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Joined: 27 Jul 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 31 Jan 2012
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Speaks Polish?: Jestem debilem i mam dosyć tego antypolskiego gówna

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8 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / Is moving to UK now a good idea? - antipolish prejudice of the Brits [231]

actually crime is up, that is becasue when Toney B.liar came to power , one of this election things had been to "bring more offenders to justice". Rather than catching more muggers, rapists, burglars and other scum like that, this was achieved through the creation of many more offences.

Absolutely. The only "real crimes" in this country now are motoring offences, "hate crimes", owing money, and subversion.

Look at what happens when you throw a fire extinguisher at police (with no actual harm done), and compare it to what you get for murder and rape.

Or refuse to pay your council tax if you're a 70+ year-old pensioner, and compare that to what you get for mugging.

Or, if you're a white British middle-aged Christian, publically say that you "disagree" with homosexuality (not say that you "hate homosexuals", simply disagree) - while black rappers can quite happily go on stage or pirate radio and rap about how they want to "bun dem battybwoy" and get away with it.

I could go on, but you get my point. But this is left-wing liberalism in action.
8 Sep 2011
USA, Canada / Why are Polish restaurants not successful in the USA? [698]

not really.

How is it not?

The noodle soup tastes broadly similar, and although the pierogi-like types of dim sum have clearly non-Polish flavours, they are still about as (allegedly) "bland" as Polish pierogi are. I once had chicken feet soup in a Birmingham restaurant which tasted almost exactly like our chicken soup does.

But I only make/eat Cantonese food; Szechuan (that almost sounds Polish itself, lol) versions may be different ;)
8 Sep 2011
USA, Canada / Why are Polish restaurants not successful in the USA? [698]

Well, within reason. Poor quality versions are bland, yes, but a really good pie or fish & chips doesn't need any seasoning at all IMO. Personally I don't put anything on the chips I get - then again, I drive 8 km to get these beauties : )


Even so, I fail to see how, for example, pierogi with sauerkraut and mushrooms would be considered bland; it's certainly a strong flavour compared to a bag of chips! lol. But I do think that Polish food has a bad image, conjuring up images of grey, cold Stalinist architecture, women in "babcia" headscarves, and terrible shoulder-shrugging service. Yet the same people who would say they wouldn't eat Polish food, would quite happily go for some chicken noodle soup and some dim sum at a Chinese restaurant! It's effectively the same thing as our chicken soup followed by pierogi! haha

The other thing is, the average British or Irish person doesn't eat this kind of thing very regularly. It's often referred to as "British food" which is silly - it's like saying pizza is "Polish food"

Considering the anti-Semitism on this forum, I'm surprised that most Poles would even touch fish and chips - considering that half of it is effectively so-called "Jew food" - yet I know from experience, recent immigrants love our fish and chips ;)
8 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / Is moving to UK now a good idea? - antipolish prejudice of the Brits [231]

“Any rise [in crime] has been broadly proportionate to the number of people from those communities coming into this country. People are saying crime is rising because of this influx. Given 1 million people have come in, that doesn’t make sense as crime is significantly down.”

That makes it sound like it's OK.

It doesn't matter if it's "broadly proportional" or not; the land area of the UK has remained the same. So if you live in a city of 1/2 million, the population rises to 600 000 due to immigration, and crime rises "broadly proportionally" to the rise in immigration, it doesn't mean that your city is just as safe as before. What it actually means is that it has become significantly less safe, because city boundaries do not expand just because there are more residents.

That means that, as population density rises, the chances of you encountering a criminal (per square mile) are significantly higher. But left-wing "think-tanks" think we're all too thick to work this out. Fortunately, some of us were educated long before Labour's educational dumbing-down had taken hold ;)

The only reason that crime could possibly be "down" now is because people have given up reporting many crimes, and the police have effectively "decriminalised" many so-called minor crimes.

Should send them to Australia.

Unfair to Australians. Anthrax Island would be far better.
7 Sep 2011
USA, Canada / Why are Polish restaurants not successful in the USA? [698]

polish vegetarion section? Isn't that an oxymoron??


Placki ziemniaczane, various types of pierogi, Polish salads, many different soups, pyzy,/kopytka/kluski Śląskie, a wide range of cakes/doughnuts/pancakes... there's lots of non-meat/fish dishes/foods in Polish cooking.

I really think this is the cause of a lot of the so-called blandness issues.

I've never been totally convinced by this one. Fish & chips is actually quite bland until you put vinegar on, as is pie & chips (unless you have a Balti pie, but I've only seen those in the west Midlands lol).

