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Posts by szarlotka  

Joined: 20 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Sep 2013
Threads: Total: 8 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 2205 / In This Archive: 654
From: UK
Speaks Polish?: Nie
Interests: Skiing, mountains, music, reading, taking the mickey and terrapins

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6 Oct 2009
UK, Ireland / Sad life of a Polish migrant in the UK. Ch. 5 - Racism [259]

I thought that they were normal people, a little similar to us

Which makes the assumption that you are the norm;) Let's have a level playing field for making comaprisons on!

I'm sorry that you feel this way. I'd like to respond in detail some time but now is not the time. Deadlines to meet and all that.
22 Sep 2009
Love / Polish girls attitudes towards sex. [568]

women are not supposed to bloody pick up guys,

As a great fan of economy of effort I think it's a wonderful idea that should be actively encouraged;)
10 Aug 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

The Omni is still going

In fits and starts. Nice to have you back with ua outintheyard.
25 Jul 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

losers wear a t-shirt with a massive I AM A LOSER DON'T DATE ME sign on it?

I thought we already had one of them in wide use - the Che Guevara one as worn by younger losers who don't know who he was;)
23 Jul 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

I am no longer a gold member. Is it time to flash the cash again?

Is there a loyalty card?
23 Jul 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

can I bet on myself?

Of course - I accept all currencies;)

I transferred agreed amount to your Swiss bank account Szar ;)

No! Mrs Szar knows the account number. I said used tenners!

using your entourage as a human shield... that's not exactly (paintball) cricket

All's fair in love, war and paintball
22 Jul 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]


Unless you are unfortunate enough to be blind, to have been permanently inebriated for the last three months or have been otherwise engaged in an incessant campaign of abusing other PF members you will now realise that one of the biggest sporting events of the year is upon us. I refer, of course, to this weekend’s massive paintball extravaganza in the fair city of Krakow. The gallant organiser (organizer if you are in North America), the legend that is SeanBM, has been putting the finishing touches to the logistics for the whole caboodle over the last few days. Interestingly enough the finishing touches (barbeque, beer, wine, women and song) have excited the participants far more than the actual paintballing. Discussions on close quarter, anti-terrorist tactics in confined spaces have fizzled out in a half hearted ‘whatever’ sort of way. There was an initial interest but once the plucky players had worked out that the worst outcome was likely to be a nasty case of bruised coccyx and egos and that death or dismemberment was highly unlikely, everyone seems to be blathering on about who is bringing the potato salad. Maybe the nerves have set in. It could be the thought of wandering around the shell of a building knowing that someone is lurking close by with a fully loaded pain gun just itching to splatter you with the finest Dulux. More likely though, I suspect that it is more of a case of nerves about past posts. You see some of these people have not met before. Just imagine the horror of meeting someone who you have imagined to be a 5’6” seven stone weakling but finding out that they are in fact 6’4”, 18 stone and ex special forces – and you have called them a twat at least 20 times on here. Be afraid, very afraid.

Nevertheless they have committed to appear this weekend. I have of course asked the Editor to fund a trip out to prepare a detailed blow by blow account of proceedings. I pointed out that we could syndicate the story around the globe and more than cover the costs. Sadly the recession and the fact the he has spent this month’s budget on a single bottle of Petrus resulted in the request being denied. So the best I can do is to rustle up this pre-event taster as a tribute to the chosen few, these latter day gladiators, the Magnificent <insert current number here>.

Let me introduce them to you.

Wroclaw Boy
A fairly late entrant to the fray. Has recently become a father for the first time so is therefore likely to fall asleep on guard duty. His demeanour on PF suggests he is the sort of man who will run through brick walls for his team . So he probably will try to do just that and knock himself out fairly early on in the proceedings. Odds on overall winner 12-1

Has been fairly quiet of late on here. This could be a deliberate ploy to enable him to slip in unnoticed on the day to deliver the killing shots. Or it could be that he has been in intensive training in the Brecon Beacons. Truly a dark horse candidate, worth an each way bet. Odds 25-1

