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Posts by WielkiPolak  

Joined: 3 Jun 2011 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 14 Feb 2019
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 48
Posts: Total: 988 / In This Archive: 666
From: London
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Football/ Travelling/ Philosophy/ Religion

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7 Aug 2015
Study / Is there racism in Poznan and hate crime against coloured people (students)? [59]

Question. Lech Poznan is currently in some trouble with UEFA for a banner they had up during a football match in Sarajevo. The banner said 'Legion Piłakrew naszej rasy.' Apparently there is some debate as to whether it was racist or not. Could somebody translate this for me as I don't understand what it means.
29 May 2015
UK, Ireland / Question for UK Poles who voted in the last British elections - what party and why? [5]

Hi folks

I am currently working on an article for the Goniec Polski magazine in the UK.

I am asking Polish people who voted in the last British elections, what party they voted for and why. Preferably those who voted for the conservatives, as they won. If you could explain why you voted for them and why you did not vote for Labour. If you however voted for a different party, feel free to tell me that too, I may still put it in.

Anyone interested in giving me this information, let me know and I'll PM you. You'll need to give me your name and age [it can just be your first name but you can give surname if you want] and how long you have lived in the UK.

Anyway we'll sort all that out via PM. I may also give you my email where you can send your information. I am looking to send the article in by Monday. This is a little opportunity for you to get your opinion in to the Polish magazine. Those living in the UK will know that it's a free magazine that can be picked up in most Polish shops, so you can then have a read when it is published.
26 May 2015
News / Presidential elections and debates 2015 Poland [472]

Of course, with a PIS president we see his true colours. Although Komorowski is still the president until August, we have Duda buggering off to Czestochowa to genefluct before the Black Madonna etc, instead of going to Warsaw/the Stock Exchange and bowing down before them, and reassuring the markets that it's business as usual..

Oh man the less people like you in Poland and the world, the better. Yeah let's teach people to bow to money.

As for the result itself, that I have not yet commented on, I am happy, but expected more of a margin than what we got. Perhaps PO managed to fix some of the votes, but not as many as they were hoping to?

Now hopefully PiS can win in the elections later this year. If Kukiz forms a party, PiS have a chance to win and create a coalition with his party. No more corrupt PO would be a blessing for Poland.
25 May 2015
Travel / Flight from Katowice to Luton with Wizzair. Best way to book? [3]

Hi there

My sister is trying to buy a one way flight from Katowice to Luton, using Wizzair. The total cost is 308 zlotys. When she changes it to GBP it comes out as about £57. The official conversion rate would make it about £53. The airline is therefore charging about £4 for the conversion. Would it work out cheaper for her to buy it in zlotys and let Natwest bank exchange it themselves when she pays by card? Is the bank's exchange rate likely to be better or worse than Wizz Air's?
20 May 2015
News / Presidential elections and debates 2015 Poland [472]

A couple of notes

One from the debate. I was actually going to mention if before but forgot. Komorowski mentioned how Duda had signed a declaration in a form that there should be no pay rises for the farmers/farming industry in Poland. Duda said he did no such thing. Komorowski then took out a sheet of paper and told people to check a certain website, as that was supposed to be the source. Upon checking the website, journalists discovered that one of the staff on this website was Komorowski's daughter. After this news was revealed, her name mysteriously had 'suspended' beside it in the 'who we are' section.

Another strange although not so surprising thing. In the week leading up to the election, Janusz Pospieszalski's weekly TVPinfo program has been taken off the air. Admittedly Pospieszalski leans more towards PiS than PO, but what happened to freedom of speech? The mainstream media have been promoting Komorowski for most of last week and this week. Why can't one program go the other way? Once again, the mainstream media bias is very clear.
17 May 2015
News / Presidential elections and debates 2015 Poland [472]

I think supporters of Duda will say he did and supporters of Komorowski will say he did. Neutrals should answer this question. My opinion is biased.

As far debate etiquette goes though, Duda overran with his time on quite a few occasions, sometimes going well over. Later on, Komorowski had a tendency to interrupt Duda an awful lot during his time. I felt Komorowski was the more aggressive of the two and I'm not sure that will work to his advantage here. I think Duda was a bit too general so people may think he lacked substance, but f they want some change, any change, the only choice they have is to vote for him.
17 May 2015
News / Presidential elections and debates 2015 Poland [472]

Polonius what's wrong with zapiekanki and bary mleczna? I had zapiekanki and went to a bar mleczny a couple of times while on holiday in Krakow.

I wouldn't say zapiekanki are speudo-piza, they are more like bagles. The bary mleczne do decent food for a cheap price, it's useful to have them. Particularly when most restaurants [in Krakow at least] seem to be aimed at tourists and are very expensive.

this discussion is off-topic
10 May 2015
News / Presidential elections and debates 2015 Poland [472]

People who think Kukiz voters will vote for Komorowski are insane. You obviously don't listen to what Kukiz is saying. They are wholeheartedly against the current leadership. I think most of the Kukiz supporters simply won't vote, and some of them will vote Duda to get rid of Komorowski. Kukiz said he is not going to support either man but he is clearly more against Komorowski than Duda. I think Duda has a real opportunity here. Once again Komorowski and POs only arguments before the elections were that Duda is Kaczynski is disguise, and thankfully it looks like people have finally found that tiresome and not fallen for it.
6 May 2015
Travel / Getting from Krakow to Warsaw [99]

Hi folks

I just got back from Krakow. It was great. Beautiful city. So much to see.

