an Anusi.

Reasons I love America:
Bill O'Reilly
Lou Dobbs
Charles Krauthammer
Dick Morris (though he can sometimes though that Mark Levin and Ann Coulter line)
Geraldo Rivera (though I don't always agree with him. Besides, where else-- even Israel-- can a "mamzer" have any success? And his mom, Lillie "Lillian" Friedman Rivera is descended from Dolhinov, Poland (now Daŭhinava, Belarus)-born Jews.)

Reasons I dislike America:
Barack Obama (well, more that Anti-Semitic, Pseudo-Jewish Afrocentric of a wife who he married)
Nancy Pelosi
Harry Reid
Charles Rangel (though Marc Lamont Hill and others are a lot worse)
Keith Olbermann
Chris Matthews
MSNBC and The Drudge Report
Mark Levin (who's toed that nasty Ann Coulter line too many times)
Sean Hannity (for the same reasons as Mark Levin; except Sean's a gojiszker kop.
Michael Savage
Michelle Malkin (the Filipina Catholic Ann Coulter, and one with hutzpah to boot)
Glenn Beck

And every other seditious far-left-wing and far-right-wing wacko who are doing their best to bring this country down.

BTW, my Slovakian-Polish American great-grandma was a Clinton Democrat whose Jewish-Polish son Jack Czarnecki understandably hated Nixon.
20 Aug 2011
Life / Cost of raising a child in Poland [21]

It depends. Are you looking at an assimilated or a Jewish experience? If assimilated (and as a Jewish American who went to a private Christian school-- long megillah--, I'm taking my best guess here), you'll probably have less expenses. If Jewish (Messianic especially)-- b'tzlacha; watch the budget!
20 Aug 2011
Genealogy / Is Aleska a Polish baby name ? [42]

My great-great-grandmother was the Jewish Aleksjondria Alicja Andrulewicza Chernetska, who was meshuga but didn't have a bad name.
20 Aug 2011
Genealogy / Tschiediel, Jalowieski, Jansz-Stengert, Biedniakov-Bielakiewicz [4]

I'm searching particularly for the following names:
Tschiediel (which I believe may be German but I'm certain they resided in Poland for quite a while before WWII),
Jalowieski(definitely Polish),
Jansz-Stengert (Russian?),
Biedniakov-Bielakiewicz (Russian but eventually married into Polish family)

Tschiediel? Maybe I'm a nut, but (if I'm not meshuga), baruch at! As for the other names... just be checking. If I'm right, make aliyah if you can.
18 Sep 2009

"-ski" could be a mark of nobility as well, but it's also a very Jewish-Polish or other Jewish-Slavic suffix. Then again, according to Wikipedia (and be discerning about Wikipedia), Marek Soieski's mother was Zofia Danilowicza (Sofia Danylovna).