Ah cherchez la femme. The only lady in the team. She will have the benefit of feminine intuition. Some of the more gullible men will open the doors for her. She must have a good chance unless of course she completely loses her way and starts to blame the GPS tracking system. I have a sneaking feeling that she could be the surprise package. Odds 10-1

There is currently some doubt as to whether Wildrover is actually going to turn up. He may do unless he happens to fall in love again on the journey into Krakow or his Harley conks out on him. For these reasons he must be seen as an outsider. Even if he were to show there has to be a good chance that he will get distracted and start to chat up the girl handing out the paintballs and forget the fighting bit. Odds 250-1

Well he has been talking the talk alright. Keen as mustard this one. He appears to have a positive mental attitude and has not asked too many questions about bruising or the address of a good lawyer. On paper thisman has a great chance. The only concern from me is that by the state of his avatar picture he looks a bit too well built. Too big a target you see. Odds 16-1

Dtaylor5632 & co.
Really the &co gives this one away. Latest rumours is that he will have at least ten attendants with him. How the hell can you creep up on someone with ten people yabbering away around you. I mean it goes against all forms of Standard Operating Procedure. Has also expressed a strong desire for pre-paintballing beers. Odds 30-1

Sausage + friend.
Now then what do we have here? Sausage is coming over from the UK especially for this. You are not likely to do that unless you fancy your chances. The odds are a dilemma for me as I don’t know what sort of ‘friend’ he’s bringing. If its’ a mate then no worries. If it#s a ‘friend’ though he may be a bit distracted. Odds 16-1

Not enough form for me to go on here. Definitely another dark horse. Can he absorb the upfront beers? Is he ex special forces? Has he, unlike the rest, knowledge of which end of the gun is which? A strong each way bet at 25-1.

The real deal? Who knows with this man. Which persona will emerge on the day. The cool, clinical character who will take it all in his stride or the knockabout comedian who’s likely to take out his own team mates for a giggle? Damned if I know and if the truth be known he probably doesn’t know himself. Odds 20-1

SeanBMOn the evidence of his pre-disclosed tactics then this man will last about ten seconds. However, this may be a far from elaborate bluff. Surely nobody could be that dumb? And then there is the question of the beer. SeanBM knows where it is. If he’s ganged up on there is a danger that he could clam up as to its location. With this bunch that would be a disaster. Theefore I have to put SeanBM at 10-1.

So there we go folks. You pays your money and takes your chance. Whoever wins or loses there are going to be bruises.I’m sure you will want to join me in wishing them all fair weather, good luck, cold beer and a bottle of wintergreen.

We await the results with baited breath.

To be continued.........
10 Jul 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

<coward> LOL

I prefer the term 'master of the strategic retreat'
10 Jul 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Yeah, good idea <but let him write a last PF Omnibus before we do <j/k>

Ha. I've pulled up the drawbridge at home Lir & SeanBM. I'm safe. Do your worst....
8 Jul 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

It doesn’t seem like two minutes – as the actress said to the bishop – since I last sat down to write a proper Omnibus Edition but really it’s been many months I think. Why is that you ask? Well partly because I’ve been on tour a bit, partly because work in general has been damned annoyingly long and arduous (Ahh, what a shame –Ed) and partly because I’ve fallen in love with a lap dancer. OK the last one was a lie. I’ve fallen in love with two lap dancers. That should lead to a spell in the doghouse again.

In my time away there appears to have been a seismic shift in the content, tone of debate and general atmosphere on here. The previous collection of informed but polite debates and freely provided translations have been replaced by irate posters threatening law suits, knee cappings and flushing heads down the nastiest public toilets in the whole wide world. The translations are distinctly malicious with an innocent request to ask how to say I love you dearly in Polish being translated to I want to take you roughly against the wall this instant. (Ed – Szarlotka you senile fool, it’s always been like that. That’s a nasty case of paranoid nostalgia.).

The biggest rants appear to between the followers of Islam and the followers of other religions, be that Catholic, Church of England, Buddhist, The Church of Latter Day Saints or Liverpool FC. Sensitive lot some of these people. They appear to be unable to brook the slightest criticism and take umbridge at a request to bathe more frequently. Some people eh? Just goes to show that the root of all evil is in fact organised religion in my view.