I think part of the problem is that Poles tend not to go out to eat as much as some cultures do, and much of the food isn't appealing enough to people over here. Also, there was never really a culture of a "Polish canteen for Polish workers" for the early immigrants, unlike what the Pakistanis/Indians had, so there wasn't really a range of places which could develop into restaurants in the same way. I imagine it's the same in the USA.
7 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish clubs / pubs in Dublin? [17]

it's just that irish girls don't seem to be interested in bonding with foreign girls.

Either they see you as competition (unsurprisingly) or maybe they think you're lesbian? lol

Youre not Irish, so.

She's quite possibly up to 3/4 Irish, so what's your problem "Mr Unregistered", or should that be RevokeNice or whatever you're called now, lol :p
6 Sep 2011
Love / Are there Polish women who date black guys? [281]

I aint got no nigra in a shed at the end of my garden...

Good point, I probably ought to have phrased my reply slightly better ;)
6 Sep 2011
Work / British English teacher moving to Poznan - work opportunities? [25]

True :)

Same with Indian speakers of English - despite the accents and their use of "Indian English" words like "paining", you would never hear them saying something "native English" like "I ain't having no gravy with them chips", which makes no grammatical sense at all! lol
6 Sep 2011
Language / Indian-Polish Accent. :P [26]

Not bad! I've heard plenty of east Asians and Africans speaking Polish before, but not an Indian :)

Why did you leave the picture blank?

She obviously knows what we're like round here, hehe :)
6 Sep 2011
Work / British English teacher moving to Poznan - work opportunities? [25]

People are looking for specifically English accents - Scots just isn't wanted.

Which is a shame really, because despite the strong accents, most Scottish people I've met actually have grammatically-better English than a lot of English people do.
6 Sep 2011
Love / Are there Polish women who date black guys? [281]

Jewish Holocaust

Whites killing other whites, many of whom were also non-Jewish. Proof that the left-wing/liberal claim that "there will be no racism when we're all coffee-coloured" (and they are currently promoting the achievement of this aim within Europe) is incredibly naive.

In my experience, the worst racists are actually Asian - like the Punjabi Indian I used to work with who once said "we don't talk to those dirty darkies from down south, they aren't fit to be in the same room as us from the North", referring to the colleague from Tamil Nadu. Same religion, same country, both non-white, yet one had a different skin tone, and was hated for it. I can't imagine hearing any white colleague talk about blacks like that these days - 30 years ago maybe, but not now, and certainly not publically!

African Slave Trade(this delayed us Africans in life for more than 400 years 1619 to 1970) and yet that does not explain anything....

Read your history. Arabs were enslaving Africans hundreds (if not thousands) of years before "whitey" had ever set foot in Africa. This was particularly prevalent in early Islamic times. And why do you never blame the Africans who sold their own "brothers" into slavery? They are just as guilty as the slave traders. Slavery is currently at an all-time high, but the vast majority are Asian, and enslaved by them. As India, China and the Arab states continue to increse their economic power, you would be far better off worrying about them, not white Europeans.

But that's one thing we Poles do have in common with Africans - both suffer from way too much of that shoulder-shrugging, arm-waving, "blame everyone except ourselves" attitude. All we do is complain, and nothing gets done. The future is clearly Asian, and we (Africans as well as Poles) have only ourselves to blame. You need to stop blaming whitey, as we need to stop blaming Hitler and Stalin!

Also, "whites" are not one homogenous group - as a Pole, I have NO guilt whatsoever about African slavery - we were not involved. If you want to discuss white involvement in African slavery, you would be far better attacking American, English, Belgian, Dutch or Portuguese people on their forums. Why choose a Polish forum to blame whites for slavery, when we were not involved?

Well i guess such news dont really carry attention in the media...

I expect it would definitely have made it into the media, if only because the Polish media would see it as a great opportuntity to show Poland "how those blacks behave". So post a link to the evidence, or it didn't happen. Stop trolling.
6 Sep 2011
Language / Czech language sounds like baby talk to most Poles. Similarities? [222]

I can understand gumishu's point, but I'm with mafketis on this one - for me, the voice-over completely spoils the film (I wouldn't need to listen to the English, and it's usually barely audible anyway). Whenever I'm in Poland, I reach for the remote when one of these films comes on.

Besides, how silly is it to always have a male actor read out the script for both male and female parts? It's just one of those crazy "money-saving" Polish ideas, which simply serves to demonstrate how much further ahead the Czechs really are ;)

what do you need hordes of dubbing actors for

You don't - it's always that same guy, isn't it? The one who also says "dziś o godzinie cztyrnastej w TVN" between programmes. lol
5 Sep 2011
Language / Czech language sounds like baby talk to most Poles. Similarities? [222]

the text is pretty easy for me

You clearly have an advantage, then ;)

I showed this to a relative (native Polish speaker, who also speaks Russian) who said "I've no idea, but I think it's something to do with a place in the last century" lol :)
5 Sep 2011
Language / Czech language sounds like baby talk to most Poles. Similarities? [222]

What makes me laugh is not the sound of Czech in general, but the fact that Poles still think they don't need to learn it to understand it, just because they know Polish.

