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Joined: 24 Sep 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Apr 2013
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 41
Posts: Total: 420 / In This Archive: 267
From: USA Shelby Township, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: everyhting pertianing to Poland, Polonia, Poles and things Polish

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30 Sep 2012
Food / What made in Poland produce would you recommend [110]

One thing about the new trams...for big cities I reckon they have to be big, heavy and hulky-bulky, but if they ALSO produced lighter, down-sized ones they could probably sell them to smaller towns that do not have a tram system or have scrapped it in the past. Anyone know of any more compact and manoeuvrable trams being produced anywhere today?
30 Sep 2012
News / A new AWS (Poland Solidarity Movement)? [54]

What do I as a foriegn national extract from the Polish government? Are you already hitting the Sobieski this early inthe day or is it just more of the typcial Delphic BS! My only concern is to keep it in Polish hands so Poland does not become a neo-colony run by outside capital. It is strictly patriotic pride in ownership that's involved. Eveyrone should think of ways of creating and developing a a pool of indigenous Polish capital, not serve foreign interests as mere hirelings. And where are the laid-off KGHM mners to go? Swell the ranks of the jobless so you'll have more people to look down on?!
30 Sep 2012
History / People the Soviets planted in Poland [75]

But there is no collective guilt, according to your line so far. Has the party line changed?
BTW what career, according to you, did Rajmund achieve in communist Poland? He wasn't ne of the Bermans, Fejgins, Romkowskis, Różańskis, Zambrowskis, Brystygiers, Michniks or other non-observants who killed and tortured patriotic Poles. Just an engineeer. No big deal!
30 Sep 2012
History / People the Soviets planted in Poland [75]

As usual, you got your wires crossed. Rajmund Kaczyński fought in the ZWZ (the AK's predecessor) and the AK inclduign the Warsaw Uprising. It was Michnik's dad, non-observant Jew Ozajsz Szechter, who was appointed by Stalin to head the Communist Party of the Westerm Ukraine (ie Soviet-annexed pre-war Poland), a bona fide member of the Comintern. The senior Kaczynski didn’t complete his engineering studies until 1947, but Stalin had dissolved the Comintern in 1943 to please the Western Allies. The Comintern was a subversive international organisation deisgned to infiltrate and spread the poison of Soviet-style communism world-wide.

Michnik also had a treasonous mum and bro. You never mention them either because you don't believe in collective guilt when it applies to your pet non-observants. But you'll gladly make an exceptions if the Kaczynskis can be smeared!
30 Sep 2012
News / A new AWS (Poland Solidarity Movement)? [54]

It may be off-putting to voters, but only the post-communist and libertine ones who don't count anyway.

Everything changes with time and PiS will also evolve. A Ziobro-led PiS migth be just what Stanley Q. Voterski was looking for. Nobody knows, only time will tell. But the longer PO rules and contginues generating its scams and slip-ups, that'll only be grist to the mill of the decent, wholesome, anti-decadent, Catholic and patriotic forces just waiting in the wings to make sure 'żeby Polska była Polską'. The only problem is that by then all of Poland's industrial assets (not excluding KGHM, energy companies and the petroleum refineries) will have been 'privatised', ie lost to foreign captial. Then nearly every Pole will be working as a foreign mercenary in his own country. If only for that reason, the quicker Tusk goes the better!
30 Sep 2012
News / A new AWS (Poland Solidarity Movement)? [54]

Naturally they would have to rise above their petty ambitions and see the bigger picture. Kaczynski, Duda, Ziobro, Rydzyk, mabe a few others (Gwiazda, Pospieszalski, Fronda, etc.) could form a winning team. As time wears on, more and more people will become disaffected and get fed up with the ruling Tus camp and by then will have forgotten any real or alleged shortcvmigns of the previous government... Happens every time.
30 Sep 2012
News / A new AWS (Poland Solidarity Movement)? [54]

Yestrday's Awaken Poland! march has given rise to disucssion about the country's political future. Some are mulling the prospect of creating a major formation in the AWS mode combining Soldiarnosc, PiS and theTrwam-Maryja community with room for Solidary Poland and other groupings and associations committed to traditonal values (God, honour, homeland) and hoenst governemnt. Its still too early to predict whether such thinking will coalesce into a substantive movement, but that cannot be ruled out. It would be great if Poland could be ruled by a clean-hands, honest, trasnparent and decent formation in the service of the entire nation, not just its ruthless and often shady, money and power-hungry elites.

The AWS up till then was the only governtment that lasted an entire term and succeeded in that short space of time in carrying out four major reforms. Unfortunatley, the post-commies scrubbed Buzek's (kasa chorych) health reform and created in its place the National Health Fund so it could put its party comrades into fat-cat jobs in its central and regional structures.
30 Sep 2012
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

Very interesting UK-EU chart. Is the classic British understatemtn still alive and well in the UK? The traditonal Polish sterotype of the primaand proper Englihsman wearing a bowlker hat and hurrying off to 5 o'clock tea has been badly battered by Brit stag partyers coming toi Poland.
29 Sep 2012
Life / Did you already bless your Święconka? [31]

Now that's a really good question. I've only heard about this being the case without ever delving into the subject. But I'll try to check.
29 Sep 2012
News / The consequences of a PiS electoral victory [22]

Yes indeed, corrupt politicans, shady businessmen and wheeler-dealer type careers should quake in their boots at the thought of the CBA auditing their financial scams. At present, they enjoy the PO protective umbrella which incldues collaborating courts and indulgent judges that drop charges or pass suspended sentences on wrongdoing biggies.

Sliced bread is horrible becuase it is mega-chameicalised! Becuase the greater number of exposed surfaces maeks it mroe succeptible do mould, bread meant to be commercially sliced contains more preservatives to prevent that. Just shows to go that urban legends are not always true.
29 Sep 2012
News / The consequences of a PiS electoral victory [22]

An even worse nightmare is a PO re-election...It is quite likely because when a government enjoyinh the support of banksters, gangsters and otehr big-money forces, they will hold on for dear life.... And many ordinary Poles gulled by clever PO propaganda will help make that a reality.

If PiS were to win, then the 4th Republic project could be resumed and the scam artists, conmen, PRL hangovers and other Tusk backers would finally get be swept away. One should build a country or a house not on muck or rubbish but on a clean, strong, transparent foundation.
29 Sep 2012
Life / Did you already bless your Święconka? [31]

Why we are discussing Easter in September is hard to imagine, but if that be the case... The Easter food blessing in the US has spread beyond the Polish community. As the once tight-knit Polish neighborhoods dispersed over the past half-century and people moved into ethncially mixed suburbs, many requested their new parish priest to introduce the custom, and many did. The custom is a natural with parishioners of all ethnic backgrounds so soon Catholics of German, Irish, Italian, Spanish and other backgrounds began folloiwng suit. Goes to show that a colourful tradition can spread if it is not kept within closed communities. Same goes for the Mexican piñata -- now standard at kids' brithday parties of whatever background.
28 Sep 2012
News / Poland marching for faith and freedom [43]

It was an American documenttary. It showed thousands upon thousands of gung-ho wild-eyed homo activists marching through US cities, hugging and slobbering over each other in public, etc., etc. -- that stuff. If you haven't seen it, don't knock it! Sorry, I forgot for a moment you were prejudiced.
28 Sep 2012
News / Poland marching for faith and freedom [43]

Trwam can be received but if it were on the digital paltform like other stations it would have greater range. It's funny thopse who bash TV Trwam and Radio Maryja try to speakj wtih authrotis but have never watchee or listened to it. BTW, today Trwam aired an interesting several-part American programme about the AIDS crisis and homo terrorism in the USA. One homo activist was quoted as saying: If we dont' get more federal funds, we should bomb and burn until we are noticed.
28 Sep 2012
News / Rest in Peace Anna Walentynowicz or is it...?! [63]

Kopacz fits perfectly into the Tusk team, since 'liar' is her middle name. TV showed what she said shortly after theh 2010 crash claiming that Polish forensic experts had taken part in the autopsies in Moscow. When that turned out to be a bold-faced lie, she hummed and hawed and came up with: 'Er, um, what I meant was that Polish physicians helped to prepare the bodies...but it was the Russians who carried out the actual autopsies.'

Do you think she would have admitted her lie, if she hadn't been confrointed over it? I think not!
28 Sep 2012
News / Poland marching for faith and freedom [43]

Yep, I know he reneged on hsi promise to have it all ready in tiem for the Euro. Sure, in typical Tuskite fashion he sought to shift the blame to the Chinese contractors and what not, but that's his problem and he bears full repsonsibility. You mean you still beleive the shifty-eyed PM after all his halftruths, untruths and manipulation?!?! Don't recall which, but yesterday one MP used those words to describe the government's mishandling of the molensk victims remains. Marshal of the Sejm Kopacz has a tognue as forked as the PM's. If something happens to Tusk, as second in command she will worthily carry on his tradition.
28 Sep 2012
News / Poland marching for faith and freedom [43]

I'm no rydzykologist and don't follow everything he does. If he committed a crime, she should be indicted. But re shipyards, I recall tricky Don promising the Polish people that he'd found a strategic investor for the failing yards...suppoaedly Arab capital. As with many of his promises (motorways, etc.) it turned out to be yet another a crock of BS:
28 Sep 2012
News / Poland marching for faith and freedom [43]

He is not a pulbic official. If he got a tax exemption he got it legally. SO you can a'onbly blame the officials that granted it to him. He didn't rob a bank.
28 Sep 2012
News / Poland marching for faith and freedom [43]

What a leader of a private business, reglious order or other organisation drives may be regrettable (becuase the excess could have been spent on worthwhile charitable or social causes), but when public officials do so, they are using the taxpayer's hard-earned money. That is the difference.

Medium-sized Opels, VWs, Peugeots, Chervolets,Hyundais, Kias, etc. are also elegant looking and every bit as roomy as the pricey BMWs and Volvos at a fraction of the price, hence save the taxpayer's money. Never forget, the taxpayer is king. Wihtout them the VIPs would not be able to engage in high living and wallow in luxury. Unlike the elties who have all kinds of ways of getting out of paying their rightful share of taxes (tax shelters, trust funds, phoney exemptions and shrewd, pricey lawyers), ordinary peoplel do not.
28 Sep 2012
News / Poland marching for faith and freedom [43]

Only if one believes high-living, luxophilic Rostowski who is not very credible in my books. His whole calculation appears to have had a single purpose: to demonstrate the 'correctness' of Tuskite policy and muzzle any criticism. Anything can be proved or disproved by juggling figures which the avergae person has no way of veryfying. And it is human history that elites in general, except those that have not lost the common touch, try to bamboozle their constituencies by every means possible.

28 Sep 2012
News / Poland marching for faith and freedom [43]

Not spend for spending's sake. In general, frugality in spedning and lower taxes help the eocnomy, but the money transfers of foreign banks and retail chains should be taxed quite heavily. Perhaps a law should be enacted creating a minimum re-investment level, ie foeign

firms would be obliged to re-invest in Poland a set percnetage of their profits rather than channelling them all abroad. At presetn, they tend to invest only enough to keep their Poland-based operation going, but the bulk of the goodies gets sent to theri home bases.

Savings could be obtained by having state officials drive not pricey BMWs and Volvos buit less expensive vehicles half the price. In fact, all state services should use only vehicles buitl in Poland and giving jobs to Poles. The EU tries to itnerfere saying that's not competitive, so they woulkd have to offer a lower price which cars oprioduced otuside POland could not udnercut (those built in Slovakia and Hunagry might be the exception). Another important move is the confiscation of ill-gotten gains (hosues, cars, yachts, etc.) -- a perennial PiS demand. The judicial system needs cleaning up so the Judge Milewskis of this world do not bow to the telephone receiver if they think they've got a Tuskian emissary at the other end. Letting Plichta off the hook with suspended sentences or dfropping charges is downright outrageous.
28 Sep 2012
News / Poland marching for faith and freedom [43]

Every decent economic policy must be people-orientated. It must first and foremost take into account the wellbring of the vast majority, not just the narrow interests of the upper echelons of tricky banksters and corrupt politicans.
28 Sep 2012
News / Poland marching for faith and freedom [43]

Or the political scene can be viewed as the crooked oldboy PO clique telling the people between the lines: if you play ball with us, give us free rein, let us force through increased retirement age and don't make too much fuss about Amber Gold, then maybe you'll get cut into the loot. Some Poles are saying of Kaczyński: Wracaj Jarku do koryta, lepszy bliźniak niż bandyta!
28 Sep 2012
News / Poland marching for faith and freedom [43]

Invovling oneself in politics could mean joining a poltical party, speaking at or attending a political rally, standing for public office and the like. It does not mean simply observing the poltical scene and expressing one's views of it. There's a difference between participating in a march or rally from covering one.

27 Sep 2012
News / Poland marching for faith and freedom [43]

Poland's media on Thursday reported that up to 200,000 demonstrators will converge on Warsaw on Saturday to march against the rurling Tusk clique. Backers of Soldiarity, which rid the world of communism, PiS, which is trying to clean up the country's

post-communist mess, and TV Trwam, teh voice of truth and common sense, will be joined by others who believe in media equality, oppose working till you die, Tuskite nepotism and oldboy rule as well as other ills afflicitng the Polish nation. Will you be there too?