There have been some good things of late. My personal favourite was the Torq induced poetry competition which produced a plethora of ingenious ways of insulting us all without it sounding malicious. Priceless few weeks when that was running. Of course the scent of all that literary talent then prompted Wroclaw to organise the writing competition that was won in convincing style by jump-bunny (who for some reason has taken on the nickname Maxwell in my befuddled head.) It has been quite amazing to witness the improvements in her English since the day she first appeared on here and famously made it into an early edition of the Omnibus. Er, I apologise for that comment now. Then there was the photograph contest that aphrodisiac started which is running in a continuous loop.

We have lost a few members along the way and some are less active than they once were. The power of the force has brought back Shawn_H and Filios1 of late though. You know how it is with addicitions. Of course I left for good too – but it didn’t last long and anyway nobody noticed. It’s moths to the flame I fear.

I’ll have to finish now as home, Guinness and the highlights of the first day of the first test against the Aussies beckons. I think next week I’ll try to get back into the swing of this a bit more.

Until then, take care and be nice to your fellow creatures.
7 Jul 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Where's the Omnibus Edition?.

I've been gagged by the spooks SeanBM...

As for the repetition thing I've been doing it for years
27 May 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Now that I have a fiancee waiting for me a home, I have a good reason to go home after work.

No Seanus, you have the best reason of all to go home;)
27 May 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Following on from my recent announcement that apologised for our breakdown in service, I am delighted to be able to bring you the news that Inane Drivel plc has secured the services of a number of illustrious guest writers to fill in for Szarlotka, pending the results of the investigations into his criminal activities that are being carried out by Plod as we speak. Today I am delighted to welcome to the guest writer spot one of the cultural giants of society, a man who has done more for more for international relations than any other human being and is the author of best selling manuals on how best to survive the modern world. I bring you the incomparable Sir Les Patterson, bon viveur, raconteur and erstwhile Australian cultural attaché to the Court of St James. Ed.

G’day all. Let me begin by saying what an honour it for you to have me with you here today. We’re a bit late starting the article cos we had to clear some of the anecdotes with the legal wowsers here. Young Ed looked a bit nervous throughout. Jumping about like a ‘roo on a hot bush tarmac road he was. Secretly I suspect he may be a closet pillow biter judging by the antics and lack of backbone he showed. He even refused the offer of some personal assistance from one of my two lovely research assistants – God bless the Australian taxpayers. Two of the nicest ceiling watchers of all time and Ed said no. Nuff said.

Now some of you may be surprised to see me here. Given my worldwide reputation as the face of Oz and all. No worries mates. My knowledge of all things Polish is a hidden talent. During my extensive research in writing my best selling ‘Rub-and-Tug Emporia of the Civilised World’, that I know will be known by the fellas on here, I spent many a happy research hour in your fair country. Got to say the Sheilas there were pretty dinkum. Anyways, judging by the number of bloody Poms, Yanks and ragheads on here my knowledge of Poland, as extensive as it is, is going to be as little used as a monk’s plunger.

My brief for this lucrative little beauty required me to read page upon page of posts from the mad, deranged and woolly minded liberals amongst you. Half way through this balls aching task it became apparent that the money I’m being paid was just not enough. Luckily the research assistants did most of the leg work, and what legs they have eh fellas? I was so distressed I had to retire to the local hostelry for a few pints of amber and an absinthe chaser or three. Anyways, the lovelies finished their reading and presented back their findings to me in an intensive two to one session back at the coaching inn where we’re holed up for the duration of this commission.

To summarise the last few weeks on the good ship PF is no mean task mates. Rather than go through the threads one by boring bloody one I thought it best to do what we Australians are famous for – generalisations, character assassinations and sporting metaphors all washed down with some amber and good old fashioned sledging, especially against the bloody Poms. Let me just say that the one thread that held my attention and raised the old circulation a heartbeat or two was the one with the piccies of Slavic women. Now that’s what we here call educational. If you fellas have any of their mobile numbers drop me a line. There’s always room for more research assistants in Uncle Les’s business enterprises. Anyway I digress.