In that case, a little test: Translate this into Polish, in your head. No need to post the result; just tell me how easy it is "because you know Polish". Using Google Translator doesn't count. ;)

Sídlíště je obecně název používaný pro místo dlouhodobě obývané lidmi.

Nothing too difficult there.

Be honest: apart from parts of the third line (which still won't tell you anything about the subject, unless you know the Polish equivalent for "Sídlíště"), you're going to struggle. It's not even difficult Czech, it just tells you a little about the origin of my username, hehe.

But just because you effectively know the Czech words for tram and coffee, it doesn't mean you wouldn't need to learn Czech properly to speak or understand it.
5 Sep 2011
Life / The Blame Game (Have you ever noticed that a Polish person is never wrong!?) [205]

You say it as though you would love to see i happen.

Well, considering that this country has three million unemployed, is losing around a thousand jobs a day, while almost a thousand new immigrants arrive daily (not all Poles, of course), only a fool would say that returning 1/2 million people back to where they came from would be a bad thing for the economy. It's what they do in the oil states, I see no reason why it shouldn't be the case here. There's already way too many people (of all races/ethnicities) in this country who can't find work or adequate housing. There's plenty of people here to do the work; we don't need more foreigners, we just need a government which will force the lazy to do the jobs which are hard to fill. My occupation isn't that badly hit yet (but will be soon), but we're already getting 10 applicants for each job, and adverts are being closed on the day they are advertised, not the two weeks which they used to run for. The only people who benefit from this competition are the employers, certainly not us!
4 Sep 2011
Life / The Blame Game (Have you ever noticed that a Polish person is never wrong!?) [205]

It's even worse when it's a Polish-born woman with a British-born Pole (like me), who understands where's she's coming from, but will not under any circumstances fall for the "mój misiu" controlling stuff, and has no fear of the inevitable "masz do mnie pretensje?" confrontational response. Men from Poland are more likely to give in, just to make peace. We won't over here, and they don't like it, because they are too used to getting their own way back home.

You have to call their bluff - like the one who I dated who threatened to go with some non-white if I didn't do what I was told, so I was like "no to idż i puszczaj się jeśli tak chcesz i wracaj z nim do B*********!" or something, and of course she turned into putty in my hands after that and it was back to the "misiu" stuff immediately after, lol :)

Think of it in astrological terms: Aries and Capricorn will never get on (except maybe in bed, hehe) because each simply MUST win, and each will NEVER give in. Two headstrong people will always come to blows, whether physically or otherwise. ;)
4 Sep 2011
Life / The Blame Game (Have you ever noticed that a Polish person is never wrong!?) [205]

Polish growth last year 4.5%.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

Multi-kulti and the PC police are definitely coming your way soon - you won't be quite so pewny siebie when it happens, trust me on this ;)

It's all very well being smug about Poland's "success", but those EU subsidies have made a huge difference (to which the UK contributes way too much) so it's no surprise that Poland is pushing ahead while the UK is falling behind. There's only one "pie" - if one country gets more, someone else always has less left over.

It would be also interesting to see how "successful" Poland would be if the UK immediately deported every Pole who has come over since 2004. We know it will never happen, but it would still be interesting to see what would happen if it did ;)
4 Sep 2011
Life / The Blame Game (Have you ever noticed that a Polish person is never wrong!?) [205]

They would accept no blame but it was them that told him the erroneous info and he now has to put himself out just to rectify the situation

Sounds similar to something which happened to me over here, they won't accept any blame and the letter (clearly written by a lawyer, not some two-years-out-of-school "admin assistant", as signed) came out with the usual "we always actively pursue claims against any client who we have an issue with etc" blah blah blah corporate bull****, and of course just you even DARE not send them a recorded letter, but when you ask them if they can prove they sent me some documents by recorded post, they just say "we don't have to prove anything" lol.

For instance - I had to pick up a form from ZUS not so long ago. I got the person's phone number who was dealing with it, and was told to call in the afternoon to make sure that it would be ready for the next day. It was.

there's no way that would happen here lol
4 Sep 2011
Life / The Blame Game (Have you ever noticed that a Polish person is never wrong!?) [205]

You are Polish, right Sid?

Mostly, yes :)

No experiences connected to the thread?

Pretty similar to the OP tbh, but I don't think it's just a Polish thing, I've come across similar behaviour with most groups of people. However, if the OP thinks that it's frustrating to deal with Polish authorities, he really needs to move over here - it's not much better!