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Posts by Lodz_The_Boat  

Joined: 7 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2014
Threads: Total: 32 / In This Archive: 14
Posts: Total: 1522 / In This Archive: 755
From: Lodz
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: chatting

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17 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

Not exactly a left wing ... but some government who is leaning to the left, socialism ... slightly ... with some of its good principles. Such a government will be better for Poland.

I would prefer a liberal view, pro life, pro welfare, less taxation, and having better immigration laws which makes it very very easy for students (genuine) who wish to enroll in our universities (specially from countries like China, India, Bangladesh and Srilanka), but slightly tougher for just the plain immigrant who want to come here for unskilled kind of job. Make it easier for business to come to Poland, FDI should be encouraged by tax holidays (more than ever), and the investors may also get citizenship much easily.

I would like the immigration to have strict health checks. Total screening (by Polish authorities) for major ailments (including HIV). Essays, also an assessment of the mental frame of the individual (can be done by a simple talk). But eventually, students I think should face only formality to enter Poland, but on entering they cannot get out of Poland before completing their studies (or leave from Poland without trespassing others if they don't want to continue study). These students must be welcome and accepted if they want to stay back in Poland, specially make family here with Poles and contribute positively in economy.

Economy ... from such a government should be mixed, have a background of socialism visible to some extent.

Thats my kind of government :)

Oh and yes... students who find jobs must be allowed great privilege so that they can buy a home for themselves without paying as much as others.
17 Mar 2011
News / Does Poland live up to its freedom rights? [23]

dignity, freedom, respect, rights, equality, and so on...

Although a very interesting topic ... are you going to judge us on the basis of the USA concept of freedom? If so, then you will not find peace.

I really think that Poles are quite free in trying to find their own way of living according to their choices. We have economic limitations, which are not enforced on us directly to restrict our freedom.

I do think that dignity must be earned by the person ... respect aswell. Rights are there, equality is there, so on ... I don't know what this means...

We are a nation which never really willfully accepted occupation and slavery.

Our women are free to chose the man they wish to be with ... although we are family oriented people, and not exactly having western principles (although the penetration is there quite a lot).

Our men as just as free ...
17 Mar 2011
Love / Different relationship... can it work with Pakistani girl and Polish guy? [129]

It is not a problem that you are in love with a Polish man. You should talk with your parents in a sincere and understanding manner. Introduce him to them ... go meet his parents. Try to handle this with maturity and a calm head.

No need to defame your own kind, or glorify his kind. There is no such statistic. Its all on individual basis.
17 Mar 2011
Genealogy / Family name Kustosz [13]


Interestingly I know a person with that surname :D ... but he is in Lodz. Could there be a link now? ...
17 Mar 2011
Love / In 2009 nearly 4000 Poles married a foreigner [170]

ha! a Nigerian man pays 12,000 zl to a Polish woman for marriage

Atleast he paid. she knew, its fare.

What about the many Russians who actually cheat their way into some prosperous western nation without any payment for it?

There are Poles who go into US with those deed.

Can we stereotype a nation for that? There are many examples even here in the forum who rightly wouldn't want to disclose their fatal experiences.

Lets not be so myopic. Its not a "business transaction" we are talking about in here. Its marriage in its reality.

You're very funny.

Southern is plain crazy ... not funny.

world's fruits

You didn't develop the brain the distinguish between a car, a fruit and a woman. What can be expected now from you?
16 Mar 2011
Love / In 2009 nearly 4000 Poles married a foreigner [170]

Another question why do Asian women run after white men so much???

You sir, are crazy :D ... you know what you're talking about? I know some of the few poles who browse here in PF without being too active (and some somewhat active) are themselves into affairs or married to an Asian girl, doing that after running-after them with their hearts in their hands. Its just ... a divine experience, with the care and attention they give to their man. But to get them is one heck of a job, can't travel much if you don't have money, so a difficult job none the less (lots of travel required, and lots of interviews to the parents! ... what do ya know man?).

You got no idea! They are adorable, cute, innocent faced and its just too much :) ... man! :D ... pity you.

:D ... ... by the way ... they are a great experience to be with ;) ... and you don't have to agree, its personal choice.
16 Mar 2011
Love / In 2009 nearly 4000 Poles married a foreigner [170]

There are men who are dark and not black. I don't know why it is the "black" we run after when we talk of interracial. There are the most gorgeous Asian girls who interest white men most outside their own race :). It is not unknown ;) ...

Then there are dark men I find Polish (and so perhaps safer to think that white girls) girls most interested in. I really think that the decent girls who like family and stuff prefer boys with such backgrounds, and the color is just their added interest.