Lets’ take the blokes first. Some of you just need to get a bloody life fellas. I have a quick gander first thing in the morning and you’re on here. I sit down with my handheld (computer mate) over a beer at lunchtime and there you are. A quick look see with my pre-dinner aperitif and bugger me you’re still there. And to top it all I have a quick peek post intensive late night research activities and the same old names loom up at me. Between them that Seanus sheep and the nicotine king McCoy are responsible for more posts than the number of them in the perimeter fence surrounding Uncle George’s sheep farm in Oz, and that covers half of New South bloody Wales.

Looks like most of the so called intellectual debate appears to be entirely about slagging off the Brits, Ruskies and Krauts over past misdemeanours. Look fellas, it is a fact of life that near neighbours are not going to get on. I mean look at the deranged sheep worrying rugby fascists we have as neighbours. Just get on with life and keep the vendettas for the sports fields will you. Or failing that just steal their women. It works for us. Here’s some free advice from Uncle Les, leave politics to the politicos and just develop the sporting skills, chat up techniques and drinking prowess. I mean look at some of those wacky Crow ideas. Mate, they’re about as much use as tits on a bull. Leave the world to sort the mess out Crowie. Have a few beers, chill and chases some Sheilas is my well proven advice to you.

Some of you have got the right ideas. Lots of meets over a cocktail or ten going on. Even an opportunity for the Krakow crew to crack open a few and shoot paint balls at the locals. We do a lot of that in Oz. Some of the indigernidoos seem to take exception on occasion but it’s a good day out. Best tactics are to sit tight and let the oppo come to you. That way the beer’s not spilled and you conserve energy for the post match exertions if you get my drift.

Seems like lots of you blokes are getting your tongue round the Polska lingo, presumably so you can get your tongue down the Polska sheila’s throat. Strikes me it’s a tall order so why not make it simple and employ the old concept of the castrated interpreter. Worked for the Egyptians and look where they are today.

So fellas, get the priorities right. If you need more help then I recommend you read my latest blockbuster ‘Les be friends’ available from all good bookstalls once the final legal advice is absorbed.

Now some observers have remarked in the past that my direct style of talking and humour may not endear me to some of the Sheilas on this crowded planet. They say that my treatment of the ceiling watcher gender might be a little too caveman for some tastes. This is complete cack of course. I am frequently in touch with my inner self and my success with the ladies is testament to my deep understanding of the feminine needs. That and having the big bank balance I guess.

Looking around the PF I am impressed by the spunky and feisty attitude of some of you gals. Giving as good as you get is the way to be. Course there are times when you should all shut the hell up and by and large most of you girlies seem to know this. There are one or two who need some obedience training and I take it upon myself to whip you all into shape personally. It would help if you were a citizen of the old country as I get tax breaks for that.

Overall I rate the sheilas’ contributions higher on PF than that of the blokes, many of whom are just a bit too weird, screwed up or woolly minded liberal for my refined taste. Mind you, I’m not trying to get into the fellas’ knickers, even though a few of them are wearing the frillies.

So the money has run out. That’s my lot for my first go at filling it for the halfwit with the expenses fiddling talents of a nun at a charity ball. I know you will have enjoyed it. Got to run, I’ve got an appointment for a quick two step with Dame Edna.

Er, well that was certainly a different approach there for Sir Les. Not quite what we were expecting but certainly, shall we say, thought provoking and likely to promote a lively debate. I think our next guest writer may hold somewhat differing views on the world and its representation on here. Look out for the thoughts of the Archbishop of Canterbury in the not too distant future, assuming of course that we’ve not been closed down by then. Ed

Legal disclaimer. The above post in no way reflects the views of Inane Drivel plc. They are the personal ramblings of an individual with a brain muddled by too much sun and Guinness. Any law suits from a certain Australian comedian or any of his close family members should be directed in his direction.

  • sirles.jpg
26 May 2009
Travel / Live Music / Festival in Warsaw? [26]

Stay very well away from Patrick's: expats have died there from having their drinks spiked.