As far as my journey goes, the plane landed 10 minutes early, at about 17 40, so I had problem getting the 18 15 bus from the airport to Warszawa Centralna. Once there I was trying to get a ticket from the machine but there were no reserved places left and the machine said you can still get an unreserved place from the window. I stood in line for almost half an hour and it was clear I was not going to make it to the window to buy tickets for my friend and myself so with just over 5 minutes to go before the 19 15 train was to leave, we ran to the platform and just got on. No seats left of course and the corridors full of people standing. Thankfully we found a little space somewhere and sat on our bags, but it was not a great journey. We paid for the tickets on the train. They were 10 zloty more each, due to some conductor's charge [at least that is what the receipt said].

We got to Krakow at 22 02.
28 Apr 2015
Travel / Getting from Krakow to Warsaw [99]

Ok folks, thanks again.

By the way I have to go from Warszawa Centralna because I'm meeting a friend at that station and we are both travelling to Krakow from there.
28 Apr 2015
Travel / Getting from Krakow to Warsaw [99]

Ok thanks for info folks.

ome through at your leisure and stress free, get the bus (same 175 bus) have a cup of coffee, a beer or a MaccyD or both at the station and get the 8.35 EIP.

Don't really want to pay three times the price though. I'll try and catch the TLK if I can.
27 Apr 2015
Travel / Getting from Krakow to Warsaw [99]

Hi again folks. Thanks for your assistance so far.

So I leave in a couple of days. I was looking at the trains. My arrival time at Chopin is 17 50. I don't have any extra luggage to collect once I land, just what I carry on. There seems to be a TLK train at 19 15 that I want to catch. The one after is almost an hour and a half later. The TLK 2nd class is much cheaper than the second class of EIP. In fact second class EIP seems to be more expensive than TLK first class. How much worse is this TLK train for crying out loud? Or are the EIP trains just that much more amazing?

Anyway I notice the later you book the ticket the more it costs. If you book it on the day it seems to be 60zl. If I book it now it will be a few zloty's less.

My question is, how likely is it that I will make the 19 15 train from Warszawa Central to Krakow with an arrival time of 17 50 at the airport? Am I likely to make it to Warszawa Central within the hour? I don't want to book the tickets now and then miss the train.

jon357 says the buses are right by arrivals, so I should be able to get there quickly. Can you buy the ticket on the bus and is it more expensive if you do so?

I'm not sure I want to risk ordering tickets online though but would I have to pay more if I buy them at the station?
14 Apr 2015
Travel / Getting from Krakow to Warsaw [99]

Okay thanks folks. So pam you say that it is better to get the train from the airport to Warszawa Central rather than the bus? Is it not a lot more expensive?

As for the train from Warszawa to Krakow, how much cheaper is it to book online early than to buy once I get there?

The only thing I am concerned about with booking online is that you have to book certain times, and if I should be alter for any reason, I'll have a problem. I also don't want to book a time too late and have to wait for hours to catch my train just to 'be on the safe side.'
11 Apr 2015
Travel / Getting from Krakow to Warsaw [99]

Hi folks, another question. My trip is a few weeks away and I was wondering more or less how long it takes to get to Warszawa central station from the airport [Chopin]? Oh also, is Warszawa central near to the bus station? I assume they are near to each other. Still not completely sure if I am going to be taking the train or the bus from Warszawa to Krakow.
7 Apr 2015
Off-Topic / Spelling, grammar and punctuation task in English [12]

It's a she, but yeah, you're right. I was doing a favour for a friend but they can do the next one on their own.

Appreciate the help pam. I did most of it myself but thanks anyway.
6 Apr 2015
Off-Topic / Spelling, grammar and punctuation task in English [12]

Hi folks. A friend of mine has this English task to do and has asked if I can help them. They have to correct any spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes. While my English is fine, I would not consider myself a grammatical expert and was wondering if there is anyone here with a little bit of time who is very good at this stuff and could run over this for me and correct it? It's not very long. Some of the mistakes are more obvious, but others I am not sure about.


Imaginary Member A: Does the Minister agree that we should put troops on the ground in Syria and Iran to defeat ISUL? Surely it is time that we should?

Imaginary Minister: No. In the first case, we have no mandate: in the last case, the decision is for is the Iraqi Government.

Imaginary Member B: Why have Conservative Back-Benchers opposed the Private Member Bill introduced by my noble friend Lord Pervis of Tweedbank, the International Development (Official Assistance Target) Bill, which would guarantee 7% of our gross product for oversees aid?

Imaginary Minister: That is matter for them.

Imaginary Member C: Will the Goverment set up a statutory inquiry into the failures of East Yorkshire Police in the Rotheram child abuse scandal?

Imaginary Minster: Investigations are being undertaken by the National Crime Association and by Operation Stovepipe, so we see the need for a statuary enquiry at this point.

Imaginary Member C: What is Her Majesty's Government assessment of developments in Southern Sudan, with particular reference to the bombardment of civilians in South Kordoban and Blue Nile states?

Imaginary Minister: We support the meditation work of President Tabho Mbeki's EU panel and to emphasise to all sides that the only resolution to conflict is through political dialogue.

Imaginary Member D: Can the Minister tell us what are the weighting times are for DLA.

Imaginary Minister: As your Lordship's House knows the two processes, for PIP and for DLA are seperate and different contractors operates them. Maximum has come into run the WAC process.

Seems nobody is willing to help, so I have done my best to help her with it. I would like to ask for help with one part.

Imaginary Minister: No. In the first case, we have no mandate: in the last case, the decision is for is the Iraqi Government.

Is there something wrong with the above sentence? I believe some of the punctuation might be off, but would would it be done correctly?