When it comes to loose girls (and this I don't want to define, as then it becomes controversial), they will go out with anything, white black brown don't matter. You look into them and they've had multitudes of partners starting from their freshmen year.

If we are taking about marriages, families being brought up ... looking at men and women with some form of value of decency would be MY CHOICE ... so from that perspective ... I've seen "dark (Egypt, Persia, India, Bangladesh)" men and "asian (japanese, vietnamese, thai, philipine, korean)" women more. Black men are wonderful and intelligent too I am sure, but somehow I am yet to come across one in Poland. Maybe the media created a bad reputation with hip hop?

Oh again, I mean the girls who are family oriented and yet take the heart's route in their marriage decisions. Not the clubbing and crazy girls who might be seen with anything and that is not really something you wanna say "concrete" with her.
16 Mar 2011
Love / In 2009 nearly 4000 Poles married a foreigner [170]

Lodz, see you're just thinking with your dick.

Thats taken ... :)

I'm just thinking in terms of beauty, and that doesn't need my dick to come into play. That part is quite private, and my personal preference is the only woman in my life for that, my wife.
16 Mar 2011
Love / In 2009 nearly 4000 Poles married a foreigner [170]

all of the sudden merge two vastly different people

Well I won't be able to do it even if I want to :D ... neither would you be able to stop it if you wish to. All things happen in their pace, on their time ...evolution has its own clock and its own way of things. There was a NYTIMES article on how US is moving towards one race.

I think with the world becoming a global village ... the never before seen technological changes ... bringing everyone closer ... will result in cultures getting merged and alot of demographic, racial movements/changes/evolution. Clashes will occur, and then move towards eventual closeness. Well its my way of thinking that things are coming to a very new dimension for man.

The beauty here is that neither can I speed it, nor slow it. Its happening on its own, and its we are basically spectators. Try stopping a Polish (or any) boy falling in love with a Korean (or any) girl with books and theories! Try stopping a Polish (or any) girl and a dark (or any) boy falling in love with links! Or try getting them in love with links! .. it doesn't work that way!
16 Mar 2011
Love / In 2009 nearly 4000 Poles married a foreigner [170]

There is no use to look more and less superior people. At the end it's just people.

Yeah ... lol :D ...

But they do look quite amazing to some eyes ... :) ... I like the light dark mix with white ... something like that LISA RAY or JESSICA ALBA ... etc ... and sometimes you can look at other mixed of light dark (Hispanic, Dark Middle Eastern or Indian and White) ... or the girl with Asian (East Asian) and White features ... it looks cute. But then its a perception of mine. I do support what you said wholeheartedly.
16 Mar 2011
Love / In 2009 nearly 4000 Poles married a foreigner [170]

Just added some links or my previous post JonnyM ... you might like to see. Remember the documentary on "Is mixed race better?" ... it was an awesome documentary movie! I just forget the name of the man who did it! I will try to find.
16 Mar 2011
Love / In 2009 nearly 4000 Poles married a foreigner [170]

All researches approve that interracial/mixed ethnicity children are better formed, fitter and more intelligent. Inter breeding creates the best results. It is a established view, I dunno who brought up the contrary research ... maybe the one who found that Hitler was the supreme god among mankind! lol!

Atleast something:







I just got some one them which are more trustworthy.

There was a documentary I saw with the world's top researchers discovering the best being mixed race.

Rest is to each person's own discretion.
16 Mar 2011
Love / In 2009 nearly 4000 Poles married a foreigner [170]


Cakes should be eaten, carefully.

There are no such big number of mixing. Just few ... 4000 is not such a big number. I have doubts in this data anyways, it doesn't include Egypt, and I've seen Polish women with Egyptians. It doesn't include greece, it doesnt include vietnamese women for Polish men ... I agree Korean women are lesser, its me I know who married one. But there are many with Vietnamese and Philipine women. Maybe Korean and Japanese are mixed in the data (but that is odd) ... Japanese and Korea are much more developed (I've been to Korea), so sometimes their parents don't like the idea of their daughter going in Eastern Europe (Poland is considered Eastern Europe in those regions). The numbers of Asians should've been bigger.

Remarkably less Indians are in Poland ... in that view, the number of Indian getting married in Poland is very high. I mean its all good ... but quite remarkable (do all of them get married once the come here?).

German, Ukraine, Russia, Ireland ... these are expected as Poles meet them at a remarkable frequency. So relatively they are less, if considered the frequency of interaction - which is the real determinant, and not the population of these countries.
16 Mar 2011
Life / Why are Poles in other countries called "Plastic Poles"? [168]

Sweden and disagree with you 100%

Economy is always a debate. You can disagree...