Couldn't agree more. Unless it has changed in recent years this is not a good place to go. I wasn't aware of the spiking but I heard of a few people being roughed up badly there.
23 May 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

You must be taking 'smart' pills

The only stimulants I need are life and Guinness (and the full sized poster of Elle McPherson).
23 May 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Good God, people have been reading this stuff! (spaceless, I'm a cultured old Hector).
21 May 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

By the way did you know Szarly that the French politicians get 8,000 euros every month for their expenses

Wasn't that once referred to as the 'mistress fund'? These days of course it would be called the 'lover fund' for politically correct reasons. It is a French concept that could usefully be extended elsewhere. I shall write to HMRC suggesting a new personal allowance of £8,000 for 'professional life coaching and work/life balance consultancy'.

Vote for me and get a divorce. A catchy slogan if ever there was one.
20 May 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

my list for your replacement would be as follows:-

Damn, they're all too good.

Hope you don't go though Szarly

It's all McCoy's fault. When he published his list of shame of PF addiction and I saw my name there I knew it was time to rein in the posts. Following extensive therapy and the appropriate use of a new form of patch I've managed to cut it down.
13 May 2009
Love / Woman 23, man 47 years old. What do you think about ? [162]

A year with one person can give more than ten with another... relationships don't depend upon age, race, creed or other social norms. Live life, give life and don't forget the all so important etc.s (thanks to Lir for highlighting this);)
24 Apr 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

What's that limey rambling about (this time) ?

It's limey talk. Best to ignore it.

A message from Ed.

I am writing to you all to apologise for the absence of any form of coherent Omnibus Edition for several months now. In these recessionary times we have had to make staff cutbacks and have only retained the services of Mr Szarlotka on a short term piecework contract – no work, no pay. This was proving unsatisfactory but to compound matters we have discovered that he has been inflating his expenses claims. Examples of his indulgence include:

• Two boxes of staples £0.64
• Fifteen pints of Guinness (shared equally between himself and three business clients) £48.00
• A Pret a Manger chicken and stuffing sandwich £3.40
• Subscription to Golf Today magazine (research on Polish golf course trends) £36.00
• Unreceipted taxis £16,098.23
• Second home allowances (new groundsheet) £12.80

The directors of Inane Drivel plc have accordingly suspended him pending an investigation by the Serious Fraud Office, MI6 and GCHQ.

We are of course recruiting a replacement as a matter of urgency and hope to be in a position to announce the new appointee in the near future. In the meantime we offer our sincere apologies once again and hope that you support us through these troubled times. We have already received expressions of interest in the position from the following candidates, all of whom I am sure you will agree are a considerable step up talent wise:

• Lord Archer
• Jackie Collins
• A Mr G Brown from Westminster
• Victor Hugo (some mistake surely – Ed of the Ed)
• Hugo Boss
• Mick Jagger
• Bono
• Hans Christian Anderson

No doubt Jose Mourinho will be applying as after all this is a job.
23 Apr 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

I'm sending you an invisible 1698 ale for your efforts :)

It's not arrived. I reckon Esapna has hacked in and drunk it. Probably not a good idea to drink anymore anyway.
22 Apr 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

sending over a cold Warka as we speak

A well deserved reward for Szarlotka:

Cheers me dears. I wish they were real pints. I've just read the UK budget summary and the latest prediction for National Debt.
22 Apr 2009
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

The Scene:A rambling Victorian building set in the grounds of an English country estate that used to boast two magnificent golf courses before the recession took hold, the members were imprisoned for fraud and the courses left to grow wild. A number of small children are playing in the sand in what used to be the tricky greenside bunker by the 15th hole of the championship course. Over the magnificent doors of the slightly ramshackle building a hastily erected sign that reads ‘Big Skool’ looks incongruous against the mellow yellow bricks of the fading edifice. The camera pans around to the oak panelled doors and we are taken through a marble tiled entrance hall. Old portraits of the family who owned the state adorn the flock papered walls. We are taken down a number of narrow passages and eventually pause outside an open door from which emanates a cacophony of squealing, screams and groans. Slowly we enter the room. Before us we see row upon row of old fashioned school desks, each with a long disused inkwell and a hinged top. Most of the tops have years of expressions of undying love for or aspersions about the sexuality of pupils from a bygone age carved roughly into them. Several of the desk tops are open and wedged between them are the heads of screaming children. One such head is not moving and there is a blue tinge to the swarthy features. The camera returns to the entrance to the classroom. We see a tall figure standing aghast framed in the doorway. Slowly he walks forward past the lines of desks and climbs on to the raised podium at the head of the room. A semblance of calm falls upon the masses of brightly clothed pupils. The tinny rattle of multiple i-pods and a few low groans are all that can be heard. The man shuffles some papers nervously, takes a sip of water and turns to address the class……

