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Posts by Stu  

Joined: 31 Mar 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Jan 2012
Threads: Total: 12 / In This Archive: 11
Posts: Total: 515 / In This Archive: 416
From: Wroclaw
Speaks Polish?: no

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22 Nov 2010
Travel / Restaurant reviews in Poland. [86]

Eating out in Wroclaw:

1. There is Marché on the corner of Pilsudskiego and Powstańców Śląskich (50% off after 2000 or 2100 - some kind of buffet, but with a difference)

2. There is Spice India on Wita Stwosza
3. There is JaDka on Rzeźnicza
4. There is a nice Italian restaurant on ksiecia Witolda (forgot the name, sorry, could be called Marina)
5. There is Oregano on the corner of Kuznicza and Igielna
6. There is Od Nova on Pawla Wlodkowica (next to the synagogue)
7. And you might want to try Abram's Tower on Krainskiego, a little difficult to find the entrance, but have a look at their website or their facebook-page.


So I just returned from a dinner in Spice India (Wroclaw).

The food was really good this time. Not overly spicy, but nice rounded flavours and a nice hint of heat. My wfe had the chicken pollak (chicken in spinach), I had the lamb in spicy tomato sauce, accompanied with garlic bread and rice with vegetables (peas and carrots).

I had two glasses of Rioja with it, and it kinda matched the food, although if it had been more spicy the wine would have gotten lost.

The waiter was a very friendly guy and I noticed him speaking English in the kitchen.

So this time (the third time) no disappointment. It's a pity they are not more constant in their cooking ... it's a little haphazard, unfortunately.
18 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

I agree with you, twe, as long as everyone who lives in a host country, respects the local laws (well, natives have to keep themselves to the law as well, don't they ... ;)).

But the thread was about a lovely, young Korean lady with whom Lodz_The_Boat is very happy. Good for him. I truly applaud his decision and his determination to make himself and his wife happy. If only there would be more of him.
18 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

This thread was about a young Korean woman. Like Korea is a

thirld worldlers

... :-S ??!!

And ... what crisis are you talking about, southern?!

Get a life, moron.
18 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

I also put you in the same category

As ... ? :-S.

See ... you don't know what you are talking about. Now crawl back into your cave or do something useful.
18 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

I'm sorry, southern ... I put you in the same category as him. "Slavic gene pool" ... you don't even know what you are talking about.
18 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

if you don't believe

Jarnowa, you are the biggest idiot on this forum by far. It's amazing how anyone can be so frustrated, only because he can't get shacked. I'm sure the ONLY reason why you moved to Poland is because you hoped girls would go out with you, nothing more, nothing less. Every Flemish girl was already warned not to get involved with you, therefore you had to flee your home country. Do you have a shred of evidence for your claims that people of mixed race are less intelligent? Can't you see that YOU yourself are proving your own theory wrong?!

Onnoezele zot da ge zijt.
17 Nov 2010
Language / The Future of Polish Language [179]

Dutch language is pretty easy to speak tell ya

Too bad I won't be able to hear you pronounce the different eu-sound in "neus" and "deur", the ui-sound, how you pronounce "gelijk" and "heerlijk".

Or tell me the differences in the meaning of the sentence "ik heb dat geld niet gestolen" depending on which word you put the stress, or the difference in the meaning of the word "overdrijven", depending on where you put the stress and the correct sequence of words in a sentence.

I think the reason why you think it is simple is because you don't know how to pronounce Dutch correctly. I won't even start about grammar rules.
17 Nov 2010
Language / The Future of Polish Language [179]

Writing is not speaking, Lyzko. But I am sure you know that. More often than not, the pronunciation of the language gives you away as being a foreigner. It worked in WWII when Nazi spies were asked to pronounce "Scheveningen" or other typical Dutch words.
17 Nov 2010
Language / The Future of Polish Language [179]

although I speak their language far more correctly than they speak mine

I might be wrong here, but I get the impression you're a little full of yourself.
15 Nov 2010
News / Local elections in Poland, EU citizens should register to vote [57]

Merged: Local Poland elections: local issues or your vote reflect your view on a national level?

In local elections, more often than not, voters will give their opinion on national issues rather than local matters. In my view, unfortunately, voters don't distinguish between what a certain party stands for in national matters and what they stand for in local/city/village issues. One even sees a party being almost annihalated in local elections only because the party on a national level has become unpopular due to its national policies. In the latest opinion poll, pollsters expect a severe thrashing of PiS in the upcoming local elections, probably (but that is my explanation) because voters have had enough of what they stand for (I try to phrase this as neutral as possible).

What are your views on this? Do you vote differently in local elections opposed to national elections? Does an unpopular leader on a national level have influence on a local level? Should it?

My view: it shouldn't have influence on voters. In our last national elections I voted on a different party than in our last local elections. The party I voted for nationally had some points in their local agenda I couldn't agree with, and vice versa.

I'm eager to hear your views on this.
15 Nov 2010
Law / Threatened to serve papers if I don't remove a review about a renting company in Poland [62]

Yes, inkrakow. Of course she has.

You know what the problem is? I live in the Netherlands, and she still has an apartment in WRO. Once a month she flies to WRO for a week, so she can stay in touch with her friends and family. When she is over here, she only fears for the safety of her apartment, but when she is alone in WRO, she's afraid in her own home. I'm thinking of flying to WRO on the 27th, but this situation can't go on like this.

Do you really think the police will take this matter seriously? Just to give you an example: how many times it happens that for example a wife feels threatened by her husband, she goes to the police and she's been told that they can't do anything without "real" proof? And a couple of days later they find her with her head bashed in. It's just a question ... curious how you feel about it.
15 Nov 2010
Law / Threatened to serve papers if I don't remove a review about a renting company in Poland [62]

Well guys, it seems the story goes on. Yesterday my wife received an e-mail from the guy threatening her with court action because she didn't remove her comment from the site. The guy wrote that he had witnesses (to what I don't know) and that he had enough money to start a court action. He wished her a nice day and said he would ask for compensation for lost revenue.

Unfortunately, my wife got scared and she decided to e-mail the mod of the forum to take off the review from the site. I argued that, first of all, her review had nothing to do with libel, and secondly she shouldn't give in to blackmail. But her mind was made up.

At the moment she is with me in the Netherlands, but on the Nov 23rd she'll fly back to WRO and she is already dreading the fact she'll have to be on her own for a week or so. She says that since the guy in question has her details (and mine as well - well, he's welcome to come to my place ... :D), she feels unsafe and intimidated.

She feels so intimidated that she doesn't even dare to open her e-mail anymore.

I'd really like to write my own review on the site as soon as her's is taken off. I'll put my name and address there and then I wish him good luck to threaten me with a court case. Anyways ... it shows you what kind of guy he is.

Just thought (some of) you'd like to know the "sequel".

Hope everybody'll have a great day. Take care and don't do anything I wouldn't do ... :P
11 Nov 2010
History / Does anybody else think that Poland's army should change the colour of its uniform? [16]

Well ... have a look what I look like when I have to go to the Staff in The Hague and make up your own mind (defensie.nl/landmacht/cultureel/uniformen/dagelijks_tenue/ ). When I am on the base (and I don't expect any visitors), I prefer walking around in battle dress, which is much more comfortable and practical.

To be honest: the colour of the everyday uniform is not THAT important. The main thing is the material of which it is made and whether it is comfortable. The Dutch Army has made huge improvements over the years in this field, contrary to our Navy and Air Force. Especially the Navy-guys complain about the comfort of their everyday uniform.
9 Nov 2010
News / Designer drugs kill 18 in Poland [32]

@Zetigrek: I was referring to plucking mushrooms that are freely available in the woods and which have a "very nice" influence on the person taking them.

@ POLENGG: what do you prefer? Huge bills (thus huge taxes) for people suffering from HIV or hepatitis or providing clean needles. It's not so simple, you know. And besides, I guess it is a well-known fact that if you liberalise drug use, crime rates go down substantially, but the State can even charge VAT on the sale of drugs. It is calculating that the Dutch government can earn over E 800m on VAT on the sale of soft drugs a year. Personally I am against hard drugs as well, although people who advocate the liberalization of hard drugs have a good point (i.e. reducing crime rates, amongst others) as well.
9 Nov 2010
News / Designer drugs kill 18 in Poland [32]

Just a question: Polish people are famous for collecting mushrooms in the forests. In a lot of "western" countries, this knowledge is all but gone. Now there are a lot of natural mushrooms "helping people out". Is it too simple to say "who cares about shops if Mother Nature provides"?
8 Nov 2010
Travel / Insights about winter in Poland. Polish winter during holidays as charming as spring? [21]

Well ... it's the same as anywhere, I guess. Some people want to stay indoors, others are more resilient and go out despite the cold weather. And regarding traffic: the fact that they drive around with winter tires gives them a false sense of security. "Hugging a tree" or any other obstacle for that matter, is a common occurence in the winter. But that shouldn't put you off from driving around yourself. Isn't it so that you should always try to anticipate to what other drivers are doing? It just needs a little bit of extra attention.
6 Nov 2010
News / People says that EU bringing many nice things to Poland. Tell me about it [104]

yes, let people travel

If this gentleman (or any of the people in the background) come from the EU, I am a penguin (he looks very Arab to me, and the last time I checked none of the countries over there is part of the EU). Poland receives the most grants from the EU than any other country in the EU. Everywhere you go, you see signs "paid for by the EU", whether it'd be infrastructure, renovation or even school projects. Polish people can work abroad, we can work in Poland ... a win-win situation if you ask me.

Although, to be honest, I think enough is enough. The average Dutch person pays 2.500 euro per year in taxes to the EU. The NL are together with one or two other countries, the main contributors. I.e. their taxpayers are. I know it is a bit selfish, but I don't want any more countries to become part of the EU. Those who are candidate-members (and other people wish to see become part of the EU) are mostly countries that don't have a lot to contribute, only to hold up their hand. Which means that my taxes will only increase. Thanks, but no thanks.

Georgia, Ukraine, Turkey?! Jee, who's next?! Belarus, Armenia ... give me strength ... :-S
28 Oct 2010
UK, Ireland / How long would it take for an English style restaurant in Poland to go bust? [80]

Not even going to consider doing polish food as home cooking

When you are in Wroclaw next week, go to JaDka on Rzeźnicza to do some research. It's an upmarket Polish restaurant, serving Polish/German food with a twist. For the average Pole it's expensive, but you might discover that it is not so difficult to serve Polish food as well.

On the other end of the spectrum, go to the Multifood on Kuźnicza, a place where you pay per weight (30 odd PLN per kilo). Don't expect haute cuisine here.

I guess you are a trained chef; therefore I really think you'll be able to prepare something similar and just as good if not even better.

Good luck ... keep us informed when you open your restaurant.
26 Oct 2010
Law / Threatened to serve papers if I don't remove a review about a renting company in Poland [62]

stu, seems fishy you can't produce the site with the opinion your wife posted.

Both me and my wife travel a lot with our laptops. Therefore we configured Firefox in such a way ("Settings for clearing history" in Firefox under Tools > Options > Privacy), that everytime we close Firefox, the history is cleared (browsing, download, cookies, active logins, cache) as well as data (saved passwords, site preferences and offline website data). The last thing I want is some j@ck@ss nicking my laptop, take out the HDD and have a look what he can do with all the data, thank you. The fact that I have to remember some usernames and passwords, is a small price to pay for my piece of mind.

<Sorry Mods, that it is off-topic, but I wanted to explain why my wife doesn't know the URL anymore. I hope you understand.>
25 Oct 2010
Law / Threatened to serve papers if I don't remove a review about a renting company in Poland [62]

Good one jwojcie ... I'll keep it it mind. I am not a person who panics, all this just seems weird to me. And the fact that my wife is alone now and lives just around the corner of these guys, doesn't really have a soothing effect on me, as I'm sure you understand.

If I do need a lawyer, which I doubt to be honest, I know where I can ask for some recommendations.
25 Oct 2010
History / EU or Russian Empire, who taking/took more from Poland and Poles? [40]

- Poland biggest beneficiary of EU funds
- EU subisidies for Polish farmers' exotic crops
- EIB money for Poland (Stu: although these are loans)

I don't think Russia (or even the former Soviet Union for that matter) has ever given Poland anything. They only took away.
25 Oct 2010
Law / Threatened to serve papers if I don't remove a review about a renting company in Poland [62]

It would be interesting to read this

My wife says she can't remember the URL she wrote the review on. But there is also a site where "reliable companies" are advertised. And this car rental was shown as being reliable. And she sent an e-mail to this site. I don't know whether it is allowed according to PF-rules, but it is euro-rent.pl.

She wrote in the review and the e-mail that the company really didn't deserve to be on the list of reliable companies. The service was rude, they are not reliable, and generally very unhelpful indeed.

It is, by the way, the second time we tried to rent a car there. The first time was a couple of months ago. We agreed to pick up the car at their office at 1100, but lo and behold, there wasn't any (not a car and not an office) on the address they mentioned. So my wife called them and no-one picked up the phone. We phoned another number ... again nothing. We called again and left a message. We went back home and about an hour later the geezer called back, telling us that he had no car available. It should have been our wake-up call.

This time we needed a van. Pretty much same problem. No van, still no office to be found, and we know the neighbourhood cause we live just around the corner, no text message despite the fact we asked for it (and he asks for a text message as well to make a final reservation), rude phone call to my wife (who the hell does she think she is, that she thinks they have to be there at her beg and call) etc ... etc ... .

Well, that pretty much was the final drop, so hence the review and the e-mail. And honestly, they were phrased very politely indeed.