Swedish economy has socialism in it. As I said, I like some socialism aspects, but Capitalism does have some good in it, will you not agree there? I thought you were an American (USA), so maybe you know Capitalism face to face.

Communism is not applicable now, to this I agree. They did too much! Lots of flaws.

What makes you apprehensive about mixed economy?
16 Mar 2011
Life / Why are Poles in other countries called "Plastic Poles"? [168]

Add communist to the equation and voilà, here's our own PP.

I'm a Pole myself, so its not something that I said to insult anyone. Its just a fact, nothing else. Not all Poles are plastic pole.

Communism have its bad and there are better aspects you can find in some form of socialism. Capitalism have its good too ... eventually a mixed economy is the best.

Why do you think Poles think they are so superior, lol ;)


But yeah ... I can expect to see these here, where else! ... lol. You can imagine.

If you are too much a mutt you are just plain "american" ;)

Poles think a little like Americans (or like to believe they do) sometimes. We have some of our own particular aspects aswell. I think we like to feel we have something in common with everyone (or maybe its just me who see people wishing that? ... well being very honest here).

I like many things about USA, but its foreign policy and politicians are not so good. But neither are ours. Ours are the worst I think, they make our lives miserable, very much devoted to do so. I can list atleast 100 miseries our politicians give us in 100 seconds.
16 Mar 2011
Love / In 2009 nearly 4000 Poles married a foreigner [170]

Its all about who we come across more ... as per my previous post (#15). Its not about the population of that country. We don't go seeking the men and women in those countries.

We come across a nationality more... then more chances of a marriage occur. We come across less, then less chances. Thats the whole story.
15 Mar 2011
Love / In 2009 nearly 4000 Poles married a foreigner [170]

British 434 population 60 million
German 327 population 80 million
Italian 166 population 60 million
French 117 population 65 million
Ukrainian 116 population 45 million
Irish 115 population 4 million
Nigerian 110 population 158 million
Indian 76 population over a Billion
Turkish 75 population 73 million

Lets not align it with population, but also exposure. How many contacts a Polish woman have with these nationalities. How much they interact, come across each other.

Nationality -vs- Interaction
British, between alot and too much (due to Poles in that region)
Germans, alot
Italian, average (less then lots)
French, alot
Ukrainian, too much
Irish, between alot and too much (due to Poles in that region)
Nigerian, less interaction or contact (keeping British apart)
Indian, least because only 5 or 6 appear once a year in Poland (keeping british apart)
Turkish, average

Surprised that there is no EGYPT in here.

Polish men mostly chose:
Ukrainian 445
Belorussian 115
Russian 85
German 32
Lithuanian 32
British 27
Armenian 22
Japanese 20
Latvian 17

Again, same story. But here I see inconsistency with the Japanese, as I expect Korean, Philipina and Thai/Vietnamese to take the front seat. This information might be true or I don't know, but to me it looks very inconsistent.

Russian should be higher on the list. Ukrainian is ok ... German have too big a number attached to it.

In all, the top position should definately go to Russia, Ukraine, Lithuanian, Philipine, Vietnam ... and perhaps Japan comes too, but Korea is there aswell :)

Polish women take of foreign men much more than Polish men take on foreign women.
11 Feb 2011
USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why. [868]

Well, I give my views and those are not sermons. Why do we have to drag this here I don't know ... because I replied to someone else and tried to end it here.

My beliefs meant my RELIGION ... and I didn't bring it up. Yes, I do share my perception on things ... but thats the freedom I practice which makes you say your stuff ... but if that bugs you, you can always use the block button :) ... I won't mind. However, don't expect things to change when its regarding perspectives or beliefs that are not met with logical and meaningful flaws - other than desperate and despicable views on things. I don't remember forcing you to read what I wrote, have I? I just write, if you wish to read you may, or you may just move away and see something else that pleases you. It is better when all kinds of information is available, and all of them need not be of your liking.
11 Feb 2011
USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why. [868]

Weren't you suspended for spamming?

No ... infact it was something I didn't understand till now. Someone was abusing my set of beliefs, without me ever bringing it into the discussion. Yet when I would reply, it was declared off topic. Yet, I did not give up my call from the heart, hence I was suspended for a couple of days. My priority is clear, so I don't think it harmed me or meant anything.

By the way, how many times did I post on your thread? Would you call them spamming? If you wish you may. I said what I felt like, as it is an open forum and "not a blog". But if you are not prepared to take comments which reflect other perspectives (which may not be positive in your favor, and hence might displease you), then I guess you must write in a blog. However, as you wish ... I will not write my stuff.