Children, welcome to the first day of the new school year here at Big School. Welcome also to our new premises that our headmaster, Mr Admin, has secured for us following the unfortunate arson incident at the last building. My name, for those of you who do not know me, is Mr Szarlotka. Yes Mr Grunwald I am a man and would appreciate it if this simple fact could somehow be lodged in that brain of yours. Today I shall be using our first lesson to acquaint you all with the expected behaviours here at Big School and to introduce you all to the new members of staff who have joined this year. Sadly some of this will not be new for some of you. I refer, of course, to the disturbingly high numbers of you who are very familiar to me. That so many of you have been held back for a year for remedial education is of great concern to me. Yes Seanus what do you want boy? Yes, I know that you are not one of them. Well it’s nice to hear that you are so keen to do well in your first year. I think it’s unfair to call him a girly swat Lir don’t you? Before I begin could someone please free Filos1 from that desk please? Thank you Rock. I think we’d better call Matron. He looks a little unwell. Dead you say Rock? We’ll let Matron be the judge of that. Just lay him out in the Music Room will you please. He was leaving in a few days anyway.

Now this year our headmaster has decided to base himself offshore for tax reasons and also because of his fear of having all his possessions burnt in another fire like the last one. Therefore you are very unlikely to see him in person at all this year. In the unlikely event that he pays us a surprise visit we will sound the chapel bell three times. At this point you will all be expected to be on your best behaviour and I see that some of you will have to change your attire. Pgtx, Justysia and Miranda I would like to remind you of the rues concerning the length of skirts to be worn in class. Those are a little short don’t you think? They may well be fashionable but you know what happens to Southern at times like these don’t you. He is finding it difficult to keep up with the curriculum as it is. Any further distractions could result in his expulsion.

Yes Seanus, I know your uniform is immaculate. Well it was until then. Lir I think you ought to apologise to Seanus, Engine oil is a bugger to remove from clothing. Where did it come from? Wroclaw Boy I have to remind you that my class is not the time to be boring out your cylinders. And whilst we are on the subject can I just remind you that rallying in the school grounds is expressly forbidden. You almost killed Espana this morning with that power slide. No you won’t get him next time as there is not going to be a next time. Understood? Good. What’s that Espana. It wasn’t you it was UKPolska? Why on earth would anyone impersonate you Espana? Get a grip boy. Settle down at the back please.

Now, where was I? Oh yes. We have had a change of staff this year. Not surprisingly several of them have had nervous breakdowns and have taken early retirement. As with last year the senior staff, collectively called the Mods, has day to day responsibility for running the school. That’s correct Sausage, they won’t get fooled again. Very good Sledz, they are talking about your generation. I’m pleased to see that you have learnt from last year and not brought any beer in with you this time. No need to because you’ve bought a bar instead? A likely tale. Deputy headmaster this year is PolskaDoll, the only one of the staff with sufficient resilience to come back for another year. As ever she will be fair but firm in keeping you all on track. What was that joland? I don’t care if you are a psychologist there is nothing between PolskaDoll and myself other than mutually supporting the same football team. And, if I may say so, your results in psychology would lead me to suggest that you have a long way to go yet.

Sasha what are you doing back there? Look boy, education is all about breaking down barriers not building new ones. That wall you are building is taking away the natural light from Bratwurst Boy. Put the bricks and trowel down this instant. Can I ask the Polish members of class to tear down the wall please? Best to use previous experience wherever possible. Yes Bratwurst Boy, I know you have a Mercedes and a place in St. Lucia, but Sasha’s Mercedes is bullet proof isn’t it? Yes pgtx, you can sell the bricks on e-bay but after class please.

