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Poland marching for faith and freedom [43]
Not spend for spending's sake. In general, frugality in spedning and lower taxes help the eocnomy, but the money transfers of foreign banks and retail chains should be taxed quite heavily. Perhaps a law should be enacted creating a minimum re-investment level, ie foeign
firms would be obliged to re-invest in Poland a set percnetage of their profits rather than channelling them all abroad. At presetn, they tend to invest only enough to keep their Poland-based operation going, but the bulk of the goodies gets sent to theri home bases.
Savings could be obtained by having state officials drive not pricey BMWs and Volvos buit less expensive vehicles half the price. In fact, all state services should use only vehicles buitl in Poland and giving jobs to Poles. The EU tries to itnerfere saying that's not competitive, so they woulkd have to offer a lower price which cars oprioduced otuside POland could not udnercut (those built in Slovakia and Hunagry might be the exception). Another important move is the confiscation of ill-gotten gains (hosues, cars, yachts, etc.) -- a perennial PiS demand. The judicial system needs cleaning up so the Judge Milewskis of this world do not bow to the telephone receiver if they think they've got a Tuskian emissary at the other end. Letting Plichta off the hook with suspended sentences or dfropping charges is downright outrageous.