I don't think I am better than anyone though ... life is a journey towards a higher condition of inner and outer self. Had I been better than everyone in every way, my journey would stop ... and perfection can only be God - nothing else.

In any case ... enjoy your world.

11 Feb 2011
USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why. [868]

annoyed by my posts

Its an open forums, maybe thats why you get positive as well as negative reactions. It is good if you take both sportingly. In life beyond here, you would find no one caring for much.

Canada and Poland are two different countries, and cannot really be compared in every dimensions. Neither would they or we like to change our flags to each others colors either.

Remember that there is nothing general about an aggregate community. You and your neighbors might not only carry different personalities, but live in different sub cultures aswell, which might either take 20% from the country's culture (like food, dress, religion or mood), or 50%, or even 10% ... while the remaining portion for their own subculture (family, community) and perhaps a bigger/larger share to be their own specific individual culture (values).

In such a scenario, to comment on individuals look more appropriate, but to try and figure an entire nation with such sample subjects might never really show the real picture.

Just my opinion.
11 Feb 2011
Love / Do some Polish women prefer older men for money? [57]

Some women prefer easy money ... just like some men.

Some women prefer to be left alone ... so do some men.

Some women would like to keep their preferences to themselves ... so do some men.
10 Feb 2011
Love / Do some Polish women prefer older men for money? [57]

Today I found this quote:

"'LOVE' in the Eyes of an attractive woman or in the Heart of a rich man...is always difficult to find"

^^ I don't necessarily agree though :D ... I mean in a general sense ... but it was interesting nonetheless.
10 Feb 2011
Life / Poland's population growth problem [44]

Poland never had a population problem.

This is "wrong". Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Estonia are among the worst hit with a very serious population problem.

Some references:

Table:1 Population Decline in Percent by Country (from various sources)
Poland Poland 2009 38,482,919 0.047 declining births

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Population_decline (and those for whom emigration was a major reason, that reason is written. For Poland it is not the only reason).

Poland's population will decrease from 38.5 million to 32 million by 2050, or by 16.9 percent. Hungary's population will decline by 18.2 percent and the Czech Republic's by 17.3 percent over the next 4 1/2 decades. In fact, all other Eastern European countries except Albania will have declining population levels.

Source: boston.com/news/world/europe/articles/2006/07/16/population _decline/

The forecast results show that the Polish population will constantly decline during the next decades and Poland will face significant ageing as indicated by a rising old-age dependency-ratio. There is a probability of 50 % that in 2050 the population will number between 27 and 35 millions compared to 38.2 in 2004 and that there will be at least 63 persons aged 65+ per 100 persons aged 19-64.

Source: demographic-research.org/volumes/vol17/11/ (although it says of a 50% probability for the particular number as percentages. It is certain that there will be a decline, however the uncertainty is only in the percentage and nothing else).

The Central Statistics Office said if current trends of declining birthrate and increasing emigration continue, there will be 2.2 million fewer people in the country in 2035 and every worker will have to support two retirees as well as their own families, the Warsaw Business Journal reported Thursday.

Source: upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2010/04/01/Poland-concerned-about-population-decline/UPI-24881270141918/#ixzz1DYJF8bKM


Personally I would like to agree with you and say that "we are OK!". But then, I fear that would be worse for us as ignoring the ground realities is never a good option. However, if you wish to refute, I will not press my case. Its not a happy case anyways, and more than you I would like it all to have been false. But alas, its not the case.

I had a professor in the University of Lodz, who have considerable experience in this field. According to him the statistics shown are not true in the sense that the population decline is much more severe. This statistics is not accurate, and very conservative. The real scenario is worse. The more compelling part is that it is not supposed to carry on with the present trend. As per the increasing westernization (or rather a concept of westernization, which is not always true westernization even) of the society, the birthrate is supposed to fall sharper, even with the government incentives in place. This will cause in a growing number of old aged citizens, costing the government, unless we have other plans. The success of the incentive scheme is not creating magic, but perhaps helping to some extent - which is not enough. There are other factors to this trend which are not entirely economical, but other environmental (external and internal) factors contribute to it greatly.

By the way, by 2050, other than the populations of western Europe (which is stable due to immigration into it), the truly increasing ethnic European population will be that of Albania only. It is estimated that by 2050 they will rise as not only growing, but by that time their growth momentum will increase 10 folds.

Thanks ... I wish things would change by the time 2050 is around for Poland. But ... for the time being, we are yet to find that magic formula.