Our next senior staff member is Wroclaw, another one of our leaders who chooses to work outside of the UK and teach and discipline you all from the safety of his own home No Wahldo that is not pronounced rock-law. I am not picking on the Americans Pinching Pete. Anyway I thought I told you two not to sit together. Yes Wahldo these are my real teeth. No they haven’t been whitened Pete. Go and sit next to Shawn-H please Wahldo. Anyway Wroclaw is a senior member of staff with a dry laconic sense of humour so treat him well , behave yourselves and you should benefit from his masterly wisdom. He teaches Dubious Poetry as a specialism. Shawn-H, I hesitate to ask this but why are you emptying the contents of the water cooler between your desk and Wahldo’s? Right I see, it’s best to have a large body of tumbling water between yourselves and the Yanks. I’m glad you feel more comfortable now. Yes LAGirl. Seanus would you let someone get a question in please? Go ahead LAGirl. I see. Well thanks for the compliment but unfortunately I’m not Polish and I’m a little too old for you don’t you think? All right Seanus you can swap desks with Wildrover. Don’t run in class Wildrover.

Our final moderator is young Mr Vincent. Now I want you all to help him settle in. He’s only just graduated from training college and this is his first appointment. No it won’t be his last appointment Gzregorz. Can I remind you that your behaviour since losing your position of authority from last year has been viewed with concern? Yes I know you know Yehudi. Hatefulbunch97, this is neither the time or place to hit Gzregorz around the head with that piece of timber. Oh it’s not timber so what is it then? Harry’s leg? Where is the rest of Harry? Oh good grief. Please fill in an incident form for me at the end of the class please. No Irons11 it’s not Harry Rednapp’s leg. Remind me to remove you from Mr Vincent’s classes.

Now normally at this time I would announce who has been appointed as head boy, head girl and head of prefects. Unfortunately because of the disruption caused by the firestorm caused by Wildrover’s exploding motorcycle and the fact that some of you were storing semtex at the last premises allied to the fact that all of the original candidates failed their criminal record checks it is not possible for me to do this. The rationalising proposal received from Osiol to combine all of these roles into one supreme commander of the pupils’ democratic reform movement is under serious consideration by the Board of Governors as we speak. Yes niejestemcapita you can put your name forward for the job if you wish but I suggest you might want to have an easier name to remember when canvassing. I’m not sure if Osiol is standing or not Wyspi. He’s playing it close to his chest. Nice to see you’ve woken up at the mention of chest Southern. By the way, your elected options for this year are not acceptable. You can’t do human biology three times. Some mathematics may be useful for you.

So children that are most of the points that I wished to cover. Do you have nay questions for me? Fek, girls, drink, arse is not really a question is it SeanBM. Oh and your request for a paint balling contest in the girls dormitory is denied by the way. Yes noiimigration or Glaswegians or whatever your name is, Polish is a compulsory class this year. No you are not excused from it. Dtaylor please come down from the walls. Your crampons are making holes in the ornate plasterwork. What now Espana? ShelleyS is not picking on you again. It was merely a forceful exchange of views. Don’t be so sensitive. ShelleyS I think it is unfair to refer to the whole class as being retarded. Some of them are quite intelligent, brooding and malevolent perhaps but still intelligent. Yes Terrabull you can hang your portrait in the entrance hall. Not you though Wroclaw Boy, you look too much like Roy ‘Chubby’ Brown in it. And that language would make Roy proud too.

The bell for the end of class rings, echoing solemnly around the dusty corridors of the new home of Big School. Outside the class a number of pupils who should have attended Szarlotka’s lesson but who sat in the corridor smoking and playing on their games consoles are trampled to death by the exiting hordes.

As Szarlotka sips his water and gazes morosely out of the window to where several members of the Combined Cadet Force are torturing member of the kitchen staff to uncover the wherabouts of the last supplies of frozen fries, the ancient bakelite telephone on his desk rings.

Yes headmaster, the induction class has just finished. It went as well as could be expected. It looks like we have around 5 to 6 deaths, four class action suits, two racial discrimination claims and I’m not sure if we have removed all of the explosives yet. Yes I agree with you, I’ll call the PR people at the end of this call. I think all in all it could be a challenging year. No, of course we won’t bother you unless the body count goes above the hundred mark. Have a